Home hedgehog: advice and recommendations for buying a hedgehog at home. How much does the home hedgehog live? Home hedgehog and hibernation: how to prepare?

Home hedgehog: advice and recommendations for buying a hedgehog at home. How much does the home hedgehog live? Home hedgehog and hibernation: how to prepare?

In this article, we will talk about whether it is worth maintaining a hedgehog at home. And how to do this if such circumstances arise.

Did you want to keep a pet at home, whose appearance appeared on Earth about 15 million years ago? It is about, here many will probably be surprised, the most ordinary hedgehog! And it really is sometimes contained as a pet. Let's try to figure out how to ensure a comfortable living of this ancient mammal.

Where the home hedgehog can be purchased: pros and cons of places

The first thing that comes to mind is Pick up Hedgehog somewhere near the summer cottage. Taking the form of a ball is a method of protection against predators, but not from people. The problem is that the animal may not burn at all the desire to get acquainted and even more so to move to a new place of residence. In the best case, the newly -made owner of the hedgehog will get off bites.

Important: there is a probability of infection from wild hedgehog with parasites, infections - for example, rabies, leptospirosis, lichen, salmonellosis. People, animals can suffer.

Although if the animal is in trouble and needs a mole, of course, it is necessary to shelter it. In this case, it is definitely worth Plan a trip to the veterinarian. As in the event that the hedgehog is acquired in the bird market - No one can vouch that he is healthy.

Often home hedgehog previously lived somewhere in a clearing
Often home hedgehog previously lived somewhere in a clearing

Not everyone knows that the home hedgehog can be purchased At the breeder Like a puppy or kitten. There are few hedgehogs, but find them through the Internet is quite real. Such people will be able to provide a guarantee of good animal health and instructions for their maintenance.

Another good option is to purchase hedgehogs Friends, Which contain them for a long time. Curious fact, hedgehog the most promptly Compared to other representatives of wildlife, domesticated. The first generation born in captivity is not at all afraid of a person.

How a healthy home hedgehog should be chosen: recommendations, tips

Healthy home hedgehog is largely the result of human observation:

  • The first thing you should pay attention to - the harmony of the appearance in general. A healthy animal enthusiastically eats, because there should not be sagging skin. However, the hedgehog should also not resemble the ball.
  • Eyes must be bright, round. It is appropriate to compare with shiny black buttons.

Important: discharge, crusts indicate health problems.

The home hedgehog should look at you with brilliant eyes without sources
The home hedgehog should look at you with brilliant eyes without sources
  • Nose Ideally too clean, and wherein dry. Selection, crusts - a clear sign of ailments.
  • Spots, wounds, cones - All this should absent. Of course, the hedgehog is covered with needles. However, during the movement of the animal, they do not fit close to each other, so skin disadvantages are always visible.
  • Speaking of walking. There is such an ailment as "Sunning hedgehog syndrome." According to statistics, it is especially often subject to African dwarf variety. From the name everything is clear - the animal stags, shudders, limp. As a rule, it has a whole bouquet of concomitant diseases.
  • Tummy Hedgehog should be evenly covered with wool. Coolstones, like bald spots, are excluded in a healthy individual.
Healthy homemade hedgehog should have evenly covered with wool stomach
Healthy homemade hedgehog should have evenly covered with wool stomach

Home hedgehog: How to choose a breed?

The home hedgehog can be selected from the following breeds:

  • African hedgehogs - Blue -Bryuhi, Algerian, South African, Somalian subspecies. The most clean and heat -loving Hedgehogs. Extremely moody in terms of requirements for temperature and humidity. Temperature range from 22 to 25 degrees Ideal for them.

Important: the temperature below 15 degrees can arouse the African desire to hibernate. She, by the way, is undesirable for them, since the African hedgehog may not wake up.

  • Steppe - Chinese, Daurian. They also prefer high air temperature. But in terms of requirements for its humidity level less whimsical. It is the most difficult to get them. But efforts are worth it because Chinese hedgehogs lead day lifestyle, Yes, and the Daurians are easily rebuilt.
  • Eurasian - East European, European, Amur Hedgehogs. They are best of all are able to adapt To the features of the Russian climate. The ease of content will manifest itself in the fact that such hedgehogs easy to feed - They are almost omnivorous. It is recommended to start mastering the content from these breeds.
This may look like a home European hedgehog
This may look like a home European hedgehog
  • Eared - Indian, holly -haired, dark -groomed, colonel, Ethiopian, eared hedgehog. Extremely popular As pets. Differ miniature, as well as good immunity.

How much does the home hedgehog live in captivity: a comparison with the survivability of a wild hedgehog

At first glance, it seems that the home hedgehog in captivity should live less than his wild fellow. Surprisingly, this look is fundamentally wrong.

It is known that in wild nature Hedgehogs do not live so long - on average, 3 to 5 years old. Home Hedgehogs are able to live twice as long! Cases of achievement by these pets are known 16-year-old age.

Important: naturally, the hedgehog can only appear with an attentive owner who knows how to treat this animal.

In many ways problems in the natural environment habitat are associated with a large number diseases. Naturally, the hedgehog periodically shown to the veterinarian is able to live longer. And a generation of animals that appeared in captivity, is completely healthy from the first days.

In natural conditions, hedgehogs are in wait for not only diseases, but also hunger. The period after hibernation is especially dangerous. Then the stock of fat accumulated for the winter is consumed, but the new one has not yet been formed. At this time, hedgehogs are especially vulnerable.

Hedgehog during and after hibernation is very vulnerable
Hedgehog during and after hibernation is very vulnerable

How home hedgehog gets along with other pets: compatibility, tips

It should be noted right away that the ideal neighbor of the home hedgehog is a person. Prolential animals do not require a more extensive company. A fairly common mistake of many inexperienced hedgehog owners is to think that they will be lonely.

But if, nevertheless, the proximity is inevitable, it is definitely worth it to find out how the home hedgehog with other animals will get along:

  • With another hedgehog - It will be eternal battle For survival. Books, scratches and subsequent surrender of the loser is its indispensable condition. Therefore, if you really want to have two representatives of such animals, then you should take care of separate cells. The only exception is children or individuals of different sexes.

Important: but in the latter case it is also worth showing caution. Hedgehogs begin to multiply early, but early activity in this regard can cost their health.

  • With a cat - In nature, the cat does not hunt for a hedgehog, so a prickly pet nothing threatens. In addition to the curiosity of the cat, which, however, quickly disappears after the clash of the paw with the thorn. But the presence of the owner Nearby during the acquaintance is desirable.
Home hedgehog can easily get along with a cat
Home hedgehog can easily get along with a cat
  • With dog it's more complicated. More precisely, with those dogs that have hunting instincts. Or with especially zealous, who will begin to cut a hedgehog, intending to drive him away from a person. But with other dogs you can try to settle a hedgehog.
  • With birds Horses Do not intersect. However, some parrots may show curiosity. But, as in the case of cats, the thorns instantly knock the ardor of the researcher from them.
  • With rats Hedgehog is also good gets along. But it is preferable to highlight individual spaces for them.

Important: Information that hedgehogs hunt rats is a myth. The reality is that rats move many times faster than hedgehogs.

Where the home hedgehog should live: equip a house for a hedgehog

Home House must have a home hedgehog. Otherwise, he will easily climb into unwanted places or get confused in the wires. But the aquarium is not an option - Continuous glass does not create a microclimate that hedgehogs need at all.

The optimal choice is as much as possible Spacious cage. And high - at least 41 cm in height. The material does not matter - metal, wood are suitable. The main thing is not too much distance between the rods. Hedgehogs love to arrange shoots. But the bottom should be continuous In order to avoid injuries.

Home hedgehog should live in a cage with rods
Home hedgehog should live in a cage with rods

The Hedgehog's house must certainly be present packs for food. You can choose plastic ones, but it is preferable to install the dishes are harder. Water can also be served in a bowl, or you can equip automatic drinker. True, in the latter case, you will need to accustom the animal to it.

Should also fit in the cell low -side tray. It is necessary to spy where the animal wants to celebrate the need - and just install a toilet there.

IMPORTANT: In order to play it safe, you can sprinkle the entire cage floor with a filler. It is best to use aspen sawdust or stretch the bottom with a dense fabric.

On top you must definitely put sawdust, straw, leaves. Hedgehogs love to build miniature shelters. You can also put for this purpose also pebbles, twigs.

Be sure to think about installing running wheel. They love to eat hedgehogs, and therefore prone to obesity. The wheel will serve as entertainment and a simulator.

Home hedgehog will only be happy to run around the wheel
Home hedgehog will only be happy to run around the wheel

Home hedgehog: How to feed?

If the home hedgehog entered the house at a tiny age, You can feed him children's mixture. Or milk diluted In the proportion 2:1. Food should be warm.

It is worth feeding the baby from a pipette. Priority - every 2 or 3 hours.It is recommended after the feeding procedure little massage the stomach from top to bottom - This will allow food to be better absorbed.

When the hedgehog is fulfilled 3 or 4 weeks, his diet can be enriched porridge in milk, meat. The meat should be treated with a meat grinder. But not anyone, but only non -fat. Also suitable boiled egg.

Important: a hedgehog must constantly be weighed. As soon as the scales show 250-300 g, milk is excluded from the diet.

Milk, contrary to the established opinion, hedgehogs cannot eat in large quantities. Their body refuses to absorb lactose. The only exception is bread soaked in milk.

Basically, the diet should consist of fat of animal origin. In nature, these are snails, worms, caterpillars, bugs and even lizards with frogs. Home hedgehog will be able to be content purchased insects, bloodworms, low -fat meat, fish, boiled liver. Useful fruits vegetables.

Home hedgehog can well eat berries
Home hedgehog can well eat berries

Home hedgehog: hygiene nuances

Home hedgehog requires care with cats, dogs. In particular, it constantly follows wash his bowls. And it is advisable to use for this hot water. Also need to be treated with water Running wheel, clean the litter. The change of litter is recommended to be approximately once a week.

Bathe Hedgehogs are needed, but as it is contaminated. Suitable for this warm water, But even she should not fall into the ears, eyes. Therefore, you need to dial the container approximately tummy level Hedgehog.

Important: as a detergent, according to numerous reviews, a foam for swimming puppies is ideal. For example, based on oats.

It is convenient to clean toothbrush. It will perfectly process the areas between the needles. It is also convenient to clean the legs.

After bathing a hedgehog is mandatory wipes with a towel. You should not use a hair dryer - the animal may be frightened.

Also recommended cut the hedgehog of claws. Otherwise, they will be wrapped, and the animal will be injured, for example, during a race in the wheel. But you only need to shoot the most Tips. Best suited for this purpose nail scissors.

Home hedgehog loves to swim
Home hedgehog loves to swim

Home hedgehog hibernates: tips, recommendations

Not every home hedgehog will hibernate, but most do it. A similar phenomenon occurs in nature in the fall after animals gaining sufficient amount of fat reserves. Estimated start time - From the end of October to early November.

The hedgehog follows him feed with special effort. There is no need to come up with a special diet - all the same as usual, but in more quantities.

Important: the best place, according to numerous reviews, for a hibernation hedgehog - these are sheds, loggias, garages. That is, cool places with an air temperature of not more than 5 degrees.

The caring owner needs to take care of an early arrangement nest For a pet. As a material is suitable leaflets, sawdust, hay - Everything that is used by hedgehogs in nature. Suitable as well rags.

You can recognize the approach of hibernation apathy Hedgehog. He is sleeping, often falls into a numb. As soon as the hedgehog falls asleep, until spring There is no need to worry about him.

Home hedgehog, like his wild fellow, needs a nest for a while
Home hedgehog, like his wild fellow, needs a nest for a while

The hedgehog is associated with many people with a good -natured creature from fairy tales transporting apples and mushrooms. In fact, do not forget that this creature is a predator that requires respect for. Only with a similar attitude can it be adjacent to a lovely living cactus harmoniously.

We offer to get acquainted with the video about what pros and cons of the home hedgehog implies:

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