Yaichka hernia: symptoms, causes and treatment of egg hernia in men and children. Operation to remove egg hernia

Yaichka hernia: symptoms, causes and treatment of egg hernia in men and children. Operation to remove egg hernia

The written article will reveal detailed information about such a male pathology as the hernia. We will try to describe in detail the symptoms and causes of this disease, as well as talk about the ways of solving this problem.

Hernia yaichka so the same called pachovoy hernia. it enough serious pathology, which requires speedy diagnostics and treatment.

  • Components hernias yaichka are:
    Hernia channel (channel through which the is happening « dropping out» organs in hernia bag)
    Hernia bag (directly hernia, in which are located « fallen» organs)
    Content hernial bag (this is those organs, which in norm can be in given areas. And those, which hit there through hernia channel)
  • AT most cases in hernia bag gets nearby the loop intestines, at this in norm organs, located in abdominal cavities not they get in content hernias. it maybe happen in volume case, when muscle fibers abdominal walls excessively stretched
  • Part intestines, falling in inguinal channel, passes his and gets in scrotum, so it is formed inguinal hernia or hernia yaichka
  • Hernia yaichka maybe to be how acquired pathology, that and to be congenital. At availability congenital defect, this is maybe testify about violation intrauterine development baby

Hernia yaichka: symptoms and the reasons

Yaichka hernia: symptoms and causes
Yaichka hernia: symptoms and causes

Formation acquired pathology u men can promote the following the reasons:

  •   Physical voltage and overload, which capable let loose back wall inguinal channel, a so the same capable « squeeze» sam testicle in this channel
    Not correct position internal rings inguinal channel. At so position deep muscles abdominal walls often review
  • Such cause is hereditarypredisposed and detected already at conducting operational interventions on excision and plastic available hernias

let's consider more some the reasons occurrence hernias yaichka:

Load on the vennoye systems abdominal cavities under action increased intra -abdominal pressure
U athletes, in result exhausting and long training
Availability such diseases how dropsy yaichka (hydrocele) and varicose veins extension veins (varicocele)
Injuries pachovoy areas and scrots
Stretching muscles abdominal walls
Cough and strong laugh call increase intra -abdominal pressure, what maybe bring to education hernias
Age -related changes muscle fabrics
Sharp curses weight and availability excessive weight
Violation lymphOKOK in result defeat lymph nodes in areas groin and small pelvis
Inflammatory processes in areas scrots
High degree cordiallyvascular insufficiency

Symptoms education hernias yaichka serving the following factors:

The following factors serve as symptoms of the formation of an testicular hernia:
The following factors serve as symptoms of the formation of an testicular hernia:

The male experiences sensation discomfort in areas groin, appears pain at walking and anyone movement. These symptoms increase at attempt raising severity or tilt torso forward
Appears feeling burning in groin, growing up hydropic syndrome and sensation severity
At education hernias yaichka starts suffer blood supply and it is formed varicose veins extension veins yaichka
AT pachovoy areas it is formed dense sherrovid neoplasm, this is basic sign formation pachovoy hernias
Weakening muscles abdominal walls it is felt patient
Blood in generally veins yaichka stagnates and formed varicocele
At infringement contents hernial bag, then a patient maybe test feeling nausea, opens vomit, characteristic constipation and presence blood in chair
U child at crying hernia increases in size
Inguinal hernia in most cases infringed in children's or infant age. Child maybe constantly cry and refuse from reception food

Hernia yaichka u men: a photo

Dimensions pachovoy hernias very variable, at neglected states they can achieve huge size.

Hernia testicles u boys. Hernia yaichka u newborn

  • For boys this pathology is most common in areas surgery.
    Most often hernia yaichka u newborns and boys more senior age is anomalous development muscles abdominal walls urynotronos. it congenital pathology
  • The reasons formation hernias yaichka u boys connected with process owls yaichka in scrotum. Read more this process we described in article about witroe yaichka (hydrocele). FROM her you you can familiarize, crossing on link:Witer and hernia of the testicles in newborn boys. Causes and treatment of dropsy and hernias of testicles in children
  • AT moment development urynotronos testicles boys, practically before moment them birth, are located in abdominal cavities. On the the latter months pregnancy they start to fall in scrotum. Smermining, testicle takes with yourself part peritoneal, in quality shells, a formed hole in norm folding. If a this fighting not happened, then u boy maybe form dropsy yaichka and/or inguinal hernia
  • Such hernia called spit pachovoy hernia, which it is formed in braid direction on go inguinal channel
  • AT result high intra -abdominal pressure or excess physical loads can arise direct inguinal hernias. She is it is formed, passing through muscles abdomen (through wall), mine inguinal channel

Symptoms hernias yaichka u children are:

Symptoms of the egg hernia in children are
Symptoms of an testicular hernia in children

Defined at inspection protrusion hernial bag in scrotum or areas groin
At acceptance horizontal regulations hernia maybe get better on one's own, and arise at vertical position bodies child
Neoplasm maybe increase in sizes, when boy sneezes or coughing
Dimensions hernias can to be from barely noticeable, before big

Hernia yaichka diagnostics

Holy testicle diagnostics
Holy testicle diagnostics

For staging diagnosis necessary in the first turn turn to doctorurologist. Doctor must spend the following actions:

Necessary spend inspection. Doctor must visually estimate dimensions and condition hernial bag and spend palpation neoplasms in two positionsvertical and horizontal
Conduct Ultrasounddiagnostics contents hernial bag on the subject falling out in him organs abdominal cavities and them states. This method most informative and is compulsory for staging diagnosis
maybe appointment additional methods research on testimony: cystography, irrigoscapia, cystoscopy

Hernia yaichka treatment

Holy testicle treatment
Holy testicle treatment

After conducting necessary examinations doctor must decide with tactics treatment. To such methods related:

  •   Tactics waiting. Waiting tactics apply in volume case, when u the doctors exist doubts on reason the reasons education hernias. AT this case doctor conditions observation per development pathology and condition patient
  • Produce this is for togo, to decide with move planned operational interventions and her methodology. Except this, thanks to age -related changes hernia maybe on one's own reference and liquidate with current time. But children excluded from this diagnostic moment
  • Non -surgical methods can applied u men, which have corrective hernia small size. AT such cases hernia set up and can appoint wearing defined bandage
  • Operation on excision hernias. it most used methodology treatment pachovoy hernias, which guaranteed exclude infringement contents hernial bag
  • Costs know, what finally delete hernia maybe only with help operations. At refusal from operational interventions maybe bring to infringement hernias and necrosis contents hernial bag

Methods operating room treatment hernias yaichka

Operational treatment methods for the egg hernia
Operational treatment methods for the egg hernia

On the today day maybe conducting operations how u small children, so and u adults men.

Method obstructive hernioplastics (brightness). This method founded on the surgical closing hernias gate, after vDs hernias, at help implant or own fabrics

At help laporoscopic equipment with minimal damage fabrics

At use laporoscopic method produce the following manipulations:
Apply anesthesia
A little below navel produced small incision
AT abdominal cavity supported air, for togo, to surgeon could good see internal organs
Introduce laporoscope in abdominal cavity
Produce additional cuts for necessary in operations auxiliary tools

For this method treatment exist contraindications:
Congenital diseasehemophilia ( blood not maybe roll and people can perish from bleeding)
Defined diseases breathing systems
Application in therapy anticoagulants ( cordiallyvascular drugs)
Recently transferred surgical interventions
Availability contraindications to application general anesthesia

Edema yaichka after operations hernias

Egg swelling after a hernia operation
Egg swelling after a hernia operation
  • Swellingthis is frequent phenomenon field anyone operating room interventions and brightness not is exception. AT most cases edema maybe arise after plastic hernias own fabrics
  • At stitching fabrics hernias gate, fabrics all the same remain weak. Exists choice, which the must do surgeonstrongly pull off fabrics, in result what can to harm seminal cord, or « leave» weakened place, through which maybe permeate abdominal liquid
  • For avoidance occurrence such situations, it is advisable use in plastic hernias gate special grid
  • Edema after plastic own fabrics so the same maybe disappear on one's own in flow several weeks after conducting operating room interventions

Video: inguinal hernia. What it is?

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