Diet table No. 6 for gout and urolithiasis: indications for the appointment, a list of permitted and prohibited products, menu for a week and each day, recipes of dishes

Diet table No. 6 for gout and urolithiasis: indications for the appointment, a list of permitted and prohibited products, menu for a week and each day, recipes of dishes

When the acute stages of diseases of urolithiasis and gouts occur, a person is ready to do anything, if only the disease recedes. So that these diseases do not pursue a person, there is a diet No. 6. Further in more detail.

Patients who suffer from diseases of the urolithiasis, gout, must observe a certain diet. A sparing diet table No. 6 corresponds completely to such a diet. This diet completely eliminates the use of fatty products. By the way, gout, as it was believed in the old days, was manifested precisely because of the excessive use of strong drinks and fatty dishes. But now we will not talk about the causes of the disease, but about how to eat properly on dietary table No. 6.

Diet table No. 6: indications for the appointment, general characteristic

Thanks to strict observance of rational nutrition, the content of purines is normalized, the formation of acids in the genitourinary system, saline compounds. Urine tests also improve. They shift them towards the alkaline environment (within reasonable limits). The intestinal work is also established. Diet table No. 6 is used for gout and urolithiasis. Its purpose is to improve the general condition of the patient.

Diet No. 6
Diet No. 6

Table number 6 It is a rational nutrition with limitations of products that contain acid (sorrel), purines and a small salt content. Products with alkaline content are allowed, these are: some vegetables, fruits and milk, it is also permissible to consume a small amount of fat and proteins plus liquid.

Food can be prepared in various ways. The only thing meat products necessary pre -boil. After such processing, about fifty percent of the purines will remain in the broth. Then you can do anything with meat. It is allowed to extinguish, fry, bake, etc. It is useful to combine 50 on 50 meat and fish dishes. They are recommended to use two to three times a week. One portion meat is about 150 grams, a fish near 180 grams At a time.

Patients should eat fractionallydieting. You need to eat about 5-6 times per day, and observe the drinking regimen. The temperature of the used dishes can be any. Cold dishes do not have to heat to room temperature.

Patient gout once every seven days is recommended to spend days on a milk-fruit diet. In this case, about two liters of liquid should be consumed if there are no prohibitions due to diseases of the heart system and blood vessels. Consider starving on diet No. 6 is contraindicated. Indeed, as a result of starvation, the content of the orange environment in the bloodstream increases. And this leads to bouts of gout.

Preventive measures to combat gout
Preventive measures to combat gout

IMPORTANT: In patients with gout, in combination with overweight, doctors recommend prescribing diet No. 8 with unloading days.

Diet table No. 6: List of permitted and prohibited products

As already mentioned, in the daily diet of diet No. 6, there should be dishes with small purines. These are dishes of vegetables, eggs, lard, sugar, various cereals, fruits. It is useful to drink a lot of liquids, it is better if it is used in the form of juices.

Useful diet
Useful diet

Allowed products: diet table No. 6

  1. You can use low -fat fish and meat, preferably soft varieties in structure. Before you start cooking products, be sure to boil meat or fish in order to partially get rid of purines (substances that, when destroyed, form salt and urolithias harmful to patients with gout and urolithiasis - urinary). In no case should you eat broths cooked with meat.
  2. It is allowed to eat eggs, but you do not need to be zealous. It is enough to eat one egg per day.
  3. Bakery products, as well as flour pastries are not prohibited by diet No. 6. Moreover, even sdoba is allowed, but within reasonable limits.
  4. Milk, cottage cheese, condensed milk, cheese, but with a slight content of fat are allowed to use without restrictions. After all, dairy products are ranked for alkalizing products. Thanks to them, uric acid is neutralized.
  5. Vegetables, like dairy products, have an alkalizing effect on the body, though not all, but most. Therefore, they are administered for patients with the risk of exacerbation of urolithiasis and gout. It is not advisable to include marinades in the diet and salting; legumes are also not welcome.
  6. Various groups You can eat, but not much.
  7. Of fruit, it is perhaps useful to use any berries and fruits, because most of them have an alkalizing effect on all body systems.
Table number 6
Table number 6

Patients with gout or urolithiasis are best introduced into the fruit menu - citrus fruits, of course, if there are no allergenic reactions to fruits. There are sweets, including: honey, milk sweets, marmalade, marshmallows.

And fatty cakes and sons are not recommended to get too carried away - there will be problems with excess weight. Of the drinks, soda, citro, alcohol, tea, coffee are undesirable, the rest is possible. To the rest is ranked: ordinary water, fruit, vegetable juices, jelly, compote.

Forbidden products: diet table No. 6

  1. Observing the diet table No. 6, you will have to abandon coffee, strong tea, kvass, carbonated drinks, strong drinking, power engineers.
  2. Still abandon meat, fish liquid dishes.
  3. Do not eat sorrel, legumes, mushrooms, canned food in any form, semi -finished products, smoked products.
  4. It is forbidden to use pickles, including salty cheeses.
  5. Lovers dry fruits We'll have to abandon your favorite delicacy. Only prunes are allowed.

Diet table No. 6: menu for a week and for every day

For diseases such as gout and urolithiasis, you should not only perform medical purposes, use drugs, but during periods of exacerbation and remission to observe a diet. A complex diet table No. 6 is aimed at improving the general condition of patients with these diseases.

However, it is somewhat difficult to make a menu of this diet. Therefore, then read the approximate menu for a week for patients with gout and urolithiasis, painted for every day.

It is desirable to take food strictly in time, so you optimize forces to combat these heavy ailments. The meal must be divided by six times. Breakfast is better to start about 8-9 hours. Start the lunch at 10 in the morning. Lunch-at one hour, afternoon snack from 16 to 16-30, go to dinner at 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening. And arrange the last snack at about 10 pm.

How to eat on a diet - rules
How to eat on a diet - rules

Monday menu

  • In the morning Eat the curd mass with a small piece of bread and butter, a salad of vegetables, instead of sauce, use sour cream and milk.
  • Lunch Skip, the breakfast was satisfying.
  • At lunch Prepare an omelet with buckwheat + a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Before dinner The broth of vegetables with low -fat sour cream, fried potatoes, chicken meat and vegetable salad + compote will be useful.
  • Have dinner low -fat cottage cheese, vegetable cutlets and vermicelli + jelly with fresh fruits.
  • Before bedtime Drink a little milk + bread.

Menu on Tuesday

In the morning, drink half a cup of alkaline mineral water before eating.

  • Since morning Eat oatmeal, 150 grams + milk is enough.
  • Lunch - Drink grape juice, 225 ml is enough.
  • Dinner Cream with vegetables, drink the first dish with a jelly of milk with sugar.
  • Before dinner Drink the juice again, this time is already carrot, freshly prepared.
  • As dinner Milk porridge with rice and aromatic compote of fresh berries and fruits is suitable.
  • Since Tuesday is the consumption of liquid food, one technique is still added, at nine in the evening, drink a glass of low -fat kefir.
  • Directly before bedtime Drink a phytochi with milk.

Menu for Wednesday

  • Since morning Eat a freshly prepared salad of healthy vegetables. It will be useful to eat an egg in any form, sweet pudding with green apples, carrots, green tea.
  • Lunch: tea with rosehips.
  • At lunch: soup with milk and fine vermicelli, cutlets of vegetables, potatoes, fruit jelly.
  • Before dinner Eat two green apples.
  • Have dinner Povers with porridge and carrots, cabbage, onions, a sweet dish - cheesecakes and compote as a dessert.
  • Before bedtime: Drink a drink from bran (wheat)

The menu for Thursday

  • Highlight salad with vegetables + chicory.
  • Lunch: fried omelet + tomatoes, orange.
  • At lunch Eat vegetable stew + meat (150 grams), okroshka on kefir, water.
  • Before dinner Drink a fragrant compote from berries.
  • Have dinner potatoes with vegetables.
  • In the evening Drink a decoction on cuts of wheat.

Menu for Friday

  • Breakfast - prunes with a vegetable salad + beets.
  • Lunch: Boil one egg + Drink chicory a little.
  • Dinner: light soup with low -fat milk and oatmeal, you can still eat pancakes from carrots, watering them with sour cream sauce + tea with herbs.
  • Before evening meal Drink freshly squeezed juice from apples.
  • Have dinner Casserole with cottage cheese + prunes, drink a decoction of vitamin rosehips.
  • In the evening Drink low -fat kefir.

Menu on Saturday

  • This day is considered unloading, because you do not have to cook. It is enough to divide a half -kilogram of low -fat cottage cheese by five times, and in the evening drink kefir.

Sunday menu

  • Morning Start with a smile and eat vinaigrette with milk oatmeal. Drink more milk.
  • Lunch: Great time for a snack with an omelet + compote made of fresh fruits.
  • Dinner Vegetable beetroot soup + stew and beef - 150 grams. As a drink, a jelly of berries will go.
  • Afternoon snack - Big grapefruit
  • Have dinner Cottage cheese casserole with rice and green apples + boiled beets and tea from rosehip fruits.

Diet table No. 6: Recipes of dishes

Okroshka without mayonnaise

  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Radis-5-6 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Mineral water - 500 ml.
  • Kefir - 1000 ml.
  • Sour cream - 125 ml.
  • Greens, salt.
Okroshka with kefir
Okroshka with kefir


  1. Boil vegetables, namely: potatoes, carrots. Clean them, cut them like a salad.
  2. Boil chicken eggs, clean, cut into okroshka. After wash the cucumbers, radishes, also chop them. Pour kefir there. Mix everything carefully.
  3. Then pour in the mineral water, add sour cream.
  4. Grind green onions, dill, parsley. Add everything to the okroshka, slightly sunbature a cold dish.

Put the finished cold soup on the shelf in the refrigerator, let it touch, then it will be tastier.

  • Diet table No. 6: empty potato zrazes


  • Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • Oil - 25 g (cream)
  • Flour - 25 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Light oil - 30 ml.
  • Salt.
Potato cutlets
Potato cutlets


  1. Boil peeled potatoes. Drain all the water completely, then add the butter.
  2. Make a pure -up puree. Add eggs, flour to the potatoes. Stir everything well so that a homogeneous mixture comes out.
  3. Now form cutlets, fry them in a pan.

The dish is in harmony with sour cream sauce.

Diet table No. 6: Recipe of cauliflower soup


  • Carrots - 35 g
  • Color cabbage - 125 g
  • Brutsyva - 25 g
  • Turnip - 25 g
  • Potatoes - 45 g
  • Onions - 34 g
  • Spinach - 20 g
  • Milk - 195 ml.
  • Butter - 15 g
  • A little salt and greens.
Vegetable soup
Vegetable soup


  1. Cut the peeled potatoes, after the rest of the vegetables, except for cabbage, click. And fry them in a pan with butter. Boil water and send all these vegetables into a container with hot water.
  2. After ten minutes, add the cabbage and boil the broth for another fifteen minutes.
  3. At the very end, add spinach to the pan.

For taste, you can add pasteurized milk to this dietary soup, lying it directly in a bowl before dinner.

Apricot sweet mousse


  • Ripe sweet apricots - 425 g
  • Gelatin - 55 g
  • Sugar powder - 75 g
  • Cream (whipped) - 175 g
  • Protein - 3 pcs.
  • Nuts - 6 pcs. almond
  • Lemon zest - 8 g
  • Lemon juice - 8 ml.
Apricot mousse
Apricot mousse


  1. Wash the fruits, remove bones from apricots. Place the halves of fruits in a container, pour water, boil until they become softer. Remove the fruits with a slotted spoon and make mashed potatoes with sugar.
  2. Add lemon and nuts here. Stir everything.
  3. Dilute gelatin in half a glass of water with lemon juice. Pour the finished gelatin into the apricot mass. Mix everything well.

It remains to arrange a beautiful dessert. Pour into glasses or into other mousse dishes, and then place in a cold place. When you try, do not forget to add mint leaves at the top.

Video: Diet table No. 6 with gout and urolithiasis

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