What to answer the question, why are you so beautiful?

What to answer the question, why are you so beautiful?

Phrases, options for answers to the question: why are you so beautiful.

To ask such a question is the easiest and polite way is to thank. You can just say “thank you”, “thank you”, “I am pleased”. You can add a little more, for example: "Thank you, I tried." Or "Thank you, I am very pleased to hear it from you." "I am pleased that you noticed." 

You can answer with sarcasm. This option is suitable for close friends who understand your sense of humor. Do not use sarcasm with people who do not know you well. 

Examples of sarcastic answers: 

  • "Oh, thank you, I'm so glad that you finally noticed it (a)." 
  • "Beauty is my job, I work a lot on it." 
  • "Apparently, you have vision problems today." 

This option shows that you do not perceive yourself too seriously. It can be appropriate if the compliment concerns your appearance. 

Examples of self -irony answers: 

  • "Beauty is trendy." 
  • "Come on, I just took a picture successfully." 
  • "Thank you, but I know that I can be even more beautiful." 

This option is suitable if you do not want to answer the compliment directly. You can transfer the topic to something else, for example: 

  • "How do you like the weather today?" 
  • "Have you heard the latest news?" 
  • "How do you like my new dress?" 
  • "Beauty is a gift, but I can use it." 
  • “Thank you, I'm glad you like my appearance. But I want you to value me not only for it. " 
  • "Do you know what they say about beautiful people? ..." 

Why do people ask the question "Why are you so beautiful?" 

The most common option is to make a compliment. People want to make a compliment, express their admiration for your appearance. The answer to the compliment depends on your attitude to the compliments and to the person who made it. You can simply thank you, answer sarcasm, translate the topic or give a detailed answer. 

A person wants to know what you are doing to be so beautiful. Perhaps he wants to get tips for leaving himself or find out your beauty secrets. You can share your secrets if you are pleased, or get away from the answer. The person who asks this question can be uncertain. He can compare himself with you and wants to know what he is doing wrong. Be polite and tactful in your answer. Do not boast or make a person feel even worse. The person who asks this question wants to flirt with you. He wants to make you a compliment and attract your attention. The answer to flirting depends on your desire to flirt with this person. A person is just curious what you are doing to be so beautiful. He may not have any rear thoughts. 

Why beautiful? What to say in response? 

Answer options for the question "Why beautiful?": 

  • Thank you! I am pleased that you think so. 
  • This is genetics, plus a little effort on my part. 
  • Beauty is a gift, and I am glad to have it. 
  • Beauty is in the eyes of the watchman, and I am glad that you like what you see. 
  • Beauty is not only the symmetry of the face, but also internal harmony. 
  • Beauty is what makes you feel good. 
  • Beauty is an individuality that makes each person special. 
  • Beauty is that we see not only with our eyes, but also with our hearts. 
  • I don’t know, maybe this is the magic cap I put on today? 
  • Beauty is a terrible power, and I possess it! 
  • My beauty is the result of many hours of watching films with beautiful actors. 
  • Thanks to my parents for excellent genes! 
  • Beauty is a fleeting phenomenon, so it is important to value every moment. 
  • Beauty is not only the outer shell, but also what is inside us. 
  • Beauty is what we create with our own hands and our hearts. 
  • Beauty is the path, not the ultimate goal. 
  • Beautiful? I don’t know, I rarely see myself in the mirror. 
  • Beauty is an illusion, and I am a realistic person. 
  • Beauty is not the main thing, the main thing is to be kind and responsive. 
  • Beauty is what you can buy for money, but I have not yet accumulated. 

How to respond to compliments? 

People with low self -esteem often do not believe in the sincerity of compliments. They may think that a person is flattering them or wants something in return. They can also compare themselves with other people and consider that they do not deserve compliments. 


  • If we are talking about a specific part of the body: "Thank you, I work a lot on it." 
  • If we are talking about the outfit: "Thank you, this is my favorite suit." 
  • If we are talking about makeup: "Thank you, I made it myself." 
  • If we are talking about photography: "Thank you, this is a successful shot." 
  • Thanks for the compliment! 
  • I am very pleased to hear that. 
  • Your words inspire me. 
  • I am glad that you like what you see. 
  • "This is all Photoshop!" 
  • "Beauty is my protective mechanism to scare off uninteresting people." 
  • "From birth, such that you can do." 
  • "The secret is simple - I eat a lot of carrots and sleep 8 hours a day." 
  • "Thank you, I tried!" 
  • "Beauty is my cross, which I carry with dignity." 
  • "Beautiful? I don't know, I rarely see myself in the mirror. " 
  • "Beauty is an illusion, and I am a realistic person." 
  • "This is all thanks to my magic comb!" 
  • "I made a deal with the devil - he gave me beauty, and I ..." 
  • "I am the result of genetic engineering." 
  • "I'm just a walking Instagram filter." 
  • "I'm not beautiful, I am amazing!" 
  • "Beauty is not the main thing, the main thing is that the suit is sitting!" 
  • "Beauty is a terrible power, and I possess it!" 
  • "My beauty is the result of many hours of watching films with beautiful actors." 
  • "I am a copy of Bella Hadid, only better!" 
  • "I am a princess, and the princesses are always beautiful." 
  • "I am Barbie, and this is my world!" 
  • "I am a unicorn in the world of beauty!" 

What will answer the question: "Well, why are you beautiful?" 

When we get a compliment, we can begin to worry about what others think of us. We can be afraid that we will be considered conceited or narcissistic. We can also be afraid not to match the expectations of the person who compliment. 


  • “Beauty is my protective mechanism. As soon as people see how beautiful I am, they immediately lose speech and cannot ask tricky questions. " 
  • “You know, they say that beauty is a terrible power. In my case, this is not entirely true. My beauty is rather a hilarious power. She makes people laugh, not be afraid. " 
  • “I don't know why I'm so beautiful. Maybe this is genetics, maybe a successful combination of circumstances. But I am sure that my beauty is a gift that I should share with the world. Therefore, I smile at everyone and everything to give people a little joy. " 
  • “To be honest, I do not consider myself beautiful. I just know how to use photoshop well. " 
  • “Beauty is not what you can see with your eyes. This is what the heart feels. And my heart feels happy when I can help others. " 
  • "I `m ugly. I'm just very photogenic. " 
  • “Beauty is what is inside. And inside me lives a big and kind soul. " 
  • “I don't know what beauty is. But I know what kindness is, and I try to be kind to people. " 
  • “Beauty is a decay. And I want to be eternal. Therefore, I bet on mind and sense of humor. " 
  • "I `m ugly. I'm just very rare. As a unicorn. " 

How to answer the question: "Why is so beautiful?" 

Some people simply do not know how to accept compliments. They can be embarrassed or blush when they are told something pleasant. Also, they may not know how to correctly respond to a compliment. 


  • “Because every time someone laughs, somewhere a new splendor is born on my face!” 
  • “The secret is that every day I am conquered by morning beauty, like coffee. Sometimes even without coffee. " 
  • “See these freckles? These are kisses from the sun for my unquestioning fidelity to the sun. " 
  • “I inherited my beauty from my cat. He, of course, agrees with this statement. " 
  • “The secret is that I eat only color sweets. They create inner light! " 
  • "This is because I do charging every day for my ego!" 
  • "The secret is that my mirrors are signed for a strict non -disclosure of their impressions." 
  • "I prefer to think that this is the result of a daily dose of laughter and a pair of glasses of water from the fountain of youth." 
  • “By secret: beauty is just the result of my daily meeting with a magical unicorn.” 
  • “Do you see these sparks? This is a reflection of my brilliant ideas! " 

Why are you so beautiful, what to answer? 

In some cultures, it is not customary to openly express their admiration. People from such crops can consider compliments inappropriate or ill -winged. People who are often criticized or ridicule can be distrustful of compliments. They may think that a person wants to deceive them or make fun of them. 

Sarcastic answers to the compliment "You are beautiful": 

  • Thank you, I tried hard. (With sarcastic squint) 
  • Well, not without it. (With an indifferent look) 
  • Yes, today the mirror was favorable to me. (With irony) 
  • Beauty is a decay. (With sad intonation) 
  • Beautiful? Come on, I just took a picture successfully. (Embarrassed) 
  • Thank you, but I know that I can be even more beautiful. (With a flirty smile) 
  • Beauty is not the main thing. (With a serious look) 
  • How do you like the weather today? (Enthusiastically) 
  • Have you heard the latest news? (With curiosity) 
  • Oh, thank you, I'm so glad that you finally noticed it. (With sarcastic laughter) 
  • Beauty is my job, I work a lot on it. (With irony) 
  • Apparently, you have vision problems today. (With a sarcastic look) 
  • Do you know what they are talking about beautiful people? (With an intriguing smile) 
  • Beauty is a gift, but I can use it. (With a smug view) 
  • Thank you, I'm glad you like my appearance. But I want you to value me not only for this. (With a serious look) 

Tell me, why are you so beautiful? 

Do not take compliments close to heart. Just thank the person and remember that he wanted to make you pleasant. If you are embarrassed by compliments, you can try: answer with humor, translate the topic or just say: "Thank you." 


  • “Oh, this is all thanks to my genes - I am so beautiful by inheritance from my fingers and nose!” 
  • "This is all the magic of morning coffee and evening sweet smiles." 
  • "I made a deal with the mirror - it reflects me beautiful, but I do not bother him." 
  • "My beauty is the result of long hours of training in front of the mirror and the art of ignoring the alarm clock." 
  • “I forgot the hair iron at home, so my beauty is a struggle with naughty hair!” 
  • “The secret in my painting cosmetics - they seem to have concluded an alliance against boring appearance. 
  • "This is the magic of love for life, chocolate and, of course, unlimited access to filters on social networks." 
  • "My secret of beauty is a daily dose of laughter and frivolity, dosed from morning to evening." 
  • "I put all my beauties in a cosmetic bag - now she herself is responsible for me for the appearance." 
  • “The secret is that I just learned to hide my coffee spots and traces of lack of sleep masterfully!” 

Read on the topic:

Video: What to answer the question: why so beautiful

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