What to do if you are incompatible according to the signs of the zodiac? How to overcome the incompatibility of horoscopes?

What to do if you are incompatible according to the signs of the zodiac? How to overcome the incompatibility of horoscopes?

The signs of the zodiac are not always compatible with each other and if you and the partner are from “different worlds”, you will either have to part, or learn to live with it. In our article we will tell you how to overcome incompatibility and make relations happy.

It is believed that the signs of the zodiac play a very large role in relationships. If two signs are incompatible, then nothing good will work. In fact, this can be fixed. Astrologers are sure of this. To do this, you must clearly understand what exactly is needed in the relationship to each representative of a particular zodiac sign.

What to do if the zodiac signs are incompatible - how to fight?

The incompatibility of the zodiac signs
The incompatibility of the zodiac signs

The incompatibility of the zodiac signs can really be overcome and it is not very difficult to do. It is important to understand your partner and learn to live up to his expectations. It is worth noting that work on relationships is a joint occupation. If only someone is trying to establish everything, but the second anyway, then nothing will work out.

Incompatibility with Aries

Aries by nature is stubborn and you can fight this quality diplomatically. After all, no one says that you must implicitly fulfill all his requests and accept his opinion exclusively. Learn to be tactful of debate and in no case try to win by force. If you are not very decisive, then at first it will be difficult for you to cope with the habit of this sign to act with lightning speed. He must take the first steps, and the last word should be yours.

Incompatibility with Taurus

If you decide to start a relationship with Taurus, then you may not like the leisureness of the representatives of this sign. Despite the fact that they are never in a hurry, they manage everywhere. The best way to overcome this is to create a look that you are in no hurry, and at the same time prepare a delicious dinner. It is much easier to convince Taurus when he is well -fed.

Remember that it is not worth provoking his jealousy, because they lose their common sense and can break firewood.

Incompatibility with twins

Incompatibility with twins
Incompatibility with twins

Gemini very often inflated themselves with inconstancy. Their plans can change several times a day, as well as the mood. At the same time, they are not even against experimenting with spontaneity.

If you have difficulties with Gemini, then throw all planning and deal with relevant things. Live several days without a special schedule and expand your horizons. Gemini are able to forgive their partner all the shortcomings if he has good intellect and mind.

Incompatibility with cancer

Crayfish are characterized by emotionality and impressionability and living with them can be very difficult. You must respect the secrets of this representative and sometimes leave him alone. No need to break into his soul, even with good intentions.

If you suspected that your beloved is hiding something from you, then you should not blame him for deception. The faster the cancer feels that you can really trust you and you are reliable, the faster it will share your experiences. Crayfish are vulnerable and always hide their emotions from others so that they are not evaluated.

Incompatibility with Leo

Lions are very fond of when they pay attention to them. Lions are self -centered and narcissistic. Do not try to return the lion from heaven to earth, and in order to counteract, you should resort to small flattery.

Try to win at least a little love from him. He loves himself so much that he can not notice anything around. But what really requires control is your finances. Lions are big lovers of expensive things and can often lower all the money for shopping.

Incompatibility with the virgin

Incompatibility with the virgin
Incompatibility with the virgin

Virgins are characterized by practicality and rationality, but sometimes they like to be convinced of life circumstances. It will already be difficult to keep them from discontent. Even if you see that the Virgin embelles the situation, then do not argue too much. She is so experienced in criticism that it can easily break all your arguments.

Representatives of this sign do not have enough sympathy and understanding. You must convince the Virgin that you agree with what she says, support her and always help. You may be surprised, but in this case the virgin itself will become calm and hardworking.

Incompatibility with scales

The scales are too indecisive, which interferes with themselves. In this case, you should always view all available options and choose the one that will take into account the interests of both parties. Libra often forget that they can also have their own opinion. If you try to influence them with constructive criticism, then it will be extremely difficult. If you are already tired of thinking about what to do, then do as you think it is necessary. Of course, this is a great risk, but most often the scales remain grateful for your determination.

Incompatibility with scorpions

Scorpions are fantastically smart and they intuitively calculate the weaknesses of all people. If you want your relationship to be harmonious, then never talk about what can hurt you the most. So Scorpio will lose the pleasure of hitting sick places. Do not worry that the world of Scorpio is often devoid of halftones. His views on life can often be pessimistic and therefore he often reaches for those who can give him a mood for positive.

Sagittarius incompatibility

Sagittarius incompatibility
Sagittarius incompatibility

Sagittarius are indifferent and careless, and therefore they can calmly infuriate a representative of systematicity. Be prepared to wake him up in the morning, as well as monitor the payment of bills. But it is Sagittarius that is indispensable in matters when a positive feeding is urgently required. It is quite easy to get along with representatives of this sign - the whole routine should be on you, and it must collect exclusively positive.

Capricorn incompatibility

Capricorns are characterized by practicality and mundane looks, and therefore it makes no sense to expect romance and manifestations of unearthly love from them. You may have to do all this yourself. Capricorn is able to teach to overcome any obstacles and achieve goals. Purposefulness to representatives of the sign cannot be occupied, and therefore do not complain that he does not give you flowers on the anniversary. Most likely, Capricorn will make you an offer.

Incompatibility with Aquarius

Aquarians are quickly fond of something new and often do not really like the representatives of other zodiac signs. They themselves do not always understand that others do not like the manifestation of a strong love for experiments. If you want to be in good relations with Aquarius, then give up any criticism of him. The relationship depends on you. You will have to come thoroughly to solving all problems, but it is Aquarius that will show you a lot of unusual in everyday life.

Incompatibility with fish

Incompatibility with fish
Incompatibility with fish

Fish can always see the true motives in your behavior, even if you carefully hide them. They differ in that their intuition is well developed and they understand a lot about psychology. Often their insight is unpleasant, but it is impossible without it. No one except fish can help you figure it out.

Fish do not have a business grip and therefore you will have to solve serious things. But they can better support you in a difficult situation, when everything rational is useless.

How to establish relations with a partner if you are incompatible according to the horoscope: Astrologer advice

Many do not understand what astrological incompatibility is, and some believe that this is complete nonsense. But, as practice shows, people incompatible in the sign of the zodiac can be happy, but not for long, because when the first problems appear, they cannot cope with them.

We will tell you how to overcome all the difficulties, but you must understand that both partners should adhere to such behavior. Otherwise, nothing will work out, because sooner or later try to do something without a result, it will definitely get tired. When the hands drop, the relationship will finally collapse.

Find out your partner

Know the partner
Know the partner

This is the most important advice. You must take into account your incompatibility and try not to do anything that will annoy your partner. That is, you should be seriously puzzled by this issue and study the complete description of your zodiac and partner sign.

For example, twins simply infuriate when their things are touched. For you, this may be a trifle, but representatives of this sign can arrange a scandal and be very much offended by you. So why provoke scandals? Better just do not touch anything.

At first, it may seem to you that people are not used to each other, but when this happens constantly, doubts are already creeping.

And it is enough for you to just learn to respect someone else's personal space and things, even if it is just a check of pockets before washing or a phone.

Remember the priorities

It is indisputable if you are a very curious person and you want to figure out what is happening in your partner’s life, it will be very difficult. The main thing is to put priorities correctly. That is, you will have to choose. If you want to maintain relationships and not quarrel, then you need to keep silent. Otherwise, satisfy your minute curiosity, but the consequences will not be long in coming.

If the relationship is still more important to you, then learn to adapt to your beloved. There is nothing terrible and humiliating in this. When two live together, in some way they are still adjusted. It’s only easy to cope with this, and for someone it is extremely difficult for someone and you have to internally step through their principles and views.

Compatibility horoscope
Compatibility horoscope

Agree, it is much easier to accept that your partner is another person and can do something else than to convince himself that he is mocking. Thus, to reconcile with a lack is easier and therefore there are fewer reasons for clashes.

For example, you are not too emotional and are not used to splating out everything at once. And your partner is the exact opposite and exploding, he can immediately forget about it. You have accumulated resentment for a long time and one day express all the claims. And he already forgot to think about it. So if you had a fight and after some time it will be reduced to the head of it, then you will have new problems.

Everyone reacts to problems in different ways. It is especially difficult to show one reaction to representatives of different elements. Of course, fire and air, water and earth are still somehow compatible, but fire and water are far from each other.

But for this, astrology was invented. It allows you to not only receive information, but also help to solve the problems that have arisen.

You must learn to give in to trifles, then you will be prose to insist on your own in the main thing. That's just this is called the correct arrangement of priorities.

Do nice things

Make pleasant
Make pleasant

When you understand what annoys your loved one, it is worth understanding what he likes the most. At first, when relations are still developing, everyone is ready to be content with small and acting their principles. After all, the main thing for lovers is that the second half is nearby, but over time the situation becomes different.

And here it is necessary to lead the relationship to ensure that a person is attached not only spiritually and physically, but also rationally.

For example, you are used to saving, and your partner is very generous and loves gifts. In this case, it is worth a little to do your principles and show attention, having reinforced the relationship with gifts. In addition, it is not necessary for the gift to be expensive. Attention itself is important.

If you manage to perform even small whims that your half does not even speak out loud about, then be sure that she will feel that you think the same with her and appreciate it. Inner comfort has always been and remains important to people, and it costs a lot and is therefore greatly appreciated.

If a person’s horoscope claims that your beloved creative person and he wants to become famous, and he works as a simple manager, then you should change something. For example, in his free time he creates paintings. Or writes stories. Or even gathering puzzles. So why not arrange an exhibition for him? Or arrange a literary evening?

Just do not do it all openly. Your beloved should not guess anything. Glory to him should be sudden.

If you are touching with your partner, then he will feel your love and support. But only for a hobby he can spend a lot of time and forget about you. But you will not be offended, right?

Know how not only to speak, but also to listen

Know how to listen
Know how to listen

This is the most common reason for parting. When partners do not know how to listen and hear each other, it is very sad. This is due to the fact that each zodiac sign gives and accepts information in its own way.

Some speak quickly, but do not understand anything at all when a partner speaks out. Some say a lot and beautifully, more often not in business, it is easier for someone to accept information gradually, but there are those who are constantly looking for a hidden meaning. Hence the dialogue does not develop, because the features of each other are not taken into account.

So, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus cannot perceive too emotional speech with waving their hands. They get tired of this and go into their own thoughts. For such people, it is easier when all claims are painted on points on a sheet. To that de, you should not talk quickly, if you are going to leave, there will be no sense in this.

Emotional lions are simply enraged by moralizing and advice. They can be forced to do something only through the game. They can quit their bad habits not because they are bad, but if you offer to do it on a dispute. At the same time, they instantly absorb the information received, which can be useful and do not have to speak several times.

Tips for astrologers
Tips for astrologers

One more interesting example can be given. When you came home from work and tell Scorpio that your colleague did something unique and how well done he is. And the partner only hears which colleague wonderful, beautiful, as you liked him, as a result of the scandal, cannot be avoided.

You seemed to say nothing bad - you were pleased with someone else's success, and my beloved heard not at all what was needed, he thought up and flared up as a result. So be always careful and try to select expressions so that then there are no problems.


Learn to analyze
Learn to analyze

Even if two people were born under one zodiac sign, they can differ much. In general, of course, it is important to take into account not only the sign, but also other features - the date of birth, the planet, the oriental horoscope and so on. That is, all details are important.

So ideally it would be worth making a natal chart and already relying on it. This can be not only with the help of professionals, but also on their own.

A similar approach is able to make any relationship ideal and find out when the beloved will have difficult periods to know that he will need increased attention. Thanks to your sensitivity, you will have fewer reasons for a collision. Your beloved will think that you are ideal and relationships will not be the most measured, but there will definitely not be big scandals.

If you overcome difficulties together, then the couple will be very strong and reliable. Each zodiac sign solves problems in its own way and react to them. This is definitely worth considering and if you do not like the methods, then you should not retrain a person. He will do everything as he considers necessary.

Video: The most incompatible zodiac signs

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