Do they go to the cemetery on the 9th day after death? What do relatives need to do on the 9th day after death?

Do they go to the cemetery on the 9th day after death? What do relatives need to do on the 9th day after death?

Most people are convinced that life does not end after death. If the body dies, then the soul remains to live forever.

After death, the human soul appears before God. If he sinned a lot during earthly life, such a meeting is difficult. For those who lived on all the commandments of the Lord, the meeting will bring joy. During the first 9 days after death, in heaven they decide what will happen to the soul, so these days relatives must pray for the deceased. From this article you will learn whether it is possible to go to the cemetery for 9 days, and what relatives should do.

Orthodoxy and 9 days after death

  • If during the first 3 days after the death the soul of the deceased hovers in the world of the living, and holds close to his body, then on the 9th day she stands in front of the Almighty. On 3 days, the soul goes to heaven, where it can see all the charms of life in paradise.
  • The 9th day is significant in that the soul appears before the Almighty, and can find out what hell is. Now she has to go through the cleansing rite. And without the help of loved ones at this moment you can not do.
  • The soul retains all the memories from earthly life, so he knows that there are relatives and friends who will remember it will help to find peace. However, as soon as it goes to heaven or hell, after 40 days, the memory is completely erased.
  • There is an opinion that the soul is 9 after death and up to 40 days with the Angel Keeper, Testing passes. They consist in temptation by sins. If she can go through them, and not succumb to temptation, then the good side will win, and this will erase all the sins accumulated for earthly life. This will help the soul go to heaven.
Up to 40 days very important days
This period implies the presence of the most important days

Fools 9 days after death: what to cook and what to do?

  • On the 9th day after the death of a person, you need to remember. It is better to go to the cemetery, and call there a priest so that he will conduct panichid. Also, relatives can read prayers in the evenings on their own. This will go for the benefit of the spirit of the deceased.
  • Church employees believe that going to the cemetery is a mandatory stage of commemoration. It is also important read a prayer for the soul so that it will find peace.
  • On the 9th day after death, the memorial table is very important. They put in the center kutu. For cooking, wheat and sugar, raisins are required. It can be replaced with honey. If there was no wheat in the house, you can use rice.
  • There should be drinks on the table. It can be kvass, compote or jelly. In addition to Kuti, you should put on the table any porridge (wheat, buckwheat or millet). You can cook pies or pancakes. The filling should be sweet to sweeten the afterlife of the soul of the deceased.
  • The traditional first dish - borsch. You can supplement the table with fish dishes - sandwriters with canned fish, casserole, herring, salads. Guests are treated hot with meat, homemade noodles with poultry, cutlets and slices.
  • You can not put alcoholic beverages on a memorial table. They are considered to be Satan's tricks. Alcohol consumption is sin. If the guests sin, this can harm the soul under the test.

You can’t call guests on the wake for 9 days. People who want to honor the memory of the deceased come of their own free will and cannot be driven away. Relatives, diggers, washerers and those who made the coffin must sit at the table. Such a tradition has changed a bit since ancient times, because most of the work is performed by the Bureau of Ritual Services.

  • Before proceeding to the feast, it is necessary to read everyone the prayer "Our Father." It is not necessary to read it aloud. After you need to eat 3 tablespoons of Kuti, and only after that proceed to use other dishes.
  • It is important what the people who decided to honor the memory of the deceased are dressed. Women need to collect their hair and cover their head with a scarf. Men should take off hats or hats at the entrance to the house. Now it is customary to cover close relatives with black scarves.
Fools 9 days after death: Traditions

Day 9 after death: What to do to relatives?

  • Believers in the morning should go to church. A prayer is ordered there, and a candle is placed for the rest. Prayers must be read near icon about the mercy of God, the help of angels in a heavenly judgment.
Prayer for laity
For laity
Prayer for laity
Lay people
Prayer for laity
For laity
Important words
Important words
  • In order for the Lord to allow a person to stay in paradise, relatives must read prayers until 40 days. Other people can do this. The more asking, the higher the likelihood that the heavenly court will pass well. You can read prayers, turning not only to God, but also to angels or other saints.
  • At 10-11 hours, you need to go to the cemetery, and put things in order there. All dried wreaths and flowers are removed from the grave. You should also bring a bouquet of fresh flowers with you, and install lit candle. You can invite the priest to read the prayer for the deceased.
  • If you do not have such an opportunity, read the prayer yourself. You can’t talk on extraneous topics above the grave. All thoughts should be directed at the deceased.
  • Do not remember a person in the cemetery. Do not put glasses with alcohol on the grave, and do not lie an alcoholic drink for the tombstone. Better leave on the grave dIY sweets. You can give out sweets to people who are also in the cemetery. Let them remember your loved one.
  • You can give asking alms. You can sacrifice both products and money.
You can give out alms
You can give out alms
  • When the commemoration is carried out, one cannot recall the bad deeds of the deceased. On this day, the Lord carefully watches everything that happens. If he hears that the living responds to the deceased pleasant words, this may positively affect the decision, regarding where the soul will go.
  • In the house you need to put lighted candle in a lamp. On a separate table, there should be a glass of water and bread. They should be next to the portrait of the deceased, which is tied with a black mourning ribbon. On the 9th day after death, you can remove shelters from the mirrors, leaving them only in the bedroom of the deceased.

9 days after death: what to do in the cemetery?

There are several recommendations about visiting the cemetery 9 day after death:

  • Do not offend, do not kill, but stroke and feed the animals that came to the grave of the deceased. People believe that this is how the soul of the deceased comes to the relatives.
  • Do not talk about the difficulties so that the soul of the deceased does not begin to regret you. Otherwise, can call for himself.
  • It does not follow go to the cemetery with children who are not 12 years old. They still have a weak aura, and otherworldly forces can affect them.
  • Don't take a photo in the cemeteryAnd do not take things from the graves with you.
  • Do not recount the money in the cemetery. If the bill fell, leave it there.

What do they carry in the cemetery 9 days after death?

  • If relatives go to the cemetery on the 9th day after death, they must take with them sweets, water and bread. Part of sweets must be distributed along the way. Several sweets, a glass of water and bread are left on the grave of the deceased.
  • Can be left on the grave consecrated by Kutu. To do this, it is transferred to a plastic plate.
  • Bringing to the cemetery is allowed only fresh flowers.
  • If you want to bring wreath, better if he is from the branches of needles and fern. Such plants will be stored for a long time.
  • It is allowed to bring white, red and burgundy flowers.
  • If a child or a young person died, put on the grave white flowers.
  • Burgundy flowers are suitable for the elderly, and the Reds are placed on the grave of those who have died heroically.
  • The number of colors in the bouquet should be even.

How to count correctly 9 days after death?

  • According to statistics, most people die in the morning, between 3 and 4 hours. It is important to correctly calculate the day for 9 and 40 days in order to remember a person according to all the rules.
  • It is necessary to count from the day he died. If death has occurred on the 18th, then 9 days will occur on the 26th. This date is calculated, regardless of the day of burial.
  • If a person died in a great post, and nine fell on a weekday, you should transfer the wake to the weekend.
Remember loved ones according to all the rules so that God accepts the deceased in the kingdom of heaven
Remember loved ones according to all the rules so that God accepts the deceased in the kingdom of heaven

So, now you know whether it is worth going to the cemetery on the 9th day after the death of a person, and what relatives should do. You need to visit such places. However, it is most important to read prayers, and remember the deceased with pleasant words. It depends on the actions of relatives whether his spirit can cope with all the trials, and go to heaven.

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