What can not be given to a man on February 23: signs. Why can't you give a man underpants, socks, knives, rings, flowers, towels?

What can not be given to a man on February 23: signs. Why can't you give a man underpants, socks, knives, rings, flowers, towels?

List of prohibited gifts for men.

The choice of a gift for men can be a real test for women. Indeed, it is sometimes difficult to choose the right gift for your boyfriend or husband. Some men are superstitious, so when acquiring a presentation, it is necessary to take this into account. In the article we will talk about signs related to gifts, we will tell that men cannot be given. 

Why can't you give knives as a gift to a man?

In no case do guys should give stitching and cutting objects. These are scissors, knives and forks, cutlery. Of course, a very beautiful knife will become an indispensable assistant for those who are a tourist and often go on a trip. But such a present can be given in exceptional cases.

Why you can’t give knives as a gift of men:

  • Esotericists believe that you will be on knives with your loved one. This leads to quarrels and parting.
  • If a man is not your husband, but a work colleague - you will not be able to find a common language in work, you will become enemies.
  • To smooth out the consequences of signs, ask you to give you a couple of coins.

Why can't you give panties, a tie to a man?

Girls are very fond of handing men on February 23 panties and socks.

Why you can’t give panties, tie to a man:

  • It is advisable not to acquire these items for a loved one. It is best if a man boughts such products from knitwear for himself. 
  • If you give cowards, this may promise betrayal. A tie is very ambiguous.
  • Very often a love spell is made on a tie, and you can pull a man to yourself, tied with such an accessory. There are many positive gifts that will strengthen the family. 

Why can't you give the ring a man?

Men cannot be given medicines, vitamins, or any health objects. This applies to tonometers,glucometers. It is believed that this worsens the well -being of a man, and the disease will bring closer. Many girls want to make their relationship romantic, so they often present photo frames with a common photo. The photo frame in any case is a terrible gift, as it promises parting.  

Why you can’t give a ring a man:

  • A bad sign is the presentation of rings and gold jewelry.
  • It is believed that a man himself must purchase jewelry.
  • The acquisition of a ring promises bankruptcy for a man, it can become an alpha.
  • A man will live at the expense of a woman who gave him jewelry. 

What flowers do not need to give men?

There is no prohibition for men. However, there are some varieties of plants that should not be handed. Among them, it is worth highlighting cloves. These flowers are considered funeral, therefore they can provoke a deterioration in the well -being of a man, his death. Do not give men flowers in pots. 

What flowers do not need to give men:

  • Negative energy can be carried by the earth, the soil in which the plant is located. It is on the ground that they very often impose damage, and remove diseases. If such a plant fits, it drags part of the energy of its new owner. 
  • A bad gift is roses. Of course, these are very beautiful flowers, they can be awarded on various holidays. Before giving them a man, it is necessary to remove the spikes.
  • After all, any thorns promise quarrels in a relationship. You can also not give flowers to a man who is younger than you. This will suck out life energy out of you, provoking a deterioration in well -being.

Great flowers for men are peonies, gladioli.

Nightmare present
Nightmare present

Why can't you give towels to a man?

Do not give a towel, scarves and a tablecloth. It is believed that these objects can promise tears, grief and illness. 

Why you can’t give towels to a man:

  • There is nothing wrong with the delivery of textiles. But according to signs, this portends an imminent death, illness. The fact is that a towel is very often associated with a cemetery.
  • After all, it is with the help of this product that the coffin is lowered into the pit. Many say that a towel is often used as a wedding rushnya, and when wiping the baby after baptism.
  • If you are an excessively superstitious person, refuse to present towels.

Why you can’t give socks to a man: signs

Gifts in the form of socks promise discord, as well as parting. It is believed that a man can leave his woman to another family. Thus, the wife, as it were, approves a similar act of her man.

Good gifts: 

  • Pillows 
  • Cover 

These are excellent gifts for a family person, will allow him to relax more and relax. 

Why shouldn't men give expensive gifts?

Many women are ambiguous of expensive gifts. Before acquiring something expensive, it is necessary to evaluate the well-being of your family, as well as a young man.

Why do men should not give expensive gifts:

  • If he gives very expensive gifts, from a wealthy family, then you must also try to give not the cheapest gift. However, it is worth remembering that getting out of the skin to collect money for the realiPhone, not necessary.
  • Dear gifts are capable of changing a man. Expensive gifts can increase men's pride. It is worth remembering that such presentations are rarely remembered.
  • An ideal option will be some kind of quest, holiday, competition or draw, prepared with your own hand or with your help. Usually emotions are always remembered extremely brightly, unlike other gifts. 

Why you can’t give a belt to a man: a sign

This is a magnificent accessory that has been valued since ancient times. In the days of chivalry, this product served not just a clothing holder, but also a kind of fastener for a bag of coins and weapons. The knight, devoid of a belt, remained unarmed and non -prophet. In ancient Russia, this accessory was considered a defense, so soon after birth, a belt was also put on the boy.

Why you can’t give a belt to a man, a sign:

  • It was believed that if it is damaged or tear, it is necessary to wait for trouble or disease. The belt is a good gift, as it can look solid, expensive and necessary for almost any man.
  • However, signs regarding this presentation are different. Some believe that such an object can cause parting. Thus, a woman tears the relationship with each other and a man into two halves.
  • After all, it is the belt that divides the body into two parts - the upper and the lower. However, according to another signs, on the contrary, the belt will help to tie two lovers for many years. Very often, conspiracies and rituals on love and affection are imposed on the belt.
  • Remember that this product should be expensive, made of quality skin. The buckle should be discreet, beautiful and stylish. Of course, it is very difficult to determine the cost of the belt, and distinguish expensive accessories from cheap. Therefore, try to choose presentations in the middle price category. 

Why can not give a razor to a man?

All gifts that relate to cutting objects are considered dangerous. It is they, according to esotericists, magicians and sorcerers, often become the cause of quarrels and divorces, changes in relations between people.

Why you can’t give a razor to a man:

  • It is for this reason that the razor is one of the worst gifts. This opinion was held in the old days when they used dangerous razors. Now this product has undergone a number of changes, and even with an ordinary razor it is quite difficult to get hurt.
  • This is due to multiple protection of the blades. Close attention should be paid to electric devices. They have many knives protected by a large number of partitions. Thanks to this, shaving is very smooth, and the possibility of damage to the skin comes down tozero.  
  • If you think that such a gift can harm you, then do not accept it. Of course, the girl may be offended, which is why we advise you to attribute such a product to the magician, and ask to save a gift from negative energy. 
A razor as a gift
A razor as a gift

Why can't you give shoes to a man?

The sign with shoes is very contradictory. There is a belief according to which, donated shoes will contribute to the care of a loved one. This may promise parting. However, according to another note, this will work if the woman is unmarried, only meets with a man. Accordingly, spouses can give each other shoes.

Why you can’t give shoes to a man:

  • If you worry that the sign can come true, we recommend asking for new shoes several coins. It will be considered that the accessory was bought, not donated. In no case do not give such presentations if you are poorly familiar with the culprit of the celebration. You can simply not guess with the size, width of the leg, as well as style. 
  • Please note that shoes are a bad gift, but not all. It is considered a bad sign to hand sandwiches, shoes with open fingers. This promises poverty, can lead to material problems. Thus, a person will become barefoot.
  • Slopels themselves are a rather cheap gift. However, many, in order to save money, nevertheless hand him. It is worth remembering that slippers are associated with a cemetery and death. It is believed that if you present the present to older people, then you will bring death.

What can not be given to a man on February 23?

A purse is a great present, especially if made of genuine leather, with custom engraving. And in modern haberdashery workshops, you can apply an inscription and wishes for a loved one. This will become not just purchased accessories, but a gift made with a soul. 

That you can not give a man on February 23:

  • No matter who is awarded a wallet. It is believed that such an accessory can cause poverty, bankruptcy and a decrease in the family budget. The fact is that an empty wallet is a bad sign that attracts poverty.
  • For these reasons, you can not give barges, bags, portfolios for documents.
  • Accordingly, it is impossible to give an empty purse, bag, a man. Put several bills and coins there. Be sure to help the man, and tell us how to update the gift. Tell me what you need to put a rather large bill in the pocket and hold it for a day.
  • If possible, then the bill should be extracted and stored until next year. This will help improve the financial situation of the hero of the occasion. It is believed that such a gift promises lack of money, but only if it is empty. Therefore, try to fill it.
Blue bow
Blue bow

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It is worth refraining from the presentation of the mirrors. It is believed that a mirror is a portal in another world. With the help of such objects, you can send damage, or contact the other world, demonic entities. Therefore, handing such a gift, you can speed up the aging of a man, and contribute to a deterioration in well -being. This is due to the fact that otherworldly forces penetrate this world through the mirror. 

Video: What can not be given to a man?


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