What to do with pain in the hip joint when walking, getting up and sitting, at night? How to treat pain in the hip joint in women and men with drugs and folk remedies?

What to do with pain in the hip joint when walking, getting up and sitting, at night? How to treat pain in the hip joint in women and men with drugs and folk remedies?

The article will help to find out the cause of pain in the hip joint.

In the human body, more than three and a half hundred joints, the hip are the largest. Largely thanks to them, people are capable of straightforwardness. Unfortunately, in the hip joints there is something to hurt. This pain significantly affects the quality of life of a person, and its cause can lead to disability.

The causes of pain in the hip joint in women and men

I call the joint the joint I form the head of the femur and the swivel cavity of the pelvic bone. The complex structure of the joint provides a person with the opportunity to move the hip in any direction:

  1. The swivel is a continuation of fibrous-chorn tissue, the so-called lip. The lip makes the hollow deeper, allows it to grab more than half of the femoral head. Inside the acetabulum is lifted by the perfect sliding with hyaline cartilage
  2. The femoral head is also covered with cartilage
  3. The hip joints, as well as the knee, are especially in that their ligaments are not located outside the articular capsule, but inside it. This structure provides the joints of bones with additional strength
    In the cavity of the hip joint is the hip fluid
  4. The joint in motion large femoral and gluteal muscles
    A huge amount of blood vessels of various sizes passes near the hip bone joint
  5. Innervate the joint of the sciatic, femoral and locking nerves
The hip joint of a person.
The hip joint of a person.

Important: in order to unload the joint, avoid its injuries, it is necessary to train the femoral and gluteal muscles. For those who "pumped" them, pain in the hip arise much less often

The hip joint is always loaded when a person is in an upright position, the pressure of the entire upper half of the body is distributed on him.

Important: in a young man, the cartilage of the hip joint is 70% water, so it is slippery and durable. Over time, the cartilage dries, becomes fragile: the pain in the joint, mainly, appear in the second half of life

Usually, pain in the hip joint is so intense that they cannot be ignored. A person is forced to contact a surgeon, orthopedist or neurologist.

Mobility of the hip joint of man.
Mobility of the hip joint of man.

The causes of pain can be:

  • sprains of the gluteal or femoral muscles
  • stretching of the hip ligament
  • pinching or inflammation of the sciatic and femoral nerves
  • cutting nerve syndrome
  • osteochondrosis
  • radiculitis
  • arthritis (inflammation of the joint of an infectious nature)
  • coksartrosis
  • hip dysplasia or its dislocation
  • bursit (a state characterized by inflammation of the joint bag)
  • fractures of the femoral and pelvic bones
  • necrotic changes in the head of the femur
  • bone tuberculosis
  • bone cancer
  • autoimmune and systemic diseases
Pain in the hip joint in men and women can cause a number of orthopedic and neurological diseases.
Pain in the hip joint in men and women can cause a number of orthopedic and neurological diseases.

To save a person from pain and eliminate its cause, not only examination by the doctor, but also careful examinations are necessary. The patient is directed to:

  • clinic, biochemistry and bacteriology of blood
  • immunogram
  • Ultrasound
  • x -ray
  • MRI
  • dopplerography of blood vessels
  • electromyography

Why do there are pains in the hip joint during sitting?

The most harmless cause of pain in the hip joint is a prolonged seat or sitting on an uncomfortable surface. The blood vessels that feed the lower body are squeezed, the pelvis and legs receive insufficient nutrition. As a result, a person may feel numbness, tingling or pain. To facilitate the condition, it is enough to get up and move, make a massage for yourself.

Coksartrosis is one of the causes of pain in the hip joint during the seat.
Coksartrosis is one of the causes of pain in the hip joint during the seat.

A more serious condition leading to the occurrence of pain in the hip joint can be coksartrosis.

Important: arthrosis is the most common pathology of hip joints, which makes a person a disabled person

Coksartrosis is the destruction of the hip joint due to degenerative-dystrophic processes in its cartilage.

  1. Due to the load obtained by the joint, the dying of cartilage cells occurs constantly. But new ones are also constantly being formed. With coxarthrosis, an imbalance occurs between destructive and regenerative processes
  2. There may be a lot of reasons for this. One of them is age: the cartilage of the hip joint begins to bewell after 40 years
  3. The volume of movements in a person with coksartrosis is reduced

In medicine, 3 stages of coxarthrosis are distinguished. And if at first, at the first of them, the thigh pain occurs only at loads, like a run, climbing a steep staircase, then already with a second hip joint, and with a long seat. The third stage of coxarthrosis is critical, pain can prevent the patient from sleeping at night.
There are two methods of treating coxarthrosis, they are selected on the basis of the stage in which the disease abides:

  1. Conservative treatment is undertaken at 1-2 stages and includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketaprofen, Budation, others), chondroprotectors (chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine), muscle relaxants (miulm, others); the use of local ointments and creams (menovazin, finalgon, others); physiotherapy and therapeutic gymnastics
  2. Surgically, replacing the hip joint with prosthesis or endoprosthetics, treat 3 stages of coxarthrosis

Important: people of advanced age, patients with heart or renal failure, severe diabetes sugar surgery to replace the hip joint destroyed by arthrosis. They are made by palliative (supportive) operations

VIDEO: Coksartrosis of the hip joint

Why do there are pains in the hip joint when rising?

The pain during the rising arising in the joint of the bones of the pelvis and the femur is characteristic of arthritis.

With arthritis, it can be painful.
With arthritis, it can be painful.

Many confuse the concepts of “arthrosis” and “arthritis”. Unlike arthrosis, with arthritis, articular tissues are not destroyed, but inflamed.
This inflammation can be

  • rheumatoid
  • gouty
  • purulent

Depending on the type, arthritis treatment may vary slightly. But, basically, it includes:

  1. Medication. As in the case of arthrosis, it is non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. Sometimes it becomes necessary to introduce glucocorticosteroids into the joint. If arthritis is purulent, a course of antibacterial drugs is necessary dropped into vein (combine antibiotics from 2-3 groups)
  2. Physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics
  3. Surgical surgery. Prosthetics of the hip joint is carried out only at the extremely severe stage of the disease

Important: sometimes to relieve inflammation, it is necessary to provide peace in the leg. To do this, use a tire or gypsum.

Why do pain in the hip joint occur in motion and when walking?

Pain in the hip joint of a person, when he walks, can occur with almost any pathology of this joint. For example, tendonitis often gives them.

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the ligaments with which the muscles are attached to the bones. The pain with tendonitis from the hip joint spreads to the back, pubis, hip. Because of her, a person cannot walk normally.

Inflamed ligaments with tendonitis can be given pain in the hip joint when walking.
Inflamed ligaments with tendonitis can be given pain in the hip joint when walking.

Important: athletes, regularly overloading or injuring ligaments, as well as elderly people whose ligamentous apparatus is weakened, suffer from tendinitis.

In addition to the pain while walking, the tendonite of the hip joint gives the following symptoms:

  • pain when touching the muscles adjacent to the joint
  • crunch in the joint while driving
  • tissue hyperemia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed ligament
  • limitations of limb movements

Treat tendonitis in this way:

  • the hip joint is immobilized
  • the ice is applied to the fabrics in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed ligament
  • take anti -inflammatory drugs and analgesics
  • treated with physiotherapeutic methods (ultrasound, wave and laser therapy)

Important: you can treat tendonitis of the hip joint with non -traditional methods - mud, clay, lotions from folk remedies

Video: Lord of the pain. Pain in the hip joint

Why do pain in the hip joint occur at night?

Pain in the hip joint at night, that is, at rest, gives such a serious orthopedic pathology as aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.

With aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, the joint hurts even at night.
With aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, the joint hurts even at night.

At risk of aseptic necrosis - men from 20 to 50 years old. The femoral head dies due to circulatory disorders and lack of nutrition with useful substances. It happens:

  • spontaneously
  • with alcoholism
  • due to treatment with hormones
  • after radiation therapy
  • due to not treated injuries

Symptoms of pathology are:

  • intensive pain even at night
  • lameness
  • atrophy of the muscles of the thigh and lower leg

Treatment of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is reduced to reception:

  • drugs that restore blood flow (antitrombotic)
  • vitamins
  • funds contributing to the resorption of necrotic tissue
  • anti -inflammatory drugs
  • vasodilating drugs

Important: during treatment, the joint should be unloaded, relying on the cane when walking

Video: Therapeutic gymnastics for hip joints

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Comments K. article

  1. Or can sport influence the joints? Otherwise something, somehow began to ache (((

  2. Julia, maybe. If you have not done this before, then you know what kind of load on the joints goes (((by the way, I also started the joints with the joints. When I began to go in for sports. I decided to put myself in order. So I began to take glucosamine maximum, since it contains its composition Glucosamine and chondroitin, chondroprotectors extending the youth of the joints.

  3. It often happens to me, during pregnancy it has begun and now it is bothering from time to time. Since the pain is not severe, but a long period of time occurs, the doctor prescribed Alflutop in injections. This is a chondroprotector, it has no analogues in pharmacies. The course is 20 days, if necessary, after some time, repeat. The course is really short, for example, the same tablets with chondroitin should be taken for several months, take a break and drink several months again. The pain passed, no longer bothers, but not immediately, decreased gradually. I really hope that I dealt with her forever.

  4. For many many years I have been using valtaren cream from joint pain, but the price for it began to grow very quickly. I used it every day and it is spent quickly, in fact, you can go broke at such a pace. And somehow there was no valaltaren in a pharmacy and I was advised by the balm to Zhabiy Stone, I bought it to use it, and did not notice a huge difference, but I do not help instantly, but in the general description I liked it. And the money saves a lot, now I use it.

  5. And I, on the advice of a doctor with pain in the joints, take a dialrapid. This is such a cool painkillers, which begins to act literally a few minutes after the reception, since in the form of powder it goes. The pain decreases, and my well -being improves. True, it can be accepted for no more than three days, but this has never been required yet, before the problem is solved.

  6. Pain in the hip joint is horror. I had one day. I could not walk.

  7. I, too, somehow suddenly the joint fell ill, it hurt my foot to move. But I always have several dialrapide bags at home, I like this anesthetic. I divorced him in a glass of water, drank it, after some time the pain passed, and I was able to go to the hospital.

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