What is PAPP-A, what is its norm during pregnancy, in the first trimester? Why and how to take an analysis for PAPP-A and hCG? The first screening for PAPP-A and HCG during pregnancy: the norm of 12 weeks, the reasons for the increase and decrease in indicators

What is PAPP-A, what is its norm during pregnancy, in the first trimester? Why and how to take an analysis for PAPP-A and hCG? The first screening for PAPP-A and HCG during pregnancy: the norm of 12 weeks, the reasons for the increase and decrease in indicators

HCG and PAPP-A during pregnancy: the norm of 12 weeks.

There are a lot of screening studies that are prescribed for future young mothers. Among them, it is worth noting special blood tests, which are carried out several times during the entire pregnancy. This applies to the delivery of tests for the maintenance of some hormones. In this article we will talk about the norms of hCG, and PAPP-A in pregnant women.

Why donate blood to PAPP-A?

It is worth noting that opinions about the informativeness of these tests differ significantly, someone considers them as useful and able to find out the anomaly in the early stages, and someone believes that such research does not make sense. Because during the conduct, a lot of errors are carried out, and they are not capable of with one hundred percent probability of identifying diseases and diseases in the fetus.

Now such screening has been included in the list of mandatory, so a woman cannot refuse.

Why donate blood to PAPP-A (PAPP-A):

  • Represents Papp-a (Pappa) An ordinary hormone protein that is produced in plasma. It is usually produced by placenta cells, as well as platelets. Therefore, with constant growth of the placenta, the indicator in the blood increases. During the manipulation, venous blood is taken and analysis is carried out.
  • PAPP-A (PAPP-A) Refers to zinc -containing, and is a very significant indicator during the first screening. After all, it is precisely by the lack of this protein that one can judge the presence of some genetic diseases in the fetus.
  • A very informative concentration of this protein is with Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome. It is with thesetrisomy In 13, 17, 21 chromosomes, a significant decrease in the level of this protein is observed.
  • It is worth noting that it can be observed in 5% of cases and false positive results. In no case do not need to be very nervous, worry, since no one with an increased level of this protein will direct you to abortion. There are also a lot of additional studies that allow you to confirm or dispel the possibility of the birth of the fetus fromtrisomia.

  • For women whose age exceeds 35 years 
  • In the presence of childbirth or pregnancy, sick children 
  • Genetic predisposition, the presence of someone in the genus with Down syndromes, Patau 
  • With multiple miscarriages 

It is in such cases that this test will be as informative and useful as possible. It will really allow you to find out the possible pathologies of the child as soon as possible. 

PAPP-A during pregnancy-the norm of 12 weeks: a concentration table

PAPP-A hormone norm during pregnancy:

Week of pregnancy Norma in medical/ml Norma in MOM
8-9 0,17 – 1,54 from 0.5 to 2
9-10 0,32 – 2, 42 0.5 to 2
10-11 0,46 – 3,73 0.5 to 2
11-12 0,79 – 4,76 0.5 to 2
12-13 1,03 – 6,01 0.5 to 2
13-14 1,47 – 8,54 0.5 to 2

According to the PAPP-A table During pregnancy, the norm is 12 weeks is 1.03-6.01 honey/ml.

Why PAPP-A is reduced: reasons

Low PAPP-A, reasons: 

  • The presence of Edwards syndrome 
  • The presence of Down syndrome 
  • The presence of Patau syndrome, which is characterized by clefts in the sky, hearing loss, and underdevelopment of the optic nerve. 
  • The fetal underdevelopment, its hypertrophy due to lack of nutrition. That is, the fetus is developing extremely slowly, so it lacks nutrients.
  • Incorrect taking venous blood.

  It is worth noting that usually an analysis for this hormone prescribes with hCG. With a decreased PAPP-A, hCG usually rises. In total, they help to confirm or dispel the possibility of pregnancy pathology. 

Why PAPP-A is increased: reasons

What is the increased content of this protein about? Despite the fact that this analysis is mainly carried out in order to react to low blood protein content,a lot of, What can be said about its increased concentration. 

Reasons for increasing the concentration of PAPP-A 

  • Multiple pregnancy 
  • Incorrectly set pregnancy, in this case, the exceeding the gestational age becomes the reason for increasing the level of protein. 
  • Some problems with the placenta. It can be increased in size and produce a huge amount of protein. 

Indeed, with an increased level of this protein, an ultrasound is prescribed, in particular the thickness of the collar space, as well as hCG. Only in relation to each other these substances in the blood can be judged by possible disturbances in the fetus. That is, a kind of comprehensive examination is carried out.

If the results are still confirmed, then the study of amniotic fluid and the puncture of the chorion can prescribe a pregnant woman. If the result is confirmed, then pregnant women are told that the child will be born unhealthy, and they offer to get rid of the fetus, causing artificial birth, breaking pregnancy. 

What is hCG: the norm of hCG during pregnancy

HCG- this is A hormone that is produced by a fertilized egg. Its production begins after the zygote has grown into layers of the uterus and continues to develop. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the concentration of this hormone in the blood increases by about 2 times daily. Accordingly, closer to 11 weeks of pregnancy, the maximum concentration of this hormone is observed.

Why carry out hCG analysis during pregnancy:

  • It is quite informative, and allows you to find out whether the child has pathology in development, and whether pregnancy itself proceeds normally. The fact is that increased value of hCG It may talk about many ailments. In the same way, its reduced concentration.
  • In general, with the help of this hormone, the gestational age is not determined, and the analysis is not carried out at all in order to confirm or refute pregnancy. This analysis is mainly carried out in order to find out pathology of pregnancy and fetus. 
  • Why is it generally carried out hCG analysis? This is mainly not a separate component that are investigated, a comprehensive work is carried out, during which the content of other proteins in the blood is also found. This helps to confirm or refute the presence of chromosomal diseases in the fetus. 
HCG norm during pregnancy
HCG norm during pregnancy

Why low hCG on screening: Reasons

Low hCG on screening, the reasons: 

  • Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, that is, infallopieva pipe 
  • The presence of pathology in the fetus. Indeed, with some chromosomal disorders, the concentration of hCG in the blood changes, and its norm is significantly reduced from the permissible. 
  • Diabetes. Atthis Hormonal deviations are possible. 
  • Taking some medicinal or hormonal drugs. 

At the same time, an increase in hCG can be quite informative. Usually it indicates a multiple pregnancy, about an incorrectly set pregnancy period, as well as in the presence of some ailments, and bubble driving. 

Screening of the first trimester of pregnancy: the norm of HCH and PAPP-A at 12 weeks

It is worth noting that most often during the first screening, they analyze together HCG and Papp-a. It is carried out from 10 to 13 weeks. The combination and ratio of the concentrations of these hormones allows you to understand and determine the possible presence of chromosomal disorders in a child and a variety of syndromes. Simply put, allows you to determine whether the child is normally developing, or patients. 

Generally separately do not consider concentration HCG and Papp-a. UsuallycHAS and PAPP-A norm at 12 weeks should be evaluated in aggregate. The fact is that they are uninformative separately, however, together, along with the results of an ultrasound, during which the thickness of the collar space, the presence and visualization, the thickness of the nasal bone, as well as the body length of the child are measured. Together with all these research components, 90% of chromosome pathologies can be identified and about 90% of children who suffer from Edwards, as well as Down, as well as Down. 

Features of the screening of the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Generally to increase the level HCG and PAPP-A Relate with great condescension than to reduce them. After all, increasing the concentration of hormones can be associated with different natural causes. While a significant decrease in hormone concentration and deviation from the norm, it indicates the presence of possible pathologies in the fetus. Therefore, most often a decrease in concentration HCG and PAPP-A, in a compartment with a large thickness of the collar space, also weak visualization of the nasal bone, can speak of really the child’s disease and his inferiority. 
  • The fact is that it is also necessary to correctly prepare for the delivery of such tests, because ignoring the rules of blood selection can lead to significant distortions of the analysis results. It is necessary for several days before passing the analysis, limit the consumption of sweet fatty foods, and the use of some drugs, including hormonal ones, is also completely excluded. Blood is given in the morning on an empty stomach, it is necessary that at least 8 hours pass after the last meal. 
  • Judging by the table, the value of hormones HCG, as well as Papp-a they are quite wide, and may differ in different women. This is the absolute norm, since the reproductive system of women is different, including the development of children, which affects the concentration of hormones in the blood. 

It is worth noting that you should not be very serious about such a screening, and raise a panic ahead of time. Even if the limits far from the norm, repeated studies and additional tests are usually prescribed.

Quite often, after repeated analyzes, the result is not confirmed.

This is due to the fact that the laboratory can also be mistaken, because these manipulations are mainly carried out by the technique, incorrect results are quite possible. Therefore, do not worry ahead of time, because pregnant women can not be nervous. 

Video: HCG and PAPP-A norms during pregnancy at 12 weeks

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