What does the ellipsis mean in correspondence?

What does the ellipsis mean in correspondence?

Punctization signs are an integral part of a person’s life. During the correspondence, they should be used, otherwise the essence of the sentence may be interpreted incorrectly.

This article will talk about why a person uses a dot in the correspondence.

History of the emergence

  • Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine exactly when an ellipsis appeared. One thing can be said with confidence that this punctuation mark is quite ancient. He began to be used for the first time when it was written the treatises of ancient Greece. In these texts, the ellipsis was used to replace the semantic part of the sentence, which was already understood.
  • In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the ellipas meant that the author’s thought is incomplete. The ancient thinker Quintilian asked his friends and acquaintances not to abuse polytheism, because they were the reason for the lack of semantic load of the text.

What does the ellipsis mean in correspondence without words?

  • An elear can be found not only in the middle or at the end of the sentence, but also in correspondence without words. If you began to notice this behind your interlocutor, you should be alert.
  • If in response to your message you were sent only a large number of points, then the person does not know what to answer to you. It is likely that he thought, or is depressed. Try to give him time to think about information, or ask why he answered this way.
  • Often, the ellipsis in correspondence without words indicates that The person is confused. Or he just refuses to comment on your message.

What does it mean if a person puts an ellipsis at the end of the sentence?

  • Most often, you can notice an ellipsis at the end of the sentence. This suggests that the man has not yet finished his thought, but only put forward an assumption. It is likely that he is still considering your message.
  • Also, the ellipsis in the correspondence at the end of the proposal says about thoughtfulness man. He mentally processes the information received from you, and gradually expresses his opinion.
Meaning in correspondence
Meaning in correspondence

What does it mean if a person often puts an ellipsis in the correspondence?

A large number of ellipsis in the correspondence indicates the following:

  • The person with whom you correspond, does not quite agree with your opinion. A large number of points indicate that he wants to cause shame in you.
  • The interlocutor is difficult to get together with thoughts. Perhaps the topic of correspondence hit his inner world.
  • A person wants to make his message more mysterious.

Multiple in correspondence - which means: psychology

In psychology, there is such a thing as schizophrenic punctuation. It manifests itself like this:

  • abuse of polytheism in correspondence for no reason
  • inability to express your thoughts without this punctuation mark
  • the proposals are incoherent and short, but with a large number
  • using a multiple instead of other punctuation marks

What can the ellipsis mean after the word "thank you"?

  • Quite often, the word "thank you" is used in correspondence. If a person after him puts an ellipsis, then he did not finish his statement.
  • Another explanation - the interlocutor did not appreciate your congratulations or wish. Therefore, he, being brought up, decided to answer, not showing emotions.
  • Also, the ellipsis in correspondence can be an indicator of human excitement.

What can the ellipsis mean after the word "love"?

  • If lovers correspond to each other, the word "love" will necessarily appear in the correspondence. If after this word you notice an ellipsis, then a person doubts In its decision.
  • Perhaps he shows that he needs timeTo reflect. Do not press on him.
Perhaps a person is not sure yet
Perhaps a person is not sure yet

So, now you know what the ellipsis means in correspondence. But, you should not perceive everything to heart. Perhaps this is such a habit of a person who is not at all associated with a stream of thoughts or a psychological state.

We will also tell you how to write correctly:

Video: What to say about a person who puts ellipses?

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