Color types of appearance. How to determine your color type?

Color types of appearance. How to determine your color type?

Yellow blouse, red hat, green jacket - and all this paints your friends, not you? You need to know your color type.

Color type

What is a color type? If you disassemble the word in detail, then two roots can be distinguished: “color” and “type”. That is, the type of color or color type. It follows that the color type is a certain combination of colors, their shades, harmonizing each other.

Speaking about the color type, most often implies precisely the color type of appearance.

Color types
Color types

Color types of appearance

  • The color type of appearance is a certain combination of hair, lips, eyes, skin shade. Each person can be more than accurately attributed to any one color type
  • By the way, there are 4 main color types of total: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Like the seasons. This is due to the fact that each color type is characterized by precisely those shades in the image that correspond to its time of year
  • It is worth telling more about the shades of the seasons, so as not to cause confusion
  • In each time of the year, certain colors prevail. So, in winter In large quantities there is a contrast of white and black
  • Color spectrum winter Cold. Therefore, in the appearance of a person related to the color type " winter"There will always be cold and contrast: black hair and blue with an icy shade of the eye, white hair and blue eyes
Zwtotype winter
Zwtotype "Winter"

Spring - The personification of brightness and warmth. At this time, in nature, the colors are very saturated, warm. The grass of a pleasant light herbal color, the sky is blue, the sun does not burn with rays, but pleasantly warm. Very often in people of the color type " spring"There are freckles, and the hair is always a warm shade, the skin is pink.

The color type Spring
Color type "Spring"

Summer - The next time of the year after spring. In summer, the paints are bright only in early June. Basically, colder shades dominate in summer than in the spring. A characteristic feature of summer is a slight sprinkle, haze.

If you go out on a hot sunny summer day, you can see the sand applied by the wind everywhere. When there is no rain for a long time, summer days resemble a desert. And in the color type " summer»There is this very dusting.

The color type is summer
Color type "Summer"

Autumn. No one will argue that autumn - A warm color type. Orange, red and yellow warm shades dominate. A woman relating to autumn color type, there will always be a warm shade of hair and skin.

Color type Autumn
Flotter "Autumn"

Now about each color type in more detail.

Color type " summer«

  • As already mentioned above, " summer" - this is a color type in which there is a kind of haze. At the same time, the color scheme is always cold for him. Bright colors are practically absent
  • Characteristic features " summer »The color type is: light skin or skin with an olive subtone. The hair is ashen, ashen-brown, ashen-chestnut, cold shade, sometimes are silver. Eye color is gray, gray-blue, blue, brown, olive. Lips have a pink color, always look slightly pale
  • People related to " summer»The color type, you should pay attention to muffled," washed "colors. Bright colors in the image are very attracted to attention, so "" summer»Man remains unnoticed
  • Very dark colors create a strong contrast in the image. Each case should be considered separately. It is very difficult to give a general recommendation on this occasion, since pure color types in nature are practically not found
A typical example of a color type Summer
A typical example of the color type "Summer"
The color type is summer
Color type "Summer"
An example of a man related to a summer color type
An example of a man related to the "summer" color type

Color type " winter«

  • «Winter" - a cold and pure color type. It is dominated by black, white colors. Most often, representatives of this color type have very bright or vice versa very dark skin, blue-black or white hair (or just black or brown with a cold tint). Brown eyes, black or bright blue
  • The color type is very contrasting. Colors should be chosen bright, even “screaming”. It is worth avoiding gray colors recommended by the color type " summer". The brighter and more saturated the color, the better
  • Warm shades in the image should be avoided, especially in the "portrait" zone. Or "dilute" them with dominant cold colors
  • In general, the image " winter»Very harmonious. You might even say, royal
The color type is winter
Color type "Winter"
Color type Winter (blonde)
The color type "Winter" (blonde)

Color type " spring«

  • Warm, soft color type. Warm shade hair: wheat, reddish, brown. Freckles are bright, eyebrows are invisible against the background of light skin
  • People " spring»The color type has peach, pink, skin. Sometimes a little lighter or darker. But the shade in most cases is warm
  • This color type often has invisible eyelashes. They are very bright, like eyebrows
  • You should not dress this color type as " winter" or " fly«. «Winter"The option of clothing will completely drown out light colors of" spring»Man. And cold " summer»Colors will make the image awkward
  • The color of the eyes of the color type " spring»Could be blue or green with a gray shade, or without it.
Color type Spring man
Color type "Vesna" man
Example of a girl color type Spring
Example of the girl of the color type "Spring"

Color type " autumn«

  • The warmest color type. Do not remind you how the time of the year looks usually autumn
  • In people of the color type " autumn»A warm shade of leather. Hair is always given red. And not cold red, but copper-red. Sometimes with an admixture of gold. Most often these are all kinds of shades of chestnut, red, copper flowers
  • Sometimes at the color type " autumn»There are freckles of brown or gold, but not gray.
  • The color of the eyes is always warm: herbal green, brown with golden interspersed, warm olive
  • Color type " autumn»It is considered muffled. The people of this color type are suitable for warm and bright shades. Cold colors make the image awkward
A typical representative of the fall
Typical representative of "Autumn"
Color type Autumn
Flotter "Autumn"

How to determine your color type?

There are several ways to determine your color type.

Method number 1.

You will need to determine your color type:

  • White scarf or head bandage
  • Color paper or trimming plain fabric of different colors
  • Mirror
  • Day lighting

So, how to determine your color type?

  • Thoroughly wash off all cosmetics from the face and neck
  • Stoop the hair so that it does not interfere, and tie your head with a white scarf or towel. Ideally, the hair should not be visible at all.
  • In turn, apply prepared pieces of fabric or colored paper and note which colors make the tone of the face more evenly, and which give the skin redness and an unhealthy appearance.
  • The colors with which the face looks better - your basic. They need to be added to the portrait zone.

For example: bright red and raspberry colors are suitable for you. At the same time, pale pink or muffled green does not go at all. With a high probability, we can say that your color type is winter.

This method works every other time. Not all people can accurately determine what colors they succeed, and which only spoil their appearance. In addition, “mixed” color types that cannot be unequivocally attributed to any of the existing ones are very common.

An example of how hair color changes people
An example of how hair color changes people

Method number 2

This method will help to accurately determine your tone (warm or cold). Further, depending on the color of the eyes and hair, you can determine the color type.

What will be needed:

  • Mirror
  • Day lighting
  • Orange or mandarin. Do not take grapefruit, it will not give accurate results

What should be done:

  • To the face, to the portrait zone, bring orange or tangerine. If your complexion has become brighter, lighter, bruises under the eyes are less noticeable, you are a warm color type. If on the contrary, it is cold.
The same orange
The same orange

Test for the color type

To determine your color type, you can go through a simple test.

  • What is your leather shade?
    1. Dark, dark or very bright, porcelain
    2. Bright, with a warm shade, peach, warm pink color. Freckles if there is, then light
    3. Bright, with a cold shade, there are some gray freckles
    4. Golden, if there are freckles, then brown or red
  • What color is your hair?
    1. Cold black or warm brown. Or white
    2. Light wheat, light, reddish colors. The hair color is warm
    3. Light wheat, ashen, ashen-rustic, white. Cold hair color
    4. Red, copper-red, chestnut. Warm and bright hair color
  • What color your eyes and eyes are?
    1. White proteins, from afar, are slightly cast blue. Strong contrast with the color of the pupils. The color of the eyes itself is either black or brown, or bright blue or blue
    2. Eye proteins are “clean”, bright white. The color of the eyes is green, light brown, turquoise, olive. In any case, the color of the eyes is always warm
    3. Eye proteins and iris do not contrast. The eye bloomed can be gray, gray-blue, gray-green, carim (provided that its hair color is ashen or ash-cornated cold shade). Eye shade - cold
    4. Eye proteins and iris do not contrast, both warm shades. The color of the eyes varies from green to brown, including the gold
  • What color is the skin over the veins in the hands?
    1. Cold blue
    2. Warm greenish
    3. Cold, rather emerald or turquoise
    4. Warm, more muffled green or vein are not visible at all


  • If most of the answers under the number 1, your color type - winter
  • If most of the answers under the number 2, your color type - spring
  • If most of the answers under the number 3, your color type - summer
  • If most of the answers under the number 4, your color type - autumn

Color types, photos

If you have passed tests and could not decide on your color type, carefully look at the following photos and think about what colors and shades prevail in your image, and which in the image of a typical representative of a particular color type and correlate them.

Color type " winter«:

The color type is winter
Color type "Winter"
The color type is winter
Color type "Winter"

Color type " spring«:

The color type Spring
Color type "Spring"
The color type Spring
Color type "Spring"

Color type " summer«:

The color type is summer
Color type "Summer"
The color type is summer
Color type "Summer"

Color type " autumn«:

Color type Autumn
Flotter "Autumn"
Color type Autumn
Flotter "Autumn"

What color is suitable for me? How to choose hair color?

  • As already mentioned earlier in the article, cold color types (" winter«, «summer") Cold shades of hair color are ideal, and bright (" spring«, «autumn") - light
  • The easiest way is to focus on your natural hair color and not to retreat from it further than 1-3 tones. Otherwise, there is a risk of adding your age, or vice versa to look too young
  • Color types "" spring" and " summer»Fixing to individual strands is suitable, preferably near the face.
  • Other color types of this should not be done
  • It is not recommended to obscure the hair " spring" - all charm will be lost
  • «Autumn"The color type cannot" go "into cold shades, but" winter" - in warm

Colorful color

The paradox, but dark colors are suitable for light color types, and dark color types are light.

We list the basic colors and color types to which these colors are suitable:

Video: It is important to correctly determine your color type and how to do it?

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