What is a burning tour? Where and how to choose the right one, what to pay attention to when choosing? How not to get to the tricks of tour operators when choosing a burning ticket?

What is a burning tour? Where and how to choose the right one, what to pay attention to when choosing? How not to get to the tricks of tour operators when choosing a burning ticket?

In this article, we will advise you how to quickly and correctly choose a burning tour.

Summer is the time of vacations and all kinds of tours. Travel agencies offer trips for every taste, but the prices during this period are simply fabulous. And now each of us has heard about a profitable sentence - burning tickets. Everything sounds tempting and appetizing, but even here there are “pitfalls”. How to stumble upon them, where to look and how to choose burning tours correctly, we will consider in this material.

What is a burning tour?

To begin with, we will dispel the first myth that it has long been around burning vouchers for a long time - no one refused anything. There is just a version (if someone is not in the know) that tourists changed their minds at the last moment, so they reduced the price. No, maybe someone refuses a ticket, because events in life happen different. But the reason for the appearance of burning vouchers is absolutely not this.

  • Burning round - This is a minimization of losses of travel companies! That is, there is a certain flight of a train, an airplane or bus. When the number of people is not going to, the agency loses money, in other words.
  • Therefore, the price of the ticket is falling, since the owner of the company at his own expense reduced the cost of the hotel, for example. That is, you just need to collect the right number of people to fill the plane or hotel.
  • Therefore, in order not to go into the minus, the price sometimes falls even to the cost.
  • It is also worth noting that such “luck” for passengers happens a few days before departure, almost at the very last moment. To be more accurate in this matter, then in visa -free countries, vouchers become “burning” 7 days before departure. In countries with visa regime, prices are reduced in 10 days.
Burning tours
Burning tours
  • Such a ticket includes flights to both ends, medical insurance and accommodation. As a rule, this list is supplemented by still power and transfer at the resort. But be sure to specify this information so that there are no misunderstandings later.
  • Important! Always double -check the information about the tour and the place of rest. Often epidemics or natural disasters reduce the flow of tourists. Therefore, tour operators give out "problematic" vouchers for burning tours.

Where to look for burning tickets?

Of course, such tours should be watched on the Internet. No tour operator will sell you a cheap ticket. Persuasion will begin for a more profitable option. To be honest and directly, it is simply not particularly profitable for them to sell cheap tickets.

It is important to choose the right travel agency
It is important to choose the right travel agency
  • But this is a lesson only for patient customers. After all, you need to regularly view sites in search of a profitable offer. Also, do not forget that you will have little time for fees, so “on suitcases” will have to sit for more than one week. And you need to be prepared for this.
  • You need not only to look on the site information about a burning round, but also compare with other sites! A little later we will touch on deceptive sentences.
  • Always choose proven sites, for example, Anex tour, TEZ TOUR, PeGAS, Onlinetours, Travelate and Travel. Do not be afraid to see all the options. Yes, burning tickets require careful selection.

How to choose and buy a burning ticket?

We will reveal you some recommendations and tricks, how reasonable and really inexpensively buy a burning ticket.

  • Do not forget to specify the necessary requirements. That is, the place where they would like to go, how many people, for a long time and other aspects. For example, specify for food, how many stars in the hotel.
  • If something is not clear to you, don't be afraid ask questions to the tour operator Or by correspondence in the chat. Be prepared to pay with a card. By the way, the tour can be arranged in installments. If you have no debts on banks. But this is a dubious benefit for you.
Choose a tour
Choose a tour
  • Be prepared that the hotel staff will not give you tribute or expected attention. Also tune in and do not lose heart if there are no promised excursions or proposals. This happens, not with all burning tickets, but it happens.
  • If you find a suitable option, then do not hesitate. Sites are viewed by hundreds of tourists, and there are not so many places to be on burning tickets. Therefore, either immediately book, or act quickly.

Important: but keep in mind that you cannot cancel the reservation. Otherwise, you will need to reimburse the full cost of the tour. Therefore, immediately weigh and check every detail.

Some tricks

Last mining tours are suitable for those who owns a lot of time and are not limited by the hard framework of the working leave.

  • Pay attention to the departure dates. Often, tickets on Monday are more expensive, but from Wednesday the price will fall by several percent, if not half. Therefore, when time allows, and you are not afraid to take risks, then you can wait another 1-2 days.
  • Yes, a burning tour is a kind of lottery. One is lucky with a good resort, and someone will rest on the money paid. Therefore, such tours are a little risky.
  • Rest time does not always play a logical role. The more days you rest, the more expensive a tour costs. These are normal thoughts that a burning ticket “breaks”. This system has a slightly different principle. For example, it is cheaper to go 6 days than 5. And a vacation of 7 days is many times cheaper than 3 days. Look at all options!
  • The same goes for directions. You do not need to watch strictly Turkey if you have been resting there for 5 years in a row and you know all the places. You will come out with the usual framework and do not be afraid to look even in unintentional places. See not only different countries, but also cities.
Choose a tour
Choose a tour
  • Consider seasonal fluctuations. In some places there is no activity in the summer, somewhere in the winter, and in other countries this period falls in the fall and spring. Just prepare the soil, do not blindly believe the tour operators. Sometimes they just resort to marketing go!
  • Now the pattern - of the large and important cities, departure is several times cheaper! If you are from the province, then you are still cheaper to come to Moscow by bus (or other transport) than to buy a ticket from your city. Moreover, pay more attention to the capital's flights.
  • Use smart search. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and will not spoil your mood on vacation. That is, indicate the desire to relax with the children. Indeed, platforms, pools, and not clubs should be thought out for them every three meters. A slightly exaggerated situation, but tickets with children really require a more thorough inspection of the tour.
  • Consider the stars and hotel rating! Always, and double -check it on other sites! Clarify the issues with food and distance to the beach. You can even choose sand or pebbles as its coating. Consider all your wishes. A burning ticket should not match them, but you will not want to go 5 km to the beach and back even on a crazy discount on the tour!
Clarify the information on the hotel and the beach
Clarify the information on the hotel and the beach
  • There is still a kind of nuance that will help to save a little. Well, then about 2-3 thousand rubles. Therefore, decide for yourself whether to take such a risk or not, but our business to inform you . "Fortune" Or a ticket without a specific hotel. That is, you just choose the hotel level on the stars. And the tour operator himself already decides where to populate you.
    • Be sure to inspect the cheapest hotels. As a rule, the choice falls on them. And in the event that it turned out to be filled, then you will be transferred to another, more expensive and promising building. Fortune can smile and you are lucky enough to get into a good number for small money. But be prepared to live in a cheap issue.

Important: take into account risk factors. Inspect all cheap hotels! And do not assume that instead of 2 stars you will be immediately transferred to the 4-5 level. Search for the replacement will be almost equal.

And now the most interested question is - lastening vouchers are not booking! You can choose the date in advance at the full cost of the tour or at its slight discount. Also be prepared, especially in the midst of the season that you will come across second -rate tickets.

What else needs to be known and taken into account when buying a burning ticket?

We gave a clear leadership, how correctly and, most importantly, it is cheap to choose a ticket. But there are still nuances that require publicity.

  • Visa Requires special attention. There are visa -free countries, and in some directions they give out a visa directly when arriving at the airport. But keep in mind that in a burning ticket can be a departure in 3 days. Therefore, there will be no time to receive a Schengen visa. These aspects need to be considered in advance. She does not deteriorate the next day or even a year.
A profitable rest
A profitable rest
  • Remember, during the New Year holidays, on the May holidays and at the peak of the season of the tourist city there are no burning vouchers. Unless someone really abandoned two months of previously planned vouchers due to emergency situations. But this is purely luck!

Important: sometimes sites do not post information about burning tickets. Therefore, you can call and clarify such data from the operator.

  • There is no definite answer, when to take a ticket. By the way, the operator will begin to persuade you to buy it today or can tell the charms of a more expensive option. Remember, it is not very beneficial for them that you find an interesting offer from another company tomorrow.
    • Now consider the situation when you have found an attractive ticket for a pleasant price. Sometimes it happens that they called to consult with relatives, and they have already been bought. Therefore, it is advisable to take burning tickets immediately.
    • But it also happens that in 2-3 days the prices fell even more and the tour turned out to be for real pennies. I do not want to overpay more. This is a purely case of risk and luck. Ready to take a chance - dare.
    • But do not exclude another course of events. The price, on the contrary, can rapidly or abruptly jump up.

Advice! It is better to buy burning tickets at the very beginning or at the end of the season! Charter transportation has already begun or have not yet ended, but the flow of people is not gaining the right amount. Then it will really be a ticket with a discount.

Important: also note that a burning tour should include only beach hotels. If you are offered city apartments, then this is already a disguised cheap ticket.

  • If you do not want to lose your money and be left without rest, give preference to tour operators. Know, the travel agent is an intermediary that does not agree with the hotel, airline and the receiving side, but takes some reward for information.
  • Do not forget to check tour operators in the Unified Federal Register on the Rostourism website. If the company is not on the list, then it does not have the right to engage in the organization of the tour, and does not have amusements. And if such a company decides to leave the market, then nothing is compensated to you.
Do not require a suite apartments for a core price
Do not require a suite apartments for a core price
  • Do not require a suite apartment and all inclusive functions. Want the best, but also reasonably assume the possibilities of a burning ticket. In pursuit of all the delights, you can skip really profitable trips.
  • We have repeatedly warned that we need to check the situations in the country and the alleged hotel itself. But also do not chase everything at once. Choose 3-5 areas for yourself. Gather information about the country and possible tickets.

Advice! In European countries, where there are not such mass demand for tickets, burning tours are much less common.

Possible difficulties and tricks of tour operators

I would like to say a few pleasant words. A burning ticket is spontaneous trips for the whole family. Often doubts put off departure into a long box, and there will be no move back. A cheap transaction is not the most important criterion that you need to strive for when choosing a tour. It is better to focus on the fact that you will visit interesting places and get new impressions.

  • We have already touched on a similar topic - cataclysms, natural disasters or invasion, as well as epidemics significantly affect the flow of tourists. Therefore, tour operators reduce the price so as not to go into minus. Check news Popular countries for relaxation. Do not be too lazy to check this information, and not blindly grab the first ticket.
  • The second frequent reason for price reduction is marketing move. The travel agency purchased a certain number of places at the airline and booked so many rooms at the hotel, and the flow of tourists fell. The reasons can be different, but flights fly empty.
  • In such a situation, tour operators go to the trick - they give out cheap tickets for expensive burning tours. Follow all the above recommendations, probing the soil well so as not to spoil your rest.
Do not give in to the tricks of tour operators
Do not give in to the tricks of tour operators
  • The third popular incident is a small discount. Yes, the company simply reduces the price 3-5% percent, and exposes her as burning. Always check the price and services provided on other sites. Do not see the first trick.
    • The exception is cases when you know the company and the hotel, the resort itself and generally followed the ticket. Then you can not pull and buy it right away.
  • Now regarding services and services. The so-called burning tours are cheap, as the tour operator excluded a package of some services. If you cut out just general excursions, you can not be very upset. After all, not everyone wants to adapt to someone else's regime on vacation, running after the guide.
  • This is just an example. But very often, burning tickets simply exclude some important service, or maybe you will have to sit on suitcases for a day in anticipation of the number. Therefore, we repeat check all the conditions of the tour.

Important: you need to not only listen to the operator’s conditions or read them on the site, but also carefully study the contract. Since there are situations when they “forgot” to introduce some promised point.

  • Regarding children - Clarify this aspect. It happens that under the contract they do not pass by age.

And I want to give the last recommendation - pack things in advance Since departure can be every other day. And collecting suitcases in a hurry is not worth it. Especially pay attention to medicines. Abroad medicinessold only by recipe and are relatively expensive. Prepare medical insurance and visa in advance, not at the last moment. Also, look at the company itself a little earlier and decide on the flight to only monitor the price. And it remains only to wish you a pleasant vacation!

Video: burning tours and tickets. How to choose a tour at a low price?

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