The color type "Summer", the main features. What colors are suitable for color type Summer?

The color type

Color types of appearance

Surely all people notice that some colors frankly go, make it younger, refresh complexion, while others, on the contrary, spoil it. The face becomes lifeless, too white or red. Wrinkles appear. The question immediately arises: “Why is this happening?” There is an answer to this question: you need to know your color type and its color scheme.

In total, there are 4 main color types: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Depending on the saturation, brightness and contrast, each color type can be additionally divided into several more subtypes. So, “Summer” is soft, contrasting and cold. This is quite difficult to perceive a beginner, so the article will talk only about four main color types.

It is worth saying that in the territory of the European part of Russia and the countries of the Middle West, the most color type “Summer” is widespread.

Examples of women of the summer color type
examples of women of the summer color type

Color type Summer, photo

What is the color type "Summer"? To do this, you need to recall the long -established female ideals of our ancestors: blond skin, blond or ashen hair, blue or gray eyes. Sometimes small freckles. In winter, as a rule, such women have a strong red blush, more like redness of the skin. Bedes blue, lips - olive. This is the woman of the Summer color type.

A typical summer color type should be attributed to Natalia Vodyanova: she has ash-brown hair, fairly blond skin and lips. The eyes are gray-blue. There is no strong contrast in her appearance. This is a muffled color type, since there is a certain blur, a gray tooth in the hair, eye color. Such an image makes the impression of lightness, airiness, unreality. This becomes obvious if you look at the images that Vodianova chose for herself.

Natalya Vodyanova
Natalya Vodyanova
  • Another will accept the summer color type - Kate Middleton. Despite the fact that she has quite dark hair, she can be attributed to the “Summer” color type. If you carefully look at her photo, you can again, as in the case of Natalya Vodianova, see a light haze
  • Kate has a dark-fan cold shade. A similar color of hair can be found at the Winter color type, but the winter colors are always clean, bright, without gray. Kate give the eyes. They are clearly gray-green, and not emerald, like a spring color type
  • Another characteristic feature is the lips with a cold subtone. They are light and at the same time there is a purple shade in them, even if very weak
Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

A third example of a summer color type - Maria Kozhevnikova. A popular TV presenter, actress and singer also has a pleasant haze in her appearance. Although she is the owner of the brown eye, bright outfits and colors add to Maria age. Natural hair color-ash-blond. Favorably made by the militia brings the girl a little closer to the type of “spring”, but her real type is “summer”.

Mariya Kozhevnikova
Mariya Kozhevnikova

Palette "Summer": Colors for the color type "Summer".

  • When choosing clothing colors, women of the Summer color type should pay attention to cold muffled shades. They are very profitable in harmony with the color of their hair, eyes and skin shade
  • As mentioned above, the color type “Summer” is cold. A cold color type should be chosen the same cold colors in clothes. Lilac, muted purple and pink shades, raspberry, gray are ideal. Sometimes a wrecked emerald is suitable. All shades of blue and blue look perfect
  • It is worth remembering that the darker your color type, all the more light tones in clothes should be followed. And vice versa
  • With great caution, representatives of the "summer" should be treated with light yellow and beige shades
  • Forever exclude orange and bright yellow from the portrait zone. Black and herbal green are also not your colors
Suitable shades for a summer color type
Suitable shades for a summer color type
Color palette for summer
Color palette for contrasting "summer"
Color palette for bright summer
Color palette for the bright "summer"

The color type "Summer": What hair color is perfect?

Cold light and dark shades are what the ladies related to the "summer" color type need.

Very often, the color of the hair in the “summer” is ashy, mouse. Not all women like him. Therefore, they highlight the hair or individual strands. I must say that this is the right decision - to highlight a separate strands. In particular, those that are near the face. So in the image a contrast appears, the face becomes more “alive”. Eyes appear, which used to merge with a common background. This method is suitable for a bright, soft summer.

Mariya Kozhevnikova
Mariya Kozhevnikova

For a contrasting summer, it is better to leave a gray, natural hair color. The protein of the eye will be released due to dark hair. Although a small haze will still be present.

Mila Yovovich is a typical example of a contrasting summer
Mila Yovovich is a typical example of a contrasting summer

What are the eyes of the Summer color type?

  • People with the color type "Summer" are characterized by a light, muffled eye color. Here you will not see the bright blue, heavenly color of the eye. Only foggy-gray, muffled green. Occasionally you can find kari
  • By the color of the eyes of a mono, easily determine the color type: if the eyes seem to be in a haze and at the same time with a cold submone, you can doubt - a person in front of you belongs to a summer color type
  • As a rule, the eyes of the eyes of the "summer" people are not very distinguished. Women love that the eyes in makeup are in the first place, so they try to highlight them in every way: hair color, clothes or makeup
Supermodel Giselle Bundhen
Supermodel Giselle Bundhen
beautiful Model with Stylish Hair

Makeup for the color type "Summer".

  • Makeup for the "summer" is usually very light. Such people do not go bright shadows of acid shades. Soft, covered in colors are more suitable for them. Such as light brown, gray, pale blue. The "summer" representatives of the simple eyeliner looks perfect in mascara. Such minimalism that looks very impressive. This is the color type that does not go in principle
  • The “summer” itself is very soft, blurry. Of course, for solemn occasions, you can choose a stylish Mike-up in the "summer" shades, but it will look unnatural. In everyday life the less cosmetics, the better
  • If you belong to the "summer" color type, avoid red, black, green, yellow and purple tones in the makeup
Make Mila Yovovich
Make Mila Yovovich
Makeup Natalia Vodianova
Makeup Natalia Vodianova

Video: color type Summer

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Comments K. article

  1. A very understandable and detailed article. I finally dealt with the color type. Typical summer)
    And how could I doubt?
    Thank you!

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