What is an ectopic pregnancy? Signs of ectopic pregnancy

What is an ectopic pregnancy? Signs of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a threat to a woman’s life. When the first symptoms of pathology appear, you must consult a doctor.

An ectopic pregnancy at an early stage does not differ from bearing the fetus in the uterus. But this is a very dangerous phenomenon that threatens the life of a woman.

Doctors, even with modern techniques and equipment, are not able to identify this pathology in the first weeks after conception. When possible, it is possible to avoid surgery, preserving the female detergent organs.

Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy

To protect herself from troubles and reduce health risk, a woman should know about the signs of an ectopic pregnancy (WB). This will help to come to the clinic in a timely manner for helping in order to avoid complications.

How and why is an ectopic pregnancy?

Determination of ectopic pregnancy
Determination of ectopic pregnancy

Such a pathology can occur in any representative of the fair sex who has a sexual partner. The risk of VB increases if the lady has the following diseases:

  • congenital pipe underdevelopment
  • various inflammation of the uterine mucosa
  • infectious diseases of the uterus, ovaries, bladder
  • hormonal disbalance
  • abortion
Women at a consultation with a gynecologist
Women at a consultation with a gynecologist

How and why is an ectopic pregnancy? This question can worry a woman if her partner has "slow" sperm. They do not have time to fertilize the egg at the right time, and it is attached anywhere in its path.

In addition, situations may arise when the female cell is not able to move normally to the uterus. It is hindered by fabric fusion, narrowing, cicatricial fabric, excessive extension of the pipes.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

Localization of ectopic pregnancy
Localization of ectopic pregnancy

As mentioned above, a fertilized female cell can attach to any organ in its path. This will depend on the speed of the ejaculate, the women of innate pathologies and infections. Depending on the place of fastening of the cell, there are several types of WB:

  • Pipe pregnancy. A common clinical manifestation of all other types of WB. The fertilized female cell remains in the fallopian tube without going into the cavity of the uterine body. There are such clinical cases when a cell from the ovary enters the fallopian cavity, but for certain reasons, returns back to the pipe
  • Evacal pregnancyb. It may occur when the male ejaculate falls into the opened follicle with the female cage. The fertilization occurs instantly and the egg is attached to the ovary. The main thing in this form of WB is the correct diagnosis. Often, doctors of the ovarian pregnancy take for cystic tissue plexus, prescribing surgical intervention
  • Cervical pregnancy. The fertilized female cell, which fell into the uterine cavity and not fixed in it, slides down and enters the cervix. This type of pregnancy has a great danger to the female body. The survival of the embryo is zero. After making a diagnosis, doctors prescribe an urgent operation in which the uterus is removed and blood transfusion is carried out
  • Abdominal pregnancy - This is an unusual type of pregnancy, since the fertilized cell falls behind the peritoneum, and not into the uterine cavity. Such a pregnancy appears as a result of the fact that a fertilized egg falls into the abdominal cavity

Do you preserve an ectopic pregnancy?

Pipe rupture from an ectopic pregnancy
Pipe rupture from an ectopic pregnancy

Such a pathological process is very dangerous for a woman, since it is difficult to diagnose VB in the early stages. Women faced with a similar problem are wondering: do an ectopic pregnancy remain?

  • The preservation of the embryo is considered impossible, since it is normal to endure and give birth to a child with one form or another WB.
  • If with the ovary VB, the fetus is possible due to the elasticity of the walls of the ovary, then you will have to give birth with a cesarean section
  • The course of abdominal pregnancy is complicated by poor blood supply to the fetus. There are high risks of developing fetal anomalies
  • The cervical pregnancy has a huge danger to the life of a woman. Detail organs, together with a fertilized cell, are removed immediately after diagnosis
A woman has a stomach hurt from an ectopic pregnancy
A woman has a stomach hurt from an ectopic pregnancy

Is it possible to determine an ectopic pregnancy with a test?

A woman talks about her problems on your doctor
A woman talks about her problems on your doctor

When a woman has a delay in menstruation, cramping pains appear in the lower abdomen and there are suspicions of this pathology, the question arises: is it possible to determine an ectopic pregnancy with a test? Yes, a simple pharmacy test for pregnancy will be positive.

Important: In addition to this, you can take a blood test for hCG, it will also show an increased content of the chorionic hormone, which is released by placental fabric to block the ovarian function for the production of a new egg. This indicates the course of pregnancy - ordinary or pathological.

Sensations and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy according to its signs is a pathology with the same accompanying manifestations as in the usual process of bearing the baby. Such sensations and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy should be highlighted

  • The mammary glands swell, the woman feels their soreness and discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pectoral muscles
  • Poor health, nausea and vomiting, increasing basal temperature
  • Delayed menstruation or bleeding discharge
  • The pain appears in the place where the egg attached. It has a constant and growing character, can give to the renal intestine
  • Low blood pressure, weakness, dizziness, up to loss of consciousness
Painful sensations with an ectopic pregnancy
Painful sensations with an ectopic pregnancy

Important: if you have at least three of the above symptoms, urgently consult a gynecologist! This will help to establish a diagnosis in a timely manner and preserve the important functionality of the pelvic organs.

The course of ectopic pregnancy

Operation for the removal of an ectopic pregnancy
Operation for the removal of an ectopic pregnancy

In the early days and even weeks, the course of WB is no different from the usual process of bearing a child. The woman has all the sensations that her life lives in the uterus, and there is nothing to worry about. But after the 4th week, another symptoms appear, and the course of pregnancy takes on a different character.

If there is a rupture of the fallopian tube, then the woman has severe pains in the lower abdomen. The pallor of the skin and the fainting state suggests that you need to urgently contact a specialist.

How to avoid ectopic pregnancy?

Happy husband and wife
Happy husband and wife

WB is a dangerous pathological process for a woman's life. Therefore, the question arises, how to avoid an ectopic pregnancy?

This can be done if you monitor female health.

A woman at a reception for a gynecological expert
A woman at a reception for a gynecological expert
  • Necessary visit the gynecological center once every six months for a preventive examination. The doctor will be able to identify pathologies if they are available, and timely competent treatment will get rid of infections, inflammatory processes and other diseases
  • In many countries abroad, before getting married or when planning pregnancy, people take tests to test their health status. After all, diseases that men transmit during intercourse are dangerous for the female body, and affect the quality of pregnancy and the development of the fetus
  • Benign tumors and cysts Change the structure of the internal detority organs of a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct preventive examinations and carefully monitor your female health
  • Abortion Also dangerous to the health of women. Most ectopic pregnancies happen precisely after abortion. A woman has a hormonal balance, inflammations appear, which lead to a different kind of pathology
  • Necessary caution choose contraception methods - Navy, oral contraceptives and others. Protection with the help of a Navy is the risk of ectopic pregnancy, the degree of which is proportional to wearing time. The longer a woman wears an intrauterine spiral, the higher the risk of such a pathology
The doctor asks a woman about the symptoms
The doctor asks a woman about the symptoms

Important: it is necessary to wear the Navy exactly as much time as the doctor prescribes. An independent increase in the wearing period, even if it seems to you that you feel good with a spiral, can lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

Tip: If you want to stop taking oral contraceptive tablets, then at first a break, protect, for example, condoms. Under the constant effect of hormonal drugs, the work of fallopian tubes is disturbed, and they cannot immediately begin to fulfill their usual purpose.

The consequences after an ectopic pregnancy: is it possible to give birth after an ectopic pregnancy?

Ordinary pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy
Ordinary pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy

After making a diagnosis, it will not be possible to avoid surgical treatment. Therefore, the consequences after an ectopic pregnancy still exist. Is it possible to give birth after an ectopic pregnancy?

This issue often worries women who conducted such a diagnosis. Pregnancy is possible, but only with one pipe.

Important: do not treat WB as an unpleasant sentence. Many women after the operation can normally endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Repeated ectopic pregnancy

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

This scenario occurs in 20 women out of 100. The chances of repeated WB are reduced if during surgery it is possible to maintain the phallopiev pipe.

So that this type of pregnancy does not occur again, it is necessary to undergo an examination and donate blood to check the presence of dangerous infections transmitted during intercourse:

  • gonorrhea
  • chlamydia
  • syphilis
  • mycoplasmosis
  • ureaplasmosis
Chlamydia cells
Chlamydia cells

Tip: If you find any unpleasant symptoms and secretions, consult a doctor. He will correctly establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How to determine an ectopic pregnancy: tips and reviews

Pain during an ectopic pregnancy
Pain during an ectopic pregnancy
  • A woman on her own will not be able to determine the WB. Tips and reviews of her friends and acquaintances will also help little. This pathology is very dangerous and with the first suspicions and its symptoms, you must contact a professional
  • Those women who know from their own experience what pregnancy is outside the uterus advise doing an ultrasound and go to a gynecologist. They know that the slightest delay can cost life
  • If the period of such pregnancy is short, then the operation will be held with minimal surgical intervention. In the future, a woman will be able to have children

Tip: Be sure to undergo an examination for the identification of infectious diseases. This will help exclude the appearance of a second pathology.

Pregnant girl
Pregnant girl
  • Often it seems to women that an ectopic pregnancy occurs for no reason. But this is not so. Many gynecological diseases and inflammation are asymptomatic, but lead to the formation of adhesions
  • This is the main cause of pathology. Therefore, take care of your health, use contraceptives from unwanted pregnancy and follow all the instructions of doctors
  • Visit a gynecologist once a year to conduct preventive examinations to identify diseases at an early stage, if any. This is the only way to preserve the most precious thing that a woman has - her health and the opportunity to have children

Video: Two lives are threatened. Ectopic pregnancy

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