What is a squal: how it is used for the face, hair and body. Best cosmetics with Sklan: List, characteristics

What is a squal: how it is used for the face, hair and body. Best cosmetics with Sklan: List, characteristics

If you like to visit cosmetic stores, and purchase care products, then be sure to allocate bubbles on which it is written "in Square."

This article will tell what kind of ingredient this is a squal, and what is its benefit for the skin.

Facial squale: what is it in cosmetics?

  • From the point of view of chemistry, the squale is a hydrocarbon. It is resistant to water balance, temperature changes and oxygen. Square sources are plants, in particular reed sugar, wheat germ and olives.The animal is in the liver of sharks, but is not humane now, given that there is a vegetable squel.
  • The composition of this component includes many useful substances. Among them is vitamin E, beta-carotene and coenzyme Q10. All of them positively affect the condition of the skin (make it moisturized, fit and radiant).
For skin and hair
For skin and hair

The benefits of Squal

Square is a component that is often added to various facial care products and body.

The main benefit of a squland for the skin and hair is manifested in the following:

  • Treatment of inflammation. This component enhances the immune system of cells, and destroys fungal bacteria. It enhances the work of antibodies that fight bacteria;
  • Healing. This component contributes to the growth of cells, and also helps vitamins and minerals to penetrate the inner layers of the skin;
  • Strengthening. The squale makes hair scales stronger, which positively affects the condition of the hair. He nourishes hair bulbs, which accelerates hair growth;
  • Fixation. It helps to preserve the color of the hair after being in the sun, washing the head and the use of styling products.

If there are signs of psoriasis or eczema on the face, be sure to enter the funds with Sklan. It is not only to accelerate tissue regeneration, but also to protect the cells from the effects of free radicals. That is why the aging process also slows down.

  • The well is used for moisturizes of the skin and cuticles.
  • With it, you can get rid of dry lips in a matter of minutes. Even the most expensive and nutritious balms cannot boast of this action. This is an ideal option for the winter season, when the skin of the lips dry out.
  • Square is added to hair products. This is due to the fact that this component is quickly restores dry and damaged strands. This is an ideal option for those who dye their hair, or regularly expose it to thermal effects (ironing, curling iron, hair dryers, etc.).
  • To really moisturize the hair, you need to apply a little clean squland on the strands, and distribute. Leave for several hours, and then rinse in the usual way.

Square: Application

  • This valuable component is used for the production of cosmetics aimed at care.
  • These funds can be used both at home and in professional institutions - beauty salons.
It is used both for professional purposes and at home
It is used both for professional purposes and at home

Square in cosmetology

  • Square is added not only to cosmetics for care, but also in decorative.
  • It allows you to maintain the pigment in cosmetics for a long time, as well as evenly distribute it. The pigment becomes more uniform.

Cosmetics that contain a squale has the following advantages:

  • Sitting scalp, strengthening and stimulation of hair growth.
  • Recovery protective functions of the skin.
  • Sattle saturation vitamins and mineral components.
  • Food and moisture skin.
  • Smoothing wrinkles.

The well is found in such cosmetics:

  • lip balms;
  • shampoos, balms and hair masks;
  • creams and serum for face;
  • essence for the face;
  • cycle care products;
  • hands and nail creams;
  • means for moisturizing the skin of the body, etc.
Funds with Squalan
Cosmetics with Sklan

Squal: How to use?

  • Cosmetologists acquire cosmetic products with Sklan to take care of sensitive skin. Such funds are suitable for those who have weak protective functions of the skin.
  • Some procedures that cosmetologists do, injure the skin. In particular, these are acid peeling, dermabrasion and retinoic peeling. After them, funds with Sklan are applied to calm the skin irritated by aggressive drugs. They allow you to heal damaged areas so that bacteria do not get inside.

Who should not use the means with Skvalan?

Despite the enormous benefit of this component, it has a number of contraindications:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • comedogenicity of the skin.

If women, with the above problems, will apply funds with Squalan, this can cause a number of side effects.

Among them:

  • itching;
  • redness and rash;
  • irritation.

If you have problematic skin, on which rashes and acne often appear, use cosmetics with Sklan only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, she can aggravate the problem. If you began to notice that the amount of acne increases after such cosmetics, refuse to use it.

Popular and effective tools with Sklan: List

Almost every cosmetic brand has in its arsenal a series of funds that include a squal. Next will be considered the most popular of them.

Body cream "De Corps Whipped Body Butter Soy Milk & Honey" by Kiehl’s

  • This cream is considered the best -selling means of this brand. It contains many useful components, among which not only a squal, but also nutrient oils and aloe-war extract.
  • Therefore, this tool is considered universal. It can be used to moisturize the skin not only in summer, but also in winter.
  • The cream is quite thick. But, this does not prevent him from absorbing him quickly, and not to leave the film on the skin.

Facial oil "Skin Best Liquid Glow" by Biotherm

This product contains not only a squale, but also a lot of useful oils. Among them:

  • orange oil, which bleels pigment spots;
  • rosehip oil with regenerating property;
  • rice bran oil, which enhances the protective functions of the skin;
  • sunflower oil, which gives the skin a radiance.
Effective creams
Effective cream

Facial Cream "énergie de vie" Lancôme

  • The composition of this cream is enriched melissa extractwhich soothes sensitive skin. Ginseng extract allows you to accelerate the restoration of skin cells. Cranberry extract makes the skin velvety and radiant.
  • This tool is ideal for those cases when you need to urgently remove traces of fatigue or stress from your face. The cream helps to protect the skin from an unfavorable environmental situation.

Balm for washing with Squalan from The Ordinary

  • This balm has a solid texture. After applying it to the face, and contact with water, it turns into milk. The product effectively removes makeup and other pollution.
  • A product with a squal is applied to clean skin with massaging movements. Distribute the balm for 20 seconds, then wet it with water. Massage the skin for another 1 minute, and rinse with warm water. The skin will become noticeably cleaner, and also acquires a natural radiance.

Facial serum "Snowlance" from the house of nature

  • This cosmetic product was created for owners of mature skin. With regular use, wrinkles become less noticeable.
  • The serum also helps to make the skin radiant and velvety. If you use it on a regular basis, you can accelerate cell recovery, which will slow down the aging process.

Soft Three shampoo from Mitsuei

  • This shampoo is suitable for all types of hair. It effectively cleanses the hair, but does not overdose it. On the contrary, the product has a moisturizing effect. It creates invisible protection on the hair from the negative impact of the environment.
  • If you like to use styling products, this shampoo is ideal for hair cleansing. The composition contains not only a squale, but also various oils. Your hair will become nourished and acquire a natural shine.
Square in creams and serums
Square in creams and masks

So, now you know that a squal is a useful component that can transform the skin and hair in a matter of days. Believe me, after the regular use of funds with Sklavan, you no longer want to buy other cosmetics. However, before use, consult a cosmetologist. Otherwise, you can harm your skin.

We will also tell:

Video: Why is the Square an indispensable product for our skin?

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