Chemical diet of Osama Hamdiy. The curd version of the Osama Hamdiy diet. Menu for 2 and 4 weeks

Chemical diet of Osama Hamdiy. The curd version of the Osama Hamdiy diet. Menu for 2 and 4 weeks

Check out the options for one of the most effective protein diets of today. Perhaps it is she who will help to change you beyond recognition.

Osama Hamdy (Osama Hamdy) - Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Harvard Medical School, Director of the Clinical Program against the obesity of the world famous Boston anti -diabetic center named after Joslin. He studies the fatty tissues of the human body in the context of complex endocrinological interactions.

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The scientist managed to find out: fat is an active substance for the production of substances that can lead to serious diseases or even kill, and not just a passive set of cells with structured energy reserves.

In his opinion, the following phenomena lead to the enhanced/uncontrolled accumulation of fat in the body:

  • there is an imbalance of produced and introduced from the outside of hormones
  • a person abuses in the diet with saturated fats and carbohydrates
  • the brain partially or completely does not perceive the hormone leptin, which is produced by the adipose tissue itself for alarm about the sufficient accumulation of stocks
  • there is a breakdown of the endocannabioid system responsible for the reception of signals about saturation of food

Problems with brain receptors are often determined by genetic heredity: talking about a tendency to completeness by inheritance have absolutely real confirmation.

Professor Hamdiy protein diet. Curricular option

The predominance of fats and carbohydrates in the diet, incorrect proportions of their consumption trigger a chain reaction of metabolism disorders.

Hyperinsulimia is manifested against the background of insulin resistance (diabetes of the second type with obesity):

  1. The secretion of adiponectin, which increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, is reduced
  2. The secretion of resistin and vistafin increases that reduce the sensitivity of tissues to insulin
  3. The secretion of chemokins that contribute to the activation of macrophages and their accumulation in fat and muscle tissues increases
  4. Macrophages produce cytokines that reduce tissue sensitivity to insulin
  5. The utilization of carbohydrates in tissues and fluids of the body is significantly slows down
  6. The pancreas responds to an increased blood sugar level overproduction of insulin
  7. Insulin, in turn, stimulates the synthesis and inhibits the decay of fats, ensures their active accumulation

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In severe cases, this process also leads to the appearance:

  • dyslipidemia - a strong imbalance of poor and good cholesterol, its precipitation with the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • lipotoxicity - forming a huge amount of fatty acids that accumulate not in preadipocytes (cells programmed by nature of adipose tissue), but in organs that are not intended for this: in the muscles, pancreas and liver

Professor Hamdi's protein diet is aimed at correcting the quantity and quality of chemical compounds entering the body for maximum normalization of carbohydrate metabolism.

The original diet for diabetics with severe obesity involves quite long weight loss courses with a decrease in the level of calories entering the body by about 30% every month. In this case, the weight loss rate is 18-25 kg in three months. If a person uses 6,000 kcal/day, the process of losing weight will drag on for at least a year and a half. Within 7 months, it will reduce the number of calories eaten according to the scheme:

  • 6000 — 1500
  • 4500 — 1350
  • 3150 — 950
  • 2200 — 650
  • 1550 — 450
  • 1100 — 350
  • 750 — 250
  • 500

Another three to five months will be required to achieve the result of persistent weight loss. The rest of the time will go to the correct exit from the extreme nutrition mode. After all, the norm of energy consumption for an adult who does not engage in active physical activity is not 500, but 2000-3000 kcal/day.

The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that entering the body according to the original diet of Hamdiya's Usama for Diabetics should be: 30%, 40% and 30% of the total, respectively. It is advisable to complement the balanced nutrition with physical exercises.

The consumption of protein foods is important in maintaining the constant state of muscles and their growth, because muscle tissue is the main consumer of energy from the splitting of accumulated fats.

As for short dietary marathons, they are designed for 2 or 4 weeks of strict nutrition: during the day it is allowed to be saturated with certain types of products in limited or unlimited quantities. Usama Hamdi himself claims that these diets do not work due to a reduction in the number of calories used, but due to biochemical reactions caused by the developed food behavior schedules. Osama Hamdia diet 07

The basis of quick weight loss programs created by the professor are protein compounds of chicken eggs, cottage cheese, chicken and tuna meat.

The curd version is suitable for those who have taste or allergic intolerance to eggs, problems with cholesterol exchange.

The comparative characteristics of the components of the basics are presented in the tables loaded below: boiled chicken eggs vs non -fat cottage cheese. Osama Hamdiy 333 diet

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It is clear that the eggs are a more hearty product in all respects, however, in some positions of the amino acid composition, non -fat cottage cheese corresponds or even surpasses them. Both options are rich in phosphorus, selenium, vitamins B2 and B12.

To ensure the necessary level of fat intake and the balance of other valuables, according to the requirements of the classical diet, it is worth choosing cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. Then the replacement will be almost equivalent.

The need for the presence of fats in Professor Hamdie’s protein diet is justified: they have just arrived in the bloodstream from the outside, they perform a surfactant function - provide the normal functioning of the lungs.

Surfactant - a substance consisting of 99% of fats. It guarantees unhindered penetration of oxygen into the blood through the lung bubbles of the alveoli. Bashur diets lead to hypoxia even at the stages of active splitting of existing deposits.

The benefits and harms of the curd chemical diet of Osama Hamdia

The main useful results of weight loss according to the declared methodology are:

  • significant reduction in the volume of subcutaneous and visceral fat
  • almost complete destruction of fat molecules in the liver and muscles
  • stabilization of metabolism processes in tissues and organs
  • improving overall well -being and external data

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The “chemical” proposed diet is called because it consists of ingredients folded:

  1. Unsaturated fats. Those, unlike saturated, have high bioactivity and do not have pernicious effects on fat and cholesterol metabolism
  2. Complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed ten times slower than simple, do not provoke attacks of hyperinsulimia
  3. Fruit acids and vitamins, which have a strong antioxidant effect and stop the peroxidation of lipid oxidation in the muscles
  4. Full and inferior proteins in proportions sufficient to maintain the normal performance of muscle mass

Protein is the main building element of all existing types of cells in the human body. Throughout the diet, the body also loses, in addition to fat, an incredible amount of proteins also loses.

The benefits and harm of the curd chemical diet of the Hamdiya is not comparable: a few negative features of the course of courses can and should be controlled. Certain diseases of a person can become a serious contraindication to the use of this quick diet.

For example, people with unhealthy kidneys are forbidden to eat many proteins. Therefore, half of the cottage cheese will have to be replaced with carbohydrate fiber in the form of steamed wheat bran. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for such cases should correspond or approach the requirements of the classic renal diet No. 7: 15%, 30% and 55%, respectively. Most of the sour citrus fruits will also have to be replaced with apples. Osama Hamdia diet 09

The increased acidity of the stomach, as well as comprehensive acidosis, is another reason to make some changes to the Hamdia diet offered by Dr. Usama. Each meal should start with one or two glasses of soda water. It can be an alkaline (bicarbonate) mineral water without gas or ordinary water with several slips of baking soda. The citrus fruits will have to be abandoned and replaced, again, by apples. Osama Hamdia diet 03

In the presence of hyperlipidemia and progressive atherosclerosis, the Curricular chemical diet of Hamdiya’s shrinkage will have to be changed dramatically, completely. In the presence of these greasy disorders from the list of the components of the course to reduce body weight, you should completely remove cottage cheese, eggs and fish, abandon the absorption of half of the provided amount of meat.

These products need to prepare lentils and kelp in any form. In the days when the choice between certain fruits is possible, you should dwell on citrus fruits. It is advisable to add drugs of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and nicotinic acid to the diet. Osama Hamdia 19 Diet

Cottage chemical diet rules

The network has both the original recommendations of the Hamdiy shrink and appeared in the process of passing the courses, tips and warnings.

The original rules of a quick four -week diet have 12 points. Osama Hamdiy 222 diet

They can be translated into Russian as follows:

  1. When the number of the product offered for absorption is not indicated, eat it until you get enough
  2. Follow the diet as it is, without a single change, do not make modifications
  3. Do not stop and do not continue. If you missed the day, start the course again
  4. Every day after weighing, mark success on a pre -prepared graphic schedule of weight loss
  5. The scales should only be found after bowel movements, in a minimal amount of clothing
  6. If in the stomach from the hunger between the main meals of food there are pain, have a snack with an unlimited amount of one vegetable: tomato, cucumber or carrots. In this case, after the main meal, at least two hours should pass
  7. Throughout the diet, you must drink the recommended daily water rate to maintain the normal level of physiological reactions.
  8. Vegetables should be boiled in water and taken without even a small part of animal fats or vegetable oils
  9. Salt can be used freely, according to taste preferences. Salt consumption is not recommended for hypertension
  10. Do not limit the use of tea and coffee. However, adding milk and sugar to drinks of any variety is prohibited. Artificial sweeteners are allowed
  11. The consumption of dietary cola and other “lightweight” carbonated drinks is allowed. Quantity: 1-2 small bottles per day
  12. If there is a need to continue the diet, start with the schedule for the first week, repeat it twice and immediately move on to the menu of the fourth week. The repeated course will be 3 or 4 weeks at your discretion

Usama Hamdiy claims that with the exact observance of these rules, the final result should come closer to minus 20 kilos.

The copyright rules of the curd chemical diet in practice are often violated: products are replaced, their number is adjusted, all kinds of manipulations with the timing and procedure for repeating weekly menu are made. However, despite the professor’s warnings, the diet continues to work even after making radical changes to the developed diet. Osama Hamdia diet 15

Additional recommendations for the successful use of the composition of the chemical cottage cheese diet from direct testers:

  • categorically do not change the food sets designed for breakfast, lunch and dinners
  • when making the replacements of products with similar in chemical composition and calorie content, it should be remembered that the diet should remain substances of both plant and animal origin
  • more physical activity - more the number of kilograms dropped
  • when eating a dietary diet, use small plates
  • eat slowly with the absorption of unlimited quantitative portions, the saturation signal comes, indeed, after 20 minutes

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What products are permitted on the curd diet of the Hamdiy Usama?

Accelerated four -week and two -week weight reduction courses include cottage cheese:

  • low -fat solid cheese and yogurt
  • any fresh fruits (except for bananas, mangoes, grapes or other, very sweet or contributing to enhanced fermentation in the intestines of fruits)
  • beef and chicken meat in boiled or fried without oil form
  • boiled shrimp and fish, fried or canned
  • fresh and boiled vegetables (except starchy), salad leaves
    whole grain bread from rye flour

They were successfully tested and used as an effective alternative to meat and dairy products:

  • lentils
  • wheat bran
  • kelp

What products are permitted on the curd diet of the Hamdiy Usama? The product components of the complex for quick weight loss cause the body only part of the required amount of fats and carbohydrates to satisfy momentary metabolic needs.

The presence of optimized amounts of proteins - universal building elements of cells allows you to protect tissues as much as possible from destruction while involving internal reserves in order to block energy hunger. Osama Hamdia diet 02

Curricular chemical diet of the Hamdii Usama for 2 weeks

This modification allows you to reset from 4 to 8 kg in a two -week period. The results will depend on the initial weight of the losing weight.

Each of the 14 days of the presented course implies the use of one or another amount of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. To obtain more cardinal results, it is allowed to replace it with low -fat.

If any specific quantity is not indicated near the product, then this means that it can be absorbed to complete saturation.

Curricular chemical diet menu Hamdiy for 2 weeks: Table Osama Hamdie diet 666

It is necessary to treat the state of your stomach with special attention. Increased acidity should be immediately washed down with a large amount of ordinary or bicarbonate water.

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Curricular chemical diet menu for 4 weeks

The first week

All breakfasts: 1/2 large grapefruit or orange and 50-100 g 9% cottage cheese.

Day 1:
Lunch - one type of fruit
dinner - beef without fat fried or boiled

Day 2:
Lunch - chicken meat without skin, tomatoes, 1 whole orange or grapefruit
Dinner - green salad leaves, 100 g 9% cottage cheese, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

Day 3:
Lunch - low -fat solid cheese or cottage cheese, tomatoes, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread
dinner - beef without fat fried or boiled

Day 4:
Lunch - one type of fruit
dinner - beef without fat fried or boiled, green salad leaves

Day 5:
Lunch - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, any vegetables
Dinner - low -fat fish boiled or fried, green salad leaves, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

Day 6:
Lunch - one type of fruit
dinner - beef without fat fried or boiled, green salad leaves

Day 7:
Lunch - chicken meat without skin, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, 1 whole orange or grapefruit
dinner - boiled vegetables

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The second week

All breakfasts: 1/2 large grapefruit or orange and 50-100 g 9% cottage cheese.

Day 1:
Lunch - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, green salad leaves
Dinner - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

Day 2:
lunch - beef meat fried, green salad leaves
Dinner - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

Day 3:
Lunch - beef meat fried, cucumbers
Dinner - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, boiled vegetables

Day 4:
Lunch - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, low -fat solid cheese, vegetables in boiled form
Dinner - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, tomatoes, vegetables in boiled form

Day 5:
lunch - shrimp or low -fat fish in boiled or fried form
Dinner - 100 g 9% cottage cheese, boiled vegetables

Day 6:
Lunch - beef fried meat, tomatoes, 1 whole orange or grapefruit
Dinner - any fruit

Day 7:
Lunch - chicken meat without skin, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, 1 whole orange or grapefruit
Dinner - chicken meat without skin, tomatoes, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

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The week is the third

All breakfasts: menu of one day of any week of diet.
Menu of lunch and dinner compose yourself from the ingredients given for each day of this week.

Day 1:
Any fruits

Day 2:
Boiled vegetables, green salad leaves

Day 3:
any fruits, vegetables in boiled form, green salad leaves

Day 4:
shrimp or low -fat fish in boiled or fried form, green salad leaves

Day 5:
beef or chicken meat fried, boiled vegetables

Day 6:
One type of fruit

Day 7:
One type of fruit

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The fourth week

Distribute yourself for breakfast, lunch and dinner of menu of every day of this week.

Day 1:
250 g of beef or chicken meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread, 1 whole orange or grapefruit, meat 1 small can of canned tuna (in sauce or washed)

Day 2:
200 g of beef meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread, 1 whole orange or grapefruit (apple)

Day 3:
1 tablespoon 9% cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 large boiled vegetable, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread, 1 whole orange or grapefruit, 1 small can of canned tuna (in sauce or washed)

Day 4:
250 g of chicken, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 piece of whole -grain rye bread, 1 whole orange or apple (grapefruit)

Day 5:
250 g of chicken, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 100 g 9% cottage cheese, 1 whole orange or grapefruit (green salad leaves)

Day 6:
meat of two chicken breasts, 2 tablespoons 9% cottage cheese, 1 piece of whole grain rye bread, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 whole orange or grapefruit, 1 glass of yogurt

Day 7:
washed meat 1 small can of canned tuna, 1 tablespoon 9% cottage cheese, 1 piece of whole grain rye bread, 2 tomatoes, 1 large boiled vegetable, 1 whole orange or grapefruit

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The menu chemical diet for 4 weeks contains many low -calorie products. Moreover, the schedule of their receipt does not model situations of a long deficiency of certain nutrients, in the event of which the body switches to the accumulation or emergency consumption of reserves.

How many times can you repeat the curd chemical diet of Professor Usama Hamdia?

If you have a large weight (more than 100-120 kg), then for high-quality weight loss you should use long courses developed by this respected professor for diabetics. They reduce the monthly receipts of calories by 30%.

Such a choice is due to the fact that, for example, already in the fourth week of a short course, the norm of daytime calories falls to the “500” indicator. But many full people eat 4000, 5000 and even 6,000 kcal per day! Such a sharp change in metabolism is fraught with serious health problems and is extremely uncomfortable for losing weight. Osama Hamdia 18 dietHow many times can you repeat the curd chemical diet of Professor Usama Hamdia? It is undesirable to use a two -week variation more often than once every six months. Repeating it with continuous cycles can be even dangerous. Undressed games with metabolism can lead to unplanned reactions and the opposite return after a very short time.

It is also worth understanding that a massive four-week protein attack on the kidneys should not be repeated more than one and a half to two years more than one and a half to two years. After all, when the kidneys fail, they, like the lungs, are almost impossible to restore to the original state of health. Osama Hamdia 21 diet

The results of the cottage cheese diet Hamdia: before and after

The courses proposed by the professor have advanced results not only in the number of killed kilos, but also in the quality of further life without them. Osama Hamdia 17 dietOsama Hamdia diet 05

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The results of the cottage cheese diet Hamdia: before and after losing weight, people look completely different. Huge discrepancies in the masses and changed volumes are really amazing.

Exit from the diet of Usama Hamdia

The lower limit of calorie consumption in long and intensive losing weight courses developed by the professor is 500 kcal. While the average norms for different groups of people fit into the limits of 2000-3000 kcal. A simultaneous transition to receiving normal daily needs will most likely lead to repeated obesity. Therefore, the duration of the return period should be at least three to five months. Osama Hamdia diet 01

The exit from the Hamdia Osama diet should be carried out with a full set of standardly used products, however, with their mandatory dosing according to the compiled plan for the return of calorie content.

Chemical Curd diet Hamdie: Tips and Reviews

  • Four -week and two -week options feel completely different. The program, designed for 14 days, is aggressive more than, or something. I often want to eat between meals, sometimes I have to snack cucumbers or carrots according to the instructions
  • I have from the egg version of this chemical diet a week and a half after the start the liver began to hurt. Threw it. The cottage cheese began after 3.5 months. Finished. Minus 13 kg. Everything is fine with health. I advise
  • It is difficult for many to withstand such an abundance of fruits in their diet. To nausea. Grapefruit and apples are especially difficult to “give”. Therefore, this diet should be sitting in the summer, when there is access to light and non -core berries, watery melon cultures
  • Chemical Curd diet Hamdiy: Tips and reviews warn of negative phenomena that may accompany effective weight loss

Video: Osama Hamdie diet reviews of doctors


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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much for the article, for the first time I learned so many details about the diet, although I was already sitting twice on it. I just ate according to the painted me, without clarification what and how it acts, but here everything is clear! Really compiled a diet. The first time I tried eggs, I didn’t like it, the result was, but there was no pleasure from it, I don’t know how to love eggs to withstand this. Everything is simpler with cottage cheese, it is tastier, and it is better tolerated, and if you are not lazy and cook at home, at all super, I used the curd starter of the bucks, every two days the fresh cottage cheese was on the table. In 28 days, 10 kg took.

  2. The first time passed a diet 1.5 years ago in October. I got it from the egg option, sprinkled on 4 days. Interrupted, a month later the cottage cheese option turned out better. Lost (delivered) 20 kg (107-87 kg). For 1.5 years, I added 4 kg. Now I decided to go again. I want to have 80 kg. Less is impossible. I am 55 years old, losing weight, as they say, on my face)))) The diet is very well painted. Convenient, and most importantly, not hungry. I advise

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