The color type of appearance "Spring". How to distinguish a spring woman?

The color type of appearance

If it is difficult for you to choose the right color scheme for clothes and makeup, read our article.

The human color type is genetically laid in it. It is determined by the color of the hair, skin, eye. Spring women are funny, faithful, responsible and very charming. The “fatal” woman is not about them at all.

The color type Spring

Woman of the color type Spring seems to radiate sunlight
Woman of the color type Spring seems to radiate sunlight

Such girls were depicted in his paintings by King of Artists Titian Vechellio: sensual, natural, lungs. These are the main advantages inherent in the color type Spring. A spring woman can always be distinguished from the crowd:

  • From people of this type blows solar heat. They are sincere, open, honest, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with them. They have thin, velvety, as if glowing from the inside, skin with a light blush and a slightly golden tint, clear, radiant, bright eyes
  • The color scheme of the eyes is quite wide - from heavenly blue to amber shine. The color of proteins usually resembles ghee and harmonize with a shade of iris
  • A spring woman is often embarrassed, easily blushes. Nature generously endowed the representatives of the spring color type with golden freckles and moles

This type of women is a rare phenomenon among the Slavs, and throughout the world there are no more than 5%of them. True, often all women blondes are ranked by spring. This is wrong - hair color is not as important as a characteristic shade of the eyes and skin. Only the totality of all criteria speaks of belonging to the color type Spring.

Subspecies of the color type

Bright spring
Bright spring
Warm spring
Warm spring
Bright spring
Bright spring

Like all other color types, spring has its subspecies:

  1. Light (Light Spring). A typical bright spring is characterized by a predominance of light colors, the lack of contrasts and saturated colors
  2. Warm (Warm Spring). The host is warm color. Cleanliness and lightness of paints prevail in appearance
  3. Bright (Clear Spring). The joyful, bright and warm palette dominates. Women belonging to this subcategory look good in outfits that have contrasting combinations of shades and textures

The color type palette

The color palette of the color type Spring is designed in pastel colors

The palette of paints in spring is very interesting, unusual. The following shades look most advantageous on the representatives of this color type:

  1. The entire color scheme of white, which includes such warm shades as creamy, ghee, cream brown. Cold snowy, pearl tones are not for spring - against their background, the skin seems very pale, glorifying painful yellowness
  2. All shades of brown gamut: security, beige, golden, but not very dark, because the girl-spring can not be boring in principle
  3. Harmonious, warm, delicious shades of peach and apricot colors. The main thing is not to be seduced by a rich orange and pink, the image from this will lose a lot
  4. The tones of the coral-red gamut, but in no case is a classic red
  5. The natural harmony of the spring image is well emphasized by light pearl, light gray, gray-blue shades. And deep gray color, on the contrary, will only ruin everything

Color type Spring photo

Comparing yourself with women in the photo, you can determine your color type.

The very personification of spring
The naturalness of the image is characteristic of the color of the appearance of spring
Woman Sovetnna is always in harmony with the outside world
Sky blue eyes, blond skin, soft fluffy hair-all indicates that the girl is a representative of the color type Spring
The color type of spring includes not only blondes
Most representatives of the spring image have wavy hair

Color type Spring hair

Color gamut of a spring woman's hair
Shades of hair of the color type Spring

Usually in spring, the hair has thin, slightly curly. It is a mistake to think that only blondes belong to this color type.

In fact, this categorization, although bright, but the color range is wide-from light brown to light brown, sometimes red, straw, even dark brown.

The main thing is that they all have a warm, golden tint, like a ripe wheat or bright amber. But a black-haired woman-spring woman never happens.

Color type Spring hair color

Spring is beautiful
Spring is beautiful

Although the dark hair of the color type is still spring, it is very rare. They are most suitable for soft and warm chestnut or medium red color. And against the background of hair dyed in saturated dark tones, facial features become inexpressive, so spring beauties should choose shades lighter than dark red.

Woman Sovetnna with red hair

Red hair is not so rare in women in the spring type
Red hair is not so rare in women in the spring type
  • Warm, honey shades of red make up the image of a loser girl with brave, contrasting and slightly similar to the autumn type. Such hair is suitable for almost all representatives of the spring color type
  • They can afford to do coloring, highlighting or perform hair dyeing completely in such a sun.
  • Cold red tones spring beauties should be avoided. They change their appearance for the worse - all the flaws of the skin are immediately striking, the impression of a gloomy is created

Blond hair beauty

Blond -haired beauty of the spring image
Blond -haired beauty of the spring image
  • Most often, a woman-spring woman is a natural blonde. A girl like an angel looks like all so bright, light, sophisticated, very feminine
  • Extravagance, sharp contrast is not at all suitable for an aristocratic beauty. No ashy, muddy, grayish shades. With her way, only clean, fresh tones are in harmony
  • Light hair on the tips looks very successful, smoothly crossed closer to the roots, but not large highlighting - it looks unnatural and violates the integrity of the image

Color type Spring Clothes

Simple styles emphasize natural beauty
Simple styles emphasize natural beauty

The main task of a woman-spring is not to spoil the beauty, which is so generously gifted by her nature. It is important to choose the right basic wardrobe so that it emphasizes the ease, purity and brightness of the image.

The spring girl is the tenderness and grace itself. Many decorative elements, large prints, elaboration of the East, the complexity of the image - all this is not for her. It looks exquisitely clothing, sustained in the same color scheme, if the print, then small, not striking.

The basic wardrobe of women is spring
The basic wardrobe of women is spring

Spring is the expectation of a new, awakening of new vitality, special energy. All the features inherent in the color type Spring are transmitted through forms, lines and color. In the wardrobe of a spring woman, they prevail:

  • two principles - female and male
  • triangular silhouette
  • broken lines
  • warm colors
  • fabrics light, shiny
  • combination of 3 or more shades
  • the simplicity of styles without pretentiousness and excesses
  • mandatory presence of accessories
Easy and naturalness-style of women-spring
Easy and naturalness-style of women-spring

Organically on spring girls, clothes made of light cotton and flax, suede and velvet, as well as knitwear, look. The fabrics are mostly plain, and if there is a pattern, it is small.

Sports and classic style diluted with feminine details, spring spring is perfectly suitable. And the style is romantic, characterized by the presence of ruffles, lace, extravagance, ostentatious luxury - this is for representatives of other types.

The trend of spring 2016 is free coat, looks very harmonious on spring -type girls
The trend of spring 2016 is free coat, looks very harmonious on spring -type girls
  • As a clothing for the office, strict light brown or beige suit is quite appropriate
  • A good option for relaxation - shirts, free blouses combined with a straight skirt, jeans
  • Evening outfit - dresses of simple style or expensive silk blouse with a skirt on the floor or in the evening cut pants

Color for the color type Spring

Basic shades for the spring color type
Basic shades for the spring color type

The basic shades for the color type Spring are light neutral shades: apricot, ghee, cream.

  • When selecting the upper part of the outfit, you should focus on the color of the hair: the lighter they are, the more the bright thing will be harmonious with them. Therefore, the blouses of light yellow, caramel, peach will be a good choice
  • As for hats and scarves, they are also chosen on this principle. If you want to create some bright accent, then it is better to choose a bright scarf or hat. Black, black, categorically refuse from dark brown, black. As an exception, only a bag and shoes can be black
  • Accessories, jewelry should emphasize the sophistication and grace of the spring image. A good decision is a pearl thread, but only with a cream tint. Large jewelry is hardly suitable, but a modest discreet golden ring with a diamond paired with an elegant pendant, jewelry with floral ornaments will harmoniously complement the outfit
Jewelry for women-spring
Jewelry for women-spring

Of course, all these are recommendations regarding classical spring. Therefore, use them only as a starting point. And when choosing your style, remember that you are unique.

Color type Spring makeup

Discreet and delicate makeup for a girl -spring
Discreet and delicate makeup for a girl -spring

A western woman captivates with its naturalness, so makeup should be tender, airy.

As a basis, a tonal cream of a peach shade or under the elephant bone is well suited. White, cold pink, lilac tones are undesirable-they will make the face dull.

In warm colors, powder is also selected. If the skin is light-light beige, and bronze for tanned skin.
Choosing blush, it is better to dwell on delicate transparent shades:

  • salmon
  • persikov
  • light coloral
  • apricot

As for lip eyeliners, there are no clear contours. Therefore, instead of lipstick, it is better to use the shine of the next color scheme:

  • golden
  • red-brown
  • light pink
  • pink-beige
  • apricot
  • svetly-brown
  • red with a golden hue

The beautiful, delicate eyes of a woman-spring woman emphasize the shadows:

  • transparent Acvamarine
  • turquoise
  • dark olive
  • bronze
  • lemon
  • lavender
  • khaki
  • amber
  • bronze
  • sand
Makeup only emphasizes natural beauty
Makeup only emphasizes natural beauty

Color type Spring suitable colors

Suitable colors for all subspecies of the spring color type
Suitable colors for all subspecies of the spring color type

Summing up all of the above color scheme for the spring type, we can say that this is a warm category in green halftones and low contrast.

A transparent-gold palette is suitable for many of them. They should choose colors:

  • coral
  • golden brown
  • persian
  • sea \u200b\u200bwave
  • yellow-green

And besides, it is better to replace the white color with a shade of ivory, and the black is golden brown.

Color type Spring examples

Vivid examples of the color type Spring are celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Jody Foster, Kate Hudson, Christina Aguilera, Julia Roberts, Anna Kurnikova, Valeria, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

Anna Kournikova
Anna Kournikova
Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman
Jody Foster
Jody Foster
Cameron Diaz
Cameron Diaz
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
Svetlana Hodchenkova
Svetlana Hodchenkova

Considering these photos, you can notice that all of them are united by natural tenderness, elegant weightlessness, fragility.

The division into color types is conditional. It happens that different experts attribute a woman to different types, since there are no clear boundaries between them. Therefore, choosing clothes and makeup, focus on the figure, skin color, eyes, hair, age. This is the only way to create a harmonious image.

Video: How to determine your color type?

Video: The color type of appearance "Spring"

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Comments K. article

  1. All women presented in the photo are suitable for the type of woman-winter. Woman Sovetna is Sasha Vertinskaya

  2. All girls are true spring. I agree with the author. Thank you. Only here I first learned that the spring girl also has red hair.

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