Feihoa - benefits, contraindications: what is it, how to choose, how to save longer?

Feihoa - benefits, contraindications: what is it, how to choose, how to save longer?

From this article you will learn what Feijoa is the berry.

What is Feihoa? Why is this fruit useful and harmful? How is it eaten? We will answer all questions in this article.

What is Feihoa?

Faikhoa tree

Feihoa - This is an oblong fruit of green color, up to 7 cm in diameter. Weighs close 100 g each berry. The ripened fruit does not change the color, but it becomes juicy with a small sourness, it tastes something between pineapple and strawberries. They eat the whole fruit with a skin in which there are a lot of vitamins and minerals. Faikhoa matures in October - November.

Feihoa plant - An evergreen tree of a shrub, up to 4 m high, was first opened in South America. Now these shrubs have spread everywhere, mainly in subtropics, where the winter temperature is not lower than -10̊c. In the tropics, the plant grows poorly. They collect Feihoa fruits a little unripe, they keep up with very quickly, and after 1-2 weeks they already deteriorate.

Why is Faikhoa's berry useful?

Faikhoa fruits on a tree

Feihoa contains:

  • Vitamins C, PP and Group B
  • A large amount of iodine (8-35 mg per 100 g of product), even more than in seafood
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • A few proteins and fats

Feihoa is useful in the following diseases and painful conditions:

  • Thyroid diseases (hypothyroidism)
  • Strong mental stress
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • Gout
  • Some kidney diseases (pyelonephritis)

Contraindications for Feihoa use

There are times when there is Feihoa completely impossible or it needs to be limited:

  • Thyroid disease - hyperthyroidism
  • Allergy to Feihoa
  • With caution and in small quantities with obesity and diabetes.
  • A small number - to small children

It must be remembered that in the case of Feihoa there may be an overdose, and then the following unpleasant points may appear:

  • Restless nervous or overly depressed condition
  • Raising body temperature
  • Frequent heartbeat
  • Sharp uplift or decline in performance

Attention. If your body does not have enough iodine, then you can eat 3-5 pieces of face a day, but if there is no such problem, then adults are 2 pieces of large fruits, a child-1 piece.

How to choose Feihoa?

Ripe fruits of Feihoa

We all know that the most delicious fruit when he ripened on a tree, the same applies to Feihoa. To choose the ripe quality fruits of Feihoa, you need to know the following:

  • In a ripe fruit, the surface is rough, matte, in the unfinished - brilliant and smooth, in ripe berries may be no different from ripe, so if you are going to buy, ask the seller to cut one copy.
  • The ripe fruits of Feihoa have a dark green even color, unfinished-dark green with bright green spots, overripe-on a dark green background darker spots (but this does not always happen).
  • Feijoa’s ripe berries are collected when they fell to the ground, if when buying you see fruits with fruitwheels, it means that they were disrupted by unmarried.
  • The well -matured Feihoa fruit is transparent, the unripe - white, overripe - brownish.
  • Do not chase the large fruits of Feihoa, they can also be unimportant: the size depends on the variety.
  • Feijoa matured fruit becomes juicy and has a small sourness.

How to save Feihoa longer?

Fresh -free puree from Feihoa

Since Feihoa berries can be stored in fresh forms for a little more than a week, and to enjoy, and even treated, this berry wants to harvest it for the future.

Freezing puree from Feihoa

In mashed potatoes from Feihoa, you need:

  • 1 kg of Feihoa
  • 1 kg of sugar


  1. From the washed and dried fruits of Feihoa, we cut the places where there were a flower and a tail, cut in half and quickly scroll in a meat grinder.
  2. Pour sugar, mix, immediately lay out in small jars with twisting lids, and put in the freezer.
  3. Puree can be made without sugar, and also put into banks.

Attention. The mashed potatoes must be chopped very quickly so that as many vitamins and iodine remains in it, and immediately, while it is still green, put in the freezer, if the puree has become brownish in color, then the time is lost.
We put the puree in small jars so that you can use it at a time, defrost, and then you can’t freeze it again - there will be nothing valuable.

So, we met a closer to Feijoa's wonderful berry.

Video: Feihoa. Good morning. First channel

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