Are there mosquitoes in Cyprus in May, June, July, August, September?

Are there mosquitoes in Cyprus in May, June, July, August, September?

When are there mosquitoes in Cyprus?

Many are interested in whether there are mosquitoes in Cyprus, because there are a lot of legends about these insects. There is an opinion that mosquitoes are full of mosquitoes, but there is an opposite point of view that they are not there at all. In this article we will tell in detail whether there are mosquitoes in Cyprus, and how dangerous they are for people.

Are there mosquitoes in Cyprus in May, June, July, August, September?

It is worth noting that this resort place is characterized by high humidity and temperature. This is an ideal place for the development, growth and spread of mosquitoes. Accordingly, in this corner of the planet there are a huge number of them. But do not be afraid to go to Cyprus because of insects. Please note that here insects differ significantly from our domestic relatives with their own characteristics. The fact is that they fly much less noisy and fly up to a person almost invisibly. Our domestic mosquitoes are very buzzing and intrusively fly, sit on skin or clothes. In Cyprus, the peak of mosquitoes is observed in April and in May, as well as in September-October.

In the remaining time frames there are few of them. Of course, the number of insects depends on the weather and on a particular area. Accordingly, in dry areas where there are a small number of water bodies, there are no lakes, mosquitoes are a small amount. It is also worth considering the area in which you are. Because near the reservoir there is always a decent number of mosquitoes. Pay attention to the weather. Usually mosquitoes fly when there is practically no wind, hot and wet weather is worth.

Mosquitoes in Cyprus
Mosquitoes in Cyprus

In the windy time of the day there are practically no mosquitoes. It is worth noting that mosquitoes in Cyprus are smaller than ours. They are practically not buzzing, but they are stinging painfully enough. You can escape from these insects using standard substances, which are called repellents and scare away bloodsuckers thanks to the smell.

To this end, you can use clove essential oil or a standard mixture of vinegar, sunflower oil, and any shampoo in equal quantities. Such a mixture stains clothes, respectively, during the period when a huge number of mosquitoes fly, it is better to wear clothes that are not sorry.


When to go to Cyprus so that there are no mosquitoes?

It is also worth considering the hotel in which you live. If it is located in the area near which the lakes are located, as well as high grass, there is a chance that mosquitoes will be overcome. It is worth giving preference to asphalt, concrete sites or short -cut lawns. Although it is they who are the seedlings of mosquitoes, if the grass is high.

Of course, it is impossible to plan your trip, focusing on mosquitoes. Because even in a month, when there are a very small amount, that is, in August and July, you can still get to the weather, which will contribute to the reproduction and huge number of bloodsuckers.

Mosquitoes protection
Mosquitoes protection

In order not to be upset and not spend your strength to fight mosquitoes, it is better to take care of special means in advance. We advise you to take with you special sprays, ointments, lotions that are applied to the body and contribute to scaring mosquitoes. The most sensitive to bites are children who sweat a lot. This is due to the fact that children have very thin skin, it is easily bitten. Accordingly, mosquitoes do not have to apply a lot of effort in order to get enough. Remember that they basically bite females, males do not bite.

Planning to focus on certain months, in which there are no mosquitoes, is not worth it. Because even in those periods when there are few mosquitoes, you can get to the inappropriate weather. It can contribute to their reproduction and distribution. We advise you to safe, make vaccinations from dangerous ailments that carry mosquitoes in Cyprus.


It will also not be superfluous to take with them anti-allergic drugs that will contribute to absorption of redness and a decrease in itching, if insects are still bitten by you.

Video: mosquitoes in Cyprus

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Comments K. article

  1. On any trip, I take with me a funds from itching after a bite of mosquitoes. Most like Azudol. I apply it with a thin layer to the place of the bite - the skin quickly stops itching.

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