Chondromation of the knee joint: symptoms, causes. Treatment of chondromation of the knee joint with medicines, surgery. Control prevention

Chondromation of the knee joint: symptoms, causes. Treatment of chondromation of the knee joint with medicines, surgery. Control prevention

Symptoms, causes and methods of treating chondroming the knee.

Chondromation of the knee joint is a disease that is often addressed to an orthopedist, as well as a traumatologist. Because of this disease, motor activity in the knee is often disturbed. In this article we will tell you how to treat this disease.

Chondromation of the knee joint: causes of appearance, symptoms

Most often, a similar ailment is found in athletes, since they constantly have a load on the knee joint during running or classes with heavy types of training. Doctors note that women more often suffer from this ailment due to the characteristics of the structure of the knee. In them, it is somewhat different from the structure in men. Chondromation is nothing more than softening and destruction of cartilage.

The main purpose of the cartilage is to depreciate the knee while walking and prevent the friction of bones. During the progression of the disease, this function of cartilage disappears, because it becomes soft, does not spring, destroy. This contributes to the friction of the bone, which is why severe pain occurs.


The main symptoms:

  • At the initial stage, it manifests itself quite weakly. There is severe pain during some heavy physical exertion, that is, during running or professional classes.
  • Over time, this pain grows, very often occurs after a long stay in a sitting position. For example, after a sharp stood, while driving in a car or by plane for long distances.
  • After that, a crunch in the knee will also be heard. With progression, the symptoms become more distinct, and reach their climax.
  • Very severe pain may be felt for a long time.

As for the diagnosis, an X -ray, MRI or endoscopic examination is mainly carried out for this, during which a special device with a video camera on the tip is introduced into the cup, and the entire internal state of the joint is observed. This helps to prescribe adequate treatment and quickly get rid of the problem.

The main causes of chondromation are constant and heavy sports. Mostly found in athletes and dancers, as well as in women after 45 years. The cartilage tissue is thinner and the amount of calcium in food is also reduced. This is due to a decrease in the number of estrogen during the menstrual cycle.


How to treat chondroculation of the knee joint?

The disease is treated in several ways. At the initial stage, in order to stop the destruction of the cartilage, a special bandage is installed on the knee joint, which will reduce pressure on the knee joint and make muscles work correctly. In addition, you will have to abandon heavy physical exertion and sports for some time. Next, a number of special measures are held aimed at restoring the joints.

Basically use chondroprotectors. Very often, intra -articular injections using chondroprotectors are made. In order to restore cartilage, hyaluronic acid is also injected, which allows you to increase the amortization inside the joint and prevents the destruction of cartilage. In order to reduce pain, usual anti -inflammatory non -steroidal drugs are used. But they are not therapeutic, but only eliminate the symptoms, that is, pain, help to better endure the disease.

A sick knee
A sick knee

In order to restore the correctness of muscles, it is often advised to use special orthopedic shoes, with certain insoles, which reduce pressure directly to the knee joint. Also, much attention is paid to special gymnastics, which strengthens certain muscle groups in the knee. Thus, the pressure on the knee joint decreases.

In addition, surgical treatment is often used. It is advisable if the cartilage is almost completely destroyed. When moving, performing ordinary daily work, very severe pain occurs. That is, a person cannot sit normally, climb the stairs.

In this case, natural treatment is naturally necessary, which helps improve the condition of cartilage tissue. There are also operations during which a special prosthesis is installed, a kind of gasket between bones, which performs the functions of cartilage fabric.

Special bandage
Special bandage

Prevention of chondromation of the knee joint

Chondromation is a disease that is easier to prevent than to engage in treatment. In this case, if non -lean pain is detected, during a long stay in a sitting position, we recommend that you contact the doctor for consultation. Basically, in this case, special exercises are prescribed to help strengthen the muscles of the legs, as well as the femoral part of the leg. Special shoes or insoles are prescribed, which improve the position of the legs and help get rid of some deformations in the foot area.

After all, it is varus and valgus deformation of the feet, flat feet, often contribute to other more serious disorders, such as arthritis, arthrosis, as well as the destruction of cartilaginous tissue. This all happens due to the fact that the foot will stop incorrectly on a flat plane, increasing the pressure on the knee, as well as the femoral joints. It is because of this that most ailments appear in these areas. When using special shoes and the necessary fixation in the ankle area, it is possible to direct the load to the right place and reduce it in the knee area. Which contributes to the regeneration of fabrics inside the knee joint.


The doctors also pay great importance to a special diet with chondromation of the knee joint. This suggests that the body lacks collagen and special substances that feed on cartilage, bone tissue. Therefore, they often advise taking vitamins for joints, as well as special collagen drugs. If there is no possibility of their use, since the cost is quite high, they often use food rich in gelatin. It is useful to eat jelly, that is, a jelly, as well as flooding dishes with gelatin content or just rich soups, broths that freeze in the refrigerator.

Such food contains a large amount of natural, natural collagen, which helps to restore cartilage tissue, prevents further destruction. Military products are very useful due to the high calcium content. It is he who nourishes cells, as well as bone tissue, which subsequently becomes an obstacle to the destruction of bone tissue.

The pain in the knee
The pain in the knee

Do not run the ailment. Treatment at an early stage is much more effective.

Video: Knee chondromation

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  1. Here are the constant loads on the joints is a disease of athletes. But here you need to eat correctly and strengthen the connecting fabrics. In addition, you can drink special drugs from sport Pete, I really liked it
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