What do Americans eat, which restaurants are the most popular in America? Why do Americans eat fast food?

What do Americans eat, which restaurants are the most popular in America? Why do Americans eat fast food?

A review of the dietary habits of Americans.

There are many opinions regarding what the Americans really eat. Especially often attracts the obscenities of this nation, that is, excess weight. In this article we will tell you why this is happening.

Why do Americans eat fast food?

The fact is that the Americans are accustomed to convenience, they want to make their lives as convenient and comfortable as possible. Accordingly, very little time in a day they move, prefer not to walk, but to order food in the delivery service. Even the delivery service is brought to them by the delivery service if it is not possible to leave for their own car. Fast-food is very popular. The fact is that the prevalence of fast food is associated with the lowest prices for this food. She is really a penny.

At lunchtime, in order to eat normally, in McDonald's burger with potatoes of free, as well as Coca-Cola or pizza, you will have to lay out only 10 bucks. By the standards of the Americans, this is a very small amount that the cleaner earns in just an hour of his working time. Therefore, they allow themselves to visit fast food restaurants. Also, fast food can eat almost anyone, even a person who earns extremely few by the standards of Americans. Of course, people who work in other positions earn more, can afford to go to restaurants. However, some still like to pamper themselves with fast food.


What restaurants are popular among Americans?

Therefore, the most popular restaurants in America are KFC, McDonald's, BURITOS, comb, as well as various restaurants with eastern cuisine, where they sell land, egg noodles, seafood. There is even a network of restaurants in which you can come and eat on the principle of the Swedish table, paying only 10 dollars for it. For this money, you can eat pizza, hamburgers or seafood as much as you like, depending on which restaurant you choose.

Why are the Americans not cooking at home? In fact, this is due to laziness and the fact that they work a lot. That is, a person who worked for 12 hours cannot come home and prepare a full dinner for himself. They have no habit of cooking like in our country: cook soup or extinguish hot with mushrooms. Yes, this is long in time, and besides this requires a visit to the store in order to purchase products.

In America, this is not accepted, they have a cult of finished, frozen semi -finished products. The most interesting thing is that even finished boiled noodles with cheese are frozen, with a meat-sneak, or a paste with some kind of sauce. It remains only to put food in the microwave, defrost, heat and eat. That is why most Americans suffer from excess weight. This is due to very low mobility during the day and the consumption of high -calorie foods.

Food in America
Food in America

What is the food in America?

Many Russians who came from Russia to America note that even after preserving their food habits, they unexpectedly gained weight. This is due to the fact that their products are more high -calorie, they always add more sugar, oils, and various fats. That is, even regularly consuming bread, which we have less high -calorie, you run the risk of getting better. Because in American bread there is more sugar, salt, as well as substances that contribute to the maintenance of water in the body, as well as fat accumulation.

Many of our compatriots who moved to America note that American food has an artificial taste. This is true, because in the country it is customary to replace more expensive products with cheap, as well as introduce a huge number of preservatives, sugar -substitutes, flavor enhancers. Therefore, the food seems artificial. But along with people who constantly use fast food, in America there is also a category of population who cares about its health, eats food with Organic.

In fact, these are ordinary products that we can find in any supermarket or in the market with grandmothers. These are ordinary apples, grown in the courtyard of the private sector, as well as cow's milk from the home cow is not diluted. In fact, food should always be like that, but in America there are a lot of artificial additives and substitutes. Accordingly, people who lead a healthy lifestyle, just give preference to food with the designation of Organic.

Food of Americans
Food of Americans

What do Americans eat on the weekend?

In films we can see that Americans often prepare hot dogs, grilled sausages, as well as steaks on their weekends. In fact, reality is no different from the film. Steaks are not prepared at all from selected veal or pork, which was chosen for a long time in the market, as is usually done for barbecue. The meat is just going, they purchase ready -made, chopped into steaks, packed in a supermarket.

At the same time, the easiest option is to purchase sausages, fry on the grill. This is due to the same time saving. The Americans simply have no time to relax and engage in a long process of pickling barbecue or steaks, preparing homemade sausages. Everything is much simpler and faster, in order not to bother much and cook delicious dinner in a few minutes.

Fast food
Fast food

The fact is that it is possible if we lived in America, the same as they did. But we have not so developed a network of delivery services, and there is also no huge number of semi -finished products at an affordable price. Usually home delivery is quite expensive, even for the average category of the population. Therefore, you have to go to a supermarket, purchase products to the market, and cook homemade food.

Instead of purchasing expensive semi -finished products, Russians buy products on their own in order to save, because they live poorly. We earn several times less Americans, so we cannot afford such a standard of living.

Video: What do Americans eat?

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