Cystitis in cats: diagnosis, tests, treatment, tips and recommendations

Cystitis in cats: diagnosis, tests, treatment, tips and recommendations

Diagnosis and treatment of cystitis in cats: all that you should know about the disease.

In this article, we will tell you what cystitis is in cats, how it is diagnosed, what tests to take, and also how to treat medicines in a veterinary clinic and home.

Cystitis in cats: symptoms and causes of occurrence

Cystitis in cats is an inflammatory, more often infectious disease, which is formed due to actively growing bacteria or fungi in genitourinary channels.

The causes of cystitis in cats include:

  • Weakening of immunity, and as a result, a rapid increase in the growth of bacteria (which are constantly located in the channels, but in the aisles the norms and are excreted in the urine);
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Irregular diet for a cat, cheap, poor -quality food;
  • Urine delay, rare urination: access to the tray is closed, stress due to the arrived guests, stress from the new animal, etc.;
  • Hypothermia on the street;
  • As a complication after castration;
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • Obesity;
  • As a result of a mini-grass, and the inflammatory process in the genitourinary channels.

The pet, like a chest child, can show, but cannot voice the pain and causes of pain. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the animal in order to identify the symptoms in time and provide assistance to the cat.

Symptoms of cystitis in cats:

  • The cat runs to the tray, sits down, but does nothing. At the same time, he can behave both calmly and meow, tremble, pushing. At this moment, the cat has a urge, and the bladder is still empty or weakly filled. Therefore, instead of urine - a few drops, or maybe nothing. Remember that when the cat is busy with urination, her body is not hunched over, but slightly elongated. This is an indicator that she does not have constipation, but cystitis;
  • The cat meow, screams in the process of urination, and after it for a long time and carefully licks the place under the tail;
  • The animal has become irritable, and can go past the tray, not run, etc.;
  • Change of urine color: darkens, with clouding, with pus, blood;
  • Take the stomach - if it is tense and the muscles are solid as a stone and the animal meow, this is one of the signs of beginning inflammation;
  • The temperature of the animal is increased, the animal is sluggish.

Remember, cystitis in cats is a very serious disease that can lead to the death of the animal. For the correct installation of the diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment, a veterinarian consultation is required. Folk remedies are good as auxiliary, but not as the main course of treatment.

It is important to remember that when contacting a veterinary clinic to establish a diagnosis, you will need to take the following tests:

  • Urine analysis is mandatory;
  • Blood test is mandatory;
  • Ultrasound, according to the appointment of a veterinarian.

Cystitis in cats: species

Types of cystitis in cats:

  • Idiopathic cystitis - A difficult disease studied, the cause of which is still not known. It is extremely rare in cats, but it is very difficult to treat;
  • Hemorrhagic cystitis - acute and severe course of an infectious disease with the release of blood during urination;
  • Purulent cystitis - chronic serious illness, which is accompanied by the release of pus;
  • Serous-catarrhal cystitis - It can take place both in light and severe form. It is characterized by muddy urine, or mucus secretions.

With any type of disease, cats need to take a cut of tests in order to recognize the causes of inflammation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The problem of urination in cats
The problem of urination in cats

How to treat cystitis in a cat?

In order to cure cystitis in a cat, it is important to follow several rules:

  • Examine the animal and carefully observe the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor;
  • Do not let the animal out into the street during treatment (even in the summer, so as not to bring a new infection into the inflamed ducts);
  • Keep in warmth;
  • Exclude any stress and not provoke active games. Give the animal time for rest and restoration;
  • Often change the tray, wash and treat a disinfectant, in order to avoid the spread of bacteria, infections, fungi.

Depending on the causes of cystitis, the course of treatment may radically differ. They can appoint:

  • Antibiotics, especially with purulent cystitis or with blood;
  • In addition to antibiotics, an obligatory course of probiotics, or relapse may occur;
  • Holy hemostatic drugs that are responsible not only for restraining bleeding, but also help to cope with intoxication;
  • Antispasmodics that relieve pain and help the cat return to the usual rhythm of life;
  • Antiviral, antifungal drugs - depending on the indicators of analyzes.

Cystitis in cats: medicine

In this section, we give a list of drugs that are indicated for cystitis in cats:

  • Stop cystitis for cats;
  • Meloxidal;
  • Semintra;
  • Papaverine;
  • Phytoeelitis cytostat;
  • Amoxicillin 15%;
  • Loxick;
  • Cyston;
  • No-shpa;
  • A lot of probiotics and all of them are good, the choice will help to make a doctor;
  • Feed for animals with vitamin additives, marked for treatment.

It also does not hurt to include a complex of vitamins and trace elements in the menu.

Cystitis in cats: antibiotics

Remember that no cystitis in cats shows antibiotics. If your animal does not have bloody or purulent discharge, an antibiotic should be prescribed only according to the results of urine and blood tests.

Cystitis in cats - a dangerous disease
Cystitis in cats - a dangerous disease

Today, such antibiotics have proven themselves to treat cystitis in cats:

  • Zinapime - Introduced to cats with injections of 1 ml for every 10 kg of animal. The course of antibiotics ranges from 5 to 7 days, depending on the results of repeated tests. On the first day, it is recommended to enter a dose, wait 12 hours and make another injection. Further with the interval of 24 hours;
  • Sinolox - tablets and suspension. The tablets are used according to the calculation of 12.1 mg per 1 kg of cat weight. Suspensions - 8.75 mg per 1 kg of animal weight. Sometimes an increase in the norm to 25 mg per 1 kg of animal is allowed, but only under the round -the -clock supervision of a doctor.

Cystitis in cats: treatment at home

Remember that at home you can treat cystitis in cats only with weak symptoms, or treat, after manipulations in the doctor’s office.

Cystitis in cats: treatment at home
Cystitis in cats: treatment at home

If the cat is distinguished by pus, the bladder flushing is required. This is possible only in the clinic. When highlighting urine, an ultrasound can be shown, which can also be carried out only in the clinic. Self -medication in such cases can lead to death.

At home, the treatment of cystitis in cats takes place in this order:

  • Control over the animal, beyond its condition;
  • Taking medications on schedule. Do not miss and simultaneously monitor the condition after admission;
  • Frequent change of the tray and disinfection;
  • Where the cat likes to rest - put a house, put baskets with blankets so that the animal is constantly warm;
  • Do not put the heating pads - since the excessive temperature can provoke the growth of bacteria in the uric channel;
  • Regularly wash and disinfect the substrates where the cat rests to get rid of all possible bacteria and fungi;
  • If you go to the whole house to work - put two trays to make the cat where to go if the first is filled;
  • Temporarily transfer the animal to specialized premium food for cats with urological problems.

Cystitis at the cat: how long has been treated?

Cystitis at the cat: how long has been treated?

How much is the cat's cystitis treated? If you find the disease at the initial stage, less than a day will pass before the first relief of the pain. If the disease is chronic - there may be complications and relief will go in a few days.

  • Purulent and severe cystitis is characterized by severe pains that can relieve antispasmodics. In such cases, relief occurs within an hour, but it will return a few more days as soon as the effect of the drug will weaken.
  • Regardless of the treatment and speed of the animal’s amendments, the course of treatment of cystitis in cats is 5-7 days. And it must be finished, even if a day later the animal became awake and cheerful.
  • In severe forms of cystitis, treatment can last up to 14 days.
  • After the course of treatment, the restoration course is required for at least 14 days, and sometimes up to 2 months. During this period, a balanced diet, lack of stress, knitting, exhibitions, as well as minimal stay on the street and the lack of drafts where the animal rests and sleeps.

Cystitis at the cat: relapse

Cystitis at the cat: relapse

Cystitis in cats often pours into many relapses, especially if they were not treated before. If the relapse occurred within a month after treatment, it is necessary to completely replace the drugs in treatment, since the previous ones will not be effective.

If the relapse occurred after several months or years, then the reason may be both the same and new. Therefore, do not forget to take the analysis section again and prescribe treatment by results, and not by experience.

Sometimes it happens that the owners were previously treated for cystitis, and here relapse. The symptoms are the same, the course of treatment is clear, so why visit a veterinary clinic? For proper diagnosis! If for the first time, let's say, it was a fungal infection, then this time, let's say, a virus with a complication to the genitourinary system. And the treatment complex is completely different. Thus, the cat is not treated, but healed, and later it is difficult not only to treat the animal, but also to correctly diagnose the disease.

Cystitis at the cat from food

From cheap, poor -quality food, as well as from an unbalanced diet and insufficient water consumption, cats have many diseases, including cystitis.

If the cat’s cystitis has already occurred, the whole subsequent life must be carefully controlled by the nutrition and the water consumption regime in order to minimize the possibility of relapse.

It is also worth considering that the animal that has suffered at least once a cystitis should undergo special nutrition courses for urological diseases. If the disease was one -time - 1 year at 4 weeks once a year. If relapses are found - once every 6 months for 4 weeks.

Cystitis in a cat after sterilization

One of the rare but available complications after sterilization is cystitis in cats. It arises as a result of the weak immunity of the animal, incorrectly conducted operation, as well as due to poor care during the recovery period.

A veterinarian is the best adviser on the treatment of cystitis
A veterinarian is the best adviser on the treatment of cystitis

The treatment of cystitis in a cat after sterilization does not differ from a standard course and is prescribed by a veterinarian.

After restoration of health in a sterilized cat, cystitis may appear for the same reasons as not sterilized. Over the years, practice has shown that sterilization does not affect the amount, frequency and complexity of cystitis, if in general the animal is healthy and balanced.

Cystitis by a castrated cat

But in castrated cats, cystitis is much more common than in non -castrated representatives of cat civilization. Cystitis in cats after castration during the recovery period occurs quite often, especially if an inflammatory process arises.

Against the background of weakened immunity, the suppressed system of the production of hormones and stress after the surgery, picked up the infection for the cat is very simple, and after treatment hypothermia, drafts and stress can cause relapse.

Therefore, it is very important in the first days after the castration of the cat, stay with him and carefully monitor his condition, nutrition, and general well -being.

Purulent cystitis in cats: how to treat?

With purulent cystitis, cats require a thorough treatment system, which includes both treatment in the clinic and home care:

  • Be sure to take tests for the study of the causes of the disease;
  • Pierce the course of antibiotics, since oral drugs are absorbed more slowly and less effectively;
  • Flushing from the pus of the bladder and channels;
  • Give tablets and suspensions according to the appointments of a doctor;
  • The animal should rest in the warmth, but it is categorically impossible for the animal to be at the heats, on the batteries, and the heaters. Hot temperature will increase the production and outflow of pus;
  • Change the tray, or diaper, if the animal is in it.

The doctor also orientes on a balanced diet and will help to choose a vitamin complex.

Cystitis and urolithiasis in cats

How to recognize cystitis in a cat
How to recognize cystitis in a cat

Sometimes urolithiasis and cystitis in cats pass at the same time. In this case, the animal is incredibly suffering, screams when urinating, does not sleep and most often the disease passes with high temperature.

In the presence of a comprehensive disease, a thorough examination, ultrasound and the appointment of treatment include: includes:

  • Antibiotics in injections;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Painkillers;
  • General strengthening;
  • If necessary, antiviral or antifungal.

The veterinarian also prescribes dietary nutrition and thorough control over the amount of water drunk. Remember that milk is food, not drinking for cats.

Cystitis in a pregnant cat

The knitting process is always stress for a cat. And if the animal has an immunity in a compartment with this or an infection is present, then cystitis in cats during pregnancy is very likely.

Of course, a cat is more important than pregnancy, and in the case of an acute disease, the doctor will recommend terminating pregnancy and treating antibiotics and hormonal therapy. But if the situation was discovered in the first stages, and according to the analyzes the situation is not critical, then the veterinarian prescribes gentle therapy, depending on the results of the tests (antifungal, antiviral, general strengthening).

In order to avoid cystitis in a pregnant cat, be sure to turn on vitamins, trace elements, drugs that increase immunity. Try to ensure that the animal avoid stress, ate it, and its tray was always cleaned, since it is impossible to restrain himself during this period.

Cystitis at the cat: reviews

Reviews about cystitis at the cat:

Alexei: The other day, our kitten with a brisk baby became sluggish, constantly running to the tray, but could not go to the toilet. We thought constipation and took it to the veterinarian. It turned out to be cystitis. They pierced with Zinaprin for 5 days, give the tablets, and the baby came to life. We could not cope at home, it’s good that there are excellent and inexpensive clinics!

Maryana: My passion, but for their friendly residence I necessarily castrate and sterilize. The first few weeks are the most difficult - I carefully look after the cats so that there are no complications. Once missed - they treated cystitis with enviable regularity for many years. If there is no way to create perfect cleanliness and sterility where the animal is located after surgery - it is better to put on a diaper.

Video: Olga Syatkovskaya. Cystitis of cats: General delayed urine

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the article useful. My cat also has cystitis, worsens a couple of times a year. The last time the veterinarian to the cat wrote out cool tablets-Stop Cystitis. They helped very well, in just a few days we managed to get rid of all the symptoms of unpleasant ones. The cat is healthy since then, feels great.

  2. thanks

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