Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a man, dad, husband, friend, brother, colleague 60 years old: words

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a man, dad, husband, friend, brother, colleague 60 years old: words

The article offers you options for congratulations of a man on an anniversary of 60 years.

Beautiful, original congratulations on the anniversary of a man for a colleague for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS

An anniversary of 60 is an important date in the life of any man. It is necessary to congratulate a person on this holiday not only at home, but also at work. The team of colleagues can present the hero of the anniversary not only a gift, but also congratulations with warm, spiritual words.

Dear (the name and patronymic of a man)! Team (name of the organization or Company) wants to congratulate you on the anniversary, sixty years! You are so young with your soul, you are a beautiful and attractive man, a real specialist in your business. We wish you patience and health in order to endurely and confidently go through all life trials. Be warmly loved by relatives, let your friends respect you, and children and grandchildren are proud of you!

Dear (the name and patronymic of a man)! Your loving colleagues want from all Souls to congratulate you on an important date. We wish you to achieve harmony in your soul, enjoy every minute of life and enjoy your favorite business. Thank you for your work, endless help and the experience that you shared with us for many years! Happy anniversary!

On the day of your anniversary, (the name and patronymic of the hero of the day), we want to wish you Patience and endurance in order to easily endure all life problems and hardships. Keep your head higher and know that we are proud of you, for us you are an example to follow. You are an indispensable employee, assistant and friend!

You are a colleague and friend wonderful
You always radiate positive
And today on your day the sun is clear,
Only heat and gives you its light.

In the anniversary, so important and significant,
In 60 good, experienced years,
We admit: you mean a lot
And there is simply no replacement for you!

Thank you for your experience and opinion
Which has always been significant, the best,
At 60 we are no doubt
We will accelerate the clouds in the sky!

Accept the sincere congratulations
From all friendly colleagues,
You are wiser than you and more experienced!

On your 60th anniversary day,
We want health to wish you
Let the sun shine brightly for many years,
We wish you sadness, worries do not know!

You are dear to us, like you are from gold,
You are near and when an unkind hour
You are saving with advice from the cold
Heat your happy eyes with warmth.

You are an excellent man, wonderful
You have steel nerves and soul
You are so charming at 60,
That girls cannot resist!

You are on your anniversary and accept our congratulations!
We respect you and value you endlessly,
There are no doubt many more years
Precious hearts love you!

We wish you to live up to 100 years without worries,
We wish to work without anxieties and troubles,
We wish you to work less often to sweat,
And let this work not drive you from now on!

You are an indispensable colleague
You are an excellent specialist
We value you and love you strongly,
May dreams come to life!

How to congratulate a colleague on the 60th anniversary?
How to congratulate a colleague on the 60th anniversary?

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years from wife in verses and prose

The most touching and sincere for the anniversary will be the words of relatives, especially a beloved woman.

Dear (the name of the anniversary)! For me you are the meaning of life and therefore I am so strong I love you, I cherish you so much, so I want to wish you happiness! I see you from the side and believe me, you are young in soul and body, strong, strong and an incredibly generous soul hides inside you. Stay so for many years to delight loved ones and help them in life.

Beloved (name of the anniversary)! Life brought us together once and we lived together many years. You are the best and most important of my gift in life. On your 60th anniversary day, I want my words and wishes to give you good health. Health will help you delight your loved ones, and give me joy.

Let any problems, dear, bypass you! Do not be sad because that youth has already left. You are not old, you are wise and smart. You have absorbed life experience and he shines from the inside, decorating you. Live for a long time, live happily, live in pleasure!

My husband is still young,
I'm proud of them briskly
He shines with his mind,
He holds on steadfast!

So many years have passed, and he
It remains cute
My most dear husband
The best and beautiful!

I came to this house today
The anniversary is beautiful
He painted people around
Golden colors.

Let's drink for
Who 60 celebrates
And we wish everything
What only the anniversary dreams about!

Beloved husband, my anniversary,
Today you have become happier
Today the holiday has come
And he fulfilled all dreams!

At 60 you are strong and young,
You do not give diseases a reason
And you rush forward worriedly,
May your whole life become bright!

I wish you to be avoided by doubts,
So that life gives you adventure,
So that you are young to spite all forecasts,
So that you are only lucky at 60!

Let the strength and health fill you,
Let the relatives inspire you
Let there be good changes
And in 60 they do not scare problems!

The anniversary is knocking on your window,
Age of 60 is an occasion
All at the table to get drunk and the wine get drunk,
And drive out old age, diseases cold.

Let the health be stronger at 60,
Your good look does not gloom from worries,
Let your desires come true,
Let dreams live and let them be!

Pleasant words to her husband for 60 years
Pleasant words to her husband for 60 years

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years old from his son in verses and prose

The most reverent and sensual wishes only native children will be able to leave the anniversary.

Father! How much wisdom and experience you gave me. In your 60 years you seem I am not an old man, but a real king, who skillfully rules our family and the whole world. Congratulations on your anniversary and wish to celebrate for more than a dozen years with your beloved people!

Dear Dad! I wish you good people on the way, good events in life, interesting adventures and pleasant home heat. You have raised our family: children, grandchildren and great -grandchildren are already growing up. Thank you, father, for life and for always inspired confidence in each of us!

With the anniversary dad! I want to congratulate you on the anniversary. Let your figure The age is great and most of the life is lived behind the shoulders, but you still have a stormy future ahead, filled with beautiful and sweet hearts!

Father, my dear, loved one,
I wish you health for a big and long century!
May age not upset your soul,
Let your peace not be broken!

There was a carefree century once:
Health is stronger than a stone,
But now, the date also got
That power is taken away and aged.

But this is not important, because dad,
Lives according to other beliefs,
He drives away fatigue
His soul does not age!

Dad with an anniversary of 60
I congratulate you on love
What, dear, can you wish?
Let there be forces with you.

Let there be joy with you
And endless happiness
Let the heart breathe with love
Anyway all go badly!

At 60 you are not young, as you were once,
And they begin to wish you health,
But I congratulate you on an important date
And I want to embody all your dreams!

Pour wine into the vessels,
And let's drink for health!
There are only close people at the table
They wish you to live with love.

I wish you, my dear father,
So that only grace is forever with you,
Let your anniversary at the age of 60 Wonderful
Life will make an affectionate, marvelous song!

Father, I am proud of you endlessly,
I wish you perfection cordially
May life surround your only understanding,
Let their relatives indulge in attention!

One you always understood me
He defended from grief, resentment and adversity,
Thank you, father, for helping me alone
Reach the highest peaks in life!

Congratulations to the father at 60
Congratulations to the father at 60

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years old from his daughter in verses and prose

Dear Dad! On the anniversary of you! Let the eternal sun be over your head, which will save you from any doubt, troubles, unnecessaries and problems. Let you always breathe only fresh and sweet air. I wish you to achieve perfection in your 60 years and know the joy of simple male happiness!

Dad! On the anniversary of you. You always inspired us and inspired us with respect. Not You still stop surprising us with our achievements, deeds, ideas. Let God guard you from any trouble, any evil and illness. Live long and happy years. We love you very much!

Father! You are a symbol of our family. Your health and happiness is very expensive for each of us. I want to wish you only good luck in business that will always do what you like. I want the warmth of a loving family always and everywhere, and health only get stronger every day!

Dad - he is a defender from an early age,
He protected me from troubles
Today in these 60
I'm in a hurry to congratulate you!

Take all my wishes,
Live in warmth, kindness, love,
Do not regret the years lived,
Let the fear will not scare you!

All relatives gathered around,
And they wish you at 60,
So that your dreams, dad, come true,
May your eyes burn with happiness!

60 came so imperceptibly,
You are not a start, dad, let people say!
They don't know how your soul
Inside is beautiful, marvelous, good!

Hold on, papule, how much is ahead
Beautiful years, and tears behind
Let the tenderness and warmth of your relatives
It protects in any bad weather.

The hair and salt on the temples became lighter,
The voice became rude, there is sadness in the eyes,
But this is not a reason to be sad today,
Your anniversary is soon, let's bother!

My dad, my knight, the intake and friend,
Can you hear a knock on the door?
Relatives and guests came to visit
Congratulate you at 60, amuse you!

I wish you the health of the great
May happiness enter your life many -sided,
Let the years not age you at 60,
Business in pockets rustling, rustling.

Let your table always be hearty, big,
Relatives, friends will be together,
Let happiness fill you with more than
Let health and strength be with you!

The anniversary sparkles and flickers,
Let everything be good in your life,
Age does not scare you with a figure,
All thoughts will be light and fresh!

Words dad in the anniversary
Words dad in the anniversary

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of the brother for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS

Beloved brother! Thank you for giving all relatives at this table in such important day! I wish you endurance, patience and strength, so that you can remain yourself for decades until old age, so that you do not lose your charm, your freshness and wisdom! Happy anniversary!

Brother! I always rushed to you and on this day I do not cease to be proud of you! Thank you, dear, for all those life lessons, wise tips and help that you always gave me. I want the warmth of our family to warm you even on the most sad days. Be love, be happy in your anniversary and always!

Beloved brother! Thank you for loved me all my life and still Always glad to meet on the threshold of his home. I want to wish you prosperity, peaceful and sweet life, pleasant surprises that will not make you get bored at 60 years old! Happy holiday!

My brother is dear, you are a spiritual friend,
The best person, you are perfect!
Smile, because the good hour has come,
The anniversary filled the hall with happiness!

There are many very close ones in this hall,
Let them decorate your life all,
Take wonderful gifts,
Let the soul burn hot with happiness!

We are dear to each other people
All are familiar with your life,
Exhale the air in full chest,
And inhale only love!

We are loudly glasses today
We will raise, drink,
So that health and strength is briskly
They didn’t let you get bored!

I was lucky with my brother
My brother is most important to me
Brother is already 60,
What should he wish?

I wish you good health,
So that there is a lot of effort inside,
So that there were delicious feasts
So that you live for a very long time!

So that every day there is a joy
And you rested more
I wish to taste the life of sweetness,
You are worthy of all praise!

To his brother's brother
I wish in full
Get drunk with love,
Sow supplies from good!

My brother, in 60 life is beautiful,
There are no concerns or anxieties in it
Live under the sun clear,
And let God love you!

I would like to tell you, my beloved brother,
Are you all better on Earth, what can you wish for?
Be beautiful, smart, rich, let them envy you!
Run away from you pain and resentment!

Words to brother in the anniversary
Words to brother in the anniversary

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of a friend for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS

Buddy! How lucky I was that life brought us one day. You just An indispensable person! I wish you many more bright, colorful and interesting days in life. I want love to accompany you always and everywhere. Let your health dust and rampage, let the body fill energy, and the head is only positive thoughts! Happy anniversary!

On your anniversary day, dear friend, I wish you adventure! Let Interesting events will still dare to surprise you more than once in this life. I want you to feel the taste of your years, so tart and sweet, like a noble, sustained wine. With the 60th anniversary, my dear and the best friend!

Dear friend! If not for the blood differences, I would consider you my brother. You are so close to me that I consider you to be my relatives. Live for a long time and always happily. I want to see your joyful eyes, full of tears of pleasure and pride in children, grandchildren, great -grandchildren. Happy anniversary!

It's hard to find a good friend
But you met me in the way
And now for many years in a row,
Your loving look warms me!

Thank you, my friend, what is your kindness,
It leads me in the world like a star.
Your age is only your experience and wisdom,
Live, dear, never pain!

Years are flying like crazy birds,
But age does not spoil, but paints you,
Let it be smaller in your eyes,
Let only a dream move forward!

What is "60" for such a glorious,
For such a strong, handsome man?
May your whole life sway so smoothly,
Like a marvelous boat in a sea abyss.

I wish life to be surprising,
After all, 60 is life beginning,
You can dissolve in your dreams,
With happiness and joy, just forget!

Not to note 60 - well, you can’t, guys,
60 is such a date that it's time to laugh, cry,
It's time to jump, have fun, strive for pleasures,
It's time to eat everything and catch the girl's look!

You and I were always there,
But today your holiday is big,
Precious, kind date!
Let her give you love!

You are a beautiful man, solid,
You can even envy you
At 60 you are an enviable groom,
So strong, strong, brave!

You worked all your life, worked,
I strove up, always, always
You have achieved such successes
And do not fear you of the year!

Live and let the other people
You are proud of 60,
Dear relatives everyone loves you,
Friends idolize you!

Words to a friend in an anniversary
Words to a friend in an anniversary

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of grandfather for 60 years in verses, prose, SMS

The most touching wishes for the hero of the day will be congratulations to grown and very little grandchildren.

Grandfather! We so want you to delight us with your presence yet many years. Do not lose vitality, stay as strong and vigorous, strive for perfection, better and ideal.

Favorite grandfather! Congratulations on your anniversary! For us, age at 60 - This is not the limit and you are still young enough to travel, be surprised, do and get surprises. We wish you an interesting life that you still have time to live!

Grandfather! You worked hard and tried in your life to achieve that age when you can relax. We wish you calm, sweet and peaceful life. We wish you to enjoy every day!

My grandfather is a big example to everyone,
In problems and troubles, anyone will give advice,
He is 60, on this day, the anniversary,
He gathered his family circle at the table!

Grandfather is beautiful and strong
He loves us, his children, he
But what, that 60 -
He has a boys!

He will always amuse
He will always instill love
He will hug, regret
He will warm with his warmth!

Grandfather, this anniversary is this,
As if surrounded by light,
Congratulations we loving
We all love you so much!

The anniversary crept unnoticed,
But there is a holiday for that,
To turn into reality dreams of cherished,
To instill a big joy in the heart!

The anniversary is a reason to laugh,
Joke and smile with grandfather,
Hug him and congratulate him with poems,
Make mock over the years!

Grandfather I bring a beautiful bouquet,
So that he delights him and touched him,
I love him with such crazy power
What I want to scream in my whole voice!

Happy anniversary, grandfather, my dear,
I don't know you more beautiful and wiser,
I hurry to your house on this day,
To warm you with your warmth!

I know you, grandfather, all my life,
All the best features in the world have gathered in you,
In your anniversary, let everything happen to happen,
Let your dream come true!

Well, what is 60 years old, a lot?
Not! This is a continuation of the road!
You are still many years in a row
The tops of life are interesting to conquer!

Words to grandfather on the anniversary
Words to grandfather on the anniversary

Comic, funny congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 60 years

The calendar brought you
Anniversary on a saucer,
Well, what is this age
Far from Lilya ...

Six decades lived
This little man,
We wish him strength
And the patience of the eternal!

Life flew like a wind
Noise above the head ...
Have you noticed her?
What is with you now?

You are still sweet, beautiful,
Only a little gray,
A lot of life
The road will take.

Smile dare to smile
Let it continue to rush
This life is like a sparrow
Or like a she -wolf ...

The main thing is to look forward
Without blinking an eye
A lot in life is waiting for you:
Dreams, dreams, fantasies.

Graduate from heaven at 60
Stars, eat sweets,
You live for a long time
To a very old age.

What, grandfather, are you dumb?
Are you sad, what's old?
Blow your lips like a baby
And the boy is small.

Smile, old man,
You are still remote
And a mighty peasant
Like sweet candy!

There are many more different things
You will do it soon
Let what you wanted so much
It will be achievable!

How to congratulate on a 60th anniversary?
How to congratulate on a 60th anniversary?

Congratulations on the anniversary of the man at 60 years old

Congratulations to you, Sergey,
What is your anniversary today
Drink your glass of bolder
Under the words of their grandchildren, children!

We drink, Vladislav,
Let Glory catch up with you
Life will be calm!

Congratulations to you, Gregory!
With the anniversary so big,
Let your health not leave you
May you always love!

You are so alone in the world
Favorite, good Valentine!
Your anniversary is our holiday
Let the joy bring everyone!

Take a glass and drink
Today is a holiday, Nikolai!
You have 60
May your life become happy!

Look ahead with a dream, Boris,
Your life will become happy
Relax, it will be good
Live with a rather soul.

Vladimir has a reason
Serve your voice from behind the table
He happened 60
Let's congratulate Vova!

Drink for your health bolder
Good grandfather Andrey,
We gathered for your anniversary
You are in a circle of precious friends!

Alexander, dear!
Let the good be with you
Let the ships be in the sea
You are drowning in love!

Victor - He is the culprit of the day
Honors him for that family
The anniversary is a glorious holiday,
To give each other joy!

Comic and nominal congratulations for the hero of the day
Comic and nominal congratulations for the hero of the day

Scenario of a man’s congratulations on the anniversary of 60 years

Such a holiday as the 60th anniversary is a serious reason to organize a real event for the hero of the day. It doesn’t matter where you will meet the name day - in a restaurant, in nature or at your home table. The entertainment program should be focused on the number of guests and their age category.

Tips for drawing up the script:

  • So that the holiday is not boring for the youth present at the holiday, organize entertainment and active contests to them.
  • Any family member can fulfill the rights of the leader, or you can hire professional toastmate, which already has many contests, words and tasks for guests in its arsenal.
  • Competitions should be oriented to the place where the holiday is held: more calm tasks in the room and sports on the street. Be sure to stock up on incentive prizes for the participants.
  • In order for each guest to enjoy the holiday, you can include in the program such entertainment as the video "On the lived years of the anniversary". You can remove it or mount it yourself or allow professionals to do it.
  • The photo zone is currently very popular for any major holiday. This is a kind of shield or territory, decorated specifically so that all guests are photographed. It will not be superfluous to organize a professional photo shoot.

SCIDENTS-ONE AND AND AND AND AND AND THE AND 60 years old, contests for an anniversary of a man of 60 years old

Include not only congratulatory words, but also entertainment in your scenario.

For example:

Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 1
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 1
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 2
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 2
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 3
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 3
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 4
Competitions and entertainment for the anniversary for 60 years: Option No. 4

Video: "Jubilee to dad: Slide show for congratulations"

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