Cartoons from cartoons for children - the best selection of Disney and Soviet cartoons

Cartoons from cartoons for children - the best selection of Disney and Soviet cartoons

Collection of quotes from cartoons.

Cartoons quotes - the best selection

Cartoons quotes - the best selection
Cartoons quotes - the best selection

Cartoons quotes - the best selection:

  • You, Mishka, do not know anything ...
  • You, Mishka, do not understand anything ...
  • If there are no guests in the house, the holiday does not come to visit.
  • Now they will feed me, now I will eat.
  • For a long time I did not enjoy a strawberry.
  • Well, who does so that? You need to sit down sitting.
  • I know the magical word: "Give me!"
  • Share with your child.
  • And I'm walking, walking in the dark ...
  • My focus failed here, defocus me!
  • Bear! What are you sleeping?!
  • How good with your favorite nose!
  • Hooray! Another repair!
  • Five minutes - the flight is normal.
  • Crase him guys!
  • He pounded! Well, open it.
  • Well, how do they go to win?
  • Oh, I am such an ambulance to the rescue!
  • Figures of foot, elephants and dumps.
  • Give a number ... Give a number ... Give a number ... And now we run !!
  • Wow! I am, there are no words!
  • Where is he? With sweets. And without me.
  • Now they will feed me, now I will eat.
  • Well, who throws children on ice?
  • And I know how to treat !!
  • Misha, is it pecking like that? Mish, is it pecking now? Mish, and when does it peck? Mish, who pecks?
  • This is not a bear ... This is some kind of moose!
  • Is this a wolf? Well, is this a wolf? And here is the wolf? And here is the wolf?
  • Share with your child. Do not be evil.
  • No. She is not a couple for us. We can do everything ourselves.
  • That's great! Let's have fun!
  • How good I am! The best!
  • Bear! What are you sleeping?!
  • Here, I tried to leave. But you won’t leave me.
  • Tasty, but not enough! Additives, additives.
  • Not from a place, otherwise I will catch. Well, will you give up right away, or catch it?.
  • Oh, I am such an ambulance to the rescue! I’ll cure everyone, I will help everyone.
  • Give a number ... Gial a number ... Give a number ...
  • Well, where did you all go? I will find you anyway, and then ...
  • Where is he? With sweets. And without me.
  • Fuh, it's good that I did not see!
  • I just wanted to help! A little overdone.
  • Play with me! Play with me!
  • Well, when you are good, no one sees you!
  • Maybe we’re already having dinner already?
  • Such a defeat without me!
  • Bear! It's time to get up, spring already.
  • Bear, who was so fucking?
  • There is a wolf, wolf! Run soon, Wolf watch!
  • That's it, now we play hide and seek, hop!
  • Do not forget the lump.
  • Well, who throws children on ice?
  • You, Bear, do not know, yes, yes!
  • Well, darling, let's be treated! What are we suffering? We open the mouth.
  • How good I am!
  • Oh mobile phone! Oh, and I will be fun now.
  • And if I slip and fall! Ouch! I'm falling falling fall! Oh fall!
  • Here, I tried to leave. But you won’t leave me.
  • Textex, gain a number!
  • Well, where you go, everything has long been welded!
  • Let's do it, I want to be smarter tomorrow already ...
  • Gifts are always nice, especially if they are strangers ...
  • The sun shines only for me, clouds come for everyone else

Cartoon quotes are funny

Cartoons quotes - the best selection
Cartoons quotes - the best selection

Cartoons quotes - the best selection:

  • Important, unimportant, simple ... What is the difference?
  • I saw cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat ...
  • You see, everything moves somewhere and turns into something, why are you unhappy?
  • So it fell, so fell ...
  • “However, let him kiss my hand, if he wants.” -Thank you, but I don't want something.
  • Yes, I came from at least from the roof - I would not have kicked it!
  • The lady tambourine cooked the broth and fried ten cutlets.
  • If you drain the bottle with a note “poison” at once, then sooner or later, almost certainly, you will feel a slight malaise.
  • Employed, busy, there are no places.
  • To whom you are scary! You are just a deck of cards!
  • - Where can I go from here?
    - Where do you want to get?
    -But I don't care, just to get somewhere.
    “Then it’s still where to go.” You will definitely get somewhere.
  • - You can’t chop off your head if there is nothing besides the head.
    - If there is a head, then you can chop it!
    - Nothing to do about. We are all out of our minds here - both you and me.
  • She, of course, is hot, do not argue with me in vain. Yes, you see, it is not so safe to chop the splash!
  • - You will bite off on the one hand - grow up, on the other - you will decrease ...
    - On the one hand, what? And on the other side of what?!
    - Mushroom !!!
  • They dough from vinegar, are upset from mustard, and cunning from onions. How sorry that no one knows about it! If they would eat and wilted!
  • Hence morality: every vegetable has its own time. Or to say easier ... Never think that you are different than you might not be otherwise than being different in those cases when it is impossible otherwise.
    Hence morality: ... I will not figure out something.
  • Just think that because of some thing you can decrease so much that you turn into nothing.
  • "Eat me!"
  • - Are you out of your mind?
    - I do not know. Maybe in a stranger.
  • - I did not write this letter. There is no signature.
    - The worse! So you have planned something bad, otherwise you would have signed yourself, like all honest people!
  • And we have no more than one Friday at once.
  • And I thought that the children were just fabulous monsters.
  • Alice, this is pudding. Puding is Alice.
  • You have only been introduced, and you are already on him with a knife!
  • The great art of riding is to maintain balance.
  • I saw such nonsense, in comparison with which this nonsense is an explanatory dictionary!
  • Actually, I'm very brave, only today my head hurts.
  • You know, the loss of the head is a very serious loss!
  • Do you know how much time it costs? A thousand pounds one minute!
  • I would have such a vision. See anyone, and even at such a distance!
  • We’ll get enough hours to six, and then we will have lunch.
  • Do you understand what it means to think in chorus?
  • Reception is canceled until the afternoon of the week.
  • First give out the pie, and then cut it.
  • - With us, when you run for a long time, you will certainly get to another place.
  • - Well, here, you know, you have to run with all your feet in order to just stay in the same place, and to get to another place you need to run twice as fast.
  • The lower the head, the deeper my thoughts.
  • Well? Do we swim each other?
  • “I will never forget this terrible moment in my life.”
    “You will forget if you don’t write it down.”
  • I always say what I think, and I think I say.
  • I do not want to get acquainted with the pudding, well, I have to eat something.

Disney cartoons quotes

Disney cartoons quotes
Disney cartoons quotes

Disney cartoons quotes:

  • “I’d better die tomorrow than living a hundred years, not knowing you.” - Pokahontas
  • "Love is a song that never ends." - Bambi
  • “Yes, you will be in my heart. From this day, now and forever. ” - Tarzan
  • “If someday comes the day when we cannot be together, hold me in your heart. I will stay there forever. - Winnie the Pooh
  • “Love is never mistaken and therefore never dies” - King Leo 2
  • "You mean me more than anything!" - Peter Pan
  • "I would have nothing if I had not had you." - Monsters, Inc.
  • "You are the one I was looking for." Mermaid
  • “But when I am here, it is crystal clear. Now I'm in the new world with you. - Aladdin
  • "You immediately love me, as once in a dream." - Sleeping Beauty
  • “So, this is love, that’s what the life of the Divine does.” - Cinderella
  • “Love always finds a way out, it's true. And I love you. "- Ray
  • “Do you feel love tonight? You do not need to watch too far. Covering the night uncertainty, love is where they are. ” - King Leo
  • "I was hiding under your porch because I love you." - Up
  • “One song. My heart continues to sing, from one love, only for you. - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  • "My heart has wings and I can fly" - Cinderella
  • "Somewhere in my secret heart, I know that love will find a way out." - King Leo 2
  • “Next to your beloved you will find charm here. The night will create his magical spell when the one you love is nearby. - Lady and tramp
  • “To be face to face with the future, which means more than anyone, means to be loved.” Rescuers
  • "This is Love. You will not find a girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I watched. - Aladdin
  • “If I know you, I know what you will do, you will love me right away as once in a dream.” - Sleeping Beauty
  • "You are my biggest adventure." - Incredible
  • "Trust your heart, and let fate decide." - Tarzan
  • "One song, my heart continues to sing, about one love only for you." - Snow White
  • “I immediately realized that you are intended for me. At heart I know that I am your fate. ” Mulan
  • "Love makes other people's needs for yours." - Olaf
  • “My name is arc. I just met you and I love you "- up
  • “Do you know this place between sleep and wakefulness, is this a place where you still remember dreams? This is where I will always love you. This is where I will wait. - Peter Pan

Quotes from Soviet cartoons

Quotes from Soviet cartoons
Quotes from Soviet cartoons

Quotes from Soviet cartoons:

"The Secret of the Third Planet"

  • The bird-speaker is distinguished by intelligence and quick wit.
  • Do not believe him! This is swallowed from the planet Catructor!
  • Well, what's wrong with us?
  • I asked for 400 drops ... And here - 402.
  • But if you want - I will hit him - and he will become purple in specking
  • Well, if the cows are already flying, then I have nothing to do in space ...
  • I was kidding! You can’t joke (it is certainly pronounced with a smile to the ears)
  • We are not bandits, but noble pirates.
  • Just take it soon until I changed my mind
  • Dad, let's take Skolsiza - I will fly to school on him

"The Adventures of Pinocchio"

  • Three crusts of bread!
  • Bring your money, otherwise be trouble!
  • Rich Pinocchio!
  • Freedom, freedom!
  • Ah, it's you, an old floating suitcase!
  • What a blue sky ...
  • - Who raised you?
  • - When dad Carlo, and when no one ...
  • I myself was three hundred years ago


  • And let him run ... Anyway, the sun will burn it!
  • Akela missed!
  • This is my prey!
  • How did they not tear me to a hundred small cubs?
  • Do you hear me, Banderallogue?
  • We're the same blood!
  • Here the deer runs ...
  • Go away, a fanny cat!
  • I'm wolf! I am a wolf of a free tribe!
  • Hush, iron paw! He is still a man!
  • And we will go north, ho-ho!
  • These are buffaloes! .. They themselves go to our mouth! ..
  • A fool, who can resist the whole herd?
  • I'm only for a minute ... I'll see - where did they go?
  • Shame on the jungle!
  • The law of the jungle is each for himself!
  • Something here smelled by carrion! ..
  • We are too full today ...

"Dr. Aibolit"

  • I am bloodthirsty, I am merciless, I am an evil robber of Barmaley. And I do not need either chocolate or marmalade, but only young children
  • Do not go, children, walk to Africa!
  • He took and pecked the cockroach ... So there is no giant ...
  • I hate doctor!
  • They are vaccinated! - They make injections! - They drill their teeth with drill!


  • Thumbelina, if you do not agree to become my wife, I will die! Ah, I'm dying! ..
  • I do not want to study - I want to marry!
  • Nothing! From happiness do not die!
  • We ate - now you can sleep! They slept - now you can eat ...

"Return of the prodigal parrot"

  • Have you been to Tahiti?
  • And here we are well fed here!
  • Eh, you, gray! Well this is Bubble-guum!
  • Goodbye forever, our meeting was a mistake! Gudbay, May Love, Hood Bai!
  • Oh, you haven't seen life! And I am a whole summer! .. In the morning - mowing! In the evening - milk yield! And then the cherry rose, the beets stabbed! ..
  • Freedom to parrots! Swo-Bo-do-hey!
  • Look, what am I going? In the torn, in the outskirts! ..
  • What am I? I am nothing ... I can’t hear it!
  • Arrived! The collective farm "Bright Way!" What light? Nothing is visible!
  • And now, according to numerous applications, you will hear a song of modern tooking modernities performed by the Vainer brothers ...
  • Pre -free, pre -aging!
  • This is always ... in the most interesting place!
  • Tell me, how many tons of clover from each Kurita-Nesushka will be covered in incubators after a trim of a chip?
  • Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!

Cartoons from cartoons quotes

Cartoons from cartoons quotes
Cartoons from cartoons quotes

Cartoons from cartoons:

  • Boots ... It was a strange gift for the cat, but they, Caramba, are going to me! " Puss in Boots"
  • Cat: Hmm ... is not lucky with us with the brownie. Baba Yaga: Kikimushka! At - two, at - two, at - two. Kikim: Where am I? .. Who am I? .. Baba Yaga: Brownie you, grandfather! Training throughout the district! M \\ f "Kuzya Domestenok"
  • Raven: They say that you were lying happiness? Cat: Shamefully lie! M \\ f "Kuzya Domestenok"
  • Kuzya: Oh, nauseous to me. I want something. I don't know what ... Cat: belt - I - I ... M \\ f "Kuzya Domestenok"
  • - From this picture there is a great benefit - she blocks the hole on the wallpaper! - So what? And the cat will be beneficial. He can catch mice! - And we have no mice! - And we will lead! - Well, if this cat is so important to you - please choose: either he, or me! - Well - well - well, he, he ... I choose you. I have been familiar with you for a long time, and for the first time I see this cat! M \\ f "Three of Prostokvashino"
  • If I had such a cat, I would never have married. "Vacation in Prostokvashino"
  • - I read that plants also feel. Tell him something pleasant. - Rostochka, hello! "Puss in Boots"
  • - Where is your raspberries? - Here she is, please! - Ouch! I did not know that there were so smart cats. I thought they only know how to scream on trees. - Think ... I can also embroider, and on a typewriter, m -m - m ... too, m -m - m ... M \\ f "Three of Prostokvashino"
  • - Is it true that the cat always land on its paws? - No, these rumors are dissolved by dogs !!! "Puss in Boots"
  • Sharik: I’ll throw a poker into it now so as not to call me! Pechkin: Why quit if there is a mail? Now we will pack it and give it to the cat. This is a parcel. (Related.) You were sent a poker with a parcel. They wanted to launch in you ... Matroskin: What - what - what?!? Yes, I will start it in it with an iron! Pechkin: A minute ... more than a kilogram! This package turns out. Now we will deliver her ... Pechkin: ... And if you are rolling a barrel on him, then this is already a container transportation. This is the transagency agency in rural areas. M \\ f "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • Baba Yaga: This is our cousin of fat. It will go, and Bainki will go. Cat: I started a darmot! M \\ f "Kuzya Domestenok"
  • Matroskin: Well, here's what sled dogs are - I heard that. But so that driving cats are too much. Pechkin: Have you met the driving postmen? Dad: Nothing, nothing. We have such roads in winter and the weather is such that driving academics are already found. I saw it myself! M \\ f "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • Cat in boots: now, my friend, you are in full ... (sound of the boat of the steamer) M \\ f "Shrek 3"
  • Let's live in peace! "Adventures of the cat Leopold"

Quotes from the cartoon "Soul"

Cartoons from the cartoon shower
Quotes from the cartoon "Soul"

Quotes from the cartoon "Soul":

  • "When pleasure becomes an obsessive idea, a person loses its connection with life."
  • "Each soul needs a spark, and each of us has to find it."
  • “Is it worth it? Do I need to die for this? "
  • “The Lord knows what we need. He knows more teachers in this world. ”
  • “How can I find an ocean? - Ocean? You are already in it. ”
  • “Astral is a layer between physical and spiritual. Where they take those who experience inspiration. ”
  • “We are inspiring, Joe. And we are rarely inspired by ourselves. ”
  • “Your spark is not a goal. The last slot is filled when you are ready to live. ”
  • “The dream will not feed you, Joey. - Then I will not eat, because we are not talking about my career, but about the meaning of my life.
  • What if life suddenly breaks? It turns out, I will spend it in vain? I’m just afraid that if I perish today, my life will not cost anything. ”
  • “What will you do now? How will you spend your life? “I don’t know yet, but I know this: I will enjoy every minute.”

"King Leo" - quotes from the cartoon

King Leo - City Quotes
"King Leo" - quotes from the cartoon

"King Leo" - quotes from the cartoon:

  • All that the rays of the sun falls on is our kingdom.
  • - Your son woke up.
    - Until dawn, this is your son.
  • Where he plopped down - there is a house!
  • The family is not without a freak - even two in mine ...
  • “Uncle Shram, and who will you become when I will be the king?”
    - Herbivore ...
  • - Friends stay with each other to the end.
  • - This is not my father. This is just my reflection ...
  • - Look carefully. See? He lives in you.
  • - Change is good. - Yes, but it is not easy.
  • “I know that I have to return there.” But this means that I should meet my past. I ran away from him for so long ...
    - Yes, the past can hurt. You can either run away from him, or learn something.
  • - Listen to what my father once told me: “Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look at us from these stars. And if you are very lonely - remember, they will always be there to tell you the way. And I will be with them too. "
  • I am brave only when necessary. To be brave does not mean that you need to specifically look for trouble.
  • - And I thought that the king could do whatever he wants ...
    - To be king is something more.
  • - Turn to me "Mr. Pig"!
  • - Let me out of here!
    - Let me here!

Quotes from the cartoon "Madagascar"

Madagascar cartoon quotes
Quotes from the cartoon "Madagascar"

Quotes from the cartoon "Madagascar":

  • His Majesty is incomparable ... etc., etc. - You know.
  • These are some slums! They should have called the San Di-Di-Little Zoo! At first they say: we have spacious corns, so that animals, you see, breathe easily, and then it turns out that they have music, hippies and continuous free love!
  • Instructions to me! Popinito problem!
  • Legs! I ... I ... I told him not to paw! I ordered or not ordered?!
  • If I'm all in the astral - do not go!
  • I gave the most expensive. This was my first rectal thermometer ...
  • Well, then boldly walk to this woman! Look into her eyes and go ahead, a little or almost to the end, and then let it seem to be ahead at least a bit, so that your lips are almost in contact. And then tell her how much ... you hate her.
  • - The plane will not take off until the white collars fulfill our requirements. So, about maternity leave. - You are all men!
  • Rather, until we have a roof in place!
  • My treatment is not affordable for other zoo, but I won’t give free consent!
  • I have bubble goosebumps from them!
  • I always said: "Either nature will suppress you, or nature will choke on you!"
  • Our manhattan is tight with two things: parking and hippos!
  • Attention! The ship commander says. There are two news: good and bad. Good - landing will be right now. Bad ... - Planting is emergency!
  • Ah yes me! Praise me! The plan was a success, the plan was a success - how smart I am! I'm the best of all, for sure! Well, the dance of the robot: I am very - smart - king. I am supergenies! I am a robot king-these-monkey! I calculate. I calculate.
  • - We're screwed! But this is even very good.
    - Hey, friends! We are together, which means that everything will be chiki-peiks!
  • Alex, jump! Do not be afraid, cats always land on ... muzzle. Woe is onion, not a cat!
  • Penguins ... they are psycho!
  • - It seems ... this is an alarm: the incandescent lamp indicates a failure in work.
  • - Hmm ... And it looks beautiful! And even fascinates!

Quotes from the cartoon "Little Mermaid"

Club quotes cold heart
Quotes from the cartoon "Little Mermaid"

Quotes from the cartoon "Little Mermaid":

  • - Then only one question remains ... - What, Your Majesty? - How much will I miss her?
  • The same sand, the same water. But it has ever changed forever ... Any dreams, there are only you in my world.
  • These stupid people think that there is love, but there are no mermaids. But we know that everything is the other way around.
  • What a day, what an unearthly angel! Everything goes as I wanted, everything is subject to me alone!
  • And sometimes she stands from her tail to her head. But this happens only when two octopuses, dancing tango, swim by.
  • How is the world in which such beautiful things are created can be bad?
  • Strive for dreams and everything will work out
  • Scary, but we must move to the goal.
  • I know that I will love that world and the people who live there!
  • Cleanliness is the best beauty!
  • I somehow did not succeed in life, but I was able to death.
  • If you want the result, take up the job yourself!
  • I want to be where people, I want to see them dancing.

Shrek - Quotes from the cartoon

Shrek - Quotes from the cartoon
Shrek - Quotes from the cartoon

Shrek - Quotes from the cartoon:

  • - Miracle! He is talking!
    - A miracle is when he is silent!
  • - Well, where is this fire -breathing animal?
  • - Wait. Where are we going? The way out is there!
    - I need to save another cattle.
  • I think I need hugs. Warm, sincere, sparking ...
  • Do not be at home, you are not officially happy here. It is a fact.
  • - Next time before farting - warn!
    - Donkey, this is not me! If I farted, then you would have died!
  • - Well, a hole! And what kind of fool settled here? I. This is my house.
    - Oh, what a charm! Just a miracle! You have a delicate taste. This is not a faceless mass development.
  • “But you have us!”
    - That's for sure ... I have a khan!
  • I did not value everything until I lost ...
  • Because friends do this! They forgive each other!
  • Oh, I don't feel my fingers on my feet. I have no fingers on my feet!
  • - Remove the dead girl from the table! There is no place for the dead girl!
    “Where should we put her?” The bed is already busy.
  • Shrek? Listen, you know what I like in you, Shrek? You are like this, such as "And I am on the drum that you think everything about me there." I like it, I respect it, Shrek. This is our way.
  • Oh, I don't feel my fingers on my feet. I have no fingers on my feet!
  • - Wait. Where are we going? The way out is there!
    - I need to save another cattle.
  • - Remove the dead girl from the table! There is no place for the dead girl!
    “Where should we put her?” The bed is already busy.
  • - Hi princess!
    - Oh, he is talking?!
    - Yeah. Do not shut up in any way.
  • A pile of freshly baked waffles in the forest wilderness. Don't you think this is a little suspicious?
  • They condemn me before they find out. That's why I better be alone.
  • - Where are you in a hurry?
    - Nowhere.
    - Oh, I'm going there too.
  • - Fu, well, a monster!
    -Not very polite! Normal donkey.

"Ratatui" cartoon - quotes

Ratatui cartoon - Quotes
"Ratatui" cartoon - quotes

"Ratatuy" cartoon - quotes:

  • If you will look back all the time, you will not be able to see what lies ahead - the cook Auguste Gyusto
  • Ratatouille (Ratatouille)
    - Well, where are you going? - With a success!
  • - Where are you going? - I hope forward ...
  • We are what we eat.)
    Everyone can cook.
    Only fearless can be great.
    - Wait! Can you read? Does dad know?
    - No, does not know. You can write a book about what dad does not know. Dozens of books!
  • In many ways, the work is simple: we do not risk anything, but put ourselves over those who bring our work and ourselves to our court. It is pleasant to write and read the crushing differentings, but we, critics, should admit that in the overall picture of the universe any muck is likely to be more important than all our criticism of it.
  • If you focus on what is left in the past, you will never be able to find out what awaits you in the future!
    Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.

Quotes from the cartoon "Rapunzel"

Quotes from the cartoon Rapunzel
Quotes from the cartoon "Rapunzel"

Quotes from the cartoon "Rapunzel":

  • - I do not believe that I did it! Mother will be furious! ...-But if she does not know, she will not die, right? ..-If she finds out, she will die! ..-How healthy! - I am a very bad daughter ... I have to return! - I will never return home! - I'm not a daughter, but an ungrateful monster! -Yu-hu! The best birthday!
  • I scored carrots. I will prepare nut soup.
  • Twenty -two in my favor ... I suggest playing to forty -five!
  • She sings and gets younger. Horror! Truth?
  • Great, now I'm bad.
  • I have magic hair: I sing and they glow.
  • “I am a missing princess.” “Oh, please speak louder, Rapunzel.” I hate it when you mumble.
  • “Will her heart break?” - Into parts. - Will he split the soul? - Like a nut.
  • Every year, the king and queen are launched into the sky thousands of lanterns, in the hope that the once missing princess will return.
  • Unfortunately, the kingdom and I are not a little in the wretches. Currently.
  • Lime reputation is all that I have.
  • - Come on, he is a bad horse. - Oh, he is a real treasure.
  • - These are robbers?! bandits?! Did they come for me?! - Calm, he may feel fear! ..
  • - Stop doing that! Do not try to fight me. - No, I will not stop! Every minute, while I am alive, I will fight! I will never leave attempts to escape from you. But if you let him save him, then I will go.
  • I promise, I will never run away from you. Just let me heal it, and we will be together. Forever, as you wanted. Everything will be as before. I swear. All you want, just let him heal.
  • It is easy to get used to this type ... Yes ... I'm already used to it. I want my castle!
  • Just look! What a confident, strong, young beauty! .. standing next to you!
  • And by the way, I like it here! And you too!
  • I look from the window for eighteen years, dreaming that I will feel when these lights rise to the sky.
  • I want to see the world not only through the window.
  • - In general, I decided to trust you. - A terrible decision, believe me.

Quotes from the cartoon "Daria"

City from the cartoon Daria
Quotes from the cartoon "Daria"

Quotes from the cartoon "Daria":

  • We differ from dogs, if only because more poor dogs do not lick the back of the rich.
  • - Aunt Emmy, tell me, and all life is so pathos, dull and humiliating, or is it just such a phase?
    - This is just such a phase. I'm just waiting for its completion.
    - Here is like at school.
    - It seems to me that we will say this for the rest of our lives.
    - Only at first glance here everything is like at school, but in fact everything is much worse here.
    - This is what we will say for the rest of our lives.
  • - Maybe I use food for a sense of comfort, but the chocolate cake never accused me of anything.
  • - What did he say?
    - Either "do not wash mice", or "I can not breathe."
  • - sugar cookies? Didn't you hear the expression “you are what you eat”?
    - Have you ever heard the expression “go to hell”?!
  • - Let's promise Daria right now that we will fulfill her dream!
    - The one in which all people flare up with a blue flame?
  • - What?! Did this cattle abandon you?!
    “Actually, it's me.”
    -Ahhh ... So are you cattle?
  • - Distract him.
    - How?
    - Well, use your female charms.
    - Good. I'll try to give birth.
  • - Daria, how did you answer the first question?
    - To the question: "Who am I really?"
    - Yes.
    - Write transvestite.
    - Thank you, I'm in debt.
  • - The Middle Ages is cool!
    - Yes. The air was cleaner, the people were smaller, especially after the plague erased a third of the population of large cities.
  • But it all began so wonderful disgusting.
  • Do not try to flatter me. I have immunity.
  • So many opportunities to express their hatred, just eyes scatter.
  • - You have no plans for today?
    - I was going to go to the neighboring quarter and count the cracks in the asphalt.
  • He is so cute! I always want to strangle him.
  • - You never had the feeling that you spend your life in vain?
    “Only when I don't sleep.”
  • Daria, understand, we will never succeed. I need normal work. Yes, and you need money to reduce tattoos. How do you not understand? Every time I look at these tattoos, I recall how I was indistinctly outlining my life. But I will not give up. I will lie on the couch until the situation changes.
  • I can consist in a group of only one participant.

“Vini Pooh” - Quotes from the cartoon

Vini Pooh - City Quotes
“Vini Pooh” - Quotes from the cartoon

“Vini Pooh” - quotes from the cartoon:

  • Abyss-drill-no! That is for nothing!
  • “Winnie, what should you smear, honey or condensed milk?”
    - Both that and the other! And you can without bread!
  • You can console anyone with a balloon.
  • Enters ... And it turns out ... It turns out wonderful!
  • I am completely free until Friday!
  • Good morning, Piglet, which I personally doubt ...
  • A heartbreaking spectacle.
  • If I understand something in something, then the hole is Nora. And Nora is a rabbit. And the rabbit is a suitable company. And a suitable company is a company where they can treat us with something!
    And they sat a little more. Then a little more. And then a little more. And a little more ... So far, alas, nothing is left at all.
  • And I, and I, and I am the same opinion!
  • - Who walks for honey with balloons?
    - I go!
  • Where we go with a heel-a big, big secret, and we will not tell you about him, and no, and ...
  • It seems the rain is starting…
  • - Rabbit, is it not you by chance?
    - No, not me!
  • - Who walks for honey with balloons?
    - I go.
  • Who goes to visit in the morning, he acts wisely! Everyone is known, Tara-param, for that morning!
  • - Where are you shooting?
    - In bees, of course!
    - Shoot the ball!
    - But if I shoot at the ball, then it will deteriorate ...
    - And if you do not shoot, then I will deteriorate!
  • My favourite size!
  • But honey ... I don’t understand what is the secret! If there is honey, then it is not at once!
  • Well, I thought so. From this side no better ... And why? And for what reason? And which of this is the conclusion?
  • - Well, if you don't want anything else ...
    “Is there anything else?”
  • - Oh oh oh!
    - What, didn't I get it?
    - Well, not that I didn’t get at all, but just didn’t get into the ball.
  • Congratulations-sow-dignity-wish-sustains-in-personal-life! Fluff.
  • After Pooh was visiting, he thought that, perhaps, you should not sit down too long if you do not want to get into a hopeless position. And what the rabbit thought, no one recognized, because he was very educated.
  • I am losing your birthday.
  • Owl, open! The bear came.
  • Thank you. I was already lucky.
  • I have a proper painting. It is good, but for some reason lame.
  • Already leave?
  • -Uh ... no, better back ... Uf ... no, better forward ... oh-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-yo! Save, help! Neither forward nor back!
    - Are you stuck?!
    - No, I'm just resting!
  • The tail is either there, or it is not at all, you cannot be mistaken here.
  • What does "I" mean? "I" are different!
  • -This is all because someone has too narrow doors!
    -No, this is all because someone eats too much!
  • This is "zh-z"-for a reason!
  • These are wrong bees! And they probably make the wrong honey!
  • I am a cloud-snub-snub, and not a bear at all! And how pleasant a cloud on the sky is to fly!

Cartoons of cartoon heroes

Cartoons of cartoon heroes
Cartoons of cartoon heroes

Quotes of heroes from cartoons:

  • Now you are tasting the silushki of Bogatyrskaya!
  • Do not laugh my horseshoes!
  • I’ll go to the monastery. In the male!
  • I am a prince. What I want, then I turn ... uh ... act in the interests of the power!
  • How is it low, to point out a person to his shortcomings in a critical situation!
  • Yes, I do not smile in my mirror, because such a serious one!
  • And you understand me, do not take me! Understood?
  • Ah, these are local ... we are caught / Gorynych
  • Am I clear?
    For the first time we see the style of lust!
    Stand everyone! Three heroes work!
  • For the first time we meet with the style of "suture".
  • A horse without a rider is not far away. There is such a sign.
  • It's a pity. There was a good guy. Could be friends.
  • I give the beak: we will not see these heroes anymore!
  • Hey, why are you rushing like that?
  • No, guys, I’ll make a look!
  • Hey, remove this ... a stranger.
  • For the first time we meet the style of Na-shi-buu.
  • So, pillow, bag, robe ... Do you think to take a fan or not to take?
    Fan, pillow ... What are you like a woman straight? Throw it all, we will fly lightly.
  • Gorynych, not so coward. Have you forgotten how to fly?
    Guard, grab these nesting dolls!
    What a Russian wedding without a fight! Hooray!
    Yeah, you are all saying that. First, the light is my-Gluce, and then the mistake, the mistake of youth.
  • - Who is the best hero in Russia? - We!
  • An attractive queen will meet a pretty prince of average children for a serious relationship.
  • I am not ready! I have old horseshoes, about to fall off.
  • Who will take care of the library? They are plundered! Then her archaeologists will look for archaeologists !!!
  • Do you say Kievan Rus? Balalaika, nesting dolls and three heroes ...
  • This is arbitrariness! Give me at least eat before the road!
  • Eh, Alyosha, their wife is not for obedience
  • - Wooh, talking horse! What absurdity!
    - You yourself are a horse! I am a talking horse! Also me, Penguin Shemakhinsky ...
  • After all, everything is on me, everything is on me! Foreign policy, domestic ... Well, security forces, of course. Well, in the sense, these are heroes.
  • And I want a banal warmth ... A gentle look!
  • Good evening. A twig boiling and in half ... Here is a joke!

Quotes from the cartoon "Hedgehog in the fog"

Cartoons from the cartoon hedgehog in the fog
Quotes from the cartoon "Hedgehog in the fog"

Quotes from the cartoon "Hedgehog in the fog":

  • - Here we are talking, say, days are flying, and you and I are talking about.
    “We say,” the hedgehog agreed.
    - The months pass, the clouds fly, the trees are naked, and we all talk.
    - We are talking.
    - And then everything will pass completely, and you and I will only remain.
    - If!
    - And what will happen to us?
    “We can fly too.”
    - How are birds?
    - Yeah.
    - And where to?
    “To the south,” said the hedgehog.
    Let's not fly anywhere, a hedgehog. Let's sit on our porch forever, and in the winter in the house, and in the spring - again on the porch, and in the summer too.
    - And our porch will slowly grow wings. And one day you and I will get worse together high above the ground.
  • "Who is there so dark at the bottom?" - You ask.
    - And next - another?
    “Yes, this is with you,” I will say. “These are our shadows,” you add.
    “Sorry ...” someone asked silently. - Who are you and how did you get here?
    “I am a hedgehog,” the hedgehog answered soundlessly. - I fell into the river.
    “Then sit on my back,” someone said silently. “I'll take you ashore.”
  • “If I don’t wipe the stars every evening,” the hedgehog thought, “they will definitely fade ...”
  • After all, who, besides you, will count the stars?!
    ... The bear said, said, and the hedgehog thought: "Still, it is good that we are together again."
  • They sat down on a log and, sipping tea, looked at the starry sky. It hung above the roof - right behind the chip. To the right of the pipe were the stars of the bear, and on the left - hedgehog ...
  • It became completely dark, and above the very tops of the Christmas trees appeared a golden slice of the moon. From this hedgehog with a teddy bear suddenly became warmer for a moment. They looked at each other, and everyone felt in the dark, as they smiled at each other.
  • A small gold mushroom, holding his knees, sat in moss at dusk.
    - See? - said the hedgehog. - He has no dad, nor mom, nor hedgehog, no teddy bear, he is completely alone - and does not cry.

Quotes from the cartoon "Baby and Carloson"

Quotes from the cartoon baby and Carloson
Quotes from the cartoon "Baby and Carloson"

Quotes from the cartoon "Baby and Carloson":

  • -Do the educational work! Right now, you will see the best ghost in the world with the motor! Wild, but pretty.
  • -Conservation, only calm! Now I will overtake you - then I am laughing ...
    - Baby, you won’t get bored with me!
    - What are you doing?
    - Yes, it's me Shalya. Well, that is, I indulge.
    - Here you know how to count. Come up, how much my thumbs cost, if I was appreciated at ten thousand crowns.
  • We begin educational work! Right now, you will see the best ghost in the world with the motor! Wild, but pretty.
  • - Calm, only calm! Now I will overtake you - then I am laughing ...
  • - Baby, you won’t get bored with me!
    - What are you doing?
    - Yes, it's me Shalya. Well, that is, I indulge.
  • - Here you know how to count. Come up, how much my thumbs cost, if I was appreciated at ten thousand crowns.
    -Listen, why did you lie to me?
    - What?
    - What are you seven years old?
    - And how much?
    “But you are weighing eight!”
    -Carlson, and my mother strictly forbade me ... this ... not to touch the jam.
    -Well, how nasty are you still!
  • - Excuse me, can you land here?
  • “I am the most sick in the world ... Well, what are you standing, you promised me to be my own mother.”
  • - How about what? And I? And about me? After all, I am a smart, beautiful, moderately well -fed man, well, in the whole prime!
  • “But I'm also talented!”
  • Quotes and winged phrases from Carlson
    -What are you nasty. Well, I can’t get chtol, like all people?
    -And you want to get sick?
    -And you don't want ...
    -Yes all this want!
  • - And treatment with jam and sweets?
  • -Nash dear Carlson is now with a normal temperature, and he is supposed to shoulder as to play.
  • -Hi baby! What will you treat!
    -Pirog! With what?
    -S with eight candles.
    -Well, I don't eat it. What is one pie, and eight candles. Better like this: eight pies, and one candle, huh?
  • -Thole me, Carlson, is not in pies happiness.
    -Are you crazy? And what else?
    - I urgently need a gas station. A cake with whipped cream is suitable.
    -And this is a cake ... Probably not.
    - Are you crazy? A dear friend flies away from afar, for a minute. And you do not have a cake.
    - But we did not know!
    - What did you know? You should have hoped. With all his might.
  • -I do not need anything else. In addition to: maybe some kind of cake is huge, mountains of chocolate, and maybe some kind of prey-big fucker and that's it ... That's all ...
  • - Listen, maybe you want ... there is a fried sausage.
    - Fried?
    - Yes.
    -Ehh! You will get to your house - you will learn to eat all sorts of muck ... drag your sausage.
  • -Flutti to the Flood is harmful! Give a bun!

Quotes from Treasure Island - Cartoon

Quotes from the island of Treasure - Cartoon
Quotes from Treasure Island - Cartoon

Quotes from the "Treasure Island" - cartoon:

  • This blind man I drink a terrible man! But the one -legged who sent him is even worse! Livsi, tomorrow I'm going to Bristol!
  • Jimmy Hokkins. A very, very good and polite boy. Survey, kind, truthful. He listens to mom and every morning does exercises. The character is very soft. Not married.
  • Dr. Livsi. A very good and cheerful person. The character is sociable. Not married.
    Square Trelaloni. Stupid, greedy, voracious, lazy, cowardly, arrogant. The character is absent. Not married.
  • Captain Smollett. Old sailor and soldier. He tells the truth in the eye, which is why he suffers. The character is prescster. Not married.
  • Billy Bons, aka Captain. The holder of the map of the island of treasures. He drinks a lot and is always a cold. The character is bad. Not married.
  • John Silver, he is a “ham”, aka “one -legged”. The worst pirate, but successfully pretends to be kind. The character is secretive. Not married.
  • Black Dog. Flint friend. Hunts for the map of the island of treasures. The character is secretive. Not married.
  • I drink blind. Old pirate. Flint friend. Gold. For the sake of money is ready for anything. The character is vile. Not married.
    Gann. As a child, he was a well -mannered boy, but began to play Orlyanka, contacted the pirates and rolled ... The character is soft. Not married.
  • I personally quit - I do not smoke, I am awake and full of strength,
    I thank the native Ministry of Health for warning.
    Smoker, excuse me for a sad pun,
    From the present day we will announce a smoke break.
  • Lords, sary, peers,
    Know the sense of proportion -
    Avoid drunkenness as a trap;
    The path is not close to us.
    And, the stronger than whiskey,
    All the shorter, sary, your days will be.
  • Columbus opened America - the great was the sailor!
    But at the same time, he taught the whole world to smoke tobacco.
    From the pipe of the world, around the fire, released from the leader,
    The harmful habit went on the world's scale.

Quotes from the cartoon Prostokvashino

Quotes from the cartoon Prostokvashino
Quotes from the cartoon Prostokvashino

Quotes from the cartoon Prostokvashino:

  • This is me, the postman Pechkin! Brought a note about your boy!
  • And it is better to buy meat in the store - there are more bones!
  • And you can fake a mustache!
  • And I also know how to ...
  • If I had such a cat, I may not have married.
  • They go crazy one by one. This is only the flu all together.
  • Well, what is this folk art?
  • Only I will not give it to you. Because you have no documents
  • Mustache, paws and tail - these are my documents!
    Why was it harmful? Because I did not have a bicycle. And now I will immediately become kind!
  • - Everywhere milk, even in the washbasin, and how to wash?
  • - How, how, you need to get down less !!! And some are in general washing their tongue!
  • I would have opened this uncle, with big ears!
  • - Who's there? - Own! - They are sitting in such weather at home, watching TV!
  • Because joint work, for my benefit, it unites!
  • We have funds! We are not enough!
  • They would have gone with a suitcase for mushrooms!
  • Do everything you want from me. Though scared. Anyway, my life is not sweet to me.
  • What are people greedy for someone else's good.
  • Not a hat, but continuous ventilation!
  • See how they brought your child to. They must be handed over to the clinic for experiments.
  • He is better in the village. He has no evening dresses.
  • And I will not write out anything. I will save.
  • I barely have the strength to watch TV!
  • No need to click me. I can only start to live - I’m transferring to retirement.
  • And the other day I started to melt ...
  • To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, but we don’t have money!
  • And can I click you from the photo mud!?
  • Urrra! Emerged!
  • He has a cat there, which you still have to grow and grow.
  • Here it is, this insidious type of civil appearance!
  • Well, I heard about sled dogs, but driving cats are too much!
  • In the yard is the end of the twentieth century, and we have one pair of felt boots for two in our house!
  • Our apartment is the program “What? Where? When?" Reminds! You will not understand that where is it and when it all ends!
  • I have nothing more to do, only to pull out different dogs from the river.
  • Uncle Fedor, do you also have the wrong sandwich?
  • I will never part with my Murka. I was already happy, and now twice harder, because I have two cows.
  • And more and more often I notice that it was as if someone had replaced me.
  • In vain we feed the ball ...
  • And if you roll a barrel on him, then this is a container transportation. This is the transagency agency.
  • According to the cow’s receipt, one red -haired one, we took it alone, we will hand over one, so as not to violate the reports.
  • And who will think about us? Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern?!
  • - What a strange setting table you have - circles. - And they have such a table on each pot.

Quotes from the cartoon "Kuzya Domestenok"

Cartoons from the cartoon house Kuzya
Quotes from the cartoon "Kuzya Domestenok"
  • Kuzka, can be cousin. I am small, seven centuries of all, the eighth has gone. (Kuzya)
  • Are you a cave? (Natasha)
  • - They say that you were lying happiness? - Shamefully lie! (Kuzya Domestenok, Crow)
  • Happiness must be struggled. (Crow)
  • - I'm not greedy, I'm homely!
  • And this is our cousin of fat. It will go and the bainki will go ...
  • - And I will say: “You won’t go home - I will catch and eat!” And he will say: "choke."
  • Here is Ttekh, the incomprehensible incomprehensible. I'm not a cave, I am a brownie! (Kuzya)
  • I will work according to conscience. Do not be afraid for the farm. Is there a stable?
  • Sometimes it’s easier to forget a person than to forgive him everything that he did. (Nafanya)
  • I want a hard time, I don't know how it myself ...
  • - He was not added, I slept without waking up ... I did not sleep, that is.
  • Only now I am a homeless brownie ... oh, trouble-bied, chagrin.
  • At first, spring will be here. Then summer - butterflies fly. Then autumn. And there we will gradually live to the winter. (Kuzya)
  • Nafanya, Byada, Byada, Sorrotion! The chest was taken, a chest with fairy tales!
  • - Oh, grandfather, birds fly! .. - this is order. - Look, and the household flies! .. - But this is a mess. (Leshy, grandson of Leshi)
  • Kuzma, come back! We loved you!
  • Kuzenka! Come back, my yachont!
  • Well, who were you - the last brownie. And who became!? The first nesting!
  • Natasha! Already put the duck in the oven? Clever, daughter!
  • - You are crazy. - I have no home. I am a free bird. Where I want - I'm flying there. (Kuzya Domestenok, Crow)
  • - Oh biada, bead. Devastation. The reserves are not measured. Losses are not considered.
    Nafaaaaaa !!!
  • -Oh, right to the uncle on the head ... Nothing! Brighten off - it will go further!
  • Warmer. Even warmer. Four yourself, burn! (Kuzya)

"Last year's snow fell" - Cartoon quotes

Last year's snow fell - Cartoon quotes
"Last year's snow fell" - Cartoon quotes

"Last year's snow fell" - Cartoons quotes:

  • And the bunny ran away ...
  • Well? Killed, right?
  • No Christmas tree, no hare. Nothing! And you sowed matches in the spring.
  • Is it really the end?
  • End, end ... ends in the water !!
  • His wife did not let. I sent for the Christmas tree again.
  • Go, he says, do not return without a Christmas tree. But with the Christmas tree, he says - come back!
  • Ostap has suffered ... not to the Christmas tree already
    It will be small! .. This is my size!
  • Listen, have you forgotten about the Christmas tree? The boyar is oak?
  • When the acorn is ripe, each pig will break it.
  • With such pigs ... somehow you yourself become ...
  • And I can enroll in kings! Yes! And who is here ... Who is here, for example, to the kings of the extreme? No one?! So I will be the first! ..
  • I understand the carriage! Caret!
  • Well, the palace! Well, good! With swans! With scarecrow!
  • Oh, how I love and respect this wealth very much! ..
  • As a king, then I will hurt - first of all, first of all ... What is the first thing? Ah, pianin! And what kind of life is this, without a pianine?
  • I will roll feasts ...
    Little. We wish a feast a mountain!
  • Eh, boredom! .. Yesterday the king, today is the king ... Every day all the king and the king! .. Little ...
    Yes, what ... what I myself am some kind of smallest! .. Little! It will not be enough !!!
  • Well, I wanted to tell you about pike ...
    You can’t say for sure, but for a long time, even in old-clan times, in one plasticine area ...
  • You know, in this story what you want with you, it happens: it seems to be sculpting, otherwise it does not sculpt.
  • That was all the saying ... Here! Here's about whom I will talk ...
    Okay is cut, cleverly blind - well, I just spilled in my youth.
  • Here again these bones, dogs, these mugs ... And where is the mug? Well, a fairy tale! ..
  • Well, I say. What a long time, once, in one very plasticine area, lived and was ... an eagle-male!
  • I don't understand anything! ..
  • True, he did not pronounce some letters and numbers, and there was a worker ... /* [man shrugs his hands]
  • Yeah, that's it. But then he was a lover of a festive. It’s good that the wife came across strict and authoritative.
  • Somehow, on New Year's Eve, she sent ... Well, in general, she sent him behind the Christmas tree.
  • I sent it, so I sent it! ..
  • And then he says: what kind of New Year is this, and without a Christmas tree? BUT?

"Vovka in the distant kingdom" - quotes from the cartoon

Vovka in a distant kingdom - quotes from the cartoon
"Vovka in the distant kingdom" - quotes from the cartoon

"Vovka in the distant kingdom" - quotes from the cartoon:

  • -And then, I’m not a hilly king, I am fabulous. Give me, I think, while fairy tales are on the shelf, I’ll tint the fence. Both the benefits and warm -ups. Are you approving?
  • - Not. You do not understand anything in royal life! Tsar! Ha! If you want-a cake, you want-ice cream ... And he, ha ha, paints fences! ..
  • I have a mountain of cakes,
    And there is what is, and there is something to drink,
    But I paint, I paint fences,
    So that the parasite does not pass!
  • - Have you weaved a net? Have you threw it into the sea three times? Have you caught me? The finger on the finger did not hit, but there - "I want"!
    - What are you? Where are you dragging me? Wow, think! The sprat is unhappy!
  • -Why are you laughing? I need me? Do you think I can do nothing, just like you?
    - Yeah.
    - Well, I do not. It's a pity that I have no tools.
    - Well, it is possible.
    - What is this? Tools? Yeah! Good! As I want, I will do everything - at least a tub, at least a trough!
  • “Hey, Kasik, dear ... this ... oh ... Would you ask her trough, huh?”
    - Well, here more! Again and well! First you are trough, then give you a washing machine ...
  • - Well, why does it not cut? Okay, and so it will do! Now, how will I bother all this ... What is it, dough? Why is it so sticky? Well, fry it somehow!
  • - Aphchi! Here you have the pies!
    -What is it? Black ...
    - Well, why are you wrinkling? He baked it yourself, eat yourself!
    - What is this? Are these pies? No, thank you, I know, somehow I don’t want to.
  • Uh, guard! That's what, guys ... chop off his head-a parasite ...
  • - Hey, who are you?
    - We are wise Vasilisa.
    - Who!?
    - Vasilisa wise!
    - Where did you come from?
    - Arrived from different fairy tales.
    - Because we have a rally of young Vasilis on the exchange of wisdom.
    - How!?
    - Wisdom!
    -Ah ... eh, I would also be to learn to exchange some wisdom ...
  • I have such a position - you only do that you do nothing. So, after all, you will die from boredom ...
  • You are the king! You are supposed to do nothing!

"Smeshariki" - quotes from the cartoon

Smeshariki - City quotes
"Smeshariki" - quotes from the cartoon

"Smeshariki" - quotes from the cartoon:

  • 1. Such a paradox: we make feats for those who do not care about us, but those who need us and without any exploits love us ...
  • 2. You cannot forcefully force someone to change, even if he himself asks about it. In the end, if you have matured, you can change without outside help, yourself.
  • 3. - The most useful experience, this is not to know your character, but the character of your friend, and draw conclusions in time.
  • 4. It is very difficult to live, thinking about every mistake that you made, so you forget everything bad, but you only remember the good - it is very convenient, but you won’t leave yourself.
  • 5. But still, probably, it is good to know that where the light burns, someone can sit and think about you.
  • 6. I have the feeling that who has no problem with conscience, that’s all with memory.
  • 7. - It is too difficult to be true.
  • 8. Sometimes it happens that things lose their meaning. Here is the meaning of the window, for example, to look at it. And sometimes you look at him, but there is nothing to look there. Nothing interesting.
  • 9. And it is not clear whether life has always been meaningless, but you simply did not notice it, or there was a meaning, but somewhere lost.
  • 10. Why should I pretend that I feel good when I really feel bad?
  • 11. Childhood is the best time in life. It must be correctly used!
  • 12. - Could you explain to me, changing my, since when it was not fashionable to be yourself?
  • -Since it has become so easy to be someone else.
  • 13. All adults who cannot boast of the fact that every year they jump higher and run faster, know that birthday is an ambiguous holiday. It's hard to believe, but sometimes I don’t even want to celebrate it at all. I do not want to invite anyone, well, if only so that everyone comes. As if by chance.
    14. We all sometimes feel loneliness. We do not have enough interlocutor, but this does not mean that we are really alone. Next to us there is always someone who can understand our experiences, listen to us, tell something. As a rule, loneliness and emptiness around us are the fruit of our imagination. But in fact, life around us hits the key, in anticipation, when we pushes into its noisy and fresh stream.
  • 15. Why do you need a universe in which there is no miracle?
  • 16. There are days when the whole world lies in front of you, like a delicious cake. Everything becomes clear and understandable. No secrets and riddles. And this feeling of omniscience overflows as if, as if ... And you need communication, communication ... Because if you can’t tell someone all this wisdom to someone immediately, then you can just keep silent!
  • 17. Birthday is such a holiday when characters from the present gather, recall the past and wish you even better future.
  • 18. No, seriously! There are problems whose scale, except you, no one notices. You see, no one! Everyone lives in their little worlds, in their sinks, which built around them in their image and likeness. But there are questions of a planetary scale! Ecumenical! And how to reach with this questions through the walls of the shells?
  • 19. Sometimes it seems to me that our world is drawn by someone, and someone is watching us all the time. Out of there.
  • 20. Oh, my friend is naive, if only those who can do it rule the world!
  • 21. If a friend is real, then he will not abandon. And if not real, then there is nothing to worry about.
  • 22. There are days when nothing inspires. Everything seems uninteresting, boring, but just annoying I want to cancel all plans and meetings just sit at home and hacks for pleasure.
  • 23. We need to spend more strengths on understanding each other, and not on attempts to shout.
  • 24. There are things that are very difficult to part with. They are already so old that it is high time to throw them away. But you get used to them so much, so many stories are connected with them that it seems to be thrown to be thrown away from throwing yourself.
  • 25. It only seems that the sea is large. In fact, it is small, nothing disappears in it without a trace.
  • 26. Do not build illusions that may end in the emergency room.
  • 27. The future is afraid of creatures that are uncertained.
  • 28. Our whole life is solid missed opportunities.
  • 29. Dear owl, we have already passed the training time and the time of victories. Behind there is already such an experience of defeats that we must cherish memories of them. And if we jump like crazy, then all the memories are displayed and there will be nothing to remember. And most importantly, there is no one.
  • 30. You get not quite what you want; you get it, but you don't want to; And you don’t even know what you really want.

Quotes from the cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene"

City from the cartoon Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene
Quotes from the cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene"

Quotes from the cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gene"

  • - Gene, is it very difficult for you to carry things?
    - Well, how can I tell you Cheburashka ... very hard.
    - Listen to Gene, let's bear things, and you take me.
    “You came up with it great.”
  • - So, so ... what ... tea, suitcase, Cheburek, Cheboksary ... strange. There are no Cheburashki.
    “So ... So you will not be friends with me?”
    - Why? We will, we will!
  • - This is good! It's good that you are green and flat!
    - But why?
    - Very simple! You lie on the lawn and you are not visible. We throw a wallet on a rope. A passerby is bending, and the wallet runs away! Great? Great, huh?
    - No, not great.
  • Let run clumsily
    Pedestrians on puddles,
    And water - along the asphalt by the river.
    And obscure passers -by
    On this day, the Nergotye,
    Why am I funny.
  • And I play the accordion
    The passers -by in sight ...
    Regret, birthday
    Only once a year.
  • The wizard will suddenly arrive
    In a blue helicopter
    And the movie will show for free.
    Happy birthday to congratulate
    And probably leave
    I have five hundred Eskimo as a gift.
  • The sun shines with bright light
    Over Moscow and around.
    Why are people in the summer
    Go south?
  • And in the suburbs they are caught breams,
    Mushrooms, berries, flowers are found!
    Don't even look for a place better
    Only time will you spend in vain!
  • Who helps people
    Only spends time in vain
    Good deeds
    You can’t become famous

Video: Quotes and phrases from Soviet cartoons


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