Hurmma for nursing mothers during breastfeeding of newborns: benefits and harm, reviews. Is it possible to eat a persimmon, the korolek nursing mom during breastfeeding in the first month and later?

Hurmma for nursing mothers during breastfeeding of newborns: benefits and harm, reviews. Is it possible to eat a persimmon, the korolek nursing mom during breastfeeding in the first month and later?

In the article you will learn about whether it is possible to eat persimmon to those women who are breastfeed or in position.

Hurmam for nursing mothers during breastfeeding of newborns: benefits and harms

Hurma is a seasonal delicious berry that matures in mid -autumn. Many are attracted to the sweet pulp of this fetus and not rarely pregnant women note that during the bearing of the child, the desire becomes especially strong. But, as you know, nursing mothers and pregnant women can have contraindications for the use of one or another food. Therefore, it is important to understand how harmful or useful can be persimmon.

What can be useful for persimmon:

  • It will strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman (there are a lot of vitamin C in the fruits), which very often weakens in this position. Therefore, regularly using persimmons, a woman will be able to make her body persistent to viral and colds.
  • If a woman has anemia (during pregnancy or lactation), persimmon will improve “blood quality” and raise hemoglobin, because it has a lot of iron.
  • Magnesium as part of a persimmon will have a favorable effect on the entire cardiovascular system, which is very relevant for nursing and pregnant women.
  • The fruits have a large supply of fiber, which means, using persimmon, you can avoid digestive problems and establish a chair.
  • But the supply of calcium in the persimmon, will help not only the mother who bears the baby, but also the fetus, strengthening his bone system.
  • A rich vitamin and mineral composition of persimmon will help improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, making them beautiful.

Possible harm:

  • The use of persimmon during the period of breastfeeding the baby can be undesirable, because it can harm.
  • There is a lot of sugar in the persimmon, which means it categorically cannot be eaten by women (in any position) in the presence of diabetes.
  • If you eat too many fruits, a nursing or pregnant woman may encounter a problem such as constipation.
  • Constipation, with the excessive use of persimmon, is able to appear not only in a nursing woman, but also her baby.
  • Another drawback of persimmon - it can cause an allergic reaction.

Important: pregnant women have persimmons, but in limited quantities, but nursing only when the child’s digestive system is fully formed (to avoid colic).

Features of the use of persimmon
Features of the use of persimmon

Is it possible to eat persimmon or korolek of a nursing mother in the first month?

Hurma Korolek is the most delicious and sweet variety of persimmons. What can be contraindications for the use of fruits for food for nursing mothers:

  • Too high sugar content (can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines, and this helps to increase gas formation).
  • An allergy in the form of a rash, itching and intestinal disorder appears not only in the mother, but also in her baby.
  • Product intolerance is a contraindication to the use of persimmon.

Is it possible and what persimmon during lactation, after the first month?

Any pediatrician will tell you that introducing into the diet such a product as persimmons is best during the period of complete formation of the infant intestinal microflora. The best time is after 6 months. There is a nursing mother of persimmons in small portions and no more than once a day, carefully observing the reaction of the baby.

Is the persimmon to be allowed at the GV of the newborn: reviews

Victoria:“I ate persimmon during pregnancy. I seemed to “jam” me on the persimmons, because before pregnancy I did not perceive these fruits at all. It was very tasty and, it turns out, useful. And after the birth of the child I didn’t eat, then I at all ate little, only porridge and milk. ”

Kristina:“My persimmon forever caused spasms in the intestines, twisted my stomach and diarrhea was constantly. Therefore, I was not fond of persimmon during pregnancy, and especially during feeding. ”

Video: “Hurma. Who is useful and to whom it is contraindicated. Nutritional advice "

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  1. Yes! Delicious fruit.

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