If there is no father, what kind of patronymic gives the child, so as not to regret it later: what the law says, what society thinks about this, reviews

If there is no father, what kind of patronymic gives the child, so as not to regret it later: what the law says, what society thinks about this, reviews

If there is no father, what kind of patronymic will the baby have? Look for the answer to this question in the article.

Often there are situations when the father of the child is unknown. Or the child is born after the divorce. In this case, not every mother wants to leave a reminder of the former lover in the form of a middle name. However, a fairly large number of women decide to raise a child on their own under such circumstances.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Does the Americans have a middle name?".

How is the middle name give a child if his father is unknown? And what kind of patronymic will the illegitimate son or daughter have? Look for the answer to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

How is the middle name give a child if his father is unknown: what does the law say?

Patronymic to a child, if his father is unknown, a mother can give any
Patronymic to a child, if his father is unknown, a mother can give any

Experts believe that an unmarried woman has the right to give a child any patronymic at will. Therefore, the father can be fictional. This applies full name. 20 years ago, in count "Father" Some children had a dash. But this option cannot be called successful. Indeed, in this case, all subsequent lives to a person will arise questions. That is why it makes sense to mention in count "Father" Even a fictional man. How is the middle name give a child if his father is unknown? What does the law say?

  • You should go to MARRIAGE REGISTRY And get a certificate of changing information about the child's father. Mother must write an appropriate application.
  • The law also does not prohibit single mothers to use their name as a middle name. However, this option cannot be called good. After all, a man with a middle name Elenovich or Natalievich will be an object for jokes.
  • Also according to Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-ФЗ "On Acts of Civil Status", Unmarried women can indicate absolutely any male person as a child’s father in a special column, according to the mutual desire of the parties.
  • There are often cases when patronymics are given and named after Grandfather's Child. Some women believe that this is much better than giving a son or daughter a middle name of a fictional character.

As for the name of the child in this case, the law allows the use of the name of the mother. If a woman is not married to the biological father of the child, she has every right not to bring a real father to the metric.

What middle name can an unmarried woman to her child, if there is no father?

As mentioned above, there are several options, what a married woman who endured and gave birth to a child can do. The law provides for the introduction of her child’s data, if there is no father, at her request. What patronymic, by the law, can a mother give her child in this case? Here are a few options:

  • To come up with a child from a patronymic based on any male name you like
  • Put a dash in the column "Father"
  • Write down the baby on any male face (even for grandfather)
  • Make a maturity (a derivative of a middle name on your own behalf)

Of course, not all these options are equally appropriate. It should be remembered that a person will then have to live with this patronymic. Read further.

What patronymic to give a child born without a father, so as not to regret it later?

This issue should be approached seriously. If the gap with the biological father of the child is final, and the man is not going to participate in the fate of his child, then it makes no sense to give the child a real middle name. The exception is cases when a lonely woman still loves the biological father of the child and wants his name to appear in the birth certificate. In all other cases, it is more reasonable to choose an alternative. But not everyone. What patronymic to give a child born without a father, so as not to regret it later?

  • A good option is a middle name from a male name of a relative. Thus, the middle name displays the roots of the child.
  • If a child grows without a father in a mother’s family, an example of a man for him may not be a stepfather, but a grandfather. That is why, it makes sense to give the child a middle name on behalf of his grandfather or other blood relative.
  • If a woman immediately has a new man, and at the same time the child is born from previous relationships, then you can record it in the name of the stepfather (if desired of the latter).

Many women decide to give a sailor. What does it mean, read on.

Patronymic of a child in a mother: what is a sailor, what society thinks about this, reviews

The child has a middle name in the mother
The child has a middle name in the mother

Giving birth to a child without a husband or a permanent roommate, the woman understands that in this case all the responsibilities of raising a child and all the concerns about him fall on her shoulders. That is why some single mothers decide to give the child a middle name in the mother-Matronym. What it is? This is a derivative of her mother. It looks atypical enough. What does society think about this?

  • Giving a maturity or a sailor (that is, your female name as a middle name) is quite creative, but not always successful.
  • On the one hand, modern society is quite tolerant.
  • On the other hand, the middle name of the person Larisovich or Tamarovich can raise questions. Therefore, it is better, all the same, so that the child wore a middle name from the male name.

It is worth noting that people's opinion about the Matronims are divided. Consider the results of a sociological study conducted among indigenous Muscovites. People were asked a question regarding whether the Matronym has a place as a phenomenon in modern life. Read the reviews.

Julia, 25 years old, translator

I see nothing funny or shameful in this. As for me, it is better to let Oksana Maryevna or son Nikolai Galinovich be a daughter, than children will grow in the family of a tyrant, walker or alcoholic. In the end, middle name is just a middle name. And they remember him only when it is necessary to fill out the documents. In the yard of the 21st century, so we must understand that women are independent and have the right to decide what patronymic to give a child if he is born without a husband.

Victor, 70 years old, pensioner

What other sailor? There was no such thing in our time. As for me, this is idiocy. If it so happened that a woman gives birth to a child out of marriage (which I do not support either) - then let him give him a middle name named one of the men of her family. There will be at least some memory of the ancestors. Honestly, I myself got into such a situation. That is why my grandson is Kirill Viktorovich. I am even pleased that I am a model of a man in the family for him. After all, the daughter after that never got married. They live with us with the boy. My second daughter is also a single mother. At one time, she wanted to give her son Matronym. But I asked her to regret the guy. Therefore, she took one of her favorite male names - Ilya, and wrote him in a birth certificate. But now I have a grandson - Vladimir Ilyich, just like Lenin.

Esania, 22 years old, manager

I myself gave birth without a husband. But she decided to leave the child as a memory of her first man. Only here is a sailor, as for me, this is already too much. Gave her daughter the middle name of her grandfather. After all, in fact, Oksana Dmitrievna - sounds very beautiful. And my father is pleased that I have not forgotten about him. By the way, I am grateful to him for his name - but it seems to me that Esania Dmitrievna sounds very clumsy. It’s just that my mother liked this name, and dad at one time did not protest.

As you can see, society still treats the sailors with restraint, with caution. Some believe that this phenomenon has a place to be. And some are confident in his uselessness. One way or another, the choice of patronymic for an illegitimate child is a personal choice of a woman.

Video: How to choose the right name, patronymic and surname to the child?

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