What is nonsense: concept, signs. How to deal with nonsense?

What is nonsense: concept, signs. How to deal with nonsense?

In this article, we will talk about what is nonsense, how to recognize it and how to deal with it.

Imagine - you meet a pretty guy and, perhaps, even managed to meet him. You liked him, you too, and now sit and expect that the relationship will develop rapidly. Here are just several days, and your new partner gets in touch and sends messages with hints that there is something between you. Only this does not go further. By the way, a person can “get lost” for several days and then as if nothing had happened to communicate. If this happens, then know that they play your feelings, and they do it consciously. Such a trend becomes more and more common on the Web and it was even given a name - nonsense.

What is nonsense: concept

What is nonsense?
What is nonsense?

Any acquaintance and further communication on social networks, instant messengers or dating sites is one of the means of communication between your meetings. This happens when two people want to get to know and develop relationships closer. However, when one of them begins to evade from meetings, but at the same time it remains in touch - difficulties arise. So once such a phenomenon is called nonsense when a person sends on a day on "" bread crumb ".

That is, relations do not develop, but flirting is constantly present. For the second person, this can be a great test, especially if he is really passionate and considers such messages the interest of the second. In this case, the opinion is triggered that if a person still writes, then he wants communication.

In fact, Bredkramber in words shows that he is interested, but does not allow the interlocutor close. Its main tactics is approaching a person and immediately a distance. As a rule, it does not come to real meetings with him.

How does Bredkramber communicate?

Bradcrambing does not imply any serious relationship. At the same time, there are certain templates in the communication of Bredramber. So, let's figure out how communicating with him and what he writes at all.

  • He wishes a good morning and a good day. This tactic is known, but still it is pleasant, because it seems that a person waking up, the first thing he thought about you. That's just everything would be fine, but he will never offer to meet in the evening and chat at dinner. Bredramber communicates only with correspondence and does no more action.
  • If you were only asked how to do it, then you should not even think that the interlocutor is interested in you. Especially if the matter does not go further than these duty words. As a rule, such messages rarely come, but come on time. This usually happens when you already forget a person or just start to forget. And then he appears.
  • If he still invites you to a date, then most likely only today. Or it will happen right now. Are you busy or working? Well, he is not to blame. He called. You could not. By the way, if you have nothing to do, or you simply do not plan your day in advance and are ready to go at any time, then Bredkramber has an option for this case - he imitates employment. Be prepared for the fact that at the very last moment he will cancel all his affairs.

Why does Bredramber play on feelings: Reasons

Why does Bredkramber play on feelings?
Why does Bredkramber play on feelings?

Bradcrambing usually does not arise from nowhere. People use it for various reasons, and often for a second person he does not at all benefit. And to someone even to the detriment. Suddenly, a man had already fallen in love, and they play like that on his feelings.

So, there are several reasons why a person prefers this format of communication:

  • First of all, he needs something like a “spare airfield”. Suddenly you can be useful to him when no one is nearby. It is already decided only to you whether it is worth agreeing to the role of a spare airfield.
  • The second option is deceptive. You should not lower the situation that your interlocutor is simply married. He wants simple communication in order to increase self -esteem, but he is not going to meet.
  • The third option is the most sad. It happens that the breakdown of relations in people is painful. He seems to want a new relationship, but he is afraid of them or simply forgot how to do it, still many years of family life affect.
  • The fourth option is manipulative. Maybe you are simply not particularly interesting. But he likes to remain interesting for you. It is not known why he needs it, but he does just that.

How to recognize nonsense: signs

How to recognize nonsense?
How to recognize nonsense?

It is very good that now you know what is nonsense. But how to recognize that you were faced with him and not spend time on a person who does not need you? There are several signs that allow you to recognize this type of communication.

  • Messages come from periodically. For too long you have not received messages from him, and now he writes constantly. This means that he wants to satisfy his own ego, and at the expense of you. You don’t communicate for a month, but then he suddenly decided to meet. However, as soon as you begin to communicate with him, he will immediately disappear. He just likes that he remains interesting for you for a long time. In this case, just do not respond to his messages.
  • His messages do not make sense. Fans of Brad Krambing rarely send messages with semantic load. Usually they do not make any sense. As a rule, the purpose of such messages is to return a person when he begins to slip away from networks. Often he is simply interested in how you are doing. That is, it is immediately clear that a person is not required special communication. Its main goal is to simply attract attention. You can guess for a long time why he suddenly decided to appear. This is what he needs.
  • He says vagueabout. The intrigue works very well to attract the attention of another person. The easiest way is to give as little information as possible. Basically, such a person does not speak of his personal life. And to the question of exactly where he disappeared at this time, you will receive an inaccurate vague answer. He has no explanation why he was not. And he has no plans. If he promises something, then these will not be specific words. Moreover, you should definitely rely on it.
  • He prefers relations without obligations. He is simply pleased to talk to you, but he is not ready for the next step. Most of these people are simply afraid of something more serious. For them, nonsense is a way to maintain relations at an impasse. In general, relationships remain at the very beginning and from the first stage do not move anywhere. Each meeting with him is the first date. To deceive yourself is not a relationship at all. He is simply pleased sometimes to meet with you and you can not have one.
  • You feel very bad. In this case, it is important in this case to understand your feelings. The first meeting may take a wonderful way, but there will be a discord. Most likely, you will have a feeling of anxiety during communication. Do not be mistaken because anxiety speaks of problems in relationships. You should be more attentive and listen to your own feelings.
  • You blame yourself for everything. This is another sign that your relationship is not normal. Bradcrambing can cause guilt and disappointment. Of course, everything begins perfectly, and now the relationship has been divided. Surely you have the idea that you are doing something wrong. Do not blame yourself. As a rule, nonsense nonsense emotionally and they are not ready for a serious relationship.
  • He reminds of himself. It disappears for a long time and then it all starts anew. He does not allow to forget about himself. It’s just important for him that you remember about him. This creates a certain emotional connection, which is difficult to break.
  • He writes at night. He can write in the afternoon, but does not do it. It is much more interesting for him to write late in the evening or at night to find out how things are. It looks like some kind of game, not a real relationship. His goal is to simply tease. He wants you to think about him.
  • Passive aggression. If you think that a new acquaintance is slightly aggressive or manipulates you, then you are right. This is exactly what the nonsense suggests. Typically, those who prefer this form of communication unconsciously cause suffering to others.

How to protect yourself from nonsense: methods, recommendations

How to protect yourself from Brekrambing?
How to protect yourself from Brekrambing?

Perhaps you have already become the object of Bradkrambing. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a boyfriend, but it is even more difficult to break the emerging emotional connection. What to do in this case? To break out of this trap, it is recommended to adhere to several tips:

  • Stop relations. If you understand that you were a victim of Bradkramber, then just stop this relationship. You get involved in toxic relationships that it is better to “cut down” at the very beginning. It is difficult to abandon the person you like, but remember that this will not end good. Try to stop communication as soon as possible until the emotional connection between you arose.
  • Be honest. The best way to fight is honesty. Try to understand what you want from a partner and whether you need these empty relationships. They require the participation of both partners. You can try to give him another chance, but if he disappeared again for several weeks, then ask for an explanation. Judging by them, determine his motives.
  • Do not answer messages. If you understand that they are playing with you, then cut off communication. Do not satisfy his ego. This will make it clear that such relations do not suit you. You can always bring it into black lists. Perhaps this is exactly what he deserves. So it will be easier, especially if there is already any connection between you.
  • Make up the meeting yourself. Interpret his initiative. If you decide to meet, then assign a convenient time and place. Bredramber is not ready to play according to your rules, and therefore he will look for a way not to meet. This is precisely and will allow you to understand his motives.
  • Change communication methods. As we have already said, it is much more interesting for him to write at a later time. In this case, just turn off the phone so as not to see messages. He will understand that he will have to play according to your rules. Usually, most of these people do not take place.
  • Do not let him ruin your plans. You must set certain boundaries. A person must understand that you need personal space and he simply does not have the right to intervene in your plans. If he did not come on a date, then let him know that the next time it may not take place.

In simple words, nonsense is a sufficiently serious problem that it is important to learn how to cope. Each girl came across him at least once. In this case, the main thing is to remember that everything is in your hands and you do not need to allow toxic relationships to spoil your life.

Video: 10 errors when communicating with a girl in social networks

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