Chlorhexidine solution: methods of application, instructions for use, reviews

Chlorhexidine solution: methods of application, instructions for use, reviews

Methods of using a chlorhexidine solution.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic that is widely used in medicine. Typically, it is familiar with the workers of hospitals who are associated with gynecology, dentistry. In this article we will tell you how to use a solution xlorgexidine.  

Chlorhexidine solution: Instructions for use in gynecology

There are several types of bacteria and viruses against which this tool is effective. These are mainly gram -positive and gram -negative bacteria, fungi, as well as some viruses. Unfortunately, chlorhexidine does not affect the disputes of bacteria, but only at high temperature, therefore it is not able to destroy them. Usually used if alcohol solutions are undesirable due to damage to the skin or severe burning. The solution proved to be very well when treating mucous membranes, for which the use of alcohol is impossible. There are several indications for the use of this tool.

Chlorhexidine - testimony
Chlorhexidine - testimony

Chlorhexidine solution, instructions for use in gynecology:

  • Vaginites caused by trichomonas 
  • Bacterial erosion of the cervix 
  • Unpleasant sensation burning in the external sexual organs 
  • Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Among them, syphilis can be distinguished,ureaplasma, chlamydia

Varnet-marle tampons were impregnated with chlorhexidine, then inserted into the vagina for two hours. Similar manipulations were carried out twice a day, in the morning and evening. Please note that now use vaginal tablets or candles with chlorhexidine. They are much more convenient to introduce, this simplifies the treatment process. Before the candles were made, they used irrigation of the vagina and cervix for erosion, as well as vaginitis of various etiologies. 

What does chlorhexidine help
What does chlorhexidine help

Bigluconate chlorhexidine solution: Method of application

Actively used in dentistry for care after surgical interventions, and in the treatment of some bacterial lesions.

Bigluconate chlorhexidine solution, method of use:

  • Chlorhexidine is effective for gingivitis, stomatitis. In addition, the drug is often used when rinsing drainage in sepsis. It is often used to process prostheses and bridges. 
  • Often used in ENT practice, for the treatment of tonsillitis, and treating nasal passages, ears after surgical interventions. However, this is not the entire list of ailments in which chlorhexidine is used.
  • It can also be used in the processing of burns to disinfect the surface of the skin. Surgeons and medical staff often use the means to disinfect hands. Often, chlorhexidine is treated not only hands, but also thermometers, that is, medical equipment, the sterilization of which is impossible. 
Chlorhexidine in dentistry
Chlorhexidine in dentistry

Chlorhexidine solution: method of use

When processing various surfaces and wounds, a different concentration of aqueous solution is used. If the hands are disinfected, then the best option is an alcohol solution, with a concentration of 0.5%.

Chlorhexidine solution, method of application:

  • If this is an aqueous solution, then a concentration of 1%is allowed. In order to process burns, use an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.5%. In general, chlorhexidine is often used for prevention, and externally andlocally.
  • The most commonly used solution variants are 0.5 and 0.2, 0.5%. Depending on the field of use, the concentration and amount of solution changes. In order to process the mucous membrane, the product is applied for about 2-3 minutes twice a day.
  • If medical tools are processed, then they are usually impregnated with a sponge and wiped the operating field. You can also soak some tools that are not subject to sterilization.
How to use different solutions of chlorhexidine
How to use different solutions of chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine: Application in urology

The most commonly used chlorhexidine at home to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Typically, within 2 hours after contact, the vagina is treated, as well as external genitalia, using a solution with a concentration of 0.05%. In addition, irrigation of the hips and pubic are also carried out. It is advisable after manipulation not to go to the toilet for two hours, and not to wash off the solution. He needs to let him dry completely.

Chlorhexidine, use in urology:

  • Often with chlorhexidine, urethritis and prostatitis are treated. To do this, it is necessary to select approximately 3 ml of a solution with a concentration of 0.05%into the syringe without a needle.
  • Enter the rod of the syringe into the hole in the head of the penis and injected the medicine. The irrigation is carried out twice a day. 10 days are enough for treatment.
  • Prescribe for the treatment of trichomoniasis, vaginitis caused by variousbacteria.  

Chlorhexidine solution for teeth rinsing: method of use

Chlorhexidine is also used in dentistry.

A solution of chlorhexidine for teeth rinsing, method of use:

  • Usually this is done both in the adult and in the children's department, in the implementation of surgical manipulations to remove tooths.
  • To do this, approximately 10 ml of a solution with a concentration of 0.5 % are poured in the gum and cheeks, and withstand for 3-5 minutes.
  • After that, the solution is spit and a surgical operation is performed. 

Chlorhexidine, application: reviews

Now even a solution for handling hands has appeared. Additionally, it includes vitamin D, vitamin E, as well as vitamin A, panthenol. This is necessary to moisturize the hands. The solution is effectively used as an ordinary antiseptic, if there is no way to wash your hands before eating. It is very convenient on the road, and in marching conditions, when there is no way to carry out normal hand washing. Additional components that make up the product moisturize the skin, preventing it from drying out. 

  Chlorhexidine, application, reviews:

Olga. I have been familiar with chlorhexidine for a long time, for 10 years. When laying on preservation, erosion was treated in the hospital. Now everything is much simpler, recently the doctor has appointed Hoexicon candles that contain chlorhexidine. This is much more convenient than conducting irrigation.

Eugene. They use chlorhexidine when I am on a business trip and there is no way to buy normally. Usually, I spray my hands with chlorhexidine, as well as take the processing of the mucous membranes.

Veronica. I did not know anything about chlorhexidine until recently. After a visit to the dentist, I found gingivitis. The dentist prescribed many drugs, in particular, rinsing by chlorhexidine. It helped me a lot, I recovered. I don’t know helped me with chlorhexidine, or other funds that the doctor appointed.

Recently, the solution is not used in gynecology due to the fact that convenient methods of using a substance have been developed. Now in gynecology, candles with chlorhexidine are mainly used. It is enough to use them for treatment for 10 days, in the amount of 2 pieces per day. This tool was used for tampons, as well as for processing the cervix. 

Chlorhexidine bigluconate - use of solutions
Chlorhexidine bigluconate - use of solutions

Video: Chlorhexidine solution

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Comments K. article

  1. I use chlorhexin to rinse the throat. It often hurts me. In order not to bring to the sore throat, as soon as a breakdown or tingling begins: three rinses during the day and the throat is in order. I still use pills for resorption in the cold season. For example, Lysocyme Orvis helps well as a prevention, contribute to maintaining local immunity of the oral and throat cavity.

  2. And I buy an antiseptic skin with chlorhexidine Twins TEK. It is intended for antimicrobial treatment of the skin, hygienic handling of the hands. It has a prolonged antimicrobial effect for 3 hours. On a walk with children, it is always very convenient to clean your hands.

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