Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss. Menu for a week, 10 days

Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss. Menu for a week, 10 days

In the article you will find tips on weight loss from Malysheva, as well as 2 options for her free diet.

Elena Malysheva is known throughout the country as a national doctor, author and leading TV shows "Live great!" But Elena Vasilievna does not just read the text written for her with real doctors.

She herself is a certified therapist, doctor of medical sciences, professor. For people suffering from overweight, Malysheva has developed several weight loss systems.

Sunny diet for weight loss Elena Malysheva

Malysheva takes care of her viewers, and, by numerous requests, collected all her tips on nutrition in several weight loss systems. The TV presenter considers the fat man to be unhealthy, and calls losing weight a treatment for many diseases.

Important: Malysheva categorically against short -term diets with hard cutting of calorie content and strong restrictions in products.

Elena Vasilievna considers the first step in harmony to a decrease in salt consumption.

  • Salt is a product that in large quantities negatively affects health
  • The property of salt to detain the liquid is also reflected in the appearance
  • The swollen body looks unattractive, and due to the removal of excess water from the body, very complete people can lose 10 kg
  • Cook any dish without this seasoning, and salt the finished food
  • There are also many tricks to make food delicious and fragrant without salt. Try add lemon juice and various herbs and spices
  • The salty taste will give the dishes natural soy soy sauce

Important: a person gets used to the new taste of food in about 2 weeks. You will be surprised how quickly you will love little dishes.

Elena Malysheva diet program for weight loss

A losing weight person, according to Malysheva, makes mistakes, because of which he cannot lose weight or quickly gains it back. Such weight loss turns into real torture with constant deprivation and hunger. The TV presenter gives advice on how to comply with any diet.

  • Do not starve! Hunger has not helped any person to become slim. Living starving, you will break sooner or later and pounce on food. In a malnutrumbial organism, a reaction occurs, which leads not to weight loss, but, on the contrary, to gain weight. The body, which has been left without food for a long time, switches to the storage mode. And then any, it would seem harmless apple will be deposited into the adipose tissue
  • Take an account with calories and write down everything you eat. Gradually, you will begin to imagine how dangerous certain products are for the figure. Malysheva considers 1200 calories the optimal daily indicator for a losing weight woman. On unloading days, energy value can be reduced to 800 calories, but this can be practiced no more than 1 time per week. You will be surprised how many useful foods and how few harmful products like fast food or cakes can be fitted in these 1200 calories
  • Chew every piece well. Without primary processing, foods will fall into the stomach with whole pieces and will not be fully absorbed. Careful chewing will allow you to really enjoy the dishes, and also prevent overeating

Important: Malysheva advises chewing each piece at least 17 times.

  • The psychological mood of Malysheva considers the no less important factor in successful weight loss. You must be aimed at victory, go to your dream easily and without unnecessary thoughts. You have already started to lose weight, from this very minute. So, the case is small - wait until your dream comes true, fulfilling simple rules for this
  • Go in for sports. Physical activity is the key to a beautiful body. It doesn’t matter what sport you choose, the main thing is to do regularly. In case of lack of time for a fitness room, 15-30-minute physical education will be enough every day at home

Proper nutrition from Elena Malysheva: Menu

  • Start drinking enough water per day. This is 1.5-3 liters of liquid, the daily volume of which must be increased gradually. Starting your day from a glass of water, you will run the digestive system and metabolic processes of the body before eating. In addition, the water has zero calorie content, but it perfectly fills the stomach, as a result of which you will probably eat less. Drink 200 ml of water to each meal
  • Reduce, and even better completely remove fast carbohydrates from your menu - flour, confectionery, chocolate, ice cream and other sweets. Give preference to slow, that is, carbohydrates useful for the body - cereals, cereals, whole grain products, plant fiber

Important: do not use butter. Sugar and salt minimize.

  • Choose lean varieties of meat, fish, poultry, low -fat dairy products. Refuse all products with visible fat
  • Eat more protein, this will prevent the depletion of muscle tissue due to weight loss. Protein is found in low -fat meat, poultry, fish, seafood, legumes, cereals, nuts, seeds
  • Malysheva stands for weekly fasting days. On the advice of Elena Vasilievna, these should be the days on buckwheat or rice. The total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 800 calories. Such a one -time but sharp stress for the body will positively affect the process of losing weight. It is also a great way to cleanse the body from toxins and toxins forming from the food of our usual diet

Three -month diet Malyshev: menu for a week

Important: when preparing dietary dishes, choose only fresh, natural and high -quality products. Carefully study the composition of finished products. Only natural components should be used in them.

The long -term diet of Malysheva is based on all the principles described above. Its duration is from a month to three. If desired, the diet can be extended even more, because it does not cause health strike and is as close as possible to proper nutrition.

Approximate menu for every day:

  • Breakfast (about 8 in the morning): Eat -wounded with hot water, add a little berries, grated apple, pear or other fruit for taste. You can start your day with a portion of cottage cheese with berries and fruits, low -fat yogurt or yogurt
  • Snack (about 10 in the morning): 2-3 medium fruits
  • Lunch (around noon): food rich in protein. This is lean meat, fish, poultry, egg squirrels. On a side dish - a large portion of fresh vegetables and herbs
  • Afternoon snack (about 16.00): 2-3 medium fruits
  • Dinner (around 19.00): vegetable salads, a glass of low -fat kefir, chicken eggs
  • 2 hours before bedtime: a glass of kefir, yogurt or a portion of low -fat cottage cheese

Malysheva diet: menu for 10 days

Despite the fact that Malysheva is the opponent of quick diets, she developed a 10-day weight loss system, taking into account all the requirements of the body for nutrients. Such weight loss will be quick, but harmless to health. The result of the diet is 3-5 lost kilograms.

The basis for the program was separate nutrition. A 10-day course is an alternation of protein and carbohydrate days.

AT squirrel day You eat foods rich in protein. It is best if it is boiled chicken without skin. For breakfast, it is allowed to eat a chicken egg and a salad of cucumbers with herbs. Take the rest of the day just under the chicken, which is recommended to salt just a little bit.

Carbohydrate day I have to go under the sign of vegetables. The total volume of products is 1-1.5 kg. Divide this amount into portions of 200-250 g. From vegetables, you can prepare salads, stew, cuts. Boil, stew, bake vegetables, but without oil and a minimum of salt.

Important: conditionally one meal and protein and carbohydrate day should be equal to the glass.

Elena Malysheva diet: recipes for weight loss. Fasting day

Elena Vasilievna advises diversifying the rice and buckwheat. salad "Brush". For its preparation, you will need:

  • raw white cabbage
  • raw beets
  • raw carrots

Grate beets and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the cabbage with thin slices. Salad sprinkle with olive oil or lemon juice.

Use this cleaning dish throughout the day 200 g at a time. Such fasting days can be spent no more than 1 time per week.

Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss at home

For those who do not have time or desire to engage in calorie content, selection of products and cooking, Malysheva offers a finished diet. This is a set of dishes for a whole month, which is delivered to the house in cardboard boxes in 2 receptions: at the beginning and middle of the month.

  • Dishes for four meals a day are packed in sealed containers
  • Most boxes require storage in the refrigerator, others can simply be put in a kitchen cabinet
  • Each meal corresponds to its color. This allows you to easily find the desired container
  • It is convenient to take boxes with you to work and warm up in a microwave or pour hot water
  • In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, Malyshev offers a useful snack, which is most often a dessert
  • Malysheva sets are designed not only for healthy losing weight, but also for people with various diseases
  • There is a male and female version of the diet, as well as special sets for maintaining physical form and weight loss during intensive loads
  • All dishes are balanced in nutrients and have optimal calorie content

Video: The official diet of Elena Malysheva

Important: all the details of the diet, as well as contacts for ordering, the story of losing weight with the photo you will find on the official website of Elena Malysheva.

Elena Malysheva diet: Lighting products

What includes the set of Malysheva, designed for a month?

  • Breakfasts indicated by green color are oatmeal porridge with berries, fruit rice, mucos with nuts, omelet with vegetables, fruit bars
  • "Orange" dinners are a bird with various sauces and vegetables, fish dishes, mushrooms with potatoes, buckwheat porridge with meat balls
  • For dessert, which goes in blue, fruit bars with different taste, mixtures of nuts with dried fruits, Kozinaki are offered
  • “Red” dinners are various creams with chicken, mushrooms, pumpkin, mushroom and meat jules, stuffed pepper, vegetable pilaf, lazy cabbage rolls and many more diverse dishes
  • Railless days are marked. This is 4 days a month that you will spend, eating exclusively buckwheat or rice porridge to choose from

Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss: tips and reviews

  • There are different views about the finished diet of Malysheva. Its cost scares away many losing weight. If only the price of products is considered, then the finished diet of the TV presenter is really much more expensive than the prices of their components
  • But, according to other buyers, the already drawn up plan of food, release from cooking for a whole month, preparation of the menu by a graduate doctor cost their money
  • Positive reviews have earned and free weight loss systems Malysheva. Her 10-day diet based on separate nutrition helps to lose weight as much as 5 kg absolutely without harm to health

Video: How to lose weight. Live great with Elena Malysheva

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