Gypsies: nationality or nationality, why do not have their own country?

Gypsies: nationality or nationality, why do not have their own country?

This article will set out in detail who the gypsies are, what nationality the gypsy people have and whether they have their homeland. You will also find out why these people are called gypsies, where do the roots of this word come from?

The gypsies are a people, which is numerous ethnic minorities in the European part of Russia and other countries of the world, in fact they belong to the sections of the ethnic population, originally from India. Gypsies call themselves such words as rum or rum, they also use ethnonyms such as Manush (people) or feces (black). To make it easier, European gypsies are called - Roma.

Why are gypsies called gypsies?

In Russia and throughout the post -Soviet space the word gypsies Everyone is known. A similar word from Atcingani from Greek is translated as unsheated. For the first time, the term was used in the eleventh century in the annals "Life of George Athos." The only thing that the book was described under this term not gypsies, but heretical sectarians.


In other countries, gypsies are called differently. The British say to them - Egyptians (Egypses), evaporates - Gitanos, the French call the gypsies Bohemiens (Bohemians), Czechs - Tsiganes (from the Greek - scurvy), Jews call them the Tsuanim as the Biblical province of Tsoan in Egypt.

However, the gypsy people themselves do not call themselves that, in their language gypsy - This roma. Most likely, the word appeared after their residence in Byzantium. Many have heard a word in films romale - This is a derivative of Roma. Sometimes they call themselves sini or kale, or manush, What means people.

What is the religion of the gypsies?

This is not to say that all the gypsies represent only to the Orthodox faith. After the research, it was found that gypsies accept the faith of the country where they live. It is also interesting that the gypsy people, despite this or that religion, is often called God. What looks like the Indian name of the deity of Deva. And the devil is Beng. The gypsies still believe in the spirits of nature, which coincides with Hinduism.

To what nationality, the race belong to the gypsies, from which nation came, who are their ancestors, where is their homeland?

Earlier, Europeans believed that gypsies are the Egyptians. Even Gitanes is considered a derivative of the Egyptian. The migration of the free people came from Upper Egypt (by the way, there were two Egypts before - the lower, upper). So the gypsies migrated from what was in the area of \u200b\u200bPeloponnes. This is noticeable even in the life of the current gypsies. The gypsy people can be safely attributed to caucasoid race. Since it is ranked to it: Russians, Indians, Greeks, Peruvians.

The first Tarot cards to the Europeans brought the gypsy peoples. The cards themselves are a reminder of the cult of the god Tarot in Egypt. Even the gypsies taught Europeans the ability of the Egyptians to embalm the deceased.


According to the latest data, the gypsies migrated from Egypt, but their homeland is not Egypt, but India. This has proven genetics. Indian Traditions are now manifested in the culture of the nomadic people. As you know, gypsies have the gift of direct influence on people. To do this, they use hypnosis. In addition, they get along very well with animals, gypsies are beautiful trainers and Hindus too.

In order to highlight the gypsies from the rest, it is enough to chat with them. This people, wherever they live, in any country they contrast themselves with other people. It is the persons of this culture that divide the whole world into gypsies and not gypsies.

Gypsies nationality or nationality - how is the nationality in the passport written?

In the last century in the capital of England April 8, 1971. The Gypsy World Congress was held, at which the gypsies admitted themselves to the non -territorial people. More participants in the congress took national symbols: flag, anthem. The basis for the anthem was the song “Jel, Jel”, and on the coat of arms of this people a wheel, wagon, horseshoe, maps are depicted. It is precisely this symbols that the famous gypsy publications of magazines, newspapers decorate.

Do gypsies have passports?
Do gypsies have passports?

After the Congress, April 8 began to be considered a World Gypsy Day. Based on this information, gypsies are not a nation, but a nation. They choose their nationality as follows. People receive a passport and birth certificate in the country where they live, and the documentation indicates the nationality of the same as citizens of the country. For example, if the gypsies live in Russia, then he is Russian gypsies.

Interestingly, some gypsies in the 90s and 2000 managed to receive several certificates of birth of a child in Russia immediately in Russia. They did this in various points of residence at different times. Thanks to such fraud, it was possible to reduce the age of the face so as not to be responsible for the crimes of the age of majority. It was also possible to receive benefits for the same child in different places. Gypsies have always considered dangerous many people, because of their ability to fraud and deceit.

Why does gypsy do not have their own country?

Initially, the gypsies did not live for a long time in the same place because of their ability to deceive and theft. They were simply kicked out. The nomads have now settled many countries of the European and Eastern platform. They live not only in the post -Soviet space, but in Africa, America, Brazil, Australia. These people consider themselves free, therefore they often migrate. It was they who admitted that their nation is non -territorial.

A similar image
Why are the gypsies wandering?

Signs, appearance of gypsy nationality

Most often, gypsies have a dark skin color, dark hair - this is their distinctive feature. However, in many European countries there are gypsies that have blond hair and white skin, blue eyes. Due to the traditions of the gypsy people, one can notice the following individual features in their image:

  1. Gypsies wear long hair, after all, short haircuts for this people are considered a symbol of dishonor. Therefore, they all the time avoid hairstyles with short hair.
  2. If the gypsy wears one earring in the ear, then he is one in the family, he has no brothers or sisters.
  3. All gypsies love gold massive jewelry, and most of all they like gold rings. East European nomadic peoples have entire sets of rings of eight rings, which are worn on each finger, except for the large ones. Moreover, the rings differ from each other in size, patterns, but suit each other in color scheme.

Often you can find curly gypsies, and women like to wear loose hair or collect it in a bunch.

What do gypsies look like outwardly?
What do gypsies look like outwardly?

There is a certain difference from other nationalities and in the style of clothing of the gypsy nationality. Gypsies do not like short skirts, their dresses and skirts always cover their knees, they also wear trousers, but not vulgar. Although there are exceptions, much depends on the place of residence of gypsy families.

The history of the gypsy people

The gypsies did not have written writing, because there are no historical documents about their origin. Everything was transmitted from mouth to mouth, so you can follow the development of this people only on the basis of old -timers. There are many theories that gypsy culture It has its beginning from India. And before the eighteenth century were different theories of the origin of the gypsies. Who said that the first gypsies lived in Atlantis, and who said that they came from the Jews. Many people think that the homeland of the people is Egypt or India.

The history of the gypsy people
The history of the gypsy people

There are versions that the origin of the nationality occurred in Asia, in particular in Mesopotamia or Sinjara. Some say - the gypsy people first lived in Byzantium. If you look at literary works in 1422 in the annals was indicated, What gypsies lived in India, and in the Chronicle of the World it was mentioned that Philip 3 kicked out the gypsies from Spain, who returned to their homeland to India.

Scientific information was not justified, but there are no other sources about this people until the eighteenth century. Already in 2009 year from France They sent it around ten thousand illegal immigrants in Bulgaria, Romania. A from Germany In the near future they are going send twelve thousand people to Kosovoas they emigrated to this country after hostilities in Yugoslavia and Kosovo back in 1999

The number of gypsies in the world

In total, there are about eighteen million gypsies around the world. And the largest number of this nationality lives in European countries. There are almost ten million of them. Most of all the gypsies live in Western Europe. In the post -Soviet space in 1970, there were about 175.4 thousand people. And in 2010, according to estimates in Russia, about 220,000 people lived.

How many gypsies are there in the world now?
How many gypsies are there in the world now?

According to statistics in European countries,:

  1. In particular: in Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria-about 4.5-5 million gypsies.
  2. In one Romania - 1.8 million people
  3. In Bulgaria - 750,000 people
  4. And in Hungary - 700,000 people
  5. On the territory of Slovakia - 500,000 people
  6. There are only about 200,000 people in the Czech Republic
  7. On the territory of Spain - 726,000 people
  8. In France - 400,000 people
  9. In the UK - 224,000 people
  10. On the territory of Italy - 141,000 people.

And these data are changing all the time. To date, they can be irrelevant.

What language did the gypsy language come from?

Gypsy language (or differently: Romani Chib) - this is a language that came from the western branch of nationalities, it is ranked for Indo -Aryan pronunciation. Ethnologists reckon the gypsies to Megreo (intergroup ethnic education). What is the most important characteristic of gypsy families living in a particular country. The influence of the culture of the state where gypsies live has always been affected by the peculiarities of the language of the people.

Some peoples of gypsy origin even lost their language, began to communicate on the local one. In general, gypsy is very similar to the Middle Indian and New Indian language.

Gypsy families
Gypsy families

There are differences in different groups of gypsies in dialects. The local language of the state where they live have a great influence on the pronunciation of words. There are many new words borrowed from the languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples.

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Video: Gypsies - nationality or nationality?

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Comments K. article

  1. I love Qigan not for the appearance, but for their truth. If they say that we are not evil and good, so they behave accordingly. We say not with you, but we are not against you. If I am Russian, so I live In Russia. And I can’t leave the country's problem and not bypass them. They have no problem. I have nothing to solve. Therefore, they live like that. Theyak as restless.

  2. And who knows ... Maybe after death, it is in the place between Ray and hell that the soul of this people finds peace.

  3. There is a card at work, a defector was given a gypsy at night in a dream, a gypsy, a ruble, gave, magic, everyday life, we, all, live, a friend, peace, in a dream.

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