What are painting bags and smoking and how to get rid of them? Why are painted bags, smokers and how to treat them with an operational way, using cosmetology and folk methods. Prevention of the appearance of painting bags

What are painting bags and smoking and how to get rid of them? Why are painted bags, smokers and how to treat them with an operational way, using cosmetology and folk methods. Prevention of the appearance of painting bags

Often, even young women can have painting bags (they are also called Sufs). They can be in the form of a sequence of fat near the cheekbones, in which case the skin becomes not so elastic.

Unfortunately, our face is changing with age. Remaining, it would seem, recognizable, our features are gradually distorting, “sliding” and sag. However, at a younger age, many women regularly complain of certain problem areas of their own persons, and one of these problems is the Sufs.

What are painting bags?

Sufs (they are also called painting bags) are clearly pronounced edematous areas located on the cheekbones. They should not be confused with bags (or hernias) under the eyes - this is adipose tissue that accumulates precisely in the zygomatic muscles.

  • Sufs, as a rule, are clearly limited: their limiter - a nasosal groove separating the cheekbone from the cheek. It has a connective tissue structure, due to which it does not allow to sagging fat.
  • The main reason for the appearance of SUF are age -related changes occurring in the tissues, their loss of tone. But there are others about which are below.

Painter bags: causes

Causes of painting bags:

  • Dressing with age under the influence of gravity connective tissues. For the same reason, fat bags located on the face are lowered.
  • Causes associated with age: Reducing the volume of the skull, deformation of the circular muscles of the eyes, a decrease in skin elasticity.
  • Certain diseases, related to the condition of the skin, eyes, some internal organs.
  • Fluid stagnantincreasing edema.
  • The presence of bad habits, And first of all, alcohol abuses.
  • Constant lack of sleep, the presence of frequent stresses, What creates an excess or lack of necessary hormones that affect the condition of the skin, muscles, etc.

As you can see, some factors can be eliminated, and the decision of others from us and “miraculous” creams, ointments, balms, patches and masks absolutely independent. All these care products can only partially improve the condition of the skin, but not eliminate themselves malar bagsand even more so - the causes of their occurrence.

How to remove painting bags at home?

  • As with any disease, with mainage bags You should fight, eliminating not the consequences, but primarily the causes.
  • Therefore, with diseases, you should go to a profile doctor, and in no case do not try to self -medicate, because only a specialist will be able to make a real diagnosis, and not the basis of your appearance, but as a result of a comprehensive analysis and examination of the body.

But there are reasons that you can fight with the help of methods of medicine in combination with home cosmetology:

Conducting lymphatic drainage

  • This will remove excess fluid. This method is all the more useful because after the outflow of fluid it will become clear, the problem is the cluster of "water", or in something else. If the first, then in the future you can limit yourself to prevention, if the cause is different - it should be installed.
  • Lymphodrenal self -massage Allows you to remove existing swollenness and swelling, and also increases the elasticity of the skin due to better metabolism and tissue microcirculation. The face also “pulls up” to the original oval, which was inherent in his youth.
  • One of the most important rules is a mandatory consultation with a doctor before conducting lymphatic drainage, and in no case do it in an unhealthy state, since the lymph is an important component of immunity, and its acceleration will contribute to the spread of infection, adding swelling.
Fluid outflow
Fluid outflow

Restoration of subcutaneous fat

  • This method is essentially facial delays, performed independently. One of the techniques: create a fold, capturing the skin with two fingers of one hand, and with the help of a finger of the other rubbing it.
  • Another option: grab the skin with both index fingers And rub it. This must be done, starting from the corners of the mouth, walking along the cheek towards the ear. Then, again along the cheek, we move to the ear from the nostrils. We finish such skin grinding, running fingers under the eye to the temple.
  • Such movements should be done carefully, without repeating the movement lines several times.

Do not repeat the massage every day, limit yourself to 2-3 sessions per week.

Massage from painting bags

  • This is done in several techniques. We begin to massage the outer part, putting your fingers to the outer corner of the eye and waiting a little while the skin becomes wet, gently stretch up and down at the same time.
  • Like self -massage Allows you to deal with "goose paws" in the eyes.
  • Then we move on to a sliding massage: close our eyes and press without pressure from the eye socket, holding your fingers under the eyebrows. We make sliding movements of the fingers, following an eyebrow from their inner part to the outer.

Tock massage we complete the complex

  • We go with your fingers from the cheekbones to the nasolacial groove, from there to the eyebrows and return to the cheekbones. We go this way about ten times, each time everything is faster and faster. And now the points - hold the fingers below the eye for 7 seconds. And now the same is along the upper line. We press quite strongly, but only to the bone, and not on the eyes.
  • Can be included in the massage complex and tablespoonswhich use instead of fingers. Here there is a combination of decongestant, lymphatic drainage effects and remarkable muscle stimulation.

How to remove painting bags without surgery?

  • Physical activity is necessary to improve the state of bones, metabolism. The older the person, the less fluids and valuable elements remain in the bones, but the more physical activity in his life, the more the ratio between eaten foods and the withdrawal of its decay products is balanced.
  • The best thing - walk quicklyWhat is acceptable for any age and positively affects all bones, in particular, the facial skeleton.
  • After consultation with a specialist, biodes are possible, among which they most often give preference to collagen, Vitamin D and Omega-3.

Try to get enough sleep, because sleep is a wonderful supporting therapy from painting bags and a healthy face. It’s better to go to bed without waiting for midnight, at this time the dream is most favorable for improving the condition and restoration of the skin, cleansing the muscles of toxins.

  • And do not forget about the dangers that stress is caused to the body. Exhaust the cortisol hormone, tears that increase the painting bags - these are the consequences of stress.

Painting bags: cosmetology

  • In addition to massages, the use is quite effective patches, i.e. gel strips that are saturated with useful substances. Glasing these strips under the eyes, the main thing is to grab the painting bags.
  • Leaving for a quarter of an hour of patches on your face, you thereby contribute to the absorption of all the useful ingredients that are contained in it. The patch cooled before applying to the face will also have an anti -redress effect.
  • Various masks are less effective. But, for example, raw potatoes not only have a moisturizing effect on the skin, but also quite effectively relieves swelling.

Treatment of painting bags

  • It is possible to deal with painting bags (sufs) both non -surgical methods and surgical ways.
  • Let's start with the first to be injectable or hardware.

Contour plastic cheekbones

  • A similar method of correction of Suf is based on injections of fillers - This is a gel that has a dense consistency and is introduced deep under the skin.
  • Fillers fill out a nasopharyngeal groove And model the volume of cheekbones. As part of drugs used for administration under the skin, hyaluronic acids, as well as calcium-hydroxyapatitis. They contribute to the creation of a frame in the skin, which protects it from sagging, as well as visually reduce the sufa by smoothing the border between the skirt and the cheek.
  • The effect of such a correction lasts up to a year-semi.

Lipolitics in painting bags

  • They are used here own fat cells, which are introduced into the zygomatic arc. Fat tissues are taken, as a rule, from the abdomen or hips (most of all corresponds to its inner part), then they are cleaned of unnecessary impurities and plastic syringe are laid in certain sections of the zygomatic arcs, which the doctor pre -outlines.
  • it's the same Visually reduces the sufa And partially makes the cheekbones more raised. The duration of the effect of such a technique is purely individual.

Lifting techniques

  • Ultrasonic SMAS lifting suggests skin processing, As the name implies, using ultrasound waves. The advantage of ultrasound is that it is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of muscles, heating them and squeezing the connective tissue fibers.
  • Thus the dermal frame is strengthened And the sagging of the cheekbones is restrained. The effect of the procedure can persist up to three years.
  • Thermolifting A similar effect is achieved, the difference in principle of affecting the skin. Soft tissues are pulled due to intense heating with high frequencies. An increase in temperature compresses and seals the fibers of the dermal frame, which prevents the process of sagging of the SUS. In this technique, requiring several sessions, the effect is increasing in nature and is noticeable up to two years.
  • In addition, they use Field grindingbased on the influence of the laser. Laser ray destroys the epidermis In a strictly designated place where the recovery process immediately starts, making the skin more elastic. The total heating of the skin tones muscle fibers, which in the complex leads to an improvement in the condition of the epidermis.

Malar bags: operation

  • Surgical methods for removing masking bags can achieve a more persistent effect - up to 10 years.
  • Moreover, they are more traumatic and require a longer recovery period.

Blefaroplasty of painting bags

  • This correction of the lower eyelids, which is carried out surgically and aimed at tightening the skin near them, as well as at the destruction of Suf. A cut of the skin of the lower eyelid is carried out and the removal of a fat bag.
  • If it is needed - excesses excess skin And the lifting of the circular muscles is performed. After applying a cosmetic seam and a small rehabilitation period (up to 3 weeks), the remaining scar almost disappears over time. Malar bags are significantly reduced.

Malar bags check

  • Another surgical intervention for correction of cheekbones and suspenders, with fastening of gear plates at the bone of the cheekbone and nasolacrimal groove.
  • Using endoscopic equipment, the doctor brings the sufa closer to the cheekbone arc and fixes it with mini-plastes, which are called endotines.
  • It is possible to combine checks and injection liposuction of painting bagswhen excess fat is removed syringe.
Another way
Another way

Folk methods of removing painting bags

  • Folk remedies for removing painting bags It can be contributed if the swelling of the cheekbones is caused by external causes, not a disease.
  • In this case, grated potatoes, cucumber circles, dairy or fermented milk products in the form of compresses, masks, etc., attached to the eyes and cheekbones for 10-15 minutes will help.
  • You can also dissolve vitamin E in cool water, and also hold under the eyes, sleepy tea bags or natural tea leaves.
  • Such attachments will help to be removed faster from the face and, in particular, from the cheekbones of swelling, swelling, and reduce painting bags under the eyes.

Preventive measures to prevent the appearance of painting bags

  • Prevention of the appearance of painting bags In this case, it is similar to what we habitually call “lead a healthy lifestyle”.
  • Healthy sleep for at least 8 hours, enough water, fresh air, proper nutrition, careful skin care from corresponding age line, physical activity, control over its own weight - The implementation of these elementary, all familiar recommendations will help to look young as long as possible, and effectively fight the beginning manifestations of painting bags.

Video: Getting rid of painting bags on the cheekbones

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