What is the upper and lower pressure, what is responsible for? The permissible difference between the upper and lower pressure by age, the norm of the difference, the reasons for the increase or decrease of the upper and lower pressure

What is the upper and lower pressure, what is responsible for? The permissible difference between the upper and lower pressure by age, the norm of the difference, the reasons for the increase or decrease of the upper and lower pressure

From our article you will learn what blood pressure is, as well as get acquainted with factors that cause an increase in the difference between lower and upper blood pressure.

Arterial pressure is an important indicator of our health. It is by it that experts judge how correctly the cardiovascular system works, and the whole body as a whole is in good or poor condition.

If a person’s pressure begins to regularly rise or drop below the norm, then this indicates that some pathological changes occur inside the body that have already begun to have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. The most unpleasant thing is that if you do not start taking measures at this stage, then sooner or later this situation will provoke a heart attack or stroke.

What is blood pressure?

Arterial pressure
Arterial pressure
  • HELL - This is a natural process of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels, capillaries, veins and arteries. If a person is completely healthy, then he, in general, does not notice how the blood circulates inside his body. But if something is wrong with the body, then depending on whether it is increased or lowered, a person can feel headache, pulsation in the nape, nausea and dizziness.
  • Now let's figure out why this happens. If you were a diligent student at school, then you probably remember that the blood in the human body is always in motion. Even when a person rests, she continues to circulate according to his arteries and veins. As soon as it reaches the ventricles of the heart, the heart muscle spasm occurs and the blood under pressure is thrown into the vessels, and begins to quickly fill them, exerting pressure on their walls. If at this stage the vessels are greater or less than necessary, then a person begins to feel all the unpleasant symptoms that we introduced to you above.
  • Of all this, only one conclusion can be drawn, our blood pressure directly depends on how often and with what force the heart muscle is reduced. Therefore, if you notice a deviation in one direction or another, then be sure to check if you have heart problems. If the examination shows that it works correctly, begin to look for other causes of improper operation of the vascular system.

In many ways, the result on the tonometer will depend on the correctness of the measurement of the pressure. Read about this in detail in the article How to properly measure blood pressure by an electronic tonometer on which hand: instruction, pressure measurement rules.

Type of blood vessels at pressure
Type of blood vessels at pressure

Systolic pressure: what is it and what is responsible for?

  • Systolic pressure (we call the upper) - this is the maximum indicator of blood pressure at the moment when the heart muscle pushes blood from the heart. This indicator helps us to find out how frequent our heart is reduced. If everything is in order with him, then the upper indicators will not exceed 110-130 units. Yes, and remember, only healthy people can have such blood pressure indicators in whom the cardiovascular system works like a clock. But the older the person will become, the higher his pressure will rise, for example, for 55-year-old men and women, an indicator of 140 units is considered normal.
  • Systolic blood pressure is responsible for the correct functioning of the heart and blood vessels, so if something begins to happen to them, its indicators begin to noticeably deviate from the norm. If the blood becomes viscous or cholesterol plaques greatly narrow the blood flow, then its indicators begin to rise above the norm. If a person has an intoxication of the body or it is very overdue, blood pressure indicators can fall below normal.
  • But no matter what direction the indicators of systolic pressure are lowered, always remember that the minimum deviation from normal physiological readings will sooner or later lead to not quite pleasant consequences. If you do not try to establish the correct operation of the cardiovascular system, then at first this pathological process will begin to destroy the smallest vessels, and then move to larger ones. As soon as they collapse and they are completely disturbed by blood circulation in the body, and this is already fraught with the development of hypertension.
Systolic (upper pressure)
Systolic (upper pressure)

Diastolic pressure: what is it and what is responsible for?

  • Diastolic AD (we call the lower one) - this is the power of blood pressure on the walls of arteries at the moment when the heart muscle completely relaxes after the contraction. In addition, this indicator helps us to find out with what force the blood circulates through our veins and arteries. In a completely healthy person, this indicator can range from 65 to 80 units. Such a big difference in indicators is due to the general condition of the body. If its vessels are quite elastic and have a good tone, then, as a rule, the indicators of diastolic pressure stay at the mark of 75-80 units.
  • If the vessels are damaged, the blood flow is disturbed and the indicators begin to jump in one direction or another. Also, the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle and the amount of blood that pumps the heart has a huge impact on the indicators of blood pressure. But even if you noticed that diastolic pressure began to sink much or rise, it is not necessary to sound an alarm right away. Stress, nervous disorders, hypothermia and even sudden temperature changes can affect this indicator. Therefore, if they deviate from the norm for literally a few units, then just try to relax more.
  • In the event that you see that the indicators of blood pressure jumped or dropped by 10-15 units, then this is the reason for consulting with a specialist. As a rule, deviations in one direction or another occur due to the fact that it decreases or, conversely, the force of blood flow is enhanced. And if you do not stabilize this process in the most minimum time, then after some time the body will cease to receive the right amount of oxygen and, as a result, various health problems will begin.
Causes of lower pressure reduction
Causes of lower pressure reduction

The norm of the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

  • Every adult knows that blood pressure with indicators of 120/80 is considered ideal. If you conduct simple mathematical calculations, you can understand that the difference will be about 40 units. If the gap between systolic and diastolic pressure increases to 65 units, then in a person the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases increases sharply. In addition, not quite the correct work of the heart and blood vessels begins to wear the walls of veins and arteries very quickly, and this begins to provoke premature aging processes.
  • In the case, if a person has health problems, then the gap between lower and upper pressure can increase to 45 or decrease to 35 units. With such indicators, the human body can also function correctly, though some people may have excessive drowsiness. As for the elderly people, their difference between upper and lower hell can be 50 units. This is due to the fact that in the body there was a natural wear of tissues and walls of blood vessels and arteries became less elastic.
Pulse pressure
Pulse pressure

The permissible difference between the upper and lower (pulse) pressure

Deviation of blood pressure from the norm to the side i call an increase in hypertension.
Deviation of blood pressure from the norm to the side i call a decrease in hypotension.

  • As you already, probably, understood the permissible difference between lower and upper pressure is 40 units. Doctors of therapists call such blood pressure workers and already by deviations from this figure judge what is happening inside the body. And although this indicator is considered the most ideal, even among young and healthy, at first glance people, it is difficult to find a person with such pressure.
  • That is why recently experts began to believe that the difference between the upper and lower hell can fluctuate from 35 to 50 units. True, in this case, there is one thing, but. If the indicators of the pressure difference are within normal limits, but at the same time the upper and lower hell is high, then this suggests that the cardiovascular system works very quickly, almost for wear.
  • In the case, both indicators, on the contrary, too small indicates that both the heart and heart muscle and blood vessels work very slowly. Yes, and remember, in order to get the most accurate indicators of blood pressure, you need to carry out all the measurements only in a relaxed state. If you do this immediately after physical activity, then the indicators will surely be higher than the norm.

The big difference between the upper and lower pressure: the reasons for health?

  • A fairly common cause of a large difference between blood pressure indicators are too low diastolic pressure. As a rule, the elasticity of blood vessels has a great influence on these numbers. If it falls, lower pressure indicators are also reduced. And since the substance is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, which is produced by the kidneys, in this case, it is best to look for a pathology in this organ.
  • In women, such complications can occur against the background of problems with the thyroid gland. If it ceases to produce in the right amount of hormones the necessary for the body for normal functioning, then absolutely all organs and systems begin to suffer because of this. Against this background, problems with the cardiovascular system may appear, which will lead to the fact that the heart and blood vessels will cease to properly pump blood and enrich internal organs with oxygen.
  • Also, pressure changes in the body affect the pressure indicators. The older a person becomes, the less elastic his vessels become. Because of this, he develops arterial rigidity and blood vessels cease to cope with the pressure that the blood flow provides them.
  • The “upper” pressure is much higher than the norm with a slight increase in “lower” or its normal values \u200b\u200boften indicates not very good condition of the kidneys. Therefore, it is often called renal.
  • Sometimes the difference between upper and lower pressure can increase due to hunger, insufficient nutrition, excessive physical activity, hypothermia, constant chronic stress.
Arterial hypertension
Arterial hypertension

A small difference between upper and lower pressure: reasons, which means to health?

Symptoms of a small difference between upper and lower pressure are increased drowsiness, apathy, weakness, irritability.

  • Pressure is a pretty good indicators of the state of our health and if pathological processes begin to occur inside the body, then this immediately affects the indicators of blood pressure. If we talk about a small difference between upper and lower pressure, then here the most important reason is problems with the cardiovascular system. It’s just that in this case there are problems that do not allow the blood flow to move through the vessels and arteries with sufficient strength.
  • In addition, such indicators can provoke such a pathology as vegetovascular dystonia. This disease provokes vascular spasm, and as a result, blood cannot correctly circulate through the body.
  • Another reason that can provoke such behavior of blood pressure is a very strong internal blood loss. In this case, the blood, instead of circulating through the veins and arteries, will flow into the abdominal cavity at the place of formation of the wound. And since the heart will not push blood into the vessels, they will completely relax and this will immediately affect the pressure indicators.
  • I immediately want to show that a small difference, just as a big one, has a sufficiently adverse effect on the body. After all, if at first this can only be affected by dizziness and headache, then in the future this condition of the cardiovascular system can lead to the development of tachycardia, cardiosclerosis and renal failure.
The consequences of a small difference between the upper and lower (pulse) pressure
The consequences of a small difference between the upper and lower (pulse) pressure

The difference in upper and lower pressure 50, 60, 70, 80, 20, 40: how to understand is it good or bad?

  • If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that the difference between the upper and lower pressure of 40 and 50 units is considered the norm. Therefore, if, when measurements, hell your tonometer gives, for example, 120/80 or 130/70, then you may well be calm. In this case, only regular headaches, which are accompanied by dizziness and severe pulsation in the back of the head and temples, can be the reason for the doctor’s address in this case.
  • But as for the difference of 70 and 80 units, then in this case you need to immediately seek help from a cardiologist and therapist. Such a large gap between the upper and lower pressure may indicate that the cardiovascular system works in an enhanced mode. These processes impede the normal functioning of the heart muscle, and this leads to the fact that the blood flow has a sufficiently strong effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Also, the cause for concern is a very small gap between blood pressure indicators (20 units). In this case, in addition to standard problems with blood vessels and heart, the cause of such indicators can be kidney pathologies.
Degree of blood pressure
Degree of blood pressure

The upper and lower pressure is the same: what to do?

  • The indicators of the upper and lower pressure can be the same if a person has some kind of heart pathology. Indeed, in order for the blood flow to be circulating through our vessels, veins and arteries he has to make constant pumping and blood release. If something prevents him from doing this, the heart ceases to be filled with blood, which leads to the fact that it is compressed more than necessary.
  • This condition is very dangerous to health, therefore, if you saw on the tonometer the indicators 110/120 or 80/70, then immediately start taking measures. Of course, it is best to call an ambulance in this case and get qualified help. But if you do not have the opportunity to get to the hospital quickly, then try to help yourself with improvised means. But remember that in this case there are your nuances of pre -medical assistance. If the indicators of the upper and lower hell are very high, then they will need to be shot down.
  • And since this will not be very sharply done, it will be better if you try to normalize the work of the heart with the help of antagonists, which normalize the heart rhythm. You can also try to reduce pressure with diuretics. If the indicators of the upper and lower pressure are very low, on the contrary, it will be necessary to raise them. To do this, you can try to drink citimon and very sweet tea.

Why do you need to measure pressure and on which hand?

Pressure measurement recommendations
  • Most people think that only those people who have confirmed the diagnosis of hypertension or hypotension should measure pressure. But in fact, this is not at all the case. Experts advise even quite healthy people to periodically arrange a test. For example, take it a rule and a couple of times a week at a certain time to measure blood pressure. Such a useful habit will allow you to notice the beginning of pathological changes in time, and you can avoid the appearance of more serious problems.
  • You also need to accustom yourself to measure pressure before taking a pill for headache. Indeed, although most people write it off to overwork or lack of sleep, most often the cause of this problem is precisely the pressure. And in order to understand which drug to take, you need to know its exact indicators.
  • As for which hand to hold measurements on, experts advise doing this on the right hand. In order to get the right data, you need to take a convenient position, completely relax and only then start to give measurements. This must be done 2-3 times with an interval of 3 minutes. The average result will be the exact indicator of blood pressure at the time of measurement.

Age pressure rate: table

Pressure and age
Pressure and age
Table of age pressure norm
Blood pressure in children
Blood pressure in children

Although it is considered that ideally the pressure should be within 120/80, these indications can deviate in one direction or another. As a rule, the older a person becomes, the higher his hell becomes.

Video: Hypertension. How to reduce pressure, how to make it normal forever?

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  5. Very useful information thank you very much.

  6. i did not know 81 -tolerated about the meaning of the pressure difference. Thank you

  7. i learned about the value of the difference in the readings of the upper and lower pressure. Thank you

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