What is a mania of greatness? Mania of greatness: symptoms, stages and signs, how is it treated? How to behave with a person who has a dignity?

What is a mania of greatness? Mania of greatness: symptoms, stages and signs, how is it treated? How to behave with a person who has a dignity?

Mania of greatness is not considered a disease, but requires treatment with a specialist. Since such a symptom affects not only the person himself, but also others.

Expression "megalomania" Often we use when we want to express a mockery or contemptuous attitude to a person, in our opinion, too arrogant and self -confident. However, the everyday use of this definition is erroneous, since mania of greatness is not quite features of a human character.

Signs of megalomania

Megalomania It differs from banal boasting or the desire to stand out from the crowd. In fact, this is a mental pathology, which consists in the fact that the personality is extremely overestimating his own:

  • Significance
  • Influence
  • Importance
  • Popularity
  • Rare abilities
  • Intelligence
  • Social status
  • Attractiveness

In medicine, dignity mania is also called delirium, expansive delirium or megalomania.

  • In such a state, a person is in the belief that he outstanding and unique, standing over the rest of the people, "super -sophisticated". The perception of reality is lost, and self -awareness is violated.
A person considers himself super -sophistication
A person considers himself super -sophistication
  • The individual is absolutely confident in own exclusivityHe believes in it sacredly. A person with such a disorder does not understand who he is actually and what really happens around him. He requires the worship and recognition of his "genius."
  • Often in his speeches there is no logic. And he himself is distinguished by a painful desire to be special and important.
  • Such inadequacy becomes noticeable not only for professionals, but also for ordinary others.
  • It is believed that in representatives of the stronger sex this mental disorder is much more common than in women. Wherein Greatness mania in men Often it is quite aggressive because of persistent attempts to impose their opinion to others.
In men
In men
  • A person with megalomanias pushes people away from himself. He is not able to build normal relations with others. And this, in turn, further exacerbates his mental disorder.

Manifestation of mania of greatness

Mania of greatness can have various options for its manifestation:

  • A person suffers from the persecution mania. It seems to him that special services are hunting for him, someone is watching from space and so on.
  • In some cases, the patient may be in the belief that he is defender of the World from Evil And all humanity must save.
  • Obsessed mania of greatness He considers himself the Messiah or a follower of Christ. It is interesting that in history there are cases when people with such a mental disorder managed to convince others of their “divine” nature and they even created their own cult, which had numerous followers.
  • Greatness in womenit may be expressed in the belief that it is the subject of passionate adoration of a man, as a rule, known and popular.
  • A person suffering from mania can believe in his belonging to a noble family or consider himself a descendant of some historical personality.

Mania of greatness is not always a psychological problem if the behavior of an individual does not contradict moral and social norms.

  • For example, a confident person who is a master in his business and is perfectly aware of this, can also accuse of greatness. But this does not at all prove the presence of any psychological disorders.
  • Megalomania is manifested in the fact that the person attributes to himself precisely non -existent merits, characteristics or exploits.

Mania of greatness: Causes

  • Today it is not established for sure, as a result of which such a mental disorder is developing as megalomania. It is believed that this disease is associated with the problems of the central nervous system, when in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that affects thinking, cognitive or cognitive processes are violated, with the help of which the personality knows the world and himself in it.
  • This mental deviation in itself is practically not found. Usually, mania of greatness is manifested against the background of other diseases.

Signs of greatness mania can appear in a person due to various reasons:

  • As one of the symptoms of such serious mental pathologies as schizophrenia, manic - depressive or affective psychosis, paranoid disorders.
  • Consequently cloud-brain injury.
  • As a result progressive paralysis.
  • Due to the consequences running syphilis, since this disease affects the brain and negatively affects its functioning.
  • As a result strong stress.
  • At dementia In the elderly.
  • Due to addiction of alcohol or drugs, which contribute to the destruction of brain cells, which leads over time to a change in human consciousness.
  • How hereditary disorder. Mania of greatness, like other mental pathologies, is often transmitted from parents to their children. And improper upbringing can further strengthen the negative character traits of the patient.
  • As a result psychological trauma In childhood, when the child was systematically subjected to humiliation and moral pressure.

Mania of Greatness: Symptoms

Although Mania of greatness People are often inclined to attribute to individuals who are simply bad in nature, this ailment is quite rare. Moreover, individual manifestations of megalomania can be present in many people. Therefore, the described mental pathology cannot be diagnosed, relying only on single reactions of a person.


In order to understand whether he is sick and whether he should seek medical help, it is important to know the main symptoms of greatness mania:

  • Egocentrism and a tendency to “narcissism”. All actions and conversations of the patient are reduced only to his own person and are aimed at notifying others about his exclusivity. He is not able to believe that other people do not notice his “genius” and do not share his “amazing” ideas.
  • Neglect of others, as well as the desire to humiliate them in order to rise at someone else's expense.
  • Inadequately high self -esteem and sincere faith in their “superpowers” \u200b\u200band “superpowers”.
  • Inability to perceive someone else's opinion. People obsessed with mania greatness never follow the advice of other people and warmly deny any alternative judgments.
  • Attempts to convince everyone of their own uniqueness. At the same time, a person can invent fantastic stories and endow himself with non -existent qualities and capabilities.
Conviction of uniqueness
Conviction of uniqueness
  • Excessive resentment and unwillingness Hear from others the truth about yourself. People of this type very negatively perceive criticism in their address, annoyed and even showing aggression.
  • Increased activity and talkativeness.
  • Frequent mood change, in which disappointment and depression are replaced by joyful excitement and fun. It should be noted that it is in this state of mania that greatness is manifested especially vividly.
  • The inability to concentrate on one thing. In the head of such an individual there are many different ideas. And as soon as he begins to embody one of them into life, he is immediately distracted by something else. Throughout life, a person is engaged in the preparation of grandiose plans affecting the most diverse areas of activity.
  • Frequent insomniacaused by fatigue due to excessive energetic and activity. The patient may have problems with falling asleep due to an influx of ideas and thoughts or just a less need for rest.
  • It should be noted that the signs of greatness mania can manifest themselves differently, depending on the intensity of the disease. In the same person, they can either disappear or discover again.

Mania of greatness: Stages

It is customary to distinguish three main stages of megal dignity:

  • First - initial and quite harmless, in which a person is simply trying to stand out against the background of others and prove his significance. The patient is not trying to harm anyone. Quite often, people explain his behavior simply with a bad character.
  • The second is the progression of symptoms. Man is obsessed with ideas about his own genius. The first signs of antisocial behavior appear. The problem becomes more obvious and noticeable for the environment.
Greatness is developing three stages
Greatness is developing three stages
  • The third - devastation and decline, in which the patient experiences depression and oppression. He develops depression. This happens due to the fact that a person does not see the results of his actions. He is convinced that others do not want to follow his advice. The collapse of the idea of \u200b\u200btheir own greatness is very difficult for patients. He can fall into another extreme and begin to convince others of his nullity and unnecessary.

Treatment of mania of greatness

Mania of greatness is a mental disorder that can cause serious complications:

  • Dementia.
  • Aggression against others.
  • Depression and even attempts of suicide.
  • Emotional and physical exhaustion, since a person with a similar deviation literally wears himself in an effort to prove something to others.
  • Tendencies to irrational and even dangerous acts.

Mania itself is not treated. It is considered modern medicine not as a separate personal disorder, but as a side effect that accompanies a number of serious mental illness. And getting rid of greatness is impossible without the treatment of the main ailment.

However, the problem is that mania from maniaFar from reality. He does not realize that he needs the help of specialists. And often close people who are tired of his behavior lead to the doctor.

Requires treatment
Requires treatment

To determine the diagnosis, psychotherapists examine the patient using:

  • General inspection.
  • Conversation and analysis of behavior.
  • Psychological tests (for example, yanging scale).
  • Practical tasks.

In the case of confirmation of a psychological disease, doctors, as a rule, prescribe various types of treatment:

  • Pharmacological.
  • Psychological.
  • Social rehabilitation.

It should be noted that medicines are not able to completely cure the patient from megalomania. You can only soften its symptoms using the following drugs:

  • Antipsychotic antipsychotic effects.
  • Sedatives.
  • Medicines containing lithiums (for the treatment of phases of bipolar disorders).
  • Transquilizers (if the patient shows aggression).
  • Antidepressants (with depressive conditions of the patient).
It is important to understand that you need to get rid of this
It is important to understand that you need to get rid of this

Psychotherapeutic treatment may include sessions of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy or hypnosis. The work of specialists is carried out in the following areas:

  • Identification of the causes of mania of greatness.
  • Reducing aggressiveness against other people.
  • Elimination of factors disturbing the patient.
  • The development of positive attitudes.

Unfortunately, in most cases, modern medicine cannot save the patient completely. The patient retains the probability of relapses.

  • As you can see, the mania of greatness is a rather serious symptom. Therefore, if you notice its signs in a person close to you, convince him to see a doctor. It is not necessary to expect that a person realizes everything and change his behavior.
  • This disorder is based on a violation of the brain, so do not delay on a visit to the hospital. Treatment must start as early as possible. Then the probability of a positive result increases significantly.
  • Working with a psychologist, the patient can change his attitude to the world, others and to himself.
  • Since a person with a mania of greatness does not realize his condition and does not consider himself sick, he can forced treatment in a hospital is required. Especially if megalomania develops against the background of a serious mental illness.
  • This is a very serious pathology. And in most cases, it accompanies a person all his life, periodically silent and manifesting again. Therefore, such a patient needs prolonged observation.

How to behave with a person who has a dignity?

How to behave with a person who has a mania of greatness? Psychotherapists give the following recommendations:

  • Demonstrate your interest. The patient must see that you are listening to him.
  • Show that appreciate his opinion. It is important for such people to feel necessary.
  • Thank for the judgment. Say that appreciate his point of view.
  • Drive the man with mania greatness more time. Sincerely rejoice at his victories.
  • Try to calmly respond to his behavior and statements in difficult situations. Treat the problem of the patient with understanding.

What to do to a person with mania greatness: tips

  • It should be noted that in rare cases megalomania It is not a symptom of any mental illness, but there is a peculiar feature of the character of the personality. In such people, a deviation from the norms of behavior or thinking seems to be easier and does not carry danger.
  • However, they are also strongly recommended to contact a therapist in order to avoid exacerbations and negative consequences.
It is important to contact a psychotherapist in time
It is important to contact a psychotherapist in time

A specialist, as a rule, is advised by such patients:

  • Record your many ideas and pay attention only to a couple of them. Having compiled a clear plan of action, strive for their implementation.
  • Treat people with respect and not to consider themselves better than others.
  • Study auto -trainingTo learn how to calm down in stressful situations independently, without any help.
  • Control sleeping mode And devote enough time to relax.

Video: delusions of greatness

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