Prevention during pregnancy. Can you do hair removal and depilation during pregnancy? Safe hair removal

Prevention during pregnancy. Can you do hair removal and depilation during pregnancy? Safe hair removal

Removing unwanted hair on the body of a pregnant woman should be carried out by the safest methods.

The beauty of the face and body is important for every representative of the weaker sex. A well -groomed look and attractiveness at any age and position is a business card of self -respecting woman.

Removing unwanted hair from the body is a mandatory procedure that, during pregnancy, turns from an aesthetic problem, first of all, into a hygienic problem.

Pregnancy hair removal is an important hygienic procedure
Pregnancy hair removal is an important hygienic procedure

Can you do hair removal and depilation during pregnancy?

Epulation of unwanted hair during pregnancy can and should be carried out. However, this procedure has contraindications. In order to avoid problems, pregnant women should refrain from hair removal with:

  • chronic atopic dermatitis
  • diseases of the veins
  • diabetes
  • scars and wounds in places of epilation

Important: even if there are a pregnant woman, it is necessary to remove unwanted hair, it is best to simply shave it, that is, to perform depilation.

Due to severe pain, expectant mothers are not recommended to use wax hair removal.

Particulation and dipellation during pregnancy can be done
Particulation and dipellation during pregnancy can be done

Safe hair removal

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant changes and adapts to ensuring the viability of two people at the same time. At the same time, the hormonal background changes significantly, the processes of the work of some organs and systems are violated.

With hormonal vibrations, the hair growth on the body often occurs. At the same time, an increasing stomach prevents a woman from safely removing unwanted hair in intimate areas.

For safe hair removal, it is best to use the services of cosmetic salons that can offer:

  • laser depilation - Processing of increased skin areas with a laser
  • photoepilation - irradiation of heat energy
  • electrolyporation - Destruction of hair follicles with electric shock
  • Elos - integrated impact on the problem area
  • AFT (AFT) - exposure to each onion with infrared radiation
  • KUL (Cool) - hair removal that does not affect the bulbs and skin

Important: to make sure that the selected method of depilation will not harm the health of the future mother, you can consult a resident gynecologist who leads to pregnancy.

Epilation in the cabin is the safest for a pregnant woman
Epilation in the cabin is the safest for a pregnant woman

Laser hair removal during pregnancy

During the laser hair removal procedure, the hair follicles with a laser flash occurs. The follicles die off, and the holes remaining in their place over time overgrown.

Important: laser hair removal is one of the most effective, painless and safe methods for removing unwanted hair in any parts of the body.

The main disadvantage of this method of hair removal is the high cost of the procedure.

Blur -haired women will have to abandon laser hair removal. Heating with a laser beam and the subsequent removal of unwanted vegetation is successful only if the hair is dark and the skin is light.

Important: doctors still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question: "Is laser hair removal safe for a pregnant woman?" Their opinions were divided. Some believe that this method is absolutely safe, others call the laser hair removal “provocateur” of miscarriage at an early date.

Laser hair removal during pregnancy should be carried out after the approval of the doctor
Laser hair removal during pregnancy should be carried out only after the doctor’s resolution

Video: damage to laser hair removal / pregnancy / preparation for hair removal in the cabin

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy

Bikini is delicate, sensitive, requiring special careful care after hair removal, the area of \u200b\u200bthe female body. The hair removal during pregnancy is necessary in terms of hygiene.

Important: when choosing a way of removing hair in the bikini area, a woman needs to take into account her position and give preference to the safest methods.

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy should be carried out in a safe way
Bikini hair removal during pregnancy should be carried out in a safe way

Waxing during pregnancy

Wax hair removal (bioepilation) - Effective, fast and inexpensive procedure. Its essence is to apply to the problem area of \u200b\u200bmelted wax and its subsequent removal after solidification.

The depelled surface of the skin is covered with wax, heated up to 40-50 ° C in hair growth, using a wooden spatula. They put a fabric cloth of a suitable size on top and leave until the wax mass is completely solidified.

The napkin, along with the frozen wax, is removed with a quick movement against the growth of the hair. If traces of wax remain on the skin, you can easily get rid of any vegetable oil.

Important: the length of the hair for wax hair removal should not exceed 5 mm. In 4-6 days, you should prepare for this procedure, shaking the overgrown hairs with ordinary razor.

Direct contraindications for wax hair removal for a pregnant woman are:

  • phlebeurysm
  • beekeeping products allergies
  • diabetes
  • wounds or other violations of the integrity of the skin at the venue
  • moles on the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin
  • low pain threshold

Do not conduct experiments during pregnancy. If wax hair removal was not carried out earlier, and the woman is not familiar with the sensations that occur during this procedure, it is better to find another method of removing unwanted hair.

The stress hormone is the cortisol, which is produced in the body in unforeseen unpleasant situations, can affect both the health of the future mother and the development of the fetus.

Wax hair removal - painful procedure
Wax hair removal - painful procedure

Depilation during pregnancy

Depilation differs from hair removal in that during its conduct, only hair is removed from the body, and hair follicles remain in their place. Depilation is performed using a female razor, special depilation cream or wax. The last method can cause pain.

Important: pregnant women are best getting rid of unwanted hair with a regular machine. This is the fastest, cheap and relatively safe method that does not have contraindications. The most important thing is to use a razor carefully, so as not to damage the skin with a careless movement.

The only disadvantage of depilation is the rapid resumption of hair growth after the procedure.

A cream or gel after shaving will help to avoid the appearance of irritation on the skin after depilation. It will calm the skin, quickly heal micro -cutters and prevent rashes.

Depilation during pregnancy is the safest method of removing unwanted hair
Depilation during pregnancy is the safest method of removing unwanted hair

Depilation cream during pregnancy

Modern depilation creams are diverse in their composition, speed and method of exposure, color and smell. Some of them are designed to remove hair from dry skin, others with normal and oily, and others - universal. Cream for depilation is also chosen depending on the structure, quantity and stiffness of the removable hair.

Shaving cream during pregnancy must be chosen by the type of skin and hair structure
Shaving cream during pregnancy must be chosen by the type of skin and hair structure

Among the variety of hair removal products, pregnant women should pay attention to such creams:

  • VEET for depilation in the shower. Contains a special moisture resistant formula. It is applied for 3-6 minutes while taking a bath. Included with the cream, there is a special sponge designed to carefully remove from the skin of a “worked out” cream. The composition of the VEET cream for sensitive skin includes vitamin E and aloe extract, and vegetable oils are added to VEET for dry skin, which contribute to moisturizing and maintaining hydrolypid balance.
  • Velvet set with pearl crumbs To remove hard thick hair. It consists of a deputy cream and a soothing gel. Can be used in the shower.
  • Chocolate batist - Another cream for removing hard hair. The time of action on the surface of the skin after application is 5-15 minutes. It contains active substances, it is not recommended to be used in the bikini zone and on delicate skin. It has a specific color and smell.
  • Batista yogurt - Cream for removing thin rare hair. Valid for 5-15 minutes. Suitable for women with delicate skin. The smell is neutral.
  • Beauty Formulas Velvet - A depilation cream for all types of hair and skin, suitable for use in the bikini area. Slets further hair growth.
  • Byly - Cream for removing vegetation on the face. The action of the action is 5-7 minutes. In most cases, redness and irritation appear after its use. It is not recommended to be used for sensitive delicate skin.
  • Brush-on Hair Remover Crème for Face -Italian cream-detector for use on the face. Delicately removes unwanted hair even on delicate skin. It has no contraindications and does not cause irritation. The disadvantages include only high cost.
  • Silium complex To remove hair in delicate areas of the body and face. It consists of a deputy cream, a spatula for its application and a soothing lotion.
  • AVON "Freshness" -Cream-departer, which should be used with caution. When used on delicate sensitive skin, rashes and redness may appear. If you use the product according to the instructions and withstand for about 2-3 minutes, there will be no result. But after 10 - 15 minutes of exposure to the product, unwanted hair will really disappear.
  • TM "Red Line" Cucumber batist - Cream with a clear smell of cucumber. Exposure time 10 minutes. Suitable for the skin of all types and hair of any structure.
Cream for depilation is applied using a special spatula
Cream for depilation is applied using a special spatula

Important: pregnant women should show special caution and be sure to sample the chosen cream for allergens. To do this, a small amount of product should be applied to the delicate skin at the bend of the elbow or behind the ear and leave for 5-7 minutes. If after removing the cream on the skin there is no redness left, it can be safely used in large areas.

So, you can do hair removal and depilation during pregnancy. But a woman should approach this responsibly. When choosing cosmetics for the depilation procedure or the method of removing unwanted hair, it will be necessary to take into account not only the features of your own body, but also natural physiological changes that are natural for the body of the pregnant woman.

If there are even the slightest doubts about the safety of a particular method of hair removal, the most correct decision would be to seek the advice of a gynecologist observing pregnancy.

Video: Is it possible to do hair removal during pregnancy. Is it possible to hair removal of a pregnant woman

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