What is Macrame and how did it appear? How to weave macrame correctly: methods, ideas

What is Macrame and how did it appear? How to weave macrame correctly: methods, ideas

Macrama is a very popular weaving technique and in our article we will talk about it.

The word "macrama" came from Arabic. It translates as "fringe, lace, braid." Speaking in simpler words, Macrama is a weaving of knots. In our article we will tell you what kind of technique it is and how to perform it correctly.

Macrama weaving technique - the history of the appearance

For many centuries, different types of needlework have been created tirelessly and many have survived to this day. One of them is Macrame. Since the appearance of it, it has changed a lot and has become at first decorative, and now already artistic. In Rus', nodular, flameless (pigtails), flat and curly weaving was actively used.

Materials for Macrama: Requirements, Features


To create products in the style of macrames, you can use different materials. The most popular of all are sisal, cords, skin, various threads and so on.

Beautiful crafts today can be made from synthetics, but before only natural fibers of natural colors were used. Len was the most popular. But, since there are very few natural colors, other threads began to be used later.

Usually lace is weaving in light colors, but if you competently choose contrasting, then the finished work will look more interesting. Before proceeding with their choice, think about what the topic of work will be. So that the material does not lose its shape, it is necessary to wash and boil it. This will allow the finished work to give a beautiful view and shape.

Materials for work should be selected durable. They should be easily twisted and not eager. To obtain clear patterns, you need to twist the threads for the macram. They can be done lengthened, because it does not always go to guess with the desired amount of thread. It is optimal to fasten the ends of the knots, then everything unnecessary will be easy to cut off. The easiest way to combine Kapron's threads because they melt.

How to choose the color of macrama?

If you want to make a product in different colors, then take their choice very carefully. Perhaps you did not know, but the colors always have a psychological effect on people. So they all should be combined with each other. Depending on the features, each color affects people differently. So the choice of colors is a thin matter and their choice is important, because the impression of your work will depend on this.

What tools are used for macrama?

Makram tools
Makram tools

In general, some complex tools to create weaving macrames do not need. You will need threads, a needle, a ruler, knitting needles, a hook, a spindle and clamps for attaching threads. You will also need pads. To carry out the installation of the product, you will need glue.

Weaving Macrame nodes: Methods

Macrama is based on Hercules Knot. Work begins with him. To create, take a couple of threads of 10 cm:

  • Place the threads vertically, and fix the upper ends with a pin
  • Get the thread on the right under the left. You will get something like a loop. Pull the left thread into it. We tighten the resulting node
  • Then we fasten two additional threads nearby, and we will already have 4 of them
  • They are distributed like this - horizontal is required for fixing. Next is the basis - these are threads 2 and 3. They will be delayed by nodes
  • Every newcomer should know this, who is going to create weaving in the style of macrama

The first flat knot

The first flat knot
The first flat knot

So, our basis has already been prepared and now you can start making nodes. Let's start with the flat.

  • We take the right working thread and start it under the basis and the one on the left
  • We stretch the left thread through the resulting loop
  • So we got the right knot

Stop a little and you can make an interesting chain:

  • Make 2 more of the same nodules and look at your work. You will notice that they turned slightly to the left. This is not scary, because the entire structure must be deployed 180 degrees.
  • Then we make 4 more nodules and the left -sided chain is obtained. Do the work carefully so that the base is hidden and it is not noticeable.
  • If you did everything right, then the sample will turn out to be interesting. By the way, each turn should be fixed using a pin.

The second flat knot

The second flat knot
The second flat knot
  • Get the right thread under the basis and place on the left
  • The left thread also falls on the base
  • Then it is drawn through the received loops and delayed
  • So it turns out the second flat knot

With it, you can make a right -sided chain:

  • Add three more of the same to the obtained node. As in the case of left -sided weaving, it must shift, but right
  • The work takes 180 degrees to the right
  • We make 4 knots again and open the canvas again
  • So weave until you get the desired length

Square flat node

Square flat node
Square flat node

For weaving such a node, two threads are placed on the basis and the first flat knot is created
When the weaving is completed, you need to make a lock on both sides. In this case, the role is played by the role. Depending on it, a right -sided or left -sided castle is obtained.

The creation of a square node allows you to make interesting patterns, for example, a chain.

  • So, on the basis of two threads are fixed
  • Further the first and second flat nodes alternate
  • If you do everything as it should, then you will get the desired node and it will have a lock on the right
  • That is, if you alternate flat nodes, you will turn out a square

How to make a special pillow for macrama?

Macrama pillow
Macrama pillow

If you work with the macram on a special pillow, then weaving will seem simpler. When the threads are attached to such a device, they will not try and the nodes will turn out to be neat. You can make it from the old chair if he has upholstery. And you can also make it yourself. There is nothing particularly complicated in this:

  • First make a blank 40x40 cm. To do this, you can use a plywood or wood
  • Sew a cover from any fabric, which is suitable in size to our workpiece
  • Place the workpiece into the cover, and pour the sawdust or foam rubber
  • Now sew the hole and your pillow is ready

If you want, you can decorate the pillow with embroidery. But, if there is no desire, then it is not necessary. It happens that there is no time for creating a pillow, then you can just pin the threads to a chair or chair, but do not forget to remove the pins after work so that no one accidentally sat on them.

Macrama pigtails - how to do it?

Mockery macrames
Mockery macrames

In addition to components, macrames are important in the technique of macrames. They are ideal for decorating different things. These are not only trifles in the form of belts or bags, but also big things. Often, after creating bedridden hammocks, pigtails are made of threads.

There are many ways to create braids and we will talk about the most popular:

  • Simple braid of three threads. Probably everyone knows how to do it, but it is worth repeating. So, the first thread is applied to the second, and the third on the one that was the first. Weaving is carried out until the pigtail is finished.
  • French braid. She is weaved from any number of threads. In this case, three main ones are distinguished. It weaves like an ordinary braid, but with each peroxide, an extreme thread is added.
  • Fish tail. It is made from a large number of threads. All of them are divided into two groups and along the edges of the thread are sent to the center, and two central threads are constantly changing places.

Kosiki are the simplest elements in the technique of macram. They are easiest to learn to do and they are often used to complete the work. If you have curtains between the rooms or you want to share functional areas, then you can just use this technique.

Complex nodes to Macrame: Description, Review

Complex macram
Complex macram

Macrama is a nodular technique and in it there are not only simple, but also complex elements. There are even programs that are taught by experienced masters. They have almost all complex elements.

If you decide to become a self -taught and study all methods of weaving components, you will have to try very hard and spend a lot of time.

The main elements from which all other nodes are folded we have already examined above. They must be known and able to fulfill them, because it will be impossible to work otherwise.

There are three very popular complex nodes:

Pea, similar in appearance to a barrel or ring

Typically, such nodes are used in New Year's toys and panels:

  • To begin with, 5 square nodes are knitted
  • Further threads in the center are threaded into the first knot
  • Then the thread is stretched and the first is connected to the last node

Weaved openwork node

Separate elements of this node are folded into a circle, and inside the rhombus turns out:

  • Attach six folded threads on the basis
  • Remember the sequence of threads to yourself
  • Take the thread on the left and place it on 2 and 3, and then stretch it out on the last
  • Skip the fourth thread under the third and place on the first
  • Next, it must be carried out under the second and again brought back

Node of a bump

Such a knot looks interesting due to volume. It weaves from a column into three "peas."

We talked only about some possible complex nodes. In order to learn professional weaving, it is important to study many points, at least circular weaving, changing the length of the rows, as well as braid, consolidation of products, and so on.

What can be done in the technique of macrama for kids?


Very beautiful things can be created for kids in the technique of macrama. They will be much better than purchased products. The choice of natural threads for work allows you to remain in the belief that the child will not have an allergy, and there is no chemistry in the composition.

A portable cradle can be an excellent gift in the macram technique. It turns out strong and is always the best gift.

In the same technique, you can make different jewelry or even a pendant for a cradle. You can combine fish, bunny, as well as other animals in it. All of them are performed in a node style. You can even place a device for reproducing lullabies in such a mobile. Even for older children, up to school age, you can make various toys.

How to braid a stone in the technique of macrama: Instructions

Braid of stone macrama

Often, semi -delegal stones are used for necklaces. Such jewelry looks stylish, original and expensive, so it will not even be a shame to give them to someone. For braids of stone:

  • Shit the needle in the pillow and tie the threads to them. They must be placed so that between the edges of the stone there is a distance of 3 mm
  • We take threads of the same color
  • We pull the thread on the right and make on it a loop knot with a thread from the coil. We also do the left thread
  • Make sure that the distance is not violated
  • Now weave the braid until it becomes the length to the edge of the stone
  • The ending of the braids must be connected to each other with a stretch
  • In conclusion, you can remove the needles and tie the threads on top with a triple knot

For the full completion of the work, pass all 6 threads through 2-3 braids of braids. Leave the threads along the edges, and grab the central with a soldering iron to get an inconspicuous seam.

Video: How to weave a panel on the wall? Master class panel for beginners

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