Gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees: drug treatment and folk remedies. Diet and gymnastics for gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees: drug treatment and folk remedies. Diet and gymnastics for gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

Gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree is a serious disease that requires treatment. And how to do it correctly - you will learn from the article.

Gonarthrosis is the most common disease of the knee joint in old age. This is a chronic manifestation that leads to wear of the articular cartilage, which is gradually “erased” until this leads to difficulty in movement and pain when walking. The cartilage covering the femoral muscles and tibia plates gradually narrow and, as a result, exposes the bone underlying.

Honartrosis of the knee affects patients by 65-70 years. It occurs due to injury, such as a fracture, as well as articular pathologies (rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis). Pathologies can lead to early artric degeneration, in these cases the average age of the onset of the disease can significantly decrease (40-50 years). The knee arthrosis, or gonarthrosis, is the most common disease of the knee joint in old age.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees: drug treatment

  • At the initial stages of gonarthrosis Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as magnetotherapy and muscle strengthening, are prescribed the knee joint. Often, with initial arthrosis, the results are satisfactory for monitoring and reducing pain.
  • Other methods relate to intra -articular injections with hyaluronic acid (possibly with high doses and with a single administration), as well as injections with platelet concentrates.
Often manifests itself in old age
Often manifests itself in old age
  • One of the most important recommendations of an orthopedic physician is to reduce the weight of the patient (if necessary). Excessive weight presses on the joints and worsens the clinical picture. Often the patient prefers take painkillers Instead of observing a diet, this is more than wrong!
  • The patient is recommended for sports. As for drug treatment, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be taken if necessary when the patient has painful sensations. If there is no inflammation, better avoid NSAIDs and use painkillers.

Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs that can be prescribed for gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree:

  • Celecoxib. A very strong drug with minimal side effects. Available in the form of capsules.
  • Nimesulide. Analgesic with anti -inflammatory effects prevents oxidation and decay of cartilage.
  • Ketoprofen. Similar to the action and strength with Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac. Effective drug. Reduces swelling and redness of tissues. Good anesthetic.

Compared to NSAIDs, corticosteroids produce a stronger anti -inflammatory effect with arthritis and its authimmune causes. However, this weakens the body's protection before infections and increases the frequency of allergic reactions

  1. Diprospan. It has the ability to block the development of the inflammatory process at the cell level. This leads to the widespread use of this drug with a whole spectrum of diseases. Allergic reactions, lesions of connective and cartilage, nerve fibers and other pathological diseases are listed in the instructions as indications for the use of the drug. However, it should be remembered that taking the drug is necessary only after consultation with the attending physician.

Among the most studied chondroprotectors we offer:

  • Hyaluronic acid -based products
  • Glucosamine
  • Chondroitin sulfate
  • Hydrolyzed collagen

Due to poor absorption inside, chondroprotector is usually used for injection. At the local level, hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant, can absorb attacks in the synovial fluid. Thus, the substantiation of intra -articular injections of hyaluronic acid is to increase the lubrication of the joints, as well as in the control of the permeability of the synovial membrane.

At the level of articular cartilage, chondroitin sulfate plays an important structural role, which is concretized in the ability to contact collagen fibrils. In addition, its chondroprotective properties are due to the ability to inhibit enzymes that degrade the cartilage matrix and synovial fluid for arthrosis.

  1. Teraflex plus - The best remedy among chondroprotectors in terms of effectiveness.
  2. Chondlonon - It is prescribed in the absence of epithelial infections.
  3. Alflutop - Promotes saturation with nutrient microelements of cartilage, but can lead to a number of side effects.

Gymnastics for gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

The practice of regular exercises can be useful indirectly, because it helps to control the weight and tone of muscles, but can also have immediate utility, since there are certain exercises aimed at increasing the flexibility and stability of muscles and joints.

Of course, when you start a training program, you need to pay attention to the signals that your body sends you, so be sure to start gradually, especially if you are not used to sports.

It is also very important to withstand the restoration time between one exercise and the other. It would be ideal to be able to devote 30-45 minutes. On the day of physical activity. Those who are not used to this can start with 15 minutes. And to achieve the goal is half an hour of daily exercises for several weeks.

Movement is important
Movement is important
  1. In a sitting position, when the hips are well based on a chair, place one ankle on top of another. Pull your leg up, and presses the leg above, holding its position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat three to five times on each leg with breaks of 30-60 seconds between repetitions.
  2. In a sitting position, the other chair is in front, place your legs by the legs of the chair and gradually press inside for 5-10 seconds. After 30 seconds, Place the legs between the legs of the chair and push out, repeat three to five times. In this exercise, it is important to be careful not to move his knees from your position, diverge or tightening the hips.
  3. Sitting on a chair using a tennis ball or something like that, move the ball back and forward, holding it under the sole of one of the legs 5-7 times. Change your legs and repeat 5 times on each side. In this exercise, the best results are achieved by wider movements that can be achieved.
  4. Again, in a sitting position, with a chair or chair in front of you, strain one leg alternately, stretching to the seat of the stool, stretching the muscles of the thigh back and maintaining the position for about 12-15 seconds. The leg, not affected by the exercise, should remain a relaxed support on the ground.
  5. Lie down on the stomach, carefully hold the upper body of the straight body. Slowly lift the heel of one leg as close to the buttock as possible, using a belt or a roll towel. Hold for 5-10 seconds, alternating your legs and resting for at least 30 seconds between sets. This exercise should be stopped if it causes painful symptoms.
Exercises are important
Exercises are important

Diet for gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

It was proved that compliance with the diet with gonarthrosis, along with daily exercises, can guarantee the disappearance of symptoms. For this reason, today we want to remind you which products, according to experts, should usually be used which of them can be used moderately and which - occasionally.

You need to use:

  • Products rich in vitamin C: vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, lettuce, pepper) and fruits (orange, strawberries, apple).
  • Products, rich omega 3-4-6: fish, nuts, olive oil, other vegetable oils, soy.
  • Products rich in selenium and fiber: whole grains, nuts, tuna, turkey, dairy products.

Avoid use:

  • Sugars, fats, margarine, oil, sweets and pastries, coffee.
  • Products with a high content of purine and uric acid (fatty meat and sausage).
Diet is important
Diet is important

To stay in shape for many years, it is important to take care of your body. Take a deterioration in bone tissue and respond accordingly. It would always be ideal to engage in gymnastics, combining it with a series of massages, which are very useful for physical well -being. One of the main ones is the knee massage. As soon as pains appear, we must find a solution. You can contact a therapeutic masseur, or learn how to independently massage.

Massage with gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

You can perform self -massage to relieve and, possibly, eliminate pain (if it is not serious acute pain, of course). To do this, you can use olive oil, which has extreme potential as a natural disinfectant. It also helps stimulate blood circulation.

Otherwise, you can choose a coconut oil that can effectively affect the knee with its anti -inflammatory properties. It's very simple! First of all, the selected oil should be warm. Manipulation should be easy and delicate. It will be performed in circular movements located in the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe knee. To eliminate pain in gonarthrosis, you will have to perform this type of massage twice a day (preferably in the morning and evening), until a complete recovery.


Massage can also be combined with medicines prescribed by a doctor. In addition to massage, hot or cold compresses can also be useful. The knee massage can be performed independently if the size of your problem does not require the intervention of the physiotherapist.

Traditional medicine methods for the treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint 2 degrees

The choice of herbs and medicinal plants is the precious baggage of modern herbal medicine. Medicinal plants and additives against gonartritis: licorice, horse chestnut, rhubarb, pine, rosemary, thyme, seaweed, birch, ivy, juniper, black currant.

  1. Grind the root root, put it over low heat, apply to the knee in the gauze layer.
  2. Insist the pine needles of a day and apply a decoction in the form of a compress.
  3. Clean the horse chestnut from brown skin, grind and pour 1 liter of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 7 days, mixing daily. Strain and take 15 drops with water with water 3 times a day.
In the fight against gonarthrosis
In the fight against gonarthrosis

It is important to remember that do not neglect the achievements of official medicine. Only a set of measures of official medicine and popular will help to get the long -awaited relief.

Gonarthrosis is a chronic disease that is aggravated over time, and from which it is impossible to heal completely. Nevertheless, it must be emphasized that today modern medicine provides for patients with gonartrosis very effective methods for treating symptoms of the disease. A well -performed rehabilitation treatment can improve the quality of life aimed at reducing pain, restoring the main functions, the resumption of active life and slowing down the evolution of the disease.

Video: Treatment of gonarthrosis 2 degrees UVT

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Comments K. article

  1. It is very good to bend the condition to me by the local baths with a turpentine gum according to the Salmanov method. I do such procedures with mixed skipar emulsion, the composition there is safe and everything is described in detail how to do it

  2. I am only 45, but due to the injury, the knee joint is almost completely destroyed. While offered
    Make an injection of a flexotron ultra. Literally put on your feet! Thank you!

  3. I have arthrosis of the 2nd stage, before that I pricked some hondoprotectors of 20 injections, drank
    The tablets subsided, then went to another doctor, he wrote out a flexotron solo. It is too
    The hondoprotector contains only hyaluronic acid, but it needs at least two injections, not a heap.
    The result is generally normal, the pain subsided and in general somehow the knee is bent better. I bought it
    In the pharmacy, but it seems to be possible on the site, there is a little cheaper. In general, I recommend.

  4. Arthrosis is now the most common joint disease. There are many varieties, but the main problem is the same: the joint “cruits” from the inside, as a result of friction causes inflammation and deformation of the joint. Drugs with hyaluronic acid not only relieve symptoms, but also prevent damage to the joint, moistening the articular tissue for a long period of time. The volume of the flexotron is ultra is designed for a one -time introduction into the joint of the knee and is one of the latest drugs today.

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