Fractional nutrition for weight loss: benefits and reviews. Rules and menu of fractional nutrition for each day and for a week: Table

Fractional nutrition for weight loss: benefits and reviews. Rules and menu of fractional nutrition for each day and for a week: Table

In this article you will learn what the fractional power system is. Also read the fractional nutrition menu and recipes for cooking dishes for children and adults.

To solve the problem of excess weight, fractional power is often used. This eating mode is known for not only allows you to remove excess mass, but also perfectly affects the general state of your health. After all, a person eats evenly throughout the day-without overeating five to six times a day.

Thanks to fractional diet, you will not feel unpleasant severity in the stomach. Also, the feeling of hunger will not hurt you to do everyday business. In this power mode, you do not need to arrange quick snacks with light carbohydrates, fast foods, and other street food, from which gastritis get fat and earn.

What is a fractional power system?

Fractional nutrition is a special system of rational eating, in which the daily diet is divided into small portions. If more specific, then you need to eat in three to four hours. The night sleep, of course, should not be interrupted.

What does it mean - fractional nutrition?
What does it mean - fractional nutrition?

With the help of such a system, you can improve metabolism (accelerate the absorption of beneficial vitamins, minerals, acids). An important condition for fractional eating is a decrease in portions. Do not pour food into a plate, as before, and do not eat the first, second, third at once.

Miss these portions into several tricks. Because of this, the walls of the stomach will gradually contract, and you will lose weight, moreover, the feeling of hunger will be unfamiliar to you. Try to make your menu in advance for the day so that the food is healthy, there are no fatty, salty, fried, sweet dishes in the diet.

Fractional nutrition. The benefits of fractional nutrition
Fractional nutrition. The benefits of fractional nutrition

Fractional nutrition rules

If you switched to such a diet, then you should follow the following recommendations:

  • eat only healthy foods, decrease consumption animals fat, use vegetable oils
  • drink a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 1.8 liters per day)
  • eat oftenbut little
Principles of meals on fractional nutrition
Principles of meals on fractional nutrition

Types of fractional nutrition:

  1. You can lose weight on different methods of rational nutrition. A very effective method is to eat a little when you get hungry, not look at the watch. Trust the sensations of your stomach and do not allow yourself anything superfluous. During this system, you will eat almost the whole day. This mode is good only suitable for those losing weight that sit at home, because all snacks should be useful (not sweet buns or fried pies purchased in kiosks, and fruits, cottage cheese, baked fish, meat, vegetables).
  2. This power system will go more for workers. Its basis is not snacks, but full-fledged meals in small portions five to six times a day. More precisely, you should eat full food three times (a portion for women 250 gr, men 300 gr), but not a sandwich and not fasfud, and the rest can be eaten quite a bit - fruits, drink kefir, milk, tea with bread (1 pc) or cocktail.
  3. The third method consists in premature preparation of six servings per day and then in their gradual use. At the same time, nothing superfluous can be eaten.
Fractional nutrition rules
Fractional nutrition rules

The benefits of fractional nutrition

The benefits of systematic fractional nutrition are obvious:

  • the body does not experience stress, as on ordinary diets, respectively, there will be no accumulation of fat stocks for the future due to a lack of the amount of food
  • the absorption of nutrients occurs better
  • confident consumption of healthy food does not allow blood sugar to increase
  • it is easier to observe the regime of a rational power system than on diets
  • there is no lethargy, a feeling of devastation, drowsiness, as on a diet
  • the work of all body systems improves, sleep normalizes
The benefits of fractional nutrition
The benefits of fractional nutrition

What should be proper fractional diet for weight loss?

For weight loss, you will have to gradually reduce portions, there are only useful products. It is necessary to switch to proper fractional nutrition in stages. Often losing weight is difficult to observe this mode and cut portions.

But in order to become beautiful, willpower is necessary. Based on the experience of people who have already lost weight on such a power system, it will be easier to switch to it if you follow the recommendations:

  • at first, within three to four days, getting used to the very regime of eating, eat a little, but six times a day (do not change the usual diet at once)
  • when you are already accustomed to a six-rat diet in small portions, replace the diet (for this three to four days)
  • then begin to cut portions (ideally, eat 200 grams of food in one appointment)
  • do not forget to drink water, at least 1.5-2 liters per day
Fractional diet for weight loss
Fractional diet for weight loss

Fractional nutrition mode:

  1. Breakfast at 7 o'clock
  2. The second breakfast should occur at 10-00
  3. Lunch - at one in the afternoon
  4. Afternoon snack-at 15-16 hours
  5. Dinner-at 17-18 hours
  6. The second is a very small dinner no later than 20 hours

The eating time can vary depending on your daily routine.

Fractional nutrition for those who want to lose weight
Fractional nutrition for those who want to lose weight

Fractional nutrition, menu for every day for adults and children: table

To make the benefits of rational nutrition, teach your body to a certain regime. Immediately, when you wake up, do not sit down at the table, you should go through at least half an hour and no more than two hours before the start of the meal.

Do not eat immediately before bedtime. Dinner should take place no later than two hours before bedtime. Next, we will study the diet for a week.


  • In the morning: boiled rice on ordinary water with a small piece of butter, green apple, coffee
  • Lunch: one boiled egg, cucumber
  • Dinner: low -fat baked fish, Peking cabbage salad with cucumbers
  • Afternoon snack: low -fat cottage cheese, mint tea
  • Dinner: chicken without a skin with stewed stew from vegetables
Chicken dishes
Chicken dishes


  • In the morning: low -fat cottage cheese with greens, a piece of rye bread and tea with hard cheese
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with honey
  • Dinner: low -fat broth from chicken meat, vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs)
  • Afternoon snack: kiwi or orange, green tea
  • Dinner: chicken fillet, two tomatoes
Fractional nutrition - low -fat cottage cheese with raspberries
Fractional nutrition - low -fat cottage cheese with raspberries


  • On the breakfast Eat oatmeal with honey, banana, drink not sweet green tea
  • Lunch: purified walnuts, apple, coffee
  • Dinner: brown rice with vegetables
  • Three hours later: casserole with cottage cheese, banana and manku
  • Dinner: seafood with cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas
Seafood with vegetables
Seafood with vegetables


  • Morning: oatmeal with milk and fruits
  • Lunch: low -fat yogurt, bread, coffee
  • Dinner: sauerkraut with hack cooked in a slow cooker
  • Afternoon snack: salad with vegetables seasoned with low -fat sour cream
  • Dinner: chicken baked in the oven, with parmesan cheese, with cucumbers
Oatmeal for breakfast
Oatmeal for breakfast


  • Breakfast: puree from potatoes, with a boiled egg and cucumber
  • Through three hours: two fruits of kiwi, coffee
  • Dinner: soup with oyster mushrooms and rice, black bread with cheese
  • Afternoon snack: casserole from cottage cheese with raisins
  • Dinner: mintay baked in foil, and sea cabbage
Mushroom soup with oyster mushrooms
Mushroom soup with oyster mushrooms


  • In the morning: Omlet of two eggs, tomato, green tea
  • Lunch: kiwi with banana
  • Dinner: baked potatoes with champignons prepared in a slow cooker with chicken breast, a glass of kefir
  • Per three hours before dinner: Apple
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with baked apple
Omlet for breakfast
Omlet for breakfast


  • Breakfast: porridge made of barley cereal with a small piece of butter, weak tea
  • Per three hours before lunch: banana
  • Dinner: boiled chicken meat, vegetables
  • Afternoon snack: seafood, a cup of tomato fruit drink
  • Dinner: brown rice with fish cutlets and a cup of tomato juice
A fresh vegetable salad
A fresh vegetable salad

Below, see another example of fractional power according to the table for every day of the week.

Table. Fractional nutrition for a week
Table. Fractional nutrition for a week

Recipes for fractional nutrition for children

Cheese casserole


  • Father -in -law cottage cheese - 250 grams
  • Low -fat sour cream - two tablespoons
  • Show - one spoon
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Honey 2 teaspoons
  • Raisins - a tablespoon
  • Salt - a small pinch
  • Vanillin, leaf lubrication oil


  • wash the raisins and pour boiled water
  • pour semolina into a separate container and add sour cream (1 spoon), mix them, leave for 30 minutes
  • then mix the mass with a mankuan, a groomed cottage cheese, the rest of the ingredients, do not add honey yet
  • add soaked raisins, grease the form with oil
  • place the dough in shape, grease with sour cream on top
  • bake forty minutes in the oven

When the dough is baked and cooled slightly, spread it with honey, decorate with fruit.

Cottage cheese casserole
Cottage cheese casserole

Mashed potatoes"


  • Potatoes - 150 grams
  • Cottage cheese - 1 large spoon
  • Milk - 1 large spoon
  • Salt


  • clean, wash and boil potatoes
  • then place it in a blender with cottage cheese and milk, chop, beat
  • when it will be pleasant warm, serve for dinner
Potato puree with cottage cheese for baby fractional nutrition
Potato puree with cottage cheese for baby fractional nutrition

Fractional power recipes for men and women

Vegetable salad


  • Green salad - one bundle, basil
  • Olives - 4 pieces
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 grams
  • Vegetable oil from olives
  • Salt
  • Wine vinegar


  • Take the salad bowl to the bottom, put the leaves of the basil, ceilings,
  • then pour the oil, a little vinegar, stir first
  • then add the salad (tear it with your hands), cut tomatoes, olives
  • again, interfere with the ingredients, serve with chicken or fish
Dietary salad for fractional power
Dietary salad for fractional power

Cottage cheese soup with tomato


  • Tomato juice - two cups
  • Father -in -law cottage cheese - 160 grams
  • Light oil
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Parsley dill
  • Salt pepper
  • Sugar half a small spoon


  • mix juice from tomatoes with cottage cheese in the container
  • then chop the blender to get puree
  • add other components, mix, serve to the table
Tomato soup
Tomato soup

Fractional nutrition: results of losing weight, photo before and after

Below you can see the results of losing weight after following the fractional diet:

Fractional nutrition - results
Fractional nutrition - results
The result of weight loss
The result of weight loss

What should be proper fractional nutrition: reviews

Based on the results of the reviews on fractional nutrition, we can conclude that people who strictly followed the recommendations kept their weight for many years at the same level or losing weight. And who allowed himself to be all-rod of retreat from the diet and the number of products consumed, did not achieve the desired effect.

Incorrect fractional diet
Incorrect fractional diet

Video: fractional nutrition

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Comments K. article

  1. I have now switched to proper nutrition and in the last months I lost a noticeably. I try to return the previous figure after childbirth. I like that you do not have to starve. I eat according to the Slender Mom system Anna Belousova. I eat five times a day, portions are small. And the recipes I find the model model. I always try to cook something new) but the tummy leaves))

  2. I usually cook one dish and break it into 4 small portions that I eat during the day. +A pair of SportExpert Protein Mix cocktails to get the protein. Well, water, tea, coffee during the day))

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