Male hair removal and depilation, deep depilation: types, products, bikini-design, video. Sketches of tattoos of the bikini zone for men: ideas, photos

Male hair removal and depilation, deep depilation: types, products, bikini-design, video. Sketches of tattoos of the bikini zone for men: ideas, photos

An article on the features of male depilation and hair removal. Methods of depilation of various zones at home with detailed instructions.

Beauty salons have long ceased to be exclusively female prerogative. There is nothing strange that men take care of themselves. Increasingly, along with the female hair removal procedure, you can see a description of the ways of depilation and hair removal. What is the difference between male depilation and female? Our article on the methods of hair removal in men, all the intricacies of this procedure and the recruitment for it.

Men's hair removal and depilation: video

First you need to deal with the terms of male depilation and hair removal.

Depilation It is the elimination of the upper part of the hair, that is, only its visible site. At the same time, the hair follicle remains unharmed, and after a few days or weeks, bristles begin to break through in the depiled zones. Depilation methods include shaving, using a special hair removal cream, plucking with tweezers or thread, wax procedures, and sugar mixture (shugaring).

Epilation It destroys both the visible part of the hair and its root. After several of these procedures, the hairline, exposed to exposure, completely stops growing. It is impossible to conduct such a session on its own. Equilation is available only in salons and only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. The procedure has a variety:

  • eletrolysis - exposure to electric shock;
  • light hair removal, which in turn is divided into laser and photoeepeleration;
  • elos technology is a combination of electric and light manipulations.

Important: male depilation gives a temporary effect, but its cost is several times lower than epilation, which, subject to all recommendations, promises to save the hair from the hairline.

Video: Men get rid of hair: men's hair removal and depilation

Deep male depilation: Features

Male depilation differs from female with several nuances.

  • The structure of the hair itself in the strong half of humanity is much thicker and tougher.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe hairline, from which men want to get rid of, they have much larger.
  • Pain during removal in men is stronger.
  • The stronger gender is more prone to irritation on the skin than weak. After depilation, a man must use softening, restoring and protective lotions.
  • The fact that the hairline on the male body is thick, tougher and darker, forces the strongest floor to resort to depilation of the back, chest, hands - in a word, zones, unpopular among the female half.

Cream for male depilation

Daily shaving causes irritation. It injures the skin, and in some men, shaved areas look very unattractive due to rashes after razor or cuts. That is why many representatives of the stronger sex wear bristles, which, however, does not suit each of them.

Especially for sensitive skin, as well as to facilitate the process of hair removal itself, a depilation cream for men has been developed.

Important: the same tool is not recommended for procedures in different parts of the body. Some zones require more delicate treatment, and, therefore, a certain caring composition.

Advantages of the use of cream:

  • Active components penetrate the skin and remove the hair, leaving a rounded top. The razor leaves a slice that can be injected even immediately after the shaving procedure.
  • After using the cream, a grid of black dots is not visible on the skin.
  • If a man does not have allergies to the ingredients of the cream, the composition does not cause irritation, redness, pain.
  • The cream does not cause dryness, but rather moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  • Applying such a tool is easier than any other type of depilation.

The disadvantages include a relatively high price per tube of a really effective cream. It is also inconvenient that different areas of the body requires different means.

Important: Before the first use, be sure to check your skin for allergic reactions to components as part of the cream. To do this, lubricate the small area with a means and wait for about 15 minutes. If the skin did not turn red, it was not covered with rashes, there is no burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations, then this cream suits you.

Instructions for the use of depilation cream

  1. Clean and dry the skin before applying the composition.
  2. Distribute the cream with a thick layer exclusively in the hairy part that you want to remove. It is important to avoid the mucous membranes, and in the case of contact with them, rinse with water immediately.
  3. Wait a time specified in the instructions. Do not keep the cream longer to get the best result. Creams contain highly effective components that, with prolonged exposure, can disrupt the structure of the skin.
  4. A special spatula is included in the tube. Rinse it with warm water and gently assemble the cream along with the hair deprived. Try not to touch the places where you do not carry out the procedure.
  5. Wash off minor cream residues with warm water.

Important: When choosing a cream for depilation, you should find out in advance the type of your skin structure so that the product fulfills its functions.

Male depilation and depilation of intimate zones

Male depilation is carried out in any parts of the body, including intimate zones and beard.

As for the beard, the hair there is so hard that cosmetologists do not recommend mechanical methods for their removal. That is, from wax, sugar depilation, plucking with tweezers it is better to refuse. The consequence of such procedures will be severe irritation and discharge from the places of removal of blood. With the help of wax, only hairy parts called bacenbards are eliminated.

In all other areas of the body, a man can use any method of depilation: shaving, wax, sugar, depilation creams, tweezers, epilator.

A isolated event to remove hair in intimate areas. If earlier this procedure was not so in demand, today men pay tribute to its advantages. It:

  • hygiene of the inguinal region;
  • improving the appearance of the groin;
  • bringing a fresh jet into an intimate relationship with a woman.

Shaving - The most popular and cheap way to eliminate inguinal hair. However, this method is fraught with the imminent appearance of a “hedgehog” in the groin, which is not very convenient for both a man and a woman during intimacy.

Important: when shaving, lead a razor exclusively in terms of hair growth. The use of blades against growth will cause irritation and pain.

In order to conduct wax depilation In the intimate area, use the hot composition. He will reveal pores, as a result of which it will be easier to remove hair and less pain. Distribute the wax in the direction of the hairy cover with a wooden stick. Use special strips for gluing to the skin or make them yourself from clean fabric or paper. When the strip sticks, quickly pull it against hair growth.

The advantage of wax depilation is that the bristles after it appear not for tomorrow, but after a week or more. After several procedures that are carried out every 2-4 weeks, the hair will grow less willingly and become faded and thin.

IMPORTANT: After depilation, sprinkle the processed areas with talcum or children's update. This will reduce the probability of irritation and reduce unpleasant sensations.

You can pull out your hair and tweezersBut this is a rather time -consuming process, because at a time only one hair is captured.

Therefore, it is more acceptable to use electric Plant. It pulls out the hair in bundles, and the achieved effect persists for another couple of weeks. Use the epalator exclusively for the pubic zone, but the delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe bikini requires a different type of exposure - wax, sugar, tweezers, razors.

Important: Before using an electric epalator, cut your hair so that it is no more than 1 cm.

The epalator has the same advantages as male wax depilation. Hair begins to grow slower, becomes thinner and less often.

Bikini-design of the male intimate zone: ideas, photos

Men's depilation: species

For some men, home depilation is too complicated and time -consuming. In this case, you can contact the beauty salons, where you will be performed both by depilation and hair removal of any part of the body.

Electric hair removal It is carried out using a needle, which directs the discharge of current to the bulb and destroys it. The electric power session lasts quite a long time, so you need to stock up on. This method is well suitable for removing “piece” hairs in the nose, ears, as well as for the final elimination of light and thin hair.

Photoepilation He copes with blond hair with flashes of light and destroys the bulbs forever. Podnection of photoepilation - laser hair removal - fights with a hairline laser. A laser flash operates on the skin area of \u200b\u200babout 2 square centimeters, therefore, for one procedure, it is easy to process a large area, for example, a male back. Additionally, the skin receives a valuable laser effect, which is comparable to the rejuvenation session.

Sketches of tattoos of the bikini zone for men: ideas, photos

Video: Male depilation. Features of male depilation. Shugaring for men. The expert says

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