What can not be done immediately after eating and why and when you can?

What can not be done immediately after eating and why and when you can?

In this article, we will consider the most basic and important habits that can be safely called harmful and transferred to the list of prohibitions after eating!

Our digestive system provides a complex mechanical and chemical process. But we rarely think about helping our body easier to cope with this task, more often the opposite - in every way we prevent this with our many bad habits. And this happens from one day a day, from year to year, until our body begins to signal the excessive load for him with symptoms of various diseases, the treatment of which is long, expensive and not always effective.

But each of us can prevent many diseases, only once and for all, having learned simple rules-what cannot be done immediately after eating to help the body cope with the load assigned to it.

What can not be done immediately after eating and why?

We bring to your attention 13 phrases “impossible”, which everyone must say, getting up from the table after a hearty meal. By the way, many of us have already rooted some rituals so much, so they do not even imagine what you can do instead after eating. We assure you, try to exclude these habits within a week and you will already notice an improvement. What cannot be done immediately after eating and why?

  • You can't drink tea and coffee

At first glance, this seems strange advice, because many are used to drinking food with tea or coffee, even in a cafe after a meal you will always be offered a cup of a fragrant drink. But doctors categorically do not advise doing this, since tea and coffee contain tannins such as tannin, which interacts with nutrients contained in food. As a result Slow down 2-4 times the process of digestion itself and Harding is difficult Some important components, in particular iron by as much as 87%. The release of tread mucus is reduced, And this means that the intestines are becoming more vulnerable to pathogens. Besides, The synthesis of protein and the breakdown of carbohydrates are inhibited!

Important: tea or coffee, drunk immediately after a meal, creates a strong load on the digestive organs, as well as on the liver, pancreas and kidneys. In addition, this habit worsens intestinal motility and can lead to flatulence.

You can drink tea or coffee 1-2 hours after eating. If you had meat dishes on the table, then completely postpone the tea party for 3-4 hours.

  • You can’t drink cold water!

Yes, water is extremely useful for our body. But now we will talk about cold liquid. She is reduces digestion time, Since the stomach instantly sends her stomach to the duodenum. But this is very bad - the metabolism slows down, food is not completely laid out (for example, protein for amino acids), and you do not receive all the necessary substances. In addition, cold drinks and water enhance your appetite! All this leads to extra kilograms and diseases of the stomach.

Important: ideally, even warm or room temperature, water must be drunk 30-60 minutes after eating. If you really want to, then the use of thermal fluid is allowed, you can compote, in the process of eating or immediately after it in small sips and up to 100-200 ml.

When you need to drink after eating
When you need to drink after eating
  • You can’t eat fruits

Another common mistake is to use fruit for dessert after eating. Nothing good except fermentation and decay in the stomach, Such a dessert cannot provide. Especially if you eat "heavy", fatty foods before that. In this case, it is possible even severity, colic and bloating, And our systems will not get useful elements from fruits. Time after eating should be from 2 to 3 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat fruits 30 minutes 1 hour before meals Or leave it to the afternoon snack as a separate nutrition option. By the way, if you have reduced acidity, then take berries and fruits in half an hour per meals to strengthen the production of gastric juice.

Important: categorically you can’t mix fruits and berries with milk and dairy products! Between them the interval should be from 3 to 4 hours! Otherwise, this will cause a violation of digestion. And grapes cannot be washed down with water - it will come to diarrhea!

Fruit trap
Fruit trap
  • You can’t go for a walk or even stand

Contrary to a very common and erroneous opinion that after eating it is useful to take a walk in order to “shake extra calories” - this should not be done. In any case, until the food is “settled” in the stomach and is well saturated with gastric juice. Otherwise, dyspepsia is possible, or in a folk- indigestion, characterized by discomfort and heaviness in the upper abdomen, belching, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. And do not forget - digestion takes a lot of energy, and to help your body - it is better to sit down! If you stand immediately after eating, then in the evening you can feel the severity or even indigestion.

  • You can’t go to bed

During sleep, all the processes occurring in the human body slow down. Accordingly, after eating, sleep is forcibly slowing down the process of digestion of food, which leads to its stagnation and decay in the stomach accompanied by a discomfort, belching, heartburn, And in some cases - development of dyspepsia. In addition, gastric juice can return back to the esophagus, thereby causing Acid. And a dream on a full stomach promotes fat deposits in the body, violates the dream itself and increases the chances of stroke! And of course, we do not forget that the intestines also need rest. After all, after waking up there will be tea or even a new portion, which means that it will work again.

Therefore, you should go to bed not earlier than 2 hours after eating, but go for a walk after a meal-at least 20-30 minutes!

After sleeping on a full stomach, there is always a feeling of heaviness due to the fact that the intestines itself did not rest!
After sleeping on a full stomach, there is always a feeling of heaviness due to the fact that the intestines itself did not rest!
  • You can not go to training and do sports, strength exercises, bar and stretching

Any physical activity after eating contributes to violation of the work of the digestive organs and the development of dyspepsia, accompanied by characteristic symptoms described above. In addition, from dangerous symptoms, it is worth noting vomiting! And also - sport after eating will not give any results. Therefore, after eating you can train After 2-3 hours. It is during this period that the stomach will have time to free himself and digest, if not completely, then the main share of food. If you had a snack, then 1-1.5 hours are enough. The bar and stretching must also be done on an empty stomach, and Even better-before meals, in 1.5-2 hours. Power loads need to be carried out only after 4-5 hours!

  • You can not do charging

Yes, it also refers to sports loads, but has its own rules. And this applies to time. Of course, she needs to be done 1 hour before meals! If you cannot force yourself to do physical labor on an empty stomach, then you can be exercised 30 minutes after an hour after a light seed! If you neglect this rule, then there will be no result from it, and the body will not receive the expected vivacity. Besides, This will slow down and complicate digestion.

Rule 2 hours!
Rule 2 hours!
  • No smoking

Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and causes cramps of blood vessels, which in turn leads To serious malfunctions in the digestive organs. The harm from the cigarettes out after eating is much larger than from a cigarette smoked on an empty stomach! Because together with nicotine, carcinogenic substances enter the body, which reaction with food treated with gastric juice and provoke the development of oncology!

  • You can’t eat ice cream or dessert

From childhood, sweets are given to us as a presentation for the eaten dinner. But this Reason No. 1 of excess weight! Yes, even from childhood, this violates the susceptibility of the stomach to understanding whether it has eaten or not. But usually it always leads to overeating. In addition, the calorie content of the dessert often exceeds the share of calories of the main dishes. Therefore, we eat them Only in the break between food. And this rule should be strictly adhered to after 30 years, but also do not forget to teach your children proper nutrition! Ice cream is also a dessert, but cold. And The temperature difference can contribute to digestion, Therefore, after eating, you should wait at least 30 minutes 1 hour before the use of ice cream.

If a figure is dear to you, then we forget about sweet after eating!
If a figure is dear to you, then we forget about sweet after eating!
  • You can’t brush your teeth

Firstly, frequent brushing your teeth is harmful to enamel! She quickly becomes thinner, and instead of a beautiful smile, you will have inflammation. Secondly, food, or rather its remnants, still remains on the teeth and in the oral cavity. And toothpaste, reaction with these acids in our cavity (especially after citrus and alcohol) It is very negatively affected by enamel! But your teeth need to be protected - therefore You always need to rinse the genus with water after eating!

  • You can not take a bath or shower

In hot water, the load on the digestive organs doubles and our body has to work in an enhanced mode to digest food. Blood rises to the stomach to a lesser extent, because it now goes to the outflow to the limbs and to the skin, and because of this there is a risk of appearance stomach and intestinal colic. It also negatively affects the work of the pancreas and heart. The optimal bathing time is An hour after eating!

  • You can not do massage

Massage also contributes to a smaller blood flow to the digestive organs, which contributes to a significant increase in their loads. In addition, he can cause Bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. Some exercises can be very painful, especially if there is pressure on the abdominal areas. Therefore, massage should be done no earlier than 45-60 minutes after eating.

During the massage, pressure is under the abdominal area
During the massage, pressure is under the abdominal area
  • You can not do ultrasound

Ultrasound procedure is carried out After 6-12 hours after eating! But this affects, first of all, on the quality of the procedure itself and for the accuracy of the diagnosis. And this question concerns precisely the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. For this procedure, you need to starve in the evening, and adhere to a diet in a few days to exclude the formation of gases.

Video: What can not be done after eating?

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