How to learn how to maintain a conversation with a man, guy, girl, in a familiar and unfamiliar company? Questions and phrases supporting the conversation: List

How to learn how to maintain a conversation with a man, guy, girl, in a familiar and unfamiliar company? Questions and phrases supporting the conversation: List

The article will tell you about the basic rules for maintaining a conversation and will offer you phrases, questions and words for its development.

How to learn how to maintain a conversation with a friend and unfamiliar man, guy, girl, in a familiar and unfamiliar company, in VK on any topic?

Communication with a man is significantly different from conversations with friends. In the same case, in the opposite case, flirting with women should not be like men's discussions and disputes. In order to position the interlocutor to yourself, you should know some subtleties and secrets of flirting. Psychological techniques aimed at “setting up a man or woman to your wave” and cause sympathy in him will not be superfluous.

Basic Rules:

  • The conversation is essentially.Simply put, your conversation should have a clear topic where everyone can express their thoughts. All insignificant and extra details should be allowed so as not to look stupid, not to waste the time and attention of your interlocutor. Leave emotional and furious statements for friends or best friends, behave restrained, beautifully select words.
  • Exclude negative topics.Every day a mass of negativity from news, TV, newspapers and people falls on a person. Let your conversation with a man be easy and cheerful, able to distract him from all the problems of the world around him. Try to be the most positive interlocutor and in the eyes of your “object of passion” you will be a real “ray of optimism”.
  • Thoughts instead of impressions.It is reasonable and interesting speech that will be able to attract, but not emotional “explosions” on various topics. At the same time, remember that no one loves all -know and try not to show your interlocutor that you can be much smarter than himself.
  • The interests of a man.Try to respect the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor. If you do not own the topic, ask questions, trying to find out the maximum information about it.
  • Avoid Drama.Do not criticize, do not “insert your 5 kopecks” into every thought, do not interrupt, do not blame, do not show your “storm of emotions” if the topics of conversation touch you.
  • Avoid long and boring stories.Such conversations can become very boring and the interlocutor will want to “escape from you” in any way. In monologues, make pauses, paying attention to how they listen to you. If the interlocutor is immersed in your thoughts, change the topic sharply.
  • Avoid "sick" topics.Each person has those stories and life situations that he would not want to remember and discuss others. If the conversation touched the “boiling”, try to be distracted by other conversations, because it is much better than “picking old wounds”.
  • Follow the reactions of the interlocutor.This is important, because it is on such signs that you can determine its level (her) with you. In the case of Fiasco, change the topics or ask questions, pay attention to some things, remember common friends. Loud conversations.It is very important that your voice is not defiantly loud and attracts more attention than the topic itself. You should not speak too quietly for the interlocutor to constantly ask you and clarify. Clearly pronounce every word, work out diction and your voice, do not speak monotonously.
  • Balance of conversation.You must be with the interlocutor “on equal terms”: talk a lot and listen a lot. But also remember that not every person wants to be listened to, many people like to be listeners themselves.
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How to find a “common language” and make a beautiful conversation?

Questions supporting the conversation: List

There are situations when common interests and themes are simply lost, giving way to silence, awkwardness and poor impressions. To avoid these “negative moments” will help you with questions to maintain a conversation. Check out in advance with them and have them with you “just in case”.

Questions to maintain a conversation about work:

  • Do you like what you are doing?
  • How did you achieve your success?
  • Have you had strange or unusual instructions at work?
  • Would you like to dare a position?
  • They say that every 5 years you need to change the type of activity, who would you still like to become?
  • What was your first job or part -time job?
  • What could you advise those who take your work for the first time?
  • Do you have something to strive for professionally?

Questions to maintain a conversation about entertainment:

  • Do you like read? Let's talk about books? What has read lately?
  • Without what applications and programs on the phone, would you not cost (cost)?
  • Let's talk about music? What are your preferences and tastes? Were you at some concerts?
  • Who do you rest and have fun with in your free time?
  • Let's talk about the movie? Do you like to go to cinemas or download movies at home? Watching the series? Which?
  • Are you registered in social networks? In which one? How active are you? Are you uploading a lot of photos? Why and why? What are your goals?

Questions to maintain a conversation about food:

  • Are you a gourmet? What do you like to eat? Do you cook yourself?
  • If until the end of life could one dish be one dish or one product so that it would be?
  • Have you ever eaten unusual food? What was it?
  • And what does your breakfast usually be?
  • And what causes disgust in you in food?
  • In what institutions did you try food? What do you think?

Questions to maintain a conversation about travel:

  • Where do you like to relax? Spend a vacation?
  • Where do you dream to go? Do you have a dream country?
  • Would you decide (decided) to travel a hitchhiking?
  • Is your weekend usually boring or saturated?
  • Do you like TV transfers about traveling? What is your favorite?

Questions to maintain a conversation about personal life:

  • Have you always lived here (the name of the city)?
  • Do you have any abilities or talents?
  • How did you study at school: good or bad? What item loved?
  • Do you have incredible events in life?
  • Did you have an example to follow in life, which you have always been equal to?
  • How would you describe your character?
  • Do you like pets? Do you have someone, or maybe you want to get someone?
Phrases to continue the conversation
Phrases to continue the conversation

Phrases, words supporting the conversation: List

A good conversation is a beautiful conversation, saturated with beautiful and wise phrases, quotes and art remarks. Specially prepared phrases will help you support and “saturate” dialogue with loved ones and strangers.

Phrases to maintain a conversation:

  • You say beautifully, logic and thinking are felt.
  • Your speech is rich and interesting, you probably have a higher education.
  • Thank you for telling such interesting stories, they are expensive!
  • Listen to you so interesting! I enjoy!
  • You are a wonderful interlocutor and bribes it.
  • Thank you for lifting (raised) my mood today!
  • Next to you, I forget about how old I am and who I am.
  • When you talk about traveling, I feel that you have been there!
  • You are an interesting person and this is your main advantage.
  • Surprisingly, you not only look good, but also say well!
  • I like your style, you dress well!
  • Teach me to look as good as you!
  • Good weather today, so relaxes and so inspires.
  • This walk pleases me as a child.
  • This evening is called from my childhood when I walked (walked) in this park with friends.
  • I wanted to (wanted) to watch the film today, but our meeting was much more interesting.
  • How I want to forget about all problems and prohibitions and do what you really want. Do you think this is normal?
  • I can listen to you for hours and look at you!
  • Let's take a picture together? I want to save this day in my memory!
  • As I would like to be in a coastal restaurant on the beach now, agree!
  • You smell deliciously, it attracts so!
  • I look at you and it seems to me that we saw each other for a very long time and after that eternity passed.
Phrases for a successful and pleasant conversation
Phrases for a successful and pleasant conversation

How to properly support a conversation, conversation, communication: tips

What is important in maintaining the conversation:

  • To experience pleasant emotions for a person.If you like a person, you like to talk to him. Express your sympathy and the interlocutor will automatically open to you.
  • Do not interrupt. Try to monitor and control your speech and even at those moments when you really want to say something, listen to the interlocutor to the end and only then reprimand.
  • Look into the eyes. No matter how trite it sounds, it is precisely such a feature that characterizes you as a good interlocutor interested in the conversation.
  • Smile. A sad face always causes negative emotions and therefore your happy face will inspire the interlocutor and leave him pleasant emotions.
  • Follow the distance. You should not move away from the interlocutor far and do not shout that your phrases are definitely heard. Too “close” conversation can be ambiguous.
  • Be interested. Diligently support the topic of the conversation, ask questions, listen, discuss.
  • Look for common interests.Find out as much information as possible about your interlocutor and talk about yourself, find common topics, common acquaintances and hobbies.
  • Be polite. Do not try to saturate the dialogue with obscenity words, rudeness and vulgar jokes - this will ruin the impression of you.
  • Show all your advantages. If you are talented, tell us about achievements and hobbies. Offer to try to draw, sing, dance together. Ask about the abilities of your interlocutor.
  • Silent about your minuses. All that you have negative and bad "leave for later." If necessary, you will always have time to find out some questions.
  • Support. If the interlocutor reveals the soul before you, complains or consulted, try to listen carefully to him and sympathize with him. Do not tell his secrets.

Video: "4 ways to start a conversation"

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