What does it mean to remain friends after parting? Why does the girl asks to remain friends after parting? When you can stay friends after parting and how to do it: tips, recommendations, reviews

What does it mean to remain friends after parting? Why does the girl asks to remain friends after parting? When you can stay friends after parting and how to do it: tips, recommendations, reviews

In this article we will talk about whether it is worth remaining friends after parting and how to do it.

When people part, one of the partners can offer friends. Usually girls do this. But why do they do it at all and is it worth continuing to communicate, but already as a friend? Or maybe somehow return the girl? Let's answer these and other questions in our article.

What does it mean to remain friends after parting?

Friendship between a man and a woman
Friendship between a man and a woman

Every man knows that women agree to something or do not always refuse something sincerely. If the girl offers to remain friends after parting, then this does not yet mean that everything is lost. Just keep in mind that a categorical refusal can still be considered for verification, but the offer of friendship can already say that you are not interested in the girl.

In rare cases, girls abruptly refuse. Usually they act softer. Cynism is that a man can bring much more benefit as a friend than as an enemy or familiar. Only now you will only be friends, and she uses you for her own purposes.

The situation is a little different if you have already met. You had some kind of relationship, sex. And now she offered to be friends. This is the same as parting. There can be many reasons for this behavior. Perhaps she became bored, or maybe a man no longer excites her. In any case, the offer to be just a friend does not mean anything good.

Do I need to remain friends after parting?

Often people try to disperse in a good way and think, is it worth it to stay friends after parting? In this case, it is important to understand that no one forces you to be friends. You may well refuse to communicate - you parted and parted, why cross again?

Moreover, the situation will be complicated if one person still loves. Why do you need all these dramas? You yourself will understand that a person loves you and communication will create a lot of discomfort. In this case, it is better to just interrupt all communication. If your relationship has broken up by mutual agreement and both partners do not want to return the relationship, then why not continue to communicate further. It is quite possible to be friends. Let us talk about this further more.

Why does the girl asks to remain friends after parting?

The girl asks to stay friends
The girl asks to stay friends

As you already understood when the girl offers to remain friends after parting, this does not always speak of the desire to be friends. Most likely, the girl was just shaking and could not find the strength in herself that everything ended between you. She behaves like that because she feels guilty in front of you and wants to get rid of internal discomfort. In other words, she tries to remain a good opinion about herself and gradually accustom you to the idea that you are no longer together. In this way, she tries to part less painful.

There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • As a rule, people meet when they have common interests or they look equally at life. For example, they are driven by one idea and they want to reach one goal. Often this is found among careerists or creative people. Basically, the career distracts from personal relationships and, as a result, they are not needed. That is why the partner may want to part and offer just friendship. In this case, it is important to understand that he does not want to continue personal relationships, but is not ready to refuse communication. Any attempt to go for the line of friendship will be suppressed.
  • Fear of intimacy. There is a situation when a woman at the very beginning offers friendship. And everything seems to be fine, but she offers this. So, when spiritual proximity goes to a new level, a person offers to go to the distance and communicate as friends. At the same time, he does not offer to part. This is due to the fear of intimacy for various reasons. In any case, the girl is afraid of close relationships. At the same time, she needs them. So she can, then close, then push it away. It will turn out for some time in this rhythm. However, the relationship will still be confusing.
  • There is someone third. This is the most unpleasant situation. For example, a guy and a girl begin to meet, and then it turns out that she has another. Relations could develop earlier or just begin. In any case, it becomes unpleasant that preference is not given to you. That is why a friendly communication format is proposed. This is due to the fact that while exclusive rights to relations were not presented, the girl could afford. But as soon as this manifested itself, a threat appeared.

Is it possible to stay friends after parting?

So is it possible to stay friends after parting? In fact, it is important to understand all the difference between relations and friendship. We usually call friends a person whom we simply know and have met at least once. And a friend is the one with whom you have mutual understanding and trust. Accordingly, a former partner cannot become a friend or acquaintance. In the latter case, you are binding a lot, and you had more relations than friendly.

To put everything in its place, you should introduce the word "former girl." That is, she is not a friend for you, but not an enemy. At the same time, starting new relationships, you can’t just go and take a walk. This is no longer a normal situation. Again, it is not a fact that a former partner can be trusted. If you parted, then your interests do not match. How are you going to continue to be friends?

So after a love relationship, it is difficult to imagine friendship. Therefore, do not be comforted that everything is fine. In addition, you will not see how before. So think very well before, consent to the proposal of friendship after parting.

When can you stay friends after parting?

When can you stay friends?
When can you stay friends?

Of course, there are several possible situations when you can stay friends after parting. However, it is not a fact that they are happening between you.

So, you can stay friends in the following cases:

  • You have no feelings for each other. When does the knees give up from the thought of the former partner, what kind of friendship can we talk about? However, if the heart does not press and does not cause any emotions about the former, then it can still turn out. The most important thing is that both understand that there are no feelings.
  • Constantly have to cross. You should think about how to communicate with a former partner after parting. Moreover, this applies even to your environment, due to which it is impossible to interrupt relations. In any case, you will have to maintain a calm relationship. But here, it is not a fact that there is friendship. You do not have to trust each other and support. If you are not ready to continue communication, but you have to do this, then try not to express anything to each other when meeting.
  • Friendship is initially. In this case, it means that there was no passion and romance between people initially and they did not even discuss the future. Despite the fact that the relationship has not developed, they are still interested together and there is trust between them. In this case, of course, it is better to switch to the level of friendship.

When you can’t stay friends after parting?

Despite the fact that people can really remain friends after breaking up, there are still much more arguments against this. Let's talk about them.

  • Lack of common interests. Sometimes, when people part, they do not understand how they lived together for so long. They are just strangers for each other. People diverge and gradually forget about each other. However, the situation is changing if children have already appeared, a common business is being conducted or there are some common concerns. Otherwise, it makes no sense to make yourself friends.
  • One wants to regain a relationship. One partner believes that everything is good and you can talk about a new life, about all sorts of little things and even relationships. Another carefully pretends that he likes everything, but still hopes that it can still be returned. Such a person lives with the illusion that everything will return. And this is a bad experience that will not bring anything good.
  • One destroys the other. In this case, we are talking about toxic relationships. Of these, you need to come out immediately without any communication. Nothing good will work out of this. The toxic person will not change, and friendship will be very different from romance.
  • Never were friends. If the relationship was built on passions and other emotions that gradually go out, but there was no friendship, then even after parting it will not appear. Perhaps you were good together, but for support you went to others, because you did not trust the partner. Accordingly, and after the gap, the situation will not change.
  • Painful parting. For example, one decided to leave, but the second did not want this. Or treason was the reason. It's hard to talk about friendship. In any case, you need to wait for the emotions to subside. And this takes time, someone even a few years. Do not forget that friendship is built on trust, and for such reasons it is violated.

How to stay friends after parting?

How to remain friends after parting?
How to remain friends after parting?

If you still decide to stay friends after parting and are ready to communicate, then adhere to a few simple recommendations:

  • Take a short break. Stop it for a short while any communication. Your emotions must subside
  • Try to be honest with you. Do not think that everything will be as before. If this is not done, then in the end disappointment will become even stronger
  • Avoid things that can remind you of a relationship. Moreover, forget about flirting with this person

To remain friends or not - decide for yourself. However, be more careful in this regard, because you may end up with a participant in an unnecessary drama.

They remained friends after parting - how to return?

First of all, if you decide to stay friends after parting, and then return the girl, think about whether it is worth doing at all. Maybe you are too exaggerating its value? Try to switch to others. Just get distracted. Talk with other girls without relationships, a common conversation or conducting time in one company.

Then select one day for thought. Just stay alone in a calm atmosphere for you and think. Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that you do not need it. If you decide that the girl is worth it, then think about whether you will lose interest in her if you achieve yours. Not? Then we boldly begin to act.

  • So you decided that you need a girl or just want to achieve her, it is better to disappear. The fact is that now you, as a man, do not interest her. So pretend that you like everything. Just answer all her requests with refusal, and then just start ignoring, interrupting all communication. If she herself begins to seek communication, then refer to the fact that they are busy. Let her believe that you are going on something interesting. Ideally, it is desirable to reduce communication to zero and not catch your eye. She will, of course, try to pull the old ropes, especially if you are friends for a long time. Moreover, she is probably already used to the fact that you are doing everything for her. Show that you are no longer on a leash.
  • First you should start with the image. It does not require much time to change. If you have not played sports before, then start. Set away the weight if required. Tightened men with direct posture likes everyone. Do not forget about the wardrobe. It is also worth working with him.
  • Further success. Of course, it is difficult to advance in his career to big earnings in a few months. However, if a man is promising, then it is noticeable for him. Even if he is not yet a very large income, but he strives for him. At the same time, everyone who develops themselves through courses, creativity, travel has a prospect. Perhaps the man has not yet achieved all heights and does not really like his work, but he knows what he needs and strive for this.
  • A successful seducer must have different skills. You can always charm a girl if you communicate competently and have the speech. This is all in the future to develop gradually.
  • As a result, you must appear before the girl the way she did not know you before. She will feel the effect of novelty and perceive you differently. You will become more interesting and attractive to her.
  • The last step will be the seduction. It is better if the first meeting takes place a few months after you are lost. It will stay in it of interest, but you will already become others both inside and outside. It is desirable that you already have several victories on your personal front, so as not to lose.

How to stay friends after parting: reviews

Many are shared on the Internet with tips on whether it is possible to remain friends after parting. Listen to them or not your business. In any case, the attempt is not torture. You can try to be friends, but if you can’t do it, it is better to interrupt all communication.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: Can the former be friends?


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Comments K. article

  1. I had such a situation in my life. Now with the former just friends. Neither I nor he has the past feelings of love.

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