Dates: benefits and harm for weight loss, sports, diet. Is it possible to recover from the darkens of the dried?

Dates: benefits and harm for weight loss, sports, diet. Is it possible to recover from the darkens of the dried?

The article will tell you how to properly combine dates with proper nutrition and is it possible to lose weight using dates?

How are dried dates for weight loss useful?

Dates are sweet high -calorie fruits, which are simultaneously very useful for the body, both an ordinary person and that fighting more weight. The main thing that is required from the losing weight is to observe the norm and not exceed the allowed portion of use per day.

Dates can be of great benefit to the body:

  • Improve the work of the intestines and the entire digestive tract
  • Give a feeling of satiety
  • Normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood
  • Improve the resistance and resistance of immunity
  • Improves blood quality, increasing cholesterol
  • Improve the work of the cardiovascular system

In dates, there are extremely many salts, minerals and vitamins necessary during the period of weight loss. In addition, these fruits are rich in amino acids that prolong youth, health and beauty of the body. A number of vitamin in dates (in particular, group B, A, C and Pantotenic acid) help regulate lipid metabolism in the body.

The dates are very high-calorie, 100 g of fruits contain approximately 280-300 kcal (depending on how they were dried). Glycemic dates index 145-146. If you follow the weight, sit on a diet and control calories, you can allow your dates very rarely and eat only a few fruits at one time.

Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates
Dates100 g. 2,6 0,6 69,5

There is an opinion that if you adhere to strict monodite and unloading days (water and dried fruits), then for a certain period of time (from 7 to 10 days) you can throw up to 5 kg of weight. The diet involves eating about 10 fruits per day, drinking them with tea or water. This number of fruits will give you the necessary supply of energy, sweetness will dull your appetite. You can observe such a diet for no more than 2 days, and then switch to “proper nutrition”.

What are the useful dates for weight loss?

Diet for weight loss on dates and milk

It should be noted right away that the finite diet is very high -high. However, it helps to lose weight for a quick period of time. Such a diet will “like” those who cannot refuse sweets. The rule of any date diet is to suppress appetite and give energy. In addition, being on such a diet, you can clean the intestines of accumulated toxins and toxins.

How a dates will help lose weight:

  • Saturated with fiber, which has the ability to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
  • Fiber also helps cleanse the intestines of stagnation of feces.
  • Improves metabolism in the body

Rules for compliance with a diet:

  • There is a limited number of dates without exceeding the norm.
  • Divide the entire number of dates into 5 doses
  • Drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (water)

The milk-violet diet involves its observance within 6-7 days:

  • Divide 300 g of dates into exactly 5 doses
  • Eat a portion of dates and drink them with a glass of milk 0.5-1% fat content.
  • During the day, drink water, green and herbal tea without restrictions

Diet for weight loss on dates and kefir

Kefir-violet diet implies its observance within 6-7 days:

  • Divide 300 g of dates into exactly 5 doses
  • Eat a portion of dates and drink them with a glass of kefir 0.5-1% fat.
  • During the day, drink water, green and herbal tea without restrictions

Important: you can choose kefir not fat or no more than 1% fat. The diet rules are the same, the number of dates per day is 250-300 g. Before consuming dates, pour water or washed with boiling water to wash off dust and dirt sticking on a sugar surface.

Dairy and kefir diet on dates

Dates and water for weight loss at night: recipe

Those who understand the calorie content of dates know that this product cannot be “joked”. The dates are sweet and high -calorie, they are saturated with “quick” carbohydrates. However, fasting finish days can very favorably affect the health and process of losing weight.

An important rule that requires compliance is a combination of dates with other foods. Or rather, it is strictly impossible to combine them! Relight days should consist only of water and dates, several times a day you can drink pure, not sweet green or herbal tea.

The secret of losing weight of such a diet is several techniques that use human metabolism, forcing him to work in enhanced mode. In addition, the dates will help you clean the intestines, and a sufficient amount of water per day, restore the water-salt balance.

Important: if you drink water with dates at night, you can achieve a positive effect in the digestive tract. The next morning you will feel the urge to defecate. Nutrition, based only on dates and water, can last no longer than 2-3 days.

The benefits of diets on dates

Is it possible to eat dates, sitting on another diet?

The dates are calories and therefore include them in other diets with particular caution. It is also recommended to listen to the recommendations for their use regarding the time of day. There are best fruits for breakfast or lunch, so that carbohydrates from dates can be spent during the day (i.e. until the evening) and not deposit in reserves in the body.

Of course, dates are much more useful than other sweets. If you feel that you want to dilute lean food with something tasty or you can afford a little more calories per day, replace the cakes and sweets with a handful of dates. Firstly, you will enjoy it, secondly, do not harm yourself, and thirdly give the body a supply of vitamins and trace elements.

Diet on dates: reviews

Maria:“I love dates and allow myself regularly, but in small quantities. In principle, their sweetness is so great that you cannot eat more than 4-5 pieces at a time. I eat dates with tea, drinking a large amount of liquid. I recommend combining fruits with pure natural large -leaf green tea to get more benefit and easily digest dates. ”

Marina:“For me, dates are a quick and healthy snack. I allow it from time to time when I feel a strong urge to something sweet. I try not to combine fruits with the main meal so as not to get extra calories. The dates “leave” well with coffee or tea, even with ordinary water. ”

Vilina:“I tried a fasting day on the water and 200 g. Dates. I must say right away that it was a difficult day, especially in the evening. Yes, the feeling of hunger is dulled effectively, but then it arises with renewed vigor. But, having survived this day, I felt the relief for the next: the body became light, mind clean, the intestines are free. ”

How do dates help to lose weight?

Why are dried dates useful in sports, bodybuilding?

Many athletes and people involved in bodybuilding know that dates are food that can simultaneously give the necessary supply of energy and satiety. There are dates immediately by active physical activity to restore strength and activity.

Important: it is important not to eat too many dates, a handful of 100 g will be more than enough. Dip dinis should be a large amount of water or herbal tea. The dates will give the body vitamins and trace elements.

Is it possible to recover from the darkens of the dried?

Using only one dried dates and water is definitely impossible to recover. That is why fasting days on dates are so useful. Nevertheless, the dates are too high -calorie to eat them without restrictions with another food.

Dates cannot be combined:

  • With cereals
  • With bread and baking
  • With sugar and sweets
  • With meat
  • With pasta
  • With fat cottage cheese and sour cream
  • With butter

It is best to combine dates:

  • With other dried fruits
  • With fresh fruits
  • With fresh vegetables
  • With low -fat dairy and sour -milk products

Dates in sports: do you need to eat them before training or after?

A dates is a very useful food product for athletes, both before physical exertion and after. The fact is that eating dates before training, you get a carbohydrate supply that allows you to work actively, quickly and strongly. At the same time, after training, a portion of dates will be able to nourish the body with potassium, necessary for muscles, magnesium soft tissues, phosphorus of the ligament and bone, as well as other beneficial substances.

Dates: calorie content of 100 g and 1 piece

If 100 g of dates contains up to 280-300 kcal, then in one dates (a large fruit weighs approximately 8-10 g) there is 24-30 kcal.

Video: "Diet on the dates: banana-finic smoothies"

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Comments K. article

  1. I sometimes allow myself dates to eat, but I think the weight is generally gained from uncontrolled appetite. It's time to run to the pharmacy for a modeling form, just for my age I saw thirty plus sold, which, thanks to the psillium, will just allow me to eat less, as well as cleanse me!

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