The sagging of the skin of the abdomen and legs: causes, methods of elimination. The best ways to get rid of the sagging of the skin of the abdomen and legs after childbirth, weight loss, with age -related changes

The sagging of the skin of the abdomen and legs: causes, methods of elimination. The best ways to get rid of the sagging of the skin of the abdomen and legs after childbirth, weight loss, with age -related changes

After reading the article, you will find out why flabby skin on the stomach and legs may appear, and how prevention and treatment at home will help to cope with this problem.

Elastic and smooth leather he speaks about desire and skill women look after per his own body, does figure young and attractive. To unfortunately, with age under influence natural processes in body leather bodies loses freshness and elasticity, can to appear singing, folds, manifestations cellulite and flabby view.

Special surrounding delivered women condition skin legs and abdomen, because the exactly in these zones faster accumulate fat deposits and weakens muscular tone.

Why leather it becomes drubla?

Externally the loss elasticity skin manifests itself loss her connections with located under her muscles, education sixing, wrinkles, dryness, uneven tone.

The reasons sagging skin connected with common condition health organism, presence those or others diseases and way life. Can highlight basic prerequisites reduction elasticity skin:

  • violation regime nutrition
  • swift change masses bodies
  • age -related and hormonal changes
  • violation metabolism
  • inadequate muscular tone
  • wrong or irregular care
  • hereditary predisposition
  • stressful loads
  • inadequate level motor and physical activity

Age -related changes skin

Age -related changes concern not only skin faces, but and total bodies. FROM current  years leather bodies loses elasticity, under action hormones passes decrease collagen and elastina in fabricsthis is curses to dryness and thinning skin cover. Also leather singing, passing daily exposure strength gravity. The greatest problems observed in areas abdomen, butt and hips.

Drub leather abdomen after childbirth

  • Drub leather u women found much more often, so how called hormonal processes in body and physiological factors changes weight.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth very often they become reason occurrence dryaby and loose skin abdomen, what looks very unaesthetic and capable call experiences and complexes.
  • In time expectations child leather abdomen strongly stretch, especially, if previously woman distinguished fragility and not possessed strongly developed muscles press.
  • After childbirth formed sixing, they become noticeable stretches and irregularities, gradually cavities fill out fatty fabric.
  •   After caesarean sections leather experiences more big changes, so how internal and external scarring change natural view and can do region abdomen asymmetric.

Breblable skin after losing weight

U men drub leather bodies connected often with sharp weight loss. Swift decrease masses bodies and decrease structures subcutaneousfat layers bring to education « izlishkov» skin layersthis is observed on the stomach, sides, back and in areas hips. U women problems skin, related with weight loss manifest in basic problematic zones, a also suffers leather faces.

Drub leather u children

U children such signs connected with hypotrophyinsufficient weight bodies. Inadequate the weight in early age negative it affects on the general condition organism childis happening decrease immunity, disrupted assimilation nourishing substances and vitamins, worsens functioning internal organs and systems life support. At this observed exhaustion subcutaneousfat layers on the all sites bodies, leather it becomes dry, dryaby, gathering in folds.

How put away dryaby skin abdomen in home conditions

AT the first turn, pay it attention on the your diet nutrition. For recovery skin necessary provide saturationorganism all necessary vitamins and microelements. More total your leather needs in « vitamins beauty"And regular training.

Video: How to remove the stomach after childbirth at home

Vitamins for dryaby skin

  • Vitamin E.provides full saturation blood oxygen and restores functions immune systems.
  • Vitamin FROMstrengthens walls vessels, stimulates development collagen, necessary for beauty and youth skin.
  • Vitamin Apromotes strengthening resistance organism viral and infectious diseases, answers per fast regeneration and update structures dermis.

Vitamins-I-Mineral1Dryaby skin in women

Lessons swimming and exercises in pool with elements aquaaerobicssimple and accessible way return skin smoothness and elasticity. Houses to you they will help baths with aromalessmas (pink, olive, jojoba, almond), hydromassage and contrast shower. Impact water and sharp change temperature will allow skin activate processes regeneration fabrics.

Massage from dryaby abdomen

Massage skin abdomen promotes strengthening blood circulation and nutrition fabrics. Massage better do straightaway after water procedures, using etheric or vegetable oils from sagging skin: orange, juniper, jojoba, persian, olive, almond.

Masks from dryaby abdomen

  • To calm skin after physical exercises, make it restoring mask. Previously accept shower, massage stomach in flow several minutes, adding in ordinary gel natural ground coffee. Then wipe dry and apply mask.
  • For preparations masks take it black clay (can buy in pharmacy), also suitable blue clay. Dilute powder clay in small quantity water, combine in equal shares with natural honey, add H4 drops etheric oils sweet orange or cinnamon. Apply on the region abdomen on the 4060 minutes.
  • Get rid from stretch marks on the stomach will help mummy. For this 2H tablets need crush and dissolve first in small quantity water, then mix with anyone nourishing cream. Can add several drops etheric oilsfir, tangerine, mint, to get rid from not at all pleasant smellCream rub massage movements in region abdomen after soul, through hour excess break napkin.

Wraps from dryaby abdomen

Various wraps for increased elasticity skin can do and in home conditions. Wraps improve tourgor skin, they nourish and moisturize, possess detoxicizing property. For wraps good suitable sea algae or  natural honeygreen  tea, black ground coffee,  cocoapowder (mixed with 1 yolk).

Exercises for dryaby abdomen

Regular lessons with hulahup (gymnastic the hoop) strengthen muscles abdomen and hips, strengthen circulation and they will help restoration elasticity. For suspendersnon abdomen need to choose exercises, directed on the training muscles lower press:

  1. AT position lying on the back, raise direct, connected together legs under angle 90º (1520 once).
  2. Lying on the back, come in right elbow before left knee and vice versa (1520 once).
  3. Run on the place in flow 20 minutes or run on the fresh air.

How get rid from dryaby skin on the legs

Legs and, in particular, hipsone from most problematic zones female bodies, so how here accumulation fat deposits curses to education bumps, appearance cellulite. AT result you not you can put on short skirt or shorts, you are shy species their own legs on the beach.

Cellulite and drub leather on the legs

For prevention and treatment cellulite it is necessary thorough and regular care per skin. Moisturization and food skin cover will help save freshness, and decrease signs aging.

Special cosmetic funds, representing yourself complexes for maintaining hydrolypid balance, effective fight with stretch marks, prevent education rubtsov and bumps skin. Except togo, not forget about sufficient consumption waternot less 2 l in day necessary for moisturizes and smoothing skin.

Wraps from dryaby skin legs

  • Wraps are good remedy for struggle with dryaby skin legs, fatigue and swelling.
  • Such procedures expand pores, help splitting fat cells and actively regenerate surface skin.
  • Wraps can to be hot and cold, choice components for application depends from yours preferences.
  • Most popular are wraps for legs on the basis algae ( pharmacy laminaria) or honey with adding mustard.

Oil from skin sagging

There are many varieties of body care oils. Argan and olive oil are very suitable for wilting skin. And with all this, they are very derived and easy to use.

Video: Argan oil for fading skin

Exercises from dryaby skin legs

Physical load on the legs must engage muscles hips, legs and butt. Return muscles tone they will help:

  • drive on the bicycle or lessons on the equipment
  • fast walking or run
  • exercises cO rope
  • squats with additional cargo in hands

How to remove flabby skin belly and legs: tips and reviews

AT clinics cosmetology to you offer whole once procedures for struggle tired, dryaby and dry skin:

  • mesotherapyintroduction microinjection active substances in problematic zones
  • RFliftingcorrection contours bodies, based on the method impact radio waves
  • LPGmassageprocedures hardware massage (vacuumroller lip massage)

Plastic surgery seems many the only one fast and simple way return lost forms. Not costs forget about possible complications and long recovery period after surgical interventions. Operation from sagging skin maybe to be selected only at availability serious testimony:

  • discovery muscles abdomen
  • too much strong stretching skin abdomen or hips
  • violation work internal organs

In all acute cases correct food, cosmetic procedures and physical narguys able return to you beautiful figure, flat stomach and tightened legs.

Video: Exercises for the inner thighs

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Comments K. article

  1. and I would put fish oil in the first place (I myself take the triple omega-3 from Evalar)+of course, various oils. It is such internal care that helps the skin of the young to support ... I have almost no wrinkles, and this cannot but rejoice)

  2. My story with sagging skin began due to inflammation of the thyroid gland. Her work was broken, and a hormonal failure went. She sat on hormones, drank vitamins. Everything was reflected in my skin. Dry became, and sagging appeared. I began to make wraps and rub anti -cellulite serum into the problem areas before and after Twins TEK. It contains lipolytic ingredients. And with regular use for at least a month, it helped me remove the sagging of the skin. She became fit and elastic. I used serum for another month. I am satisfied with the result.

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