Are there any benefits for vacation to large parents and which ones? Additional vacation for large parents under the Labor Code: conditions, registration

Are there any benefits for vacation to large parents and which ones? Additional vacation for large parents under the Labor Code: conditions, registration

As a rule, different benefits are relying on large families. They relate to vacation. Let's find out what benefits can be obtained and how to make an additional vacation.

Russian legislation provides that each citizen has the right to leave. And if these are also large parents, then certain benefits apply to them. Although, such days are not provided to every employee. So are there any vacation benefits for large families and how are they provided? Let's find out.

Which family is considered many children when this status is lost?

Which family is considered many children?
Which family is considered many children?

First of all, it is worthwhile to figure out which family is considered large and what can contribute to the loss of this status. Unfortunately, there is no clear concept and criteria in the legislation. So the families are recognized as many children on an individual basis.

As a rule, families who raise three or more children under 18 or 14 years old are recognized. There are a lot from a number of circumstances:

  • It is important to know that little depends on blood kinship. The fact is that guarded children are also taken into account
  • These criteria are mainly used for areas where too low birth rate. If it is good, then the number of children can increase to 4-5
  • Sometimes for the child the status of “from a large family” can be preserved up to 23 years. This happens in the case of studying at a university in full -time, as well as during military service
  • If the family has three or more children, but they are from different marriages, then such a family will not be considered a large

It is also important to know that the status of a large family is removed after one of the following circumstances comes:

  • Achievement of 18 or 23 years
  • Death
  • Creating your own family, marriage
  • Divorce and section of children

Monitality can be confirmed by a special document provided by social protection authorities. To receive it, you need to contact the appropriate authority and provide all the necessary documents.

Are there vacation benefits for large families and which ones?

Vacation benefits for large families
Vacation benefits for large families

According to labor laws, some benefits are provided for large families and they differ little from other families:

  • There is no trial period if the family raises a child under 1.5 years old
  • If the family has a disabled child, then the employer is obliged to provide a reduced schedule on the basis of a parent's statement
  • Additionally, families with a disabled child are provided with 4 additional days off a month
  • If it is necessary to send on a business trip, mother or father, must be consented if they raise a child under 3 years old or disabled person
  • Plus to everything, when raising children under 12 years of age, parents are allowed to independently choose a convenient time for leave and notify the authorities in advance about this
Additional vacation
Additional vacation

Even for large parents, additional leave is provided. Although, not only large families are a criterion for its receipt. So, they can be provided:

  • Workers raising two or more children under 14 years of age
  • A single parent raising a child under 14 years old
  • An employee who has a disabled child up to 18 years

Features of the provision of additional leave to large parents

Additional vacation
Additional vacation

An employee who is a large parent or having a disabled child is entitled to additional leave. Its duration is 14 days. It can be provided on the following conditions:

  • Place of work, position, as well as wages are maintained
  • An additional period can be added to the main vacation or divided into parts
  • You can not transfer vacation from one reporting period to another

The management should satisfy such a petition, just remember that it is not obliged. Such an opportunity is provided only if this is spelled out in a collective agreement. So, in fact, the employer in this regard completely decides everything himself and can change the number of children and age.

The employer can do as he is allowed - for example, material support for families, the organization of leisure.

If the employee decides to take vacation without detention, and his absence for more than two weeks will affect production, then the employer may refuse and the decision is not subject to disputing.

How to issue additional leave: rules, instructions, features

How to make an additional vacation?
How to make an additional vacation?

So, if a large employee wants to receive unpaid leave outside the schedule, then the application is first submitted. Its sample looks something like this:

Sample application
Sample application

It must be indicated:

  • Personal data of the employee - name and position, as well as a service number if there is
  • The type and duration of rest is indicated
  • The grounds on which the employer must provide extra time to relax are prescribed
  • The list of applications (documents) is indicated

The last point may not be very clear. In fact, in this case, it means that it is necessary to provide documents that confirm the right to receive such leave:

  • Birth certificate or adoption
  • Certificate of accommodation of children with the employee
  • Conclusion on the disability of the child if necessary
  • Certificate that the second spouse was not provided with additional leave

The last document can be replaced with a certificate from the employment center confirming that the second parent has not yet a permanent place of work. Or the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur is attached. The latter deprives the parent of the right to receive additional leave. All this is transferred to the personnel service.

After that, the application is transferred to the manager for signature. If he agrees to this, then he needs to put his signature, and copies of documents are attached to the employee’s personal file.

Be sure to draw up an order that the employee is allowed to go on vacation, as well as the date of return to work. If vacation pay is paid, then the order also prescribes how much the employee will be transferred. The latter must familiarize himself with him under the painting.

How are vacation pay for additional families to large families calculated?

Calculation of vacation pay
Calculation of vacation pay

If the employer pays for additional leave, then his calculation will be standard:

  • First, the calculated period is determined. This is usually 12 months, with the exception of vacations and sick leave
  • Next, the average earnings are calculated along with the prizes
  • The average daily earnings are calculated
  • Vacation are determined and accrued
  • Are transferred to the bank to the employee's account

The transfer of funds is carried out three days before leaving on vacation, and its date is determined according to the vacation schedule. If it changes or is adjusted, then the order of the leadership is taken into account, according to which changes have been made.

Having concluded from all of the above, we can say that the law has no clear concept of large families, as well as the criteria for its definition. But, according to the law, additional leave may be provided at the discretion of the employer, but not more than 14 days. This possibility is recorded in a collective agreement. If this is not, then the manager will not be able to challenge the refusal. So when applying for work, you always need to carefully study the documents for the availability of appropriate points.

Video: Expert opinion. The right to leave to many families at a convenient time

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