Peckal beans: benefits and harm. Podchki beans: energy and nutritional value, vitamins, calorie content per 100 grams

Peckal beans: benefits and harm. Podchki beans: energy and nutritional value, vitamins, calorie content per 100 grams

In the article about what patch beans is, than it is useful and how it promotes weight loss.

The beans have been a valuable plant for humans since the ancient world. For example, the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used powder made from it. It is known that later the Aztecs ate it.

In Europe, the plant first took root decorative, after evaluated its taste and nutritious properties. Moreover, they eat not only the fruits of beans, but also its young pods. The latter are a source of many beneficial substances, contribute to weight loss and are used to prepare exquisite dishes.

What is a pitch beans, what is it called?

Once Italians occurred to the Italians that you can eat not only the fruits of beans, but also the pods, while they are soft, easily chewed. First, they began to eat unripe pods with ordinary white beans, later a new delicate variety became the achievement of selection. Its pods are different in color:

  • green
  • yellow
  • violet
Powder beans are of three colors.
Powder beans are of three colors.

Green and yellow pods are similar in their taste and food qualities.

The patch beans is called:

  • parge
  • french
  • sugar (due to a sweeten, delicate taste)
  • oil (such a "nickname" was fixed for the yellow beans due to the fact that it literally melts in the mouth)
Green patch beans are called French or asparagus.
Green patch beans are called French or asparagus.

The leaders in the export of useful product are Asian countries: China, India and Indonesia, as well as Turkey. It consumes it as much as Benilyux and France. Today the product takes root in the kitchens of Eastern Europe.

Podchki beans: energy and nutritional value. What are the vitamins in the patch beans? How many calories in the beans are patching per 100 grams?

If the white beans contains vegetable protein in large quantities, it is slightly smaller in the patch. But there are much more vitamins and other beneficial substances.

The composition of the nutrients (per 100 g) for the product is as follows:

  • proteins - 2.5 g
  • fat - 0.5 g
  • carbohydrates - 3 g
  • organic acid - 0.1 g
  • starch - 0.6 g
  • fiber - up to 1 g
  • ash - up to 2 g
  • water - more than 90 g

Important: properties that are harmful to the human body, in the patch beans, you still need to look for. But one of them - green pods contain lectins that can cause carbohydrate agglutination

Podchki beans - a storehouse of plant protein.
Podchki beans - a storehouse of plant protein.

The vitamin-mineral composition of asparagus beans is very diverse. The product contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP
  • b vitamins
  • iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus

Important: there is no cholesterol in the patching beans

The energy value of French beans is 30 kcal per 100 g.

The pitch beans are low -calorie.
The pitch beans are low -calorie.

What is the useful patch beans for the human body?

Of course, no food can be considered a medicine for diabetes. But it is recommended to use patch beans for the prevention of the disease and to improve the condition of patients, as it helps to reduce the level:

  • sahara
  • cholesterol

Using asparagus beans, a person also saturates the body with vitamins, due to:

  • increases its resistance
  • stabilizes all the processes in it
  • strengthens immunity
  • increases stress resistance and performance

Sulfur and iron that are part of the patch beans help to fight bacterial and viral infections. Doctors even say that it would be nice to cook dishes from it during seasonal outbreaks of influenza and SARS.

Powder beans for the cardiovascular system are useful. She is eaten for:

  • strengthening the heart muscle
  • normalization of heart rhythm
  • prevention of atherosclerosis
  • prevention of anemia (copper and iron increase hemoglobin)

Fiber and ash in the composition of the product contribute to improving digestion.

The pitch beans are very useful, including for pregnant and nursing mothers.
The pitch beans are very useful, including for pregnant and nursing mothers.

In addition, the patch beans is useful for:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis)
  • kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis)
  • violations of the hormonal background
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis)
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatism)
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of men and women
  • skin diseases

Important: people who use patch beans noticed that the condition of their skin, hair and nails improved significantly

A plant product containing antioxidants reduces the risk of cancer in humans, in particular, breast cancer.
Any negative consequences from the use of patch beans are very rare and then, if there is often it and many. This, for example, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
So, it is better to abandon its use for those who have acute diseases of the digestive system, stomach ulcer or gastritis. There are many dietary fibers in the product, and their digestion is complicated.
Very often, the question of the possibility of using beans in pods arises in pregnant women and nursing mom. They are scared by the fact that legumes can provoke bloating. But 150 g of a useful product with a high iron content 1-2 times a week will not only harm, but will be very useful.

VIDEO: Green bean. Fleet for the intestines and not only

Powder beans for weight loss

The pitch beans are non -core, it contains vegetable protein desired for building muscle tissue, complex carbohydrates, turning into pure energy and not deposited into fat, as well as fiber, on the digestion of which the human body spends a lot of effort. Isn't it an ideal dietary product?

Indeed, asparagus beans contributes to weight loss, if there is it correctly.

  1. You need to carefully combine it with the fats of the animal and plant origin. If oil, then olive, if the meat is beef. And best - chicken or turkey
  2. Combining asparagus beans with cereals or, especially, potatoes, is not recommended
  3. An ideal addition to the chicken beans is eggs, vegetables and greens, as well as low -fat cottage cheese and sour cream

If a person drops the weight on proper nutrition, he has no contraindications, he must necessarily include this useful product in his diet. Burning calories, cleansing the liver, and the whole organism, saturating, but not burdening, patch beans will improve the result of losing weight.

An example of a dietary dish is asparagus beans with sesame seeds.
An example of a dietary dish is asparagus beans with sesame seeds.

In addition, there is a three -day diet on the patch beans. Those who were sitting on it can boast of two or three kilograms dropped.

  1. On a diet, pods are eaten boiled, steamed or slightly released in olive oil
  2. Fat, flour, sweet synthetic in these three days do not eat
  3. Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime
  4. Be sure to drink the daily water rate - 3 liters

Breakfast options on a diet on a patching beans:

  • omlet of two egg proteins and 200 g of pods in olive oil
  • salad with beans in pods, sweet pepper and herbs seasoned with lemon juice
  • powder beans with sesame seeds and lemon juice

Lunch options:

  • boiled chicken, boiled asparagus beans, cabbage salad and carrots with lemon juice
  • star from patching beans with zucchini and tomato, boiled egg
  • boiled fish, steam beans with greens

Options of dinner:

  • beans with a green apple, kefir
  • casserole of bean with egg and cottage cheese
  • powder beans with sesame seeds and lemon juice

Important: on the third day of the diet, you can generally abandon additional products, boil 1.5 kg of bean pods, slightly salt them, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice and eat in 4-5 doses

VIDEO: Slimming beans Fresh green patch beans What is the benefit of it?

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  1. how informative !!!!

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