KHPN in cats - renal failure in cats: symptoms, treatment

KHPN in cats - renal failure in cats: symptoms, treatment

CTN in cats develops almost imperceptibly. And the disease manifests itself only after a while. Therefore, already at the first symptoms, you need to make a diagnosis in order to carry out a preventive treatment, then the pet will exist normally. Further in more detail.

When a person takes responsibility for any pet in the house, he should not only feed the animal and caress, but also monitor his health. After all, our younger brothers can also suffer from serious pathologies. Including cats. And, unfortunately, it is not uncommon when the Hnp manifests itself in cats. This disease is insidious and can develop for a long time, and over time it, if it can not heal, can take the life of your favorite.

Therefore, be attentive to the domestic inhabitants and when symptoms occur, immediately contact the veterinarian. Devote your time and you will save the life of a cat or cat. Next, in detail we will study this problem, find out what the CNP means, how this disease manifests itself, which methods of therapy are effective for the treatment of cats.

Hnp in cats: symptoms

Chronic renal failure can develop for a long time. The impetus for its manifestation may be a violation of the kidneys due to some kind of infection, obstructive violation of the activities of the genitourinary system, stress states. The chronic stage of the disease develops gradually, imperceptibly.

The cat has a chip
The cat has a chip
When the cat has healthy kidneys, they are able to fulfill all their functions. And these functions are simply many and all of them are very important for different animal systems. In particular, thanks pendants in cats The following are happening processes within the body:
  1. First of all, the organs play the role of a filter element in the body of cats, thanks to this element various unnecessary and harmful substances (toxic waste, toxic components, drugs and unnecessary cell tissues) go from the blood flow). When in the body of cats the accumulation of waste data is accumulated, dangerous pathologies develop. In particular, one of them is azotemia, it can be diagnosed when blood tests. If the level of C₄h₇n₃o and CH4N2O is higher than the norm, then we can safely say about a developing disease in a cat.
  2. A healthy organ is able to correctly regulate the right amount of fluid in the body. It’s just that the kidneys bring it out or, on the contrary, delay it.
  3. Thanks to them, cats are maintained in normal pressure, because they are able to remove or delay NA. More bodies take part in the formation of the revision, he is also responsible for adjusting blood pressure.
  4. Adjusting the balance CA and vitamin D important for the body occurs due to the kidneys.
  5. Organs are able to produce a component that is important in the formation of red blood cells, and this component of erythromycin is called.
Chronic renal failure
Chronic renal failure
As you can see, in cats, however, like a person, the kidneys perform many actions. That is why CPN in cats can provoke a variety of symptoms. It happens that the disease proceeds almost asymptomatic, people do not even notice that the cat is sick, but this ends all the severe course of pathology, and sometimes the death of their beloved pet. To avoid such a sad outcome, pay attention to your cat if the next symptoms, do not hesitate on a visit to the veterinarian.
  1. The cat often drinks water, often urinates – moreover, the amount of fluid consumed by animals is about one hundred milliliters per kilogram of body weight of the pet while he urinates abundantly and urina has a light color, with such a symptom it is urgent to go to the veterinarian.  
  2. With the lethargy of the pet and drowsiness, apathy You also need to pay attention to his health. The cat can have a tired look, refuse to play with you, he will try to hide from everyone in some place where he will not be found.
  3. If there is vomiting, a pet’s diarrhea, Then he already developed acute intoxication of the body with different waste, which should be displayed by these organs in the required volume.
  4. Stench aroma from the mouth, unpleasant aroma of ammonia It occurs with uremia, which indicates a serious pathology, or rather the Hnp in cats.
  5. Lack of appetite or a complete refusal of food, The development of anorexia, anemia, loss of body weight occurs at the first or second stage of development of the disease.
  6. In case of violations of motor activity, Neurological deviations are active in the disease of chronic renal failure. This happens against the background of anemia, violations of blood pressure, hyperkalemia, frequent urination.
  7. The development of anemia must be said separately. The ailment is formed due to changes in the balance in the smaller direction of red blood cells. The cat’s shade noticeably changes - it turns pale, the mucous membranes of the mouth also acquire a pale color, the skin, the conjunctiva becomes light.
  8. Hypertension in cats due to KHPN It occurs with the frequent development of partial or complete loss of vision. Animal then loses orientation, does not get into the door, crashes into furniture.
The stage of development of the disease completely depends on the manifestations of a symptom. In this case, the size of the organ damage, the level of creatine in the blood flow of the pet are taken into account.
Symptoms of CPN in cats
Symptoms of CPN in cats

CTN in cats can have three stages:

  • At the first stage of the development of the diseasea malaise of a cat may occur, the pet refuses to eat, becomes thin, the wool fades. A variety of characteristics of dehydration also appear, the kidneys are modified-this is visible on ultrasound, and the level of creatine in the bloodstream is about 255-350 μmol/L.
  • At the second stage of the development of the diseasein animals, pronounced lethargy with vomiting attacks, stool disorders, dehydration, polyuria, polydipsy, and an increased level of blood pressure are manifested. The level of creatine reaches about 425-475 μmol/l, when the blood test is passed, the reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood is very noticeable.
  • At the third stage of CPN in catsthe electrolyte level failure in the body is noticeable. The content of creatine in the bloodstream reaches more than 475 μmol/l, the general forecasts of the state of the pet are characterized as stably heavy. From the mouth there is a fetid smell. A strong deficiency in the blood flow of hemoglobin is noticeable, the interstitial swelling of the lungs, syndrome of multiple organ failure begins.

Hnp in cats: the causes of the manifestation of pathology

Chronic renal failure develops for a long period of time, and irreversibly. The nephrons themselves begin to be replaced by fibrosis. Symptoms are developing gradually, because the remnants of nephrons have the ability to replace the functions of the lost. Therefore, the severe consequences of pathology are already in the late stages of development of CPN in cats, when 73 percent of them ceases to work.

Nursery of the pet with KHPN
More feeder than a pet with KHPN

Cuts of CPN in cats:

  • Different diseases of organs (kidneys), they can be considered chronic pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, amyloid dystrophy (deposition of an anomalous protein in the organ), urolithiasis, diabetes, diathesis (uterine), polycystic.
  • In the tissues of the organ, cystic formations are formed, Their size is able to increase, it is because of this that the nephrons are damaged. Therapeutic therapy allows you to stop the speed of the process. Most often, the ailment affects the British breed of cats, Persians, mestizos of previously listed breeds.
  • CTN development in cats also provoke poisoning with heavy metals, an overdose of antibiotics.

What are the risks for the development of CPN in cats?

The root causes of the development of CPN in cats can be different, and this is not necessarily due to kidney diseases. They may apply to them and liver diseases, inflammatory reactions in the pancreas, diabetes, heart pathologies, and the development of sepsis.

Even factors of manifestation of chronic renal failure in cats are different kidney diseases, organs, severe dehydration, feverish reactions of the body, hypertension, hypotension, which is not treated for a long time, the elderly of the pet.

Renal failure in cats - treatment

At home, only chronic renal failure in animals lends itself to preventive therapy. And then you should have diagnosed the condition of the cat and must be a doctor must prescribe a treatment regimen for treatment. It is also necessary to periodically visit the veterinarian, take tests, and if necessary, then change the therapeutic scheme for the treatment of the cat.   

Treatment of renal failure
Treatment of renal failure

The therapy scheme for the same animal should be adjusted, because cat syndromes can change. In addition, each cat has a course of therapy, too, much depends on the prevailing violations.

Table of effective drug treatment in cats

Drugs The current component How does it work? How to use Price in rubles
Physical solution 0.9 %NACL solution physiological solution is able to balance the amount of liquid consistency in the body of cats, reduces the manifestation of uremia.
  • intravenous - dosage 0.1 liter per day.
  • subcutaneously - twice a day 30 ml per kg of body weight.
23 v \u003d 0.2 liter
SUSSPENSION OF ANIMAGEL for Animals hydroxide Mg, Al effectively protects the mucous membrane, facilitates the severe course of CNP. one milliliter per kilogram of the weight of the pet is enough 2 times a day. Let's 1 hour after eating. 187 rubles
Kwamatel ® antagonists h 2-Receletors -the basic component: Famotidine. regulates secretion in the stomach 1 mg per kg once a day 156 rub.
EpoMrin, Epoetin Beta erytropoetin Redombinant auxiliary component for the formation of red blood cells in the brain from 50 to 100 ahead of mg/day. Accept to cats: 2-3 times in seven days. 2776 rub.
Amlodipine S-amlodipine the drug carries out calcium channels, causes vascular expansion, and then a decrease in blood pressure. 0.675–1.15 mg 1 time per day 15 rubles.
Synulox amoxicillin trihydrate antibacterial agent 8.55 mg per kg of cat weight, once a day course: 3-4 days 915 rub.
Duphalac® lactulose a laxative, improves the intestines, removes nitrogen slag, reduces the amount of putrefactive substances in the intestine. 0.5 milliliters per 1 kg of cat mass - twice a day 298 (200 ml)
Metrogyl Denta® metronidazole antimicrobial gel apply externally to damage to the mucosa: four times a day 209 rub.
Lespenephril acting components: tincture, essence, lesed -pedestal solution, alcohol after use in cats, the amount of nitrogenous content is reduced, the diuretic effect occurs, the anti -inflammatory effect is manifested shake the drug before use, just give 1 or 2 ml per day and divide the dosage into three doses. 115

IMPORTANT: In addition to taking dosage forms, a cat should also eat right. Mostly low -fat meat are suitable for cats, it is better to feed fish less often.

Is it useful to use traditional medicine for the treatment of CPN in cats?Herbal treatment has a positive effect on the health of cats, but you should consult a veterinarian.

  • It is useful to drink birch leaves for diuretic exposure. Birch leaves - They have a diuretic effect: it is easy to cook it, it is enough to pour one tablespoon of birch leaves 225 ml of hot boiling water, and then cook in a water bath. Ready drink. It is enough to give a cat 1.6 ml per kilogram of body weight, divide tea into two doses.
  • The roots of the medicinal dandelion - Grind 10 grams of flower roots, pour 225 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Filter, give the pet one milliliter per 1 kilogram of body weight, before feeding in half an hour, three times a day.
Kidney diseases in cats
Kidney diseases in cats
HPN in cats is an incurable pathology that can slowly develop, and the proper diet, therapeutic treatment allows you to slow down the course of its course. The sooner the disease is revealed in a cat, the better the predictions for its further course, provided that therapeutic measures will be used.

Video: Kot's renal failure, symptoms. Veterinary advice

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