Endometritis and endometriosis, adenomyosis: What is the difference and similarities?

Endometritis and endometriosis, adenomyosis: What is the difference and similarities?

Differences and similarities between endometritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis.

Endometritis and endometriosis, despite the consonance of names, are completely different diseases of the female reproductive system. In this article we will consider similar, as well as various features of these ailments than they are characterized.

Concepts and description of endometritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis

Endometry - This is a thin layer that is inside the uterus. Throughout the cycle, that is, about a month, it undergoes a number of transformations. During menstruation, the endometrium departs from the walls and leaves the uterus with blood. After menstruation, a new layer grows, which during ovulation becomes quite dense and thick. This kind of seal of the endometrium occurs due to the readiness of the woman to become a mother. It is on this prepared soft layer that a fertilized egg is implanted. In case of problems in the body, the female reproductive system fails, so the endometrium may not leave either to grow, or to completely grow outside the uterus.

Germination of endometrial cells into other organs, as well as in layers inside the uterus is called endometriosis. The disease is quite complex and unpleasant, as it causes infertility. Due to the growth of such fabric in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, a woman can diagnose infertility. It is not clear to the end for what reason this ailment arises. The fact is that scientists put forward several hypotheses, but so far none of them are fully proven. Some experts believe that during menstruation, the endometrium cells leave the uterus, but part of the blood is thrown into the abdominal cavity, where the endometrium cells germinate in other tissues and organs.


Thus, neoplasms are observed in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, as well as the bladder. It is difficult to treat the disease, mainly practice laparoscopy, as well as surgical intervention, during which the affected areas are cut off.

If the endometrium spreads only inside the uterus, turning into deep layers, it is called adenomyosis. Typically, at the initial stage, the germination of endometrial cells in myometrium is diagnosed. That's what it is adenomyosis - A type of endometriosis, but presented only in the uterus. There is no endometrium outside its borders. Typically, with adenomyosis, hysteroscopy is performed, that is, point removal of nodes inside the uterus using a probe with a camera.

Endometriosis is treated using surgical intervention, hormonal therapy, during which estrogen is blocked. A larger number of progestins are introduced that contribute to the separation and elimination of the endometrium from the uterus.


Endometritis It is an inflammatory disease of the thin layer of the uterus, most often occurs due to ascending infection. Typically, a woman is infected with some kind of sexually sexually transmitted infection. Thanks to this, through the vagina, pathogenic microorganisms enter the uterus and multiply there. Because of this, inflammation occurs inside. The disease can manifest itself both in acute and in chronic form. It is often accompanied by temperature, an increase in the uterus, pain in the abdomen, as well as discharge of various nature, which depend on the pathogen.

In a chronic form, the disease can occur for a long time, and not always with pronounced symptoms. The temperature and general malaise are observed only at the very beginning, not for long, that is, during its acute form. In a chronic form, only sometimes pain in the lower abdomen is observed, as well as the isolation of incomprehensible etiology.


Endometritis and endometriosis, adenomyosis: similarities

Similar features of endometritis and endometriosis:

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Infertility
  • Violation of reproductive function
  • Lumbar
  • General malaise

Differences between endometritis and endometriosis, adenomyosis


  • Endometritis is accompanied in an acute form with a high temperature. With endometriosis, there is no temperature.
  • Endometritis is characterized by constant secretions of gray, yellow or green, breakthrough intermenstrual bleeding are possible.
  • With endometriosis, it is very rarely observed from the vaginal of gray or yellow.
  • With adenomyosis and endometriosis, a daub is observed, which occurs immediately after menstruation and a few days before them. Thus, the endometrium cells gradually exfoliate, because of this, the daub appears.
  • Endometritis spreads only inside the uterus, endometriosis can be diagnosed outside it. Because the endometrium cells germinate both inside the uterus itself, into the deep layers of myometrium (adenomyosis), and outside, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal organs.
  • If you do not treat endometritis, there may be blood poisoning or even sepsis.

With endometriosis, women can live for a long time and not know about its existence. Because in the first stages, the disease proceeds almost asymptomatic. At the very beginning of the endometrium cells, only inside the uterus itself and cause very weak symptoms that can be characterized by aching lower back pain during menstruation, as well as daughters for several days after menstruation. Endometritis most often proceeds very brightly. It is difficult not to notice it, often a woman with malaise is taken away by ambulance to the hospital.

Methods of treating diseases are significantly different. Endometriosis is treated with hormonal therapy, as well as surgical intervention. Endometritis is treated using antibiotics that are chosen depending on the pathogen. In severe cases, special solutions are administered into the uterine cavity in order to kill pathogenic microorganisms.

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Endometritis and endometriosis, adenomyosis are diseases of the female reproductive system, which are characterized by different symptoms, as well as treatment methods. These ailments are quite dangerous and require immediate consultation, treatment by a specialist.

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  1. I came across endometriosis. So you do not feel it, but when the menstruation begins, hung in pain. He was treated with hormones, thank God managed to get rid of him. And now, to maintain women's health, I accept Indol Forte and decoctions on the Borovaya uterus. It is thanks to this that the disease does not return)) all the same prevention and really cannot be neglected ...

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