What can not be pregnant? How can you not sit for pregnant women? Why can't you raise your hands up, sleep on your back?

What can not be pregnant? How can you not sit for pregnant women? Why can't you raise your hands up, sleep on your back?

What can and can not be done during pregnancy? Disposing of myths about many prohibitions.

Often, a woman in an interesting position is tormented by doubts about what can be done and what can not be done. In addition, she wants to know why certain prohibitions and conditions are placed before her. This article will help to understand all this.

Why should pregnant women raise their hands up and stretch?

Can I raise your hands up during pregnancy?
Can I raise your hands up during pregnancy?

From ancient times, it was believed that a woman, in anticipation of the baby, is forbidden to raise her hands up and stretch. Some gynecologists still agree with this statement.

Other experts assure that there is nothing terrible in such body movements, you just have to fulfill them smoothly and in moderation. Here are a few myths and theoretically justified facts regarding the raising of the hands up by pregnant women:

  1. It is believed that raising her hands to the top, the woman risks provoking the entanglement of the baby's umbilical cord or his turning down. Indeed, with raised arms in the uterine cavity, a little free space appears and the baby becomes easier to move. However, in the later stages, the fetus is already so large that the usual raising of hands is unlikely to help him change his location. As for the umbilical cord, then the baby has every chance and without his mother’s help to be wrapped in. In addition, the entanglement is dangerous and can provoke hypoxia only if the umbilical cord is naturally a small length. The parameters of the umbilical cord will be set by the doctor, and, if necessary, will warn the future mommy about existing risks
  2. The second theory is based on the fact that with a long -raised hands in the uterus, blood circulation is disturbed, which can lead to hypoxia of the fetus. This version has a scientific justification. In fact, blood begins to enter the placenta with interruptions if a woman raises her hands and does not lower them for a long time (for example, hangs curtains or glues wallpaper). Therefore, it is better to refuse such long exercises
  3. The third theory is also scientifically sound. It consists in the fact that when raising the hands up, the uterus can be tone and provoke the outfit of amniotic fluid. This is true, however, such a risk occurs already at a later date (after the thirtieth week). Some women, by the way, overstrain the baby, use this theory to provoke long -awaited births
  4. Another dangerous factor for a pregnant woman is that with a sharp raising of her arms up, her head may dizzy. If a woman at that moment is on a hill or no one is nearby, she can simply lose balance and fall

Having analyzed all of the described above, we can conclude that the raising of the hands up is not very dangerous. However, it is better to refuse sharp movements in the late stages without supporting anyone and resolving a doctor.

Why should pregnant women iron and beat cats?

Can pregnant women stroke cats?
Can pregnant women stroke cats?
  • There is such a sign that if a pregnant woman strokes or hit a cat, then her baby will be born with hair in unusual places
  • Of course, all this is complete absurd. There will be no pathologies of the fetus from the mother’s contact with the cat. However, some warnings regarding domestic animals during pregnancy still exist
  • First of all, a cat can become a source of such a rare virus as toxoplasmosis. This disease affects the cell at the molecular level and is quite dangerous, both for the fetus and for its mother
  • However, to identify the presence of this disease or immunity to it, you can take an analysis for the Torch infection. In any case, the pregnant woman will be registered with such tests.
  • But if she is worried about the animal living in the house, such laboratory studies can be passed even when planning pregnancy. Then the question of toxoplasmosis will be closed
  • If in the house the future mother did not have a pet before pregnancy, then it is better to abandon the establishment of it in this position
  • Another risk to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus may be bacteria and parasites that leave the body of a cat with feces
  • Therefore, for the next nine months, it is better for a woman to shift the responsibility for cleaning a cat toilet to her husband or other relatives. If the future mommy lives alone, it is better for her to get rid of the life of the animal in rubber gloves and thoroughly wash her hands after that

Why should pregnant women sunbathe and go to the solarium?

Can pregnant women sunbathe?
Can pregnant women sunbathe?
  • In principle, pregnant women can be sunbathed, because when taking sunbathing in the woman’s body, vitamin D is produced, necessary for the normal development of the fetus. However, the time of stay of a woman in the sun should be strictly controlled
  • Doctors are allowed to sunbathe their patients until ten in the morning and after six in the evening. At the same time, a woman must cover her head with panama, and a naked belly with a light sheet. The baby should not be overheated inside the womb
  • When taking sunbathing, it is advisable for a woman to use special creams to protect against ultraviolet radiation. A children's series or a special series for pregnant women is best suited for these purposes
  • Excessive stay of a pregnant woman under direct sunlight can lead to skin pigmentation, sunny or overheating of the baby
  • But the question with the solariums remains open and rather controversial. It is not known thoroughly whether irradiation of a pregnant woman during a tanning in him occurs. In any case, obstetricians recommend to refrain from going to the solarium for the entire period of pregnancy to future mothers

There is a category of women who are strictly forbidden to catch ultraviolet rays, both in the solarium and directly under the sun. The following ailments can serve as a contraindication to the reception of sunbathing:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • diabetes
  • dermatological diseases of the skin
  • mastopathy
  • thyroid problems
  • blood diseases
  • the risk of premature birth
  • risk of miscarriage

Why is pregnant women not massage?

Can pregnant women do a massage?
Can pregnant women do a massage?

Massage is considered an excellent remedy of relaxation. Women in an interesting position, like no one, sometimes want to relax and enjoy. Therefore, they just need massage.

As a rule, massage of various parts of the body (arms, legs, head, neck, shoulders) is used to pregnant women. Techniques for massage of the abdomen and back can also be used, but only a very qualified specialist should perform them.

There are a number of contraindications for massage in pregnant women:

  • venous expansion of veins
  • blood diseases
  • strong toxicosis
  • problems with the back
  • acute viral diseases
  • skin diseases
  • improving body temperature
  • gestosis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • risk of miscarriage
  • epilepsy
  • high pressure

Why should pregnant women get nervous and cry?

Can pregnant women get nervous?
Can pregnant women get nervous?
  • During pregnancy in the body of a woman, hormonal background radically changes. Such changes provoke frequent mood swings, resentment, tearfulness and nervousness of the future mother
  • All this is quite natural and understandable. However, it is worthwhile to figure out how such a psycho-emotional state of a woman can affect her baby
  • It is believed that women who are very nervous during pregnancy have restless, hyperactive children. Such children, as a rule, sleep very badly or little, while constantly showing their discontent through whims and screams
  • There is still an opinion that women with an unstable psyche have a risk of giving birth to a baby who will be located to bronchial asthma
  • Therefore, the future mothers in such a wonderful period of their life need to try to abstract from everything bad, tune in to the best and more often relax. After all, the health of their babies is the most important

Why do pregnant women should not take a bath and go to the bathhouse?

Can pregnant women take a bath?
Can pregnant women take a bath?

As for the bath, the ban on its reception acts only at high water temperature and the presence of certain contraindications. In other words, if a pregnant woman feels good, does not suffer from chronic diseases, then a warm bath is shown to her. When taking baths, several conditions must be observed:

  1. The water temperature in the bathroom should be no higher than thirty -seven degrees, but not lower than thirty -six
  2. It is completely not desirable to fit into the bathroom. This is especially true for those who have heart problems. It is better for such ladies to plunge into the water only to the chest
  3. In order to avoid overheating of the body, a woman is better off alternately sticking out her legs and arms from the water
  4. When a pregnant woman is engaged in water procedures, it is desirable that someone else has someone else in the apartment. In this case, it is necessary that, if necessary, access to the bathroom is provided
  5. It is better to put a rubber rug on the bottom of the bath to avoid jumping
  6. The bathroom reception time should be no more than fifteen minutes
  7. With the slightest manifestations of discomfort, it is better for a pregnant woman to stop the procedure
Can pregnant women go to a sauna?
Can pregnant women go to a sauna?
  • The situation with the sauna is completely different. Many doctors prohibit their clients with a visiting steam room. The fact is that too high the temperature in a closed space can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in the last
  • In addition, if a woman is difficult to breathe in such a room, then oxygen access to her baby will also be violated
  • Some mothers do not imagine life without a bath. They go there for years and consider it a great way to relax and relax

Such ladies need to seek advice to their district police officers and clarify whether they can visit the steam room. Some doctors see nothing wrong with this, but give a number of recommendations:

  • to go into a paired woman should only for a couple of minutes
  • overheating and hypothermia must not be allowed
  • at the first signs of ailment, a woman should leave the bathhouse
  • mandatory compliance with hygiene rules

Why should pregnant women squat and leg by the leg?

Can pregnant women squat?
Can pregnant women squat?
  • Squatting and leg by the leg are really considered not the most successful postures for pregnant women
  • In the first case, the pressure on the uterus increases, which can provoke premature birth activities. Also, with this position, some capillaries are squeezed under the knee, which negatively affects the blood supply to the fetus
  • During the seat, the venous vessels are transferred to the leg, which can affect the development of varicose veins. Those women who already suffer from such an unpleasant disease, such a pose is strictly prohibited
  • In addition, when squeezing the veins, the transportation of oxygen to the placenta of the baby is significantly limited, which can lead to hypoxia

Why should pregnant women walk in heels?

Can pregnant women walk in heels?
Can pregnant women walk in heels?

There are a number of reasons why it is better to refuse the heels for the period of bearing a child:

  1. When walking in heels, the center of gravity shifts, and the entire load goes to the phalanges of the fingers. Когда у женщины есть еще и дополнительная нагрузка спереди в виде большого живота, пальцам вообще приходится нелегко
  2. Heels also provoke an enhanced load on the back, which has to compensate for the change in the center of gravity
  3. Heels walking is a serious foot test. During pregnancy, this test is added to the location to varicose
  4. A change in the position of the body provokes the displacement of the internal organs of a woman, which also negatively affects the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus
  5. The teaching of a pregnant woman increases the risk of unexpected fall and injuries

Such a list of reasons should force future mothers to abandon the heels of such a long, and at the same time so responsible, a period of time. They will still have time to impress thin stilettos in the park with a stroller.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs?

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs?
Can pregnant women sleep on their backs?
  • At first, while the fetus still has a rather miniature size, sleep on the back is possible and not dangerous. However, with the growth of the baby, the strength of its pressure on the back and the venous vessels connecting to the placenta increase
  • It was this fact that caused the ban on the back on the back. A woman can feel discomfort and back pain, and the baby will not receive her share of nutrient trace elements and oxygen
  • During sleep on the back, a pregnant woman herself can feel a pitchfork, a decrease in pressure and a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is desirable for her to gradually accustom herself to sleep on her side

Why should pregnant women cut your hair?

Can pregnant women cut your hair?
Can pregnant women cut your hair?
  • An ancient belief that cutting her hair, a woman shortens the age of her baby, sunk into the summer. Such a sign has no such sign
  • Being in an interesting position, the young ladies also want to be beautiful and well -groomed. Therefore, they just need to make fashionable hairstyles or haircuts
  • In addition, cutting off the chopped tips, a woman not only helps her hair look healthier, but also gets rid of negativity
  • If the future mommy is still disturbed by the question of her hair cut, it is better for her to use the lunar calendar of the haircuts, where the best days for haircuts will be indicated

Why should pregnant women endure to the toilet?

Can pregnant women endure to the toilet?
Can pregnant women endure to the toilet?
  • Women in any condition, not only during pregnancy, cannot be endured to the toilet
  • Such restraints very negatively affect the state of the bladder, which can cause diseases such as cystitis or inflammation of the bladder
  • During pregnancy, a crowded bladder begins to bulge into the uterus, which may well lead to the tone of the uterus

Why shouldn't pregnant women severity?

Can pregnant women lift weights?
Can pregnant women lift weights?
  • During pregnancy, cartilage and vertebrae of the female body change significantly and become softer
  • Raising heavy objects, a woman risks getting back problems and disrupting some muscles. Also, when raising and transferring weights, breathing changes - a person begins to hold it on efforts, and rarely and hard to breathe during the load. Such changes are reflected in the saturation of the fetus oxygen
  • In addition, wearing weights can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in later

Why should pregnant women go to church?

Can pregnant women go to church?

This belief was born a long time ago, but today it has nothing to do with common sense. In no church, a pregnant woman will not be banned from entering inside, putting candles and listening to the service.

In some temples, there are even special icons for those who will soon bring to the world of a new servant of God. All clergymen always gladly meet believers in an interesting position and recommend that they visit the church regularly, asking God for health and their baby, as well as easy birth.

Why should pregnant women go to the cemetery?

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery?
Can pregnant women go to the cemetery?

Walking or not going to the cemetery is the matter of every woman. As such, no one gives permits or permits. But there are a number of factors that can negatively affect the pregnant woman and her baby:

  • psycho-emotional stress. A cemetery is not a place that charges with positive emotions and causes a sense of happiness
  • mystical side. Many esoterics believe that a trip to the cemetery can postpone a negative imprint on the child's biofield
  • the probability of getting sick. The cemeteries in our country are fifty percent, groomed, overgrown with unknown plants, abandoned and cast out by garbage, burial grounds. Having stumbled, scratching, breathing in unpleasant aromas, a woman can get an injury or even get sick
  • conflict with dissenters. The mentality of our people is arranged so that they tend to give advice, impose their opinion and express their indignation, regardless of faces
    Therefore, in the cemetery, a woman runs the risk of entering into a polemic with strangers who consider her stay in this place to be wrong. Such a conversation can result in negative emotions and stress for a pregnant woman.

Why should not pregnant women go to the funeral?

Can pregnant women go to a funeral?
Can pregnant women go to a funeral?

An explanation of the ban on going to the funeral, in principle, coincides with the ban on going to the cemetery. Only here the situation can be more aggravated by a fresh emotional wound from the loss of a loved one. The woman will have to make the decision herself - to go or not to go.

Why can't you scare pregnant women?

Can a pregnant woman be scared?
Can a pregnant woman be scared?
  • Fright is the same emotional experience and a manifestation of slight stress, which are so contraindicated in a pregnant woman
  • He is able to provoke active uterine contractions, which can lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy and in advance
  • In addition, such emotional shock can also affect the development of the nervous system of the fetus

Why can't you touch the belly of a pregnant woman?

Is it possible to touch a pregnant woman's stomach?
Is it possible to touch a pregnant woman's stomach?
  • Touching the stomach of a pregnant woman, you feel some surge of energy, inexplicable joy and awe. However, this does not mean that the woman herself experiences the same
  • If the tummy is stroking a person who is close to her or a person whom she trusts, then this will not bring her any discomfort. If you stroke the refuge of the baby that strives an unfamiliar or unpleasant person, then a woman may experience indignation and fear
  • Often, such fear can be associated with something super-generated. It is believed that through the hands you can transmit energy, both positive and negative. Therefore, stroking a pregnant woman with a stranger’s abdomen can cause distrust and fear for the baby in her
  • In addition, the lower abdomen is an intimate part of the body, and the touch of strangers to her may confuse the future mother

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

Can pregnant women take pictures?
Can pregnant women take pictures?
  • The ban on the photo of the pregnant woman is another superstition. Fortunately, today few people pay attention to him today - the whole Internet is replete with photo shoots of happy young ladies in an interesting position
  • The only nuance is only an exhibition for showing this kind of photographs. After all, no one canceled the dashing eye and a bad word. Publication of photographs for public display can cause a bunch of indignations and discussions
  • Therefore, it is possible to leave such intimate photos in a family album or publish them after childbirth

Why can't you sew pregnant women?

Is it possible to sew pregnant women?
Is it possible to sew pregnant women?
  • Since ancient times, it was believed that taking up the sewing, a woman sews up the way to her child, and childbirth can go wrong. According to other beliefs, engaged in needlework (knitting, embroidery, sewing), the expectant mother provokes the entanglement of the umbilical cord
  • Naturally, today such signs have no soil under them. However, it is still worth abandoning the sewing of a pregnant woman, but for another reason
  • When sewing something, a woman has to be in the same sitting pose for a long time, which is not very useful for her health
  • It is better to get carried away with active walks in the fresh air during this period. Well, if you need to urgently sew any thing, then there will be no trouble from this
  • Here, in principle, and all the reliable information about what is possible and what is impossible for a pregnant woman. In any case, in the name of taking care of yourself and your baby, the future mommy is better to safe and refrain from many prohibited things

Video: Bath during pregnancy

Video: Why can't you be nervous during pregnancy?

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