Diet - table No. 9 for diabetes of type 1, 2 and during pregnancy: recipes, a list of products and menu of diet No. 9 for each day, for a week

Diet - table No. 9 for diabetes of type 1, 2 and during pregnancy: recipes, a list of products and menu of diet No. 9 for each day, for a week

Basics of diet table No. 9 for diabetes. Recipes for dishes on a diet on the singer.

Diet table No. 9 is a special diet, which is prescribed for some ailments. It implies limiting simple carbohydrates and a decrease in the number of animal fats.

When is the diet table No. 9 assigned?

Indications for the use of diet table No. 9:

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus of varying severity
  • Allergy
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Bronchial asthma

This power method allows you to choose the optimal list of products that will help improve the patient's condition. The amount of animal fats is reduced. At the same time, they are completely excluded from the sweet menu.

Which of the products is excluded on the diet table No. 9?

Using this diet, it is worth considering the list of permitted and prohibited products. The diet table No. 9 itself is balanced and does not require the introduction of vitamins and trace elements. The menu contains a lot of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, which helps to establish the digestive tract.

Forbidden products:

  • Sweets. All sugar is replaced by substitutes
  • Fruits with a high sucrose content: Bananas, raisins, dried apricots, grapes and dates
  • Simple carbohydrates: Wheat flour, small grinding, pasta, butter rolls and white bread
  • Some cereals: Manki, Fig
  • Fat meat: duck, turkey, pork and lamb
  • Meat processing products: Paste, sausage, carbonate
  • Beverages: Sugar juices and sweet tea

List of permitted products on the diet table No. 9

Diet table No. 9 is quite diverse and not hungry. The list of permitted products is quite extensive. You can make a quite suitable and hearty menu.

Profitable products:

  • Low -fat meat: chicken, rabbit, beef
  • Fruit with minimal sugar content: apples, apricot, strawberries, raspberries and currants
  • Vegetables with a slight content of starch and sugar: cabbage, zucchini, squash, eggplant, salad and greens
  • Dairy products with low fat content: kefir, sour cream, yogurt and yogurts without fruit fillers
  • From fats: butter 20 g per day, vegetable oils
  • Beverages: tea, compote, rosehip decoction with sugar substitute

Features and rules of diet table No. 9

A diet is prescribed to normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The power method does not differ in low calorie content. The daily energy value of products is in the range of 1700 - 2300 calories.

Features and rules of diet table No. 9:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day
  • You can’t miss breakfast. In the morning, carriers and proteins should enter the body to maintain a constant level of glycemic index
  • Replace all sugar with substitutes
  • Do not cook all the cereals for cooking cereals, but pour boiling water and leave in the thermos. This will allow food to digest longer
  • Cook soups in the second broth. Vegetarian first dishes can be considered ideal
  • If you want to eat, eat vinaigrette or boiled chicken breast
  • Drink a lot of clean water. During the day you need to drink 1.5 l of ordinary water
  • Try to eat at the same time

Diet table No. 9 for pregnant women

This nutrition circuit during pregnancy is prescribed for women with the risk of diabetes and obesity. It prevents the set of a large amount of weight of mother and child.

What can you eat pregnant women on the table No. 9:

  • Vegetables and fruits. They cannot be frying. It is necessary to bake or boil the blowing or cook them for steam
  • Sugar and fruit juices are completely excluded. You can’t replace sugar with something else. Substitutes can harm the child
  • More sour milk products with a minimum amount of fat are turned on
  • Macarone, rice and semolina are excluded
  • Bread can only be eaten with bran or whole grain

Diet table No. 9 for type 1 diabetes

This diet is designed in order to maximize the patient's amount of insulin consumed. Accordingly, you need to eat foods with a low glycemic index and a complete absence of sugar.

Features of diet table No. 9 for type 1 diabetes:

  • All soups are prepared in very weak meat broth. Give preference to vegetarian soups. Allowed to be focusing with meatballs or a small amount of cereal
  • Bread no more than 200 g per day. In this case, it should be brilliant or rye
  • Sugar can not eat in any form
  • Macarone is prohibited
  • You can cook or bake lean meat and river fish
  • From cereals you can oatmeal, buckwheat and pearl barley
  • Fruits and vegetables are allowed with the exception of bananas, grapes, potatoes and carrots with red beetroot

Diet table No. 9 for type 2 diabetes: Features

Type 2 diabetes develops over the years. As a result of this ailment, the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases. That is, this hormone is produced in sufficient quantities, but the cells simply do not react to it.

As a result of this, a high level of glucose is diagnosed in the blood. This is due to prolonged abuse of sweets and food with a high glycemic index. The main task in type 2 diabetes is to reduce the amount of sugar, normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and a decrease in the patient's weight.

Features of diet table No. 9 in type 2 diabetes:

  • It is necessary to reduce the number of products with a high glycemic index
  • The content of cereals and vegetables in the diet increases
  • All tight fats are excluded from the menu
  • The entire diet is divided into 5-6 receptions. This helps maintain glucose levels at a constant level
  • Porridge can be eaten, but preferably in the morning
  • In the evening, it is better to consume protein products

Diet table No. 9: menu for every day

Following the lists of permitted and prohibited products, you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes.

Approximate daytime diet menu table No. 9:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with fruits, unsweetened tea with a toast of grain bread and a piece of cheese
  • Lunch. Kefir and apple
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup. Boiled fish and buckwheat, cabbage salad with butter
  • Afternoon snack. Low -fat cottage cheese
  • Dinner. Casserole of meat with vegetables

Diet table No. 9: menu for a week

There is an approximate list of dishes for all meals.

List of dishes of the diet menu table No. 9:

  • Breakfast. Porridge with fruits, boiled meat and salad, casserole of cottage cheese without sugar, buckwheat with kefir
  • The second breakfast. Fruits, low -fat yogurts, kefir
  • Lunches. Soups on weak broths, pickle, borsch, fruit breeding soup. For the second porridge with low -fat meat, boiled fish with stewed cabbage, meatballs with buckwheat, vegetable stew
  • Afternoon rooms. Fruits, vegetable salads
  • Dinners. Casserole of cottage cheese and cereals. Kefir with a toast of whole grain bread, boiled fish, baked vegetables

Recipe for diet table No. 9: Fish on a vegetable pillow

These recipes will help to diversify the menu on the diet in diabetes. All food has a low glycemic index.

Fish on a vegetable pillow for a diet table No. 9:

  • Take a notothenia or hek fillet, coat it with kefir and sprinkle it with spices
  • Put the foil in the pan, and on it a layer of onions, cabbage and mushrooms. Put the fish on the vegetables. Pour kefir and wrap the foil
  • Bake in a hot oven 30 minutes
  • This is a great second meal dish

Recipe for diet table No. 9: curdled

Cottage cheese for diet table No. 9:

  • Mix in a bowl of 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese and one egg
  • Enter a little sugar substitute and grind everything. Pour vanilla sugar
  • Grind a spoonful of flakes in a blender. Ideally replace them with oat branch
  • Form the balls and bring to readiness in the double boiler

Recipe for diet table No. 9: borscht

Borsch for diet table No. 9:

  • Put the chicken fillet into the vessel with cold water and put it on the fire
  • After 30 minutes, add the potatoes, having previously soaked it in water for 2 hours. This will remove excess starch
  • After that, add cabbage and pour in tomato juice. Add a chopped onion onion
  • Cook until cooked, salt and add greens

Recipe for diet table No. 9: Nickname with buckwheat

Meads with buckwheat for diet table No. 9:

  • Boil the cereal until half -cooked
  • Grind chicken breast in a blender or on a meat grinder
  • Add grated onions, spices and salt to it
  • Enter the same egg and cooled porridge there
  • Form the balls and place them in boiling water, not exceeding the height of the meatballs in the pan. Cook for 10 minutes
  • Add chopped onion and spoon of tomato paste to the water
  • Enter salt and pepper into the water. Boil 10 to shout
  • Pour chopped greens and bay leaf
  • The dish is ready

There are a lot of recipes for dishes on diet No. 9. This is a gentle diet, which will allow to balance the blood glucose content.

Video: Diet No. 9 for diabetes



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  1. I want to praise this power system. Thanks to it, sugar is normal. Of course, it was not without medicine, but they, thank God, do not have much to drink, I accept only a cardioactive and tinctures of the trunk and sage.

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