Eat and do not get fat: a list of products that improve metabolism

Eat and do not get fat: a list of products that improve metabolism

In this article, we will consider products that improve metabolism and help not to gain extra pounds.

We all try to follow our weight and proper nutrition. And, of course, you need to take into account the calorie content of the dish or product. But it’s far from a secret that people with quick metabolism have a good figure. That is, food particles are processed faster than the reserve for the fatty layer are deposited. Therefore, it is so important to balance your nutrition and find out what products improve metabolism. What today we will talk about in this material.

List of products that improve metabolism

It is also worth noting that it is not enough just to eat foods that improve metabolism, you still need to monitor the quantity and frequency of food. It is the omissions of food that often cause a slowdown in metabolism, because the body is preparing to make stocks. It is also worthwhile to understand that techniques should be divided into 5-6 doses and small portions.

  • Let's start with the main source, which improves not only metabolism, but also helps to fight overweight, and indeed is responsible for all metabolic processes in the body - this water. Such a simple product with incredible importance will help not only lose weight and not gain extra pounds, but also increase the skin tone. True, you also need to drink it in moderation - 1 kg requires 30 ml of water. Therefore, everyone must individually conduct calculations.
  • The blow should be made on foods rich in fiber. And a special place is given to all -rezin cultures, namely oatmeal. Such porridge, however, without milk, activates the work of the intestines and the whole organism, improving the entire exchange process. It also normalizes the level of insulin and holds sugar balance. Although among other cereals this is the most high -calorie food of 374 kcal. Therefore, do not get carried away with sugar and other additives, even from dried fruits.
Products for good metabolism
Products for good metabolism
  • Broccoli - One of the important products that improves metabolism, and also has a magical effect on your digestion. Also, green and curly cabbage fights with heavy metals salts, prevents skin aging, prevents the body's slagging and removes toxins, as it contains many useful minerals. But with such a bouquet of important properties, the product has only 29 kcal.
  • Spinach It is famous for the burning of fat by 30%, and also significantly improves metabolism. But besides a large fiber content, as in any other greens, spinach has a lot of manganese. And therefore, it is necessary for the thyroid gland, our nerves and the brain, as well as the genitals and hormone of happiness.
  • For the thyroid gland, it is also necessary and sea cabbage Or algae, which still have a large percentage of iodine. After all, the proper work of the thyroid gland directly affects the metabolism. But it is dangerous to overdo it with the product, so eat for food no more than 3 times a week. After all, an excess of iodine negatively affects health, as well as its deficiency.
  • Sharp red pepper It is released by capsaicin. Namely, this substance increases and improves metabolism by as many as 25%. Moreover, you can eat not only fresh vegetable, but also bitter spices based on it. True, you should be neat with a dosage. After all, pepper activates the work of the heart, increasing the rhythm.
Burning pepper - an excellent metabolic stimulator
Burning pepper - an excellent metabolic stimulator
  • Green tea Not only improves metabolism, but also helps to burn complex fats. What did all nutritionists deserve such respect. Moreover, it can be safely drunk with a spoonful of honey, enhancing the beneficial properties of both products. Also, green tea reduces appetite and gives tone to the whole body, and not worse than coffee helps to wake up in the morning. Green tea removes harmful toxins and is the strongest antioxidant.
  • By the way, coffee There are also in nominations among products that improve metabolism. One cup of coffee is able to increase metabolism by 3-4%. Only you should not get involved in such a drink, because it also increases intestinal motility in large doses. And keep in mind that it is advisable to drink a natural freshly brewed product.
  • Among spices that improve metabolism, it is worth highlighting gingerwhich acts simply as a storehouse of useful elements for our body, currythat burns calories, tsikoria and cinnamon. The last product burns not only extra calories, but also the amount of sugar in the body, but also removes harmful toxins and gets rid of cholesterol. On average, these spices increase metabolism by 10%.
  • White meat It is considered dietary, because it has about 100 kcal. But the turkey and chicken are strengthening the work of metabolism, burn calories and participate in the construction of muscles. After all, the protein is digested much longer by the stomach, so the body needs more strength. But keep in mind that it comes to lean boiled or baked meat, which can improve metabolism by as much as 50%. By the way, it is better to exclude the skin from the diet, since these are excess fats.
Protein is necessary not only our muscles, but also to exchange processes
Protein is necessary not only our muscles, but also to exchange processes
  • Bob cultures such as red beans and soy, among their relatives are considered the most high -calorie products. In principle, they have considerable indicators even with another food - 328 and 392 kcal, respectively. But they enhance the metabolism. After all, resistant starch in their composition is practically not absorbed by the intestines, giving a long feeling of satiety. In addition, they have a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. And thanks to the last component, the fat is active.
  • Fish, also low -fat varieties, must be in the diet. And preferably more than once a week. It is it that helps to reduce the level of liptine, which enhances the metabolism. And this is the largest source of phosphorus, which establishes the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system.
  • AlmondAlthough it has as many as 620 kcal, in moderately, it perfectly enhances metabolism. Moreover, it helps to normalize the metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular system and improves vision.
  • All dairy products, especially low -fat, improve metabolism and intestinal function. And all because they have a high content of calcium. Also, dairy products are capable of generating calcitriol in the body, which inhibits processing and removes excess fat. On average, such food can improve metabolism by 70%.
For the normal operation of the digestive tract, sour -milk products are simply necessary
For the normal operation of the digestive tract, sour -milk products are simply necessary
  • Apples - This is just a storehouse of useful minerals from our edges. No wonder they say that a day you need to eat at least one apple. And even better - in the morning and on an empty stomach. You not only activate the work of the intestines, but also get a charge of energy for the whole day, as well as increase metabolism.
  • SauerkrautAlthough a little heavy for the stomach, it is necessary for metabolism. Therefore, it is so important not to overeat this product. Due to the fermentation process in the intestine itself, it emits lactic acid, which neutralizes harmful bacteria, normalizes microflora and increases immunity.
  • Product with almost zero calorie content or celery. Only 16 kcal falls into 100 g of the product. It is impossible to describe all useful sides, but its main merit is burning fats, an improvement in metabolism and well saturation of the body.
  • Berriesrich in various vitamins, especially group C, antioxidants and fiber. And it is simply indispensable for good metabolism. Moreover, they do not stand out with calorie content.
  • Chocolate, Especially black, which has a considerable number of calories in 550 kcal, enhances metabolism. And all because it has magnesium, which helps to maintain the proper level of glucose. In addition, this is still a good physical and emotional charging. But do not get involved in its large number.
  • Grapefruit and other citrus fruits Fruits also help improve metabolism. They have not only vitamin C, but also a huge set of various vitamins, trace elements, fruit acids and fiber. Therefore, they, in general, favorably affect the digestive system, and essential oils help to cheer up.
  • And another orange product, or rather the vegetable - pumpkin. It normalizes metabolism, fights obesity, and also improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. In addition, it establishes the dream and work of the nervous system. And most importantly-saves the cardiovascular system from harmful lipids.
Follow not only food, but also the regime
Follow not only food, but also the regime

Important: you need to not only include foods in your diet, which improve metabolism, but also exclude harmful food. Yes, it is your favorite hamburgers, free or chips. They are not only madly calorie, but even dangerous for the body. In addition, alcohol is able to disrupt metabolism. Therefore, it is allowed only in limited quantities.

Of course, you should not abandon other useful products at all. Even for losing weight. Just observe the balance in your diet, walk in the fresh air more and do not forget to play sports. And also take at least 7 hours to sleep. After all, all this works in a complex to improve its metabolism.

Video: What products improve metabolism?

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  1. I am also one of those who love to eat)) Therefore, I have chosen an increase in physical loads for myself ... but diets are not for me))+I also accept the means for the energy of more effective fat-burning-carnitine sport expert and caffeine .. Process of losing weight it goes well))

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